1 1 1 1 u i i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i mm in it m it mm MADISON COUNTY HECOUD, ' &A Medium U'- Through whick you reach (he ' 1M FRENCH DUO AD NEWS, :: EUblined May 16. 1907. pec pie of Mtlditon County.' JL ' " a Consolidated, : : Nov. 2nd, 1911 J Advenisinj Rates on Application 4 I i ii i M-I'M I l I I l11!' H'TT r I11!1 1 - i . : t, . - ' THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN MADISON COUNTY. . ' ' v .. . i -, i-iiu.i ii .i i ii - " "'"i ' in i i i i . . . - ' i-i i i . i i. ' VOL. XIV ' MARSHALL MADISON COUNTY;-: NO. 15, ; MUImm County. BetabUihed by U UgUlataro 9m alonlSIO-'tL w Population, 10,111 County Marshall 164 feet above New aad modera Court HoaM, I8I.0M.00. Nw aad modem JalL ooat HS.tOt.M. Now aad Bodara County Horn, coat 110.000.00. Officer. Hon.' Jas. U Hyatt, Senator, II dlatrlct, Burnavllle, N. C. Hon. J. C Ramsey, Representative. Marshall, N. C. W. H. Haadaraon. Clebk Superior Court. Marshall. N. C. W. U. Bucknar. Sheriff, Marshall, N.O. ' James Smart.. Register of Deed. iJarahall. N. C. . C F. Runnlon, Traaaurar, Marshall. N. C R. F. D. No. 1 R. L. Tweed. Surveyor, Wblta Rock, N. C ' Dr. J. H. Baird, Coronar, Mart Hill, N. C ' Mr. Eliza Henderson. Jailor, Mar iball. N. C. v John Honeycutt, Jaoltor, Maraball, N. C, Dr. C. N. Sprlnkla, County Physlclaa, ' Maraball N. C. Jamaa Haynla, Supt County Horn, Maraball, N. C. Homa located about two mUaa south lraat of Maraball. Courts. Criminal and ClvIL rirat Monday be fore rirat Monday In March, Com mencing Fab. 2th. Mil. Civil 11th, Monday aftar Flrat Mon day In Maroh, commence May 10, Mil. Criminal and CItU. Flrat Monday ftar Flrat Monday In SapL Com mancea Bept. th, M12. CWIl 6tb Monday after Flrat Mon day In September. Commancaa Oct tar 14, Mil. BOARDS. County Commlaalonera. W. C. Sprlnkla, Chairman, Marshall, . c. - ' C. F. Caaaada. Member, Marshall, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. Raubln A. Tweed. Merobar. Big Laurel, N. C C. B. Mathburn, Atty, . Marahall, N. C. Board meeta first Monday In every month. ' Road Comitrftalonara. A. K. Bryan, Chairman, Marahall, N. . ' C, R. F. D. 2. ., X A. Ramaey, Secretary. Mara Mill, N. C. R. F. D. 2. Sam Cox, Member, Mara Hill, Nr C R. F. D. No. 1. ' Q. W. Wild. Big Pine, N. C. Dudley Chlpley, Road Engineer, Maraball, N. C. "? '' George M. Pritchard, Atty., Marahall. N. C. Board meeta drat Monday 14 Janu- ry, April, July and October each year. Board of Education. Jaaper Ebba, Chairman, Spring Craek, N. C. Thoa. J. Murray, Member, Maraball, N. C, R. F. D. No. S. W. R. Sama, Marahall, N. O, R. F. D. Na 1. ' Prof. M. C. ? Bucknar, Supt of Schoola, Mara Hill. N. C, R. F. D. No. I. " ' -' v' ' Board Meeta flrat Monday In Janu ary, April, July and October each year. . Collegaa and High Cchoola. Mara Hill College. Prof. R. L- Moore, Prealdent. Mara H1U, N. C. Fall Term fceglna Auguat 17, Mil. 8prlng Term ' begins January 1, Mil. Spring Creek High School. Prof. 0. C. Brown, Principal, Spring Creek, N. C I Mo. School opened Auguat 1. Mil " Madlaon Seminary High School. Prof J. M. Weatherly, Principal. Mar ahall, N. C R. F. D. No! i; 7 Mo. School began October 1, MIL - Bell Inatltute. Miaa Margaret. E. Griffith, Principal, Walnut, N. C, 8 Mo. School began September I, 1911. Maraball Academy. Prof. R. Q. Andera, Principal, TM&rshal'l, "n. C f Ma School began Sept 4. 1011. , , Notary Publlea.. S. C. Ramaay, Marshall, N. O. Term otptraa Jan. 11, 1912. , A. J, Roberta, Marahall. N. C, R. F. ' D. No. S. Term expires May 30, 1912. Jasper Kobe, Spring Creek, N, C. ' Term expiree August 10, Mil. C C. Hrown, Bluff, N. C. Term ex piree December (, 1911. . J. A. Leak, Revere, N. C. Term e v. plrea January 10, 1913. ' .""W. T. Da via. Hot Springe, N.' C. Term expiree January 10, 1913. J. H. Southworth, Stackhouse, N. C. Term expirea January IS, 1913. N. W. Anderson. Paint Fork, N. C. Term expirea February t, 1913. J. H. Hunter. Marshall.' N. G., R. F. ' D. No. 3. Term expiree April 1, 1913 .' J. F. Tllaon, Marahall, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1 , Term expirea April' 3, 1913. C. J. Ebba. Marshall, N. C. Term ' oxplrea April 21. 1913. , . J. W. Nelson, Marshall, N. C. Term xptrea April 25. 