Tlie NeWS- ReCOrd. wKECIPKOCITY - Mr. AlunWrites. Pubiitfmd tvary Thar day by th ami an mm mmx Incorpormttd) , J. H. WHITE, President Ic Mantfer J. R. SWANN .. .. ..Vice-President W. E, HNLEY, - - EDITOR. On Vr , mix months Thr monthi SI.OO .mo paid contribution. Dear Editor; Some time since Many of the ablest leaders' of I've took much stock in politics. the ttepubljcaii party have favor- but in reading the newspapers ed reciprw a! ade relations with I become some interested in the our neighboring South American Roosevelt-Taft squabble for the countries, and with Canada on nomination for the presidency at the north.' Roosevelt did, but the ensuing convention 'at Chica don't tet Mr. Taft's lieutenant de- go. "THE BAND WAGON." Attention ! Do You want to know where you (an get Kntwtd nj ufnJ-ttm matt maMtr Jun Ulh 1901, ml tht Pottafficiul ManHall. N. C, wtdtr 0M Act aj fngrmu oj March J, Jv. FRIDAY, APRIL 12th, 1912 ceive you into believing that be favored the Democratic free trade, brand advocated by Mr. Taft, and put through by his de mocratic friends in. congress. For some years I was forced to the conclusion that Roosevelt was a great man, and believing him to be one of the best politi cians in the entire country, and CHICKENS. The world is the same all through In physical, moral, spiritual. Some people are selfish some unsocial, some sacrificing. But what has this to do with fre products, such as would de Mr. Roosevelt, like other leaders being endorsed by such men as before him, only favored remov- Judge Pritchard, Col. Lusk and ing the tariff from those things the Hon. Richmond Pearson wlfich would not affect, or come caused all our people to concede in competition with American Mr. Roosevelt's nomination. industries. No one could object In addition to above endorse to that. Neither Mr. Roosevelt, ment, Marshall and Mars Hill or nor any other Republican leader, ganized strong Roosevelt Clubs except Mr. Taft. ever favored consisting of 10 or 13 members each, and in addition to all the ohickens? Well the thought s''oy our farmers. Mr. Koose- endorsements and the clubs, such Vassed through our mind the velt has always been a friend of men as Jack Kunnion, Fatterson other day when we saw some- tne fanner and even advocated Reece, Lycus Sprinkle, Wilt bodies chickens scratchine ud a commission for making farm Edge and various others came the newly planted seed in an- ''e easier and more attractive, out squarely for Mr. Roosevelt, other bodies flower bed that un Monday last, in Illinois, he there was Borne thing wrong, said in a speech that he was op posed to Taft s Canadian Reci procity policy. No, you can't either some one was wrong, in raising chickens and turning them loose, or else some other body was wrong in having a flower bed where chickens could get at th;m whoever was in the ' wrong, no good resulted because the owner tf the flower bed we'll he or she did not swear but ..they felt it. Another jaunt down the street and somebodies' chick ens were in a neighbors garden after this I had no doubts until after Louisiana, New York and Ohio kicked our man out of the ring. Now Mr. Editor this is charge Roosevelt up with being too much for our people to take, a free trader. He is a protection ist. Ho is a loyal Republican. Geo. M. Piutchard. The Danger After Qrlp Ilea often in a run-down system. Weak ness, nsrvousnoM, lack of apetite, en evgy and ambition, with disordered liver and Kidneys often follow an at tack of this wretched disease. The eating newly sprouted tops, and greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the result was more swear words rne Jf'wious tonic, blood puriiier nd or something similiar. Some body who raised chickens should have looked after them instead of turning them loose to wreak havoc with flower beds- and veg etaoie gardens, xou may pass to another kingdom, spiritual and moral, and the; e are many persons who turn loose that which is not right to wreak hav regulator of stomach, liver and kid neys, thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves build up the system and restore to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Redmon & Roberta Co. it shows that they have no re gard