ycu;:o wife saved from HOSPITAL TelU How Sick She Was And What Sawed Her From An Operation. Upper Sandusky.Ohlo. " Three yean go 1 tu married and went to house- I keeping. I waa not feeling well and could hardly drag myself along. I had such tired feelings. my back ached, my sides ached, I bad bladder trouble aw fully bad, and I could not eat or sleep. I had headaches, too, and became almost a ner 'vous wreck. My doc tor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idea very well, so, wben I saw your adrertisement in a paper, I wrote to you for advice, and have done as you told me. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. " If sick and ailing women would only know enough to take your medicine, they would get relief. "-Mrs. Berj. H.Stams BRRY, Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. If you have mysterious pains, Irregu larity, backache, extreme nervousness, Inflammation, ulceration or displace ment, don't wait too long, but try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound now. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable testimony as the above proves the value of this famous remedy and should give very one confidence. emom GILT EDGB tbe only ladtna' I ho dressing that pu.ltlT.lj contains oil Blacks and Polishes ladita' and children's boot and shorn, aula. without rabbluc the "French Ulnea," inc. HTAK comotaeuon forelaanlng and pollsblagall Kinds of ruhpt or tan abues, llkr. "DtiMlf" alia Ac. alJICK. WUITK (In liquid form with sponge) caly cleane and whitens dirty eanvaa shoes, ttc and 56c. HA HY KI.ITK combination for gentleman waa laka nridaTn having tuctr shoaa look Al. Rwilorae color and lustra to all black shoes. Polish with a rash ur cloth, 111 cents. "Kilt" sis n canta. H yovr dealer does not keep tba kind yon want, tend h tbe price In atampa and we alii send yon a ' Cull lse package charges paid. WHITTEMORK BROS. & CO., KI-2 Albany S-, Cambridge. Mut. the Oldest and Largest Manufacturer of Shoe PolUhee in the World. . Something in It. Governor Beryl Carroll of Iowa has an amusing story of a state senator whose amusing appearance might pos sibly lead one to mistake him for a laboring man, but who la as sensitive as a woman to