1913. ' t Roy L. Oudger, Marshall, S N. C. Term expiree May 8, 1911'. Geo. M. Pritchard. Marahall, N. C. ferm expirea May 25, 1913. Dudley Cblpley, MarahalL N. O. Term expirea July 29, 1913. " W. O". Connor. Mara Kill. M. C. Term xpiroa November 27. 1913. . fOST. . Oorge W. Gabagaa Post. No. 83 O. A. R. . . ' 8. M. Davla. Commander. J. R Ballard. Adjutant I'Mts at the Court House Saturday lfore the second Sunday is aak ' l t 11 A. U. . " .ii rrrrn nnnvrii nv i mew unuALii ui MISSISSIPPI FLOODS RKKLFOOT LAKE EMBANKMENTS BREAK AND WATER COVERS 150 MILES OF COUNTRY. SITUATION IT VERY GRAVE Workara Battle Against Waves Until Collapse, and Than Are Forced to Flea for Their Llvea. 4 SUMMARY OF SITUATION. 4 Reelfoot Lake levee baa col- lapsed. Flood water spreading 4 over several counties In Ken- 4 tucky and Tennessee. Estimated 160 square miles will be lnun- 4 4 dated. River distance affected, cen- 4 4 tral diatrlct, 63t miles. Lies be- f tween Columbus, Ky., and Vicka- burg, Miss, j M River distance through which t atraln la heaviest ever known, 4 318 miles. Lies between Colum- 4 4 bua, Ky., and Helena, Ark. 4 Crest of flood not in sight, ac- 4 4 cording to official atatementa. 4 Rise beginning to be felt aa 4 far south aa Natchez. Miaa. Farming land flooded, unpro- 4 4 tected by leveea, 300,000 acres. f Farm land endangered, submit 4 ft to Immediate overflow If levee f break at Important points, 900,- 000 acrea. f Damage already eatlmated, $1, f 500,000. ' , f Uvea endangered by maroon- 4 Ing of householders In central district, twenty. Number so far rescued from 4 perilous places, 3,000 or more. Memphis, Tenn With one main levee gone, water lapping the crest of the embankments at half a dozen points and several breaka believed to be only the question of hours, Ma jor Clark S. Smith, United States en gineer directing the fight against the water's encroachment, described the Mississippi . river flood situation aa grave. The Reelfoot Lake levee, west of Hickman, Ky., was the flrst of the main embankmenta to go. Golden lake, 50 miles north of Mem phis, and the levee on the Arkansas side, eight mllea below thia city, are regarded aa in Imminent danger. At both points aandbaga have been piled on the surface of the revetmenta to a height of one and a half feet, and the water la washing over. At Mound Qity, Ark., and at Holy Bush also the leveea threaten to cave. Pitiful caaea of deatltution . have been relieved In varloua parts of the wide atretchea of country embraced In the central section of the valley. Hickman, Ky., houses about 3,500 ref ugees, partly In tents, and these In clude some 2,000 or more employeea of factories living In 900 or more houses flooded In Hickman. Colum bus, Ky., New Madrid, Mo.; Dorena. Mo., are the towns aefioualy affected by the Invading waters. Thousands of town people have Bought higher ground. Hundreds of head of live atock have perished, while many tlmea the number were taken to polnta of safety before the rise; F0S8 QUITS THE RACE Governor of Massachusetts Orders His Name Taken From Ballots. Boston. Oov. Eugene N. Fobs with drew hie name lrom the presidential preference primary ballot. In a let ter accompanying the withdrawal, he naked that delegate candldatea pledg ed to him consider themselves as un pledged. ; 'i V-; - in explanation of hla action. Gov ernor Foas says he had learned repre aentativea of one or more of the avqw ed candidates for president were pre paring to withdraw their namea out of courteey to him. Ho aska that those repreaentativea be urged to permit the names of their candidates to remain, as if only one namo appeared no chance would he given for an expres sion of popular preference, which would defeat tho purpose of the pref erential primary. Virginia Outlawa Refuaed Food. Hlllsvtlle. V. According to "Sug" Smith, who lives over Mount Airy way toward the Carolina line, 8Idna Allen and Wesley Edwards, the two courthouse assassins, came to hla cab in and begged for food.