for the feeling of our peo ple that's stood so loyally for what they believe to be right, and I ain frank to say, if some thing is not done to appease the feeling of our people and restore unto them the right to dictate, at least in part, as to who shall be the man. I assure you Mr. Editor that the day is coming that Madison will learn New York, Indiana and other North ern states how it is to ignore such men as above mentioned. Sincerely ypurs, THOS. J. MURRAY. PAID CONTRIBUTION. A Taft enthusiast in the last loon 0 TK 1hXst.iBB-Y?AAMA A- vises Madison county to get a- Manflara Sanitary JUannfactanng board the 'Band Wagon. What CO S PlflmblnjJ UOOflS. Band Wagon? The only North American Radiator Co s Ideal Carolina Band Wagon we know ; . Healing Plants. of is being driven by Roosevelt. m and MsQ state which has expressed a choice, so far, has been over whelmingly for Rdosevelt. Sampson, Catawba, Pasquotank, Davidson, Stokes, Gaston, Mitch ell, Avery and Guilford have all instructed for him. The last named county has the city of LT V? RIQI"T Co Pomps. Terra Cotta, Sewer Pipe, Stove Hoe, Chimney lining, and harm Drain lile.. Black and Galvanized pipe and fit tings and all kinds of numbers' rua terlal. Try us. Greensboro for its county seat, and is one Of the most thickly populated in North Carolina. It is the home of Taft's strongest supporter, M r . Moorehead. Where IS Taft's band wagon? It has never been seen or heard to rattle In North Carolina, the state especially singled out and insulted by Mr. Taft. North Carolina is now showing , her metal and, to the satisfaction of all, resenting the President's in sults. Geo. M. Piutchard. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Lt us ao that numbing Job for you. We have Sanitary Plumbers who do It rlifht. If you do not want our Plumb er send In your order for that bill of material, we cau uu your order and you. J. R. Rich & Co. Almost A Miracle. One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. Flolsclaw, Clarendon, Tex., was ef fected years ago In his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our fami ly has used thUt wonderful remedy ' for Coughs. and colds with excellent re sult." It's quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed. Prico 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Redmon A Roberts Co. Quick Work Making of hlgh-grado eyeglasses and spectacles and grinding prescrip tion tenses our nobby. Adjusting them accurately to the eyes is as im portant as making them. We are ex perts at both. OUR SPECIALTY Is examining eyes, fitting lenses for all eye defects. It you wish your glasses Utted by a connoisseur, come to the optical house of ' CHARLES H..H0NESS Manufacturing and Refracting Optician 5lPatton Are. Opposite Tostofflce. Ashevllle, K. C. Geo. M. Pritchard ATTORNEY -AT -LAW oc with reputations, character, lives. Have people a right to 'he- Mississippi have do this Dhvsicallv. morallv. sd. great floods that have FLOODS. The great floods on the Ohio. Missouri and other tributaries of caused broken , NOTICE. North Carolina, Madison County In the Superior Court. May term 1912, William Xorton Vs. Malissa Norton. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as alwve has been commenced in the Sir ituallv. We surmise the best through the levees and have way to do is, if you want to raise wrought untoldfldamage to lands Penor adison county ror the 1 , . .. . hnH, H,n MM . I. t b ..I . , , . " - V. LU DI1IU them in your own yard. If you from time to time these great have something that will do oth- devastations occur and the gov ern wromr keen ft to Yourself eminent is forced to give aid , in and don't let it do harm to others. Keep your chickens at home. MADISON COUNTY BOARD TRADE. OF order to stop the waters. Often times we become penny purse and pound foolish in our endeav or to save the money of the na tion ana wuen tne time comes we pay out more money to save the damage after the damage is We should have a local officer done, locking the barn after the for the pushing of our county, horse is stolen, We have no place where We can We hear of hundreds of thous- get any information and there is ands of dollars of damage done no