- Allen oame to bla door, be aald, and Edwards stood guard. Allen declared neither had taken food that day. They got none from Smith.. ; The posses are posting copies of Governor Manns proclamation, calling upon all citizens to withhold aid from the fugitive out lawa. - -V" ' V Ex-Governor Ayeoek Drops Dead. Birmingham, . Ala. Former .. Gov. rh.riB. n Arcock of North Carolina dropped dead at the Jefferson theater while addressing the Alabama Educa tional Association. Mr. Aycock was speaking on "Universal Education, Ita Necessity and Benefit" The deceased was born November 1, 1859, wan dia trlct attorney nnder Cleveland and elected governor for four years in 1900 He leaves a widow and eight children six girls and two boys-all Biiiors except the oldest, J: --s A. .re. DR. LOUIS M. DRAG0 Dr. Louis M. Drago, the noted statesman of Argentina, author of the Drago doctrine that national debts to private Individuals may not be col lected b)l force of arms, has coma to thia country to give a aerlea of lo turee. . .. AI'ERICAN LEADS MEXICANS SOLDIER OF FORTUNE DIRECTS THE GUNS WHICH SHELL PAR RAL FOR I NSUR RECTOS. Samuel Drebln of Philadelphia Com mands Artillery In Mexican Army. Jlmlnez, Mexico. General Cam pa has reformed his Insurrecto army and, according to a courier, who arrived here after being In the aaddle a long while, baa begun to shell Parral, where General Villa, the victorious Federal leader, is entrenched. A dispatch from General Fernan dez, one of tho rebel leaders, jald that the inaurrectoa baa aucceeded in sur rounding the city and cutting off the food supply. - Troops under Geueral Salazar of the rebel forces destroyed nortlons of the nal tonal railway which runs Into Parral, preventing armored troop tralna from entering. The rea eral generals, Vila, DeSoto and Urbi na, have defended tho city with re sourcefulness and daring. They have turned the tallest of the adobe and stone buildings into blockhouses with artillery mounted on the roofs. The number of dead In the city from cannon and mortar shells Is not known, but the rebel dead and wound ed in the fighting la aald to be near ly four hundred. Samuel Drebln, a soldier of fortune, whose home is In Philadelphia and who has foueht in many revolutions. is In command of the rapid-fire bat tery In the rebel artillery and has established himself on Prieta Hill, ac cording to last reports sent. A number of women are fighting in the rebel ranka, although General Orozco has given orders that none of them be allowed on the firing line. The majority of them are soldiers' wives. ... COTTON ACREAGE REDUCED Commissioners of South Place Reduc tion at 15 to 25 Per Cent. Columbia, S. C Commissioners of agriculture of Beven of the principal cotton states, making report to E. J. Watson, president of the Southern Cotton Congress, placed the estimate of reduction of acreage at from 15 to 25 per cent. iThla reduction, in the opinion ' of Mr. Watson, has been brought about by the working of the Rock Hill plan and the wet season. The information was furnished a a result of a letter sent out a week ago by Mr. Watson to all cotton states. Replies were received from Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina. Mississippi, Oklahoma. Texas and Tennessee. . A similar condition, he says, exists n South Carolina. , ,' 8oelariats ' Loae In Milwaukee. Milwaukee, WIb. With a flood . of non-partisan ballots. Milwaukee vot ers swept from ofce the cltya Social ist administration, installed a non partisan mayor, board of aldermen and county board of supervisors and probably eliminated every national po litical party from participation In fu ture municipal elections In the state of Wisconsin, because, aa a result of the non-partisan victory In Milwau kee; the state legislature, soon to be convened. IB expected to pass a non partisan city election Btatute, ' , V Riot In North Carolina Town. ! Charlotte, ' N. C. A pitched battle occurred on the atreets of Rocking ham between office and a number of linemen, In .which three of the offi cer were wounded and several of the linemen badly used up. The latter were drinking. It la alleged, and when one of them waa arrested tor creat ing a disturbance a number of others rushed the officers with tho possible Intention of treeing their comrade, when the ahootlng commenced. Dep uty Sheriff C. 'C Shorea la tho more t?r!oos!y wounded. AVIATOR RODBERS F, FIRST AVIATOR TO CROSS AMERI CAN CONTINENT IS KILLED AT LONG BEACH, CAL. - . 7 HE WAS BADLY MANGLED Biplane Began Frightful Descent and Craahed Againat Surf, Rodger Being Mangled In Wreck. Long Beach, Cat. Calbratth P. Rod gers, the first man to cross the Amer ican continent In an aeroplane, wa killed here almost Instantly when his biplane, in which he bad been soar ing over the ocean, fell from a height of 200 feet and burled him In the wreck. His neck was broken and hia body badly mashed by the engine of bis machine. ' He lived but. a few mo ments. ' Rodgers, for a week past, had been making dally flights here-and had taken up with him many passengers, both men and women. He'atarted from hla usual place and soared out over the ocean, crossing the pier and then turned and dipped close to a roller coaster In a beach amusement park. Seeing a flock of gulls disporting themselves among the great shoal of sardines Just over the breakers. Rodg ers again turned and dived down Into them scattering the sea fowl In all directions. i Highly elated with the outcome of his dive, Rodgers then flew farther CALBRAITH P. RODGERS. out to sea, all the time gradually ris ing until be bad reached a height or about 200 feet Making a short turn, he started at full speed for the pier, then suddenly dipped his planes and bis machine be gan a frightful descent. Rodger was seen by hundreds of persons on the pier to relax his hold on the levers and then seemingly realizing that he was In danger, he made strenuoua ef forts to pull the nose of his machine ino a level position. Failing In this, he managed to turn bis craft further In shore and an in stant later the craft crashed Into the edge of the surf, not 500 feet from the spot where, on December 10, last, he had finished his ocean to-ocean flight. Many men rushed to his aid. Ernest Scott and James Goodwin, life guards, were the first to reach him. They said Rodgers' head was hanging over one wing of the ma chine, the heavy engine was on his hack anif his feet were drawn up nearly doubling over his shoulders. Blood was flowing from his moutn. Rodgers was lifted from the wreck and hurried to the bath house hospi tal. He died on the way. Mra. McRee la Free. Opelousas, La. Mrs. Zee Runge Mc Ree, who shot her young friend, Al lan Garland, to death In her home here September 21 last, was acquitted by a Jury of the charge of manslaugh ter. Holding her golden-haired lit tle daughter, Vallera, In her arms, and with tears streaming down her cheek, Mrs. McRee arose as soon as the foreman had announced the ver dict and thanked the Jury. All smiles and all tears, husband and wife em braced. ' Tariff Revision by Tariff Board. v Washington. President Taft In an addreaa to the members of the Ameri can Cotton Manufacturers' Associa tion, renewed hiB plea for revision of tho tariff only by a tariff board that would, make revision possible, upon scientific lines. Sanitary Improve ments In Southern cotton mills con stitute one of the most Important changes in cotton mill construction, according to J. E. Slrrlne of Green ville, S. C. Healthful working quar ters are taking the place of unhealth ful aurroundings, he said. - - v ' . British 8trlk Declared at End, , London, Albert tSanley. secretary of the. Midland, Miner' Federation and jjiember of the house of lom mona, practlcaly announced the end of the national coal strike in the United Kingdom. Mr Stanley said thot if now Impossible to secure the necessary two-thirds majority of the mlnere In favor of continuing tne .t-b. Th nostmaater treneraL Her bert Loula Samuel, also stated that he waa confident tho striae would be declared over ftLLS TO HIS DEATH JAMES L SLAYDEN f ' ' ' ' I ! 