Board that will take charge when thousands would have Sav- of the town improvement among- ed all this. It behooves our le- court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between the plain tiff and the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the. term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 11th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1912, at the court house of said county in Marshall, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re' lief demanded in said complaint. W. H. HENDERSON, n. pd. Clerk Superior Coart. at the people outside. We sub scribed $600.00 to the Greater Western North Carolina fund and .we want to get our share of of it. Why not organize a Board of Trade and see if we cannot do something. ; We had one organ ized but when the hotel project fall through with, it ceased to t exist except in name. Hon. Guy . V. Roberts last week attended the Board meeting ab Asheville i and came back thoroughly im bued with the idea that we ought to do something, but who is to ' doit, who has the authority? If we had a Board of Trade -we could authoritatively answer the many communications thatcome. The editor was secretary of the old Board and many letters have .''come asking about our town and the opportunities here for work - and places to have manufactures, about the possibilitesof the place. Leva get busy. ' . Roosevelt gets Illinois' 56 dele gates by ,8 to 1 vote. The congressional district of W B. McKlnley, Taft's manager, goes for Roosevelt 2 to 1; also McKin- ley'a own ward overwhelmingly for Rooj-evelt. ' Maine's 12 In structed for Roosevelt.; New York convention refused to in struct for Taft. This all in two daya, with more to follow. Who Baid Band Wagon? GeoM. Pritchard. Mrs, J. L. Starnes, Hickory, Jv. C., hss in the past suffsred severely with throat and lung trouble, and says, 'I used Foley's Honey and Tar Tar Com I nmd for this and it gave me immedl f ? S-i'Sif u'tion and relief. It gives me I ' asure to recommpnrl this prepara t i f r sore throat, ' -xrw xoss, or . y SiVUn ff tVe t'-r-- tor Iur,TS. I . . f ri t" " r it." I. gislators to think over these matters a little once in a while. In time of peace prepare for war. "THE WINNING SIDE' We have on our desk a letter from J. J. Rice, who is agent for the L. and N. Railroad at Brace, Tenn. He asks that the News- Record continue to come. He says, "it makes interesting read ing for a 'native' off from home, and judging by the number of questions it causes me to be ask- paid contribution. ed about Marshall and Western "Now is the time to get on the North Carolina, it makes itself winning side," remarks a Taft popular with strangers as .well, admirer in. The News-Record, almost forcing them: to believe No one- can tell which', is the that that section is asortof fairv winning side till after the Chica- hind and I am almost come to go convention is held. Besides that conclusion myself." We are if seriously extended, such an thankful to our friend for hi4 invitation is an insult to every words and we promise that the republican in the county, not paper shall go on to him Now even surpassed by those Mr. if a little boosting like that can Taft fathered. Could a man hon- do such work for Marshall what estly and decently bury his self would not & bureau whose ob respect and convictions merely ject is to advertize not do to be on the winning side? The " . , . . . ; ' ' W. T. Gilley, a prominent dealer, in people Of his adopted county, Pennington Gap, Va. wa. so bothered 1 hey are not characterless, band- with kidney and bladder trouble that wagon-riding, winning side" he could not attend to business. He jumpers, as he assumes them to "I hd severe pains in my back be. They are honest folks, and a to gb Pt to . . ... -www moeeu umea eacn nignt. , saw -rolev resen insulting, proposals. We Ki(lney Pul, JLa bought .ucaia iu. uic iwo Dotuss. ana soon leu sreat relief. tban merely to be cn the win- and was entirely cured. No1 . longer ning side." Such, a standard of owturbed at night, but sleep till morn- ethics does not annpal tv: wall. 1D- . X. iiurnett, Mars Hill, N. C. intentioned men. . Geo. M. Pritchard. : Call for Convention. In compliance with the Demo cratic plan of organization and in conformity to the State De mocratic Executive Committee, I at chairman of the Madison County Executive Committee, do hereby call a county convention for all Madion County Democrats to meet in the Court House at Marshall on May 25th, 1972, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the State, Congressional, ju dicial and Senatorial Conventions and to transact such other busi ness as may come before it. The Democrats of the various town ships of the county are requested to assemble at their respective voting places on Saturday, May 18th 1912, in township conven tion and elect a chairman and appoint delegates to the county Practice in United States Courts and in State Courts. - MARSHALL, It. C. DOH'T GET EXCITED If vou sse a Derson p-oinw down the Ktreet in a hio- , o o - - - "-- hurry. They arc probably rushing to the bank to deposit ,-, .: .'!;. ': ;'" So many of late have lost their last cent by buying grain, provisions and stocks on a margin, or by loaning to "friends" without security, that those who have a few dollars left arc in a hurry to get it in a safe bank that has never lost a dollar of its depositors' money. ' FOLLOW THE CROWDS AND MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK pay liberal interest consistent with safety; THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD. The - bank - of - Good - Service m If Morrow & McLendon I Paints LUMBER Windows Oils Doors MISS ROBERTA ROGERS Public Stenogr pher OFFICE i BARK OF FRENCH BROAD BUILDING Hoars : ' 8 to 2. NOTICE Worth Carolina Madison County.. Maggie Cantrkll Vs. Robert Cantuell. Tho. defendant above named will take convention. The township chair- notloe that an "ction entitled as above men thua Plnfl will mnktitnta nas been comraencea in tl.e Superior ., . court of Madison county for divorce na vounty democratic axecu- and alimony Mid defend.nt uve committee lor tne ensuing and the said defendant will further two years, and will meet in Mar- take notice that he is required to ap- shall on same day as Count? Pear at tne next trm of the Suptrior Pn(mn nA o cou" f Madison county to be held on ra3 lu wora house of said county in Marshall. N.C. every .Democrat that they may land answer or demur to the complaint Builders' & Plumbers' Supplies M P 3E3E3E 3E FERTILIZER - FERTILIZER attend and take a part. Respectfully, T. N. JAMES. Chairman Co. Dem. Ex. Com. LOOK HERE!, do you know that Judge Massie who was killed a lew days ago in Virginia carried in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand' ed in said compluint. This 26th day of March 1912. - W. H. HENDERSON. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. : Having' qualified as administrator of the estate of M. K. Hipp,, deceased, late of Madison County, North Caro- Marshall Vs.-Whu, School. iKEET SPRINKLINQ. . MarshaU'a first game ot base With a . very , little sun our ball is to be pulled off on next streets become dusty. H o w Wednesday, April 17. The Winn would it do to - nse our. street School will be well represented, sprinkler some this ..summer and about students ' accompany- besides allaying the dust, cool ing the.- visiting team , to the them off a little. Some one sng- grounds., Why cannot our peo gested this to the editor and. he pie support the Marshall team passes it along. May the. seed this way. . Come out, we -will take root and give ' us dustless, promise you a good game. We cool streets during the b o t are practicing and getting ready months. , V to meet our opixnents on onr diamond ..and will be in good Good heavy Domestic 8 cts t trim. Co. .e out and bring your laJr frienl. - T . n - 1 M At n a.