1 1 t j I James L. 8laydn of Texas la the congressman who tried to have the house adopt a resolution expressing opposition to the Idea of a third term for presidents. The attempt failed. $350,000 TOHGHT FLOODS CONGRESS APPROPRIATES MONEY TO STRENGTHEN LEVEES AND DIKES ALONG MISSISSIPPI PRESIDENT "sent message Taft Asked for $500,000 and Congress at Once Voted $350,000 Situation Critical, Saya President Taft Washington. President Taft sent a message to congress asking that $500, 000 be appropriated for strengthen ing levees and building new dikes In the flood districts along the Missis sippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers, and within fifteen mlntues after it was rt-ad -in the house that body 'passed a bill making $330,000 available for the purpose. The bill waa rushed over to the senate, where it also was passed and was sent to the president for his signature. The president sent his message of appeal to congress after Senator Fos ter and Thornton and virtually the entire Louisiana delegation in the house had called upon him and pic tured the destruction being worked by the floods. The message follows: I am advised by the secretary of war, whose reports I transmit here with, that the flood In the Mississippi valley by reason of the rise In all the rivers tributary to the Mississippi and Missouri at nearly the same time Is likely in the lower part of the valley, that Is Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana, to reach a higher point along the levees than It has ever reached within recent memories, and that there Is very grave danger that the leveea may glv wayunder the unusual pressure and that great damage may be done to property In the states mentolned, re quiring, unless prompt action Is taken, great future outlay In preserving the proper navigation of the stream. COTTON TARE COST MILLIONS Government Endeavoring to 8av $25,- 000,000 a Year for South' Cotton Grower. Washington.-Efforts to save more than $25,000,000 a year now being lost by Southern cotton growers through tare charges are being made by the department of agriculture. Secretary wiiaon haa written to the Liverpool and other foreign cotton exchanges for suggestions as to how these tare charges might be reduced and has re ceived replies from all of them. "If cotton could be baled in better ahnne." uav the Liverpool exchange in It reply, "there is no doubt that the European exchanges would be wining to pass by-laws for Buch cot ton to be sold 'actual tare,' provided uniform length and weight of canvass be adopted for every bale." :''' Publicity Demanded Regarding Cotton WaahlnEton. The senate commit tee on agriculture ordered favorably reported a bil Introduced by Senator smith nf South Carolina, which would require the director of the census to publish the domestic and ioreign con sumption of cotton' of American pro .iiiMinn. the surplus held by cotton manufacturers of the United States and the exports. The house Din ai- recting the secretary or agriculture to report in July instead of June of each year the acreage planted to cot ton, was favorably reported. Taylor'a Toga May Go to Brother. Washington. Effort" are on toot to have Gov., Ben W. Hooper, the Re publican governor of Tennessee, name Alfred A. Taylor, who 1b one of the same political faith a tho governor, and a brother of the late Senator o.wt Tavinr. to Bucceed to the va cant eat In the United States sen aie. Alfred A. Taylor waa tne nomi nee of the Republican party In 1886, when Robert Love Taylor waa the Democratic candidate. They Btumped the Btate In opposition to each othei and "Fiddling Bob" won tho lection. FORMER GOVERNOR AYCOCKJS DEAD WAS SPEAKING ON THEME NEAR HIS HEART "UNIVERSAL EDU CATION." WAS IN VERY POOR HEALTH He Waa a Strong Candidate For Nom ination For United Statea Senator From State of North Carolina to Succeed Senator F. M. Simmona. Raleigh. A special from Birming ham, Ala., atates that former Governor Charlea B. Aycock of North Carolina dropped dead at the Jefferson theater while addressing the Alabama Educa tional Aasoclation. 1 Mr. Aycock waa peaking on "Universal Education, Its Necessity and Benefit" Ho was about one-fourth through his address when be suddenly staggered back a step and foil to the boor so suddenly that those on the stage were unable to reach him in time to support him. Water waa hastily thrown on hi face and he waa taken to the wlngr of the theater, but expired at once. Death waa pronounced to be the result of heart failure. Ho had been In poor health for some months and only a week ago returned to Raleigh from Philadelphia, where he spent a month in a sanitar ium fortifying himself for the stren uous canvass of the state which he waa to begin Friday, April 12, with opening speech in Raleigh, to be fol lowed by one In Charlotte, for the nomination by Btate primary for Unit ed States Senator, to succeed F. M. Simmons. Governor Aycock followed Govern or O'Neal of Alabama, who bad Just delivered an address to the association on "Some Educational Problems." Governor O'Neal and other men prom inent In educational clrclea In the South were seated on the stage during Governor Aycock'a address. v Wlneakle Cat Ha Been Settled. The icase against Frank Wlneskie, Indicted for the embezzlement of $30, 000 from the Standard Mirror Co., of High Point, was nol pressed with leave at Greensboro, Solicitor Gattis an nouncing his inability to get wltnesser for the state and tnstitutors of the charge here from Pittsburg. None of the private counsel representing the prosecutors were In court and when the witnesses failed to show up Judgf Cook entered fines against them From outside sources it was learned that Wlneskie made a settlement agreeable to the officers of the Mirror company. Is Attracting Attention. That the selection or Salisbury ar the place for the location of the Lu theran Female College is attracting at tention In other atates is evidenced in one instance in which Mayor F. M Thompson received a letter from H. F. Bryant of the Lexington, Ky., Lead er, in which he asked for Information In regard to the commission which made the decision and asked for theli namea and addresses to get inform tlon In regard to the matter and alsc photographs of the members of the commission for use in Eastern and Northern papers and magazines. Before County Commissioner. Col. Benehan Cameron, North Caro Una representative of the Quebec-Mi ami International Highway Associa tion, appeared before the board of county commissioners at their regu lar meeting in Durham, and aaked that the county put into good condition the parte of this highway that are tc come through thie county. On the Raleigh road there is about four miler of unmacadambed road, and on the road out of Oxford there is 3 1-2 milet of road that will be fixed. At the re cent meeting of the association in Richmond, General Carr and Colonel Cameron got the association to adopt the road by this city,, and promised them that the county would furnish a macadam road all the way through. Adopt Preferential Primary. The Catawba county executive com mittee of the Democratic party met at Newton and took a forward step, as Catawba, la always doing. This war to adopt the Wisconsin preferential primary for county, officers'.. As is well known this plan provides foe nam ing a first and second choice, at one time and does away with the neces sity for holding a second primary. It waa also decided to recommend the abolishment of the fee system for county officers, and put them all on a salary basis. - Education Board Located School. The county board of education lo cated the West Durham school build Ing on the new acre lot that haa been bought and the erection of the- school will begin a soon as the weathe op ens up. The building is to be completed by the beginning of the next term of school. The school board is bulldlnt thia school out of the money borrow ed from tho state building fund, and t building fund that is saved over from the surplus of the county chool fund each ytar. Tho erection of the building will not bo by contract TARGET PRACTICE PRIZES' The Carolina Regiment Ar to Meet For This Purpose at Gaatonia, Goldsboro and Raleigh. - Raleigh There la every assurance that the regimental target contests this spring by the North Carolina Na tional Guard will have especially at tractive special prizes at each of the three contests over and above the grand prize of tho DuPont loving cup for the company making the, highest record and the Royster gold medal for the highest Individual record. From Gaatonia, where the flrat regiment la to contest April 22 to 24, Captain Bui winkle writes that the business men of that town have raised $50 for spe cial prizes and three handsome lov ing cups have been offered by Jewel ers there tor the best. Individual scores In the regiment. For the shoot by the third regiment In Raleigh May 9 to 12 the business men of Raleigh are raising a fund that will amount to at least' $50. One well-known