-va I an insurance roncy xor io.wu Hna, this is to notify all psrsos having on his life... Just -a few days be-lcittim!l .irainst the estate of said de- rore ne was killed he had taken oeased u, exhibit them to the undar- out a policy for $4,000. Don't Lied at his home on the waters of this iacf prove to ail young men Spring Croek, m- 8 Township, Madi that they should take out a life Un nUnt.v. t w nm. n. insurance w proviae lor wejr o., on or before the 29th day pt March family should anythinghappn 1913 or this notice wiU be pleaded in l1 " wv JQ8ure bar of their recovery. All persons in- your me. 1 represens- me oesi debted to said estate will nlease - make Company in the United States. , - . JAMES SMART. For Sale. Four hundred acres rijfht on pike, one-half of it in fine timber; will more than pay for the farm; all lays level with fine improvements. Price J13,- 000. , . fc One hundred and thirty-acres, eigh ty sores In grass, four-room, house, (rood, new barn, in sight of mill, church, and schools. Price 92,600.4 Fifty sores, half in meadow land immediate payment. This the 25th day of March 1912. . - - . Jf. H. P1UCK, Administrator of M. E. Hipps dee'd, , i NOTICE. North Carolina--Madison County In the Superior. Court. ; Vonie King, Plaintiff. -. VS. ... , , Jeff KlngrDefendant ' Thev defendant -above named will take-notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the good orchard, in sight of church and Superior Court of Madison: County to obtain absolute divorce from, the bonds of matrimony heretofore enter ed into between the plaintiff and. de fendant; and the said defendants will further take notice that he is required to appear at; the. term of Superior Court of said .County to. be held, on the llth Monday after the first - Man- dayc In March,, towlt; On the-20th day of May 1912,: at the court- house of said county in Marshall, . N. C, and answer or demur to the compluint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 13th day of March 1912. , . , W. II. HENDERSON, Uerk Superior Court. school, store and mill and good doctors. jtnee fi.auu. ; , 60 aores of land with good orchard, 1 1-2 acres in fine strawberries, plenty of timber, good four room house, in two miles of Conoord. Price $1500. - : 60 acres in 1 mile of Kingston Dike. good heuse and rod barn, good mola- wsoti. trice SUU0.V v Any ' kind of a f irm that a man would want; any kind of a house and lot in Conoord or Knoxvllle that a man would want. Call and see me, or write me. ' , f ,; , 1 am prepared to keep all customers free 01 charge, and mje conveyance. Old phone 37. . GEOBGS CTMMIN'C v ' Concord, Toan I am now prepared to make the following prices on following named Fertilizer for Cash AMAZON HIOH GRADE, 8-33 : $2.65 Per Bag ANCHOR BRAND, TOBACCO, &l4-2-2 2.50 " ANCHOR BRAND, CORN, 8-2-2, - 2.25 " MAMMOTH CORN OROWER, 10-2, 1.75 " 16 PHOSPHATE ACID; - - 1.60 " 14 " " ; - - - 1.50 " The above prices are strictly cash and- are the best prices I ever had. There is going to be a big demand for Fertilizer this season, especially the above named brands.' I will have NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER about April 1st. I SELL HAV, COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS. v ra Li R. H. WARD . iririririi ir . 9 MimtMtMIM Placing Your Money in a Bank keeps it in circulation while yoa are not using it When yoa deposit your money in THIS BANK it can be used for your indirect if not direct pro- 1 fit the upbuilding of our town and vicinity, the community in which YOU are partidarly, inter- , ested.' .... Oar constantly increasing list of depositors fur nishes competent evidence, the very best of evi dence, that the relations existing, between this -i bank and its customers are mutually satisfactory . We shall be pleased to add YOUR name to this -; growing list. ' , 1 Citizens Bank; MARSHALL - - HOT SPRINGS 0 Designated U. S. Depository , 11 n 1 1 Eggs For Setting Improve your stock by Buylng,Eggs from Pure Bred BUFF LEGHORNS PRICE, 75c. Per 15 Also INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS v.. , ' "THE LEGHORN OF THE DUCK FAMILY" : V PRICE; $19 Per . v M.-1 DAVIS -T MENDON & DAYiy STC"E Two large mules and new Car ver wagon for sale, , come tiad see them. Will jtell cheap. ' Bee G. It. Merrell at Silver's store R. P. D. S, Marshall, N. C. F. Shelton is still continninc- bis cut prices on everything ex cept goods that have been closed out-. 1 One 15 II. P. Dlakeslee hori zontal) gasoline enjrine, complete with all fixtures. Have put In. motor and have no use for en pine. Will sell chran. Engine can be seen at- J,larVll Pump Station. J. C. :IIAI : "CY, "' "i ' Ilajor'

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