Jeweler has offered a handsome loving cup and other trophies are sure to be list ed. Goldsboro I also railing a pe cial fund and trophies are being of fered there for the shoot that will be held on the Goldsboro range April 15 to 17. General Lelnster also feel confident that there will be arranged an Interstate shoot by the guardsmen of North and 8outh Carolina and Vir ginia and possibly Tennessee to take the place of tho annual shoot at Camp Perry with the regulars that la called off by the War Department thia year on account of the heavy demands of the regular army for duty on the Mex ican frontier, In the Philippine and elsewhere. Accept Sinclair's Challenge. Some days ago N. A. Sinclair of Fay-' ettevllle, candidate for Congresa from date a letter waa sent to the chairman Congressman H. L. Godwin, challeng ing him to a Joint canvass for the purpose of giving the people of the different counties of the district an opportunity to know Just what each candidate atands for, and on the same date a letter waa sen to the chairman of the Democratic executive commit tee of the district, asking that a pr mary for the district not be called until the latter part of the summer. Congressman Godwin, who is a candi-. date to succeed himself, replied' t Mr. sinttiatr. accepting the challenge : but wants the primary called for May 18. Campaign On Orchard Spraying. Mr. C. E. Clark, county commislon er of agriculture, besides placing Mecklenburg county in the lead of all Southern counties In exterminating tne pine beetle and In every way ad vancing the Interests of the agricul tural population of the county, has been conducting an active campaign for orchard spraying. As In the cam paign against the pine beetle Mr. Clarks' plan has been to visit as many farmers as possible and interest them In spraying their orchards. Up to date he has superintended the spraying of orchards in ten different neighbor hoods and between 200 and 300 trees in the best orchards of the county are now being sprayed according to a sys tematic plan. Seaboard Air Line Railway Loae. The Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co. was ordered by the corporation com mission to handle forthwith carload shipments of fertilizer that have been tendered the Seaboard by the Atlantic Coast Line at Sanford after being hauled by the Coast Line from Wil mington. The Seaboard had refused to handle the freight unless full local rates is paid for remaining short hauls to destination Instead of a 25 per cent discount required in Joint haul freight. The Seaboard's refusal Is because the shipments have been made over It line entirely. ' ' Want More and Better Bridge. ' The citizens of Guilford county are making demands upon the county au thorities for more and better bridges and will, in effect, witness the Inau guration of a steel and iron bridge pol icy In the county when the commis sioners meet and open bids for several structures. The severe winter follow ed by the recent, floods wrought havoc to bridges and roads and the county win have to expend thousands of dol lars this spring and summer for new structures and In repair work. Appropriated Money .for Prize. The county commissioner in ses sion appropriated $170 for prizes in the Davidson county men' corn con-, test for 1912. This is $10 to each township. The Davidson County Agri cultural Association will supplement this with a $5 prize in each township, making first and second prizes of $10 . and $5 respectively for each township, and will also solicit from the mer chants a number of special prizes. This is the third men's contest In the county and great good ha been' done by them. '4 ': Settle la Declared Not Guilty. ' A verdict of not guilty was returned tn the case of David R. Settle, a well-, known and prominent young white man, who wa put on trial for the mur der of Robert Allen, a negro farm hand on tho Settle place, nine mllea from Greensboro. , The shooting oc curred last September, Settle Immedi ately afterwards calling up the coun ty sheriff and notifying him that he had killed a man. When the sheriff arrived Settle wa In a very nervous condition and wa-brought to Cr-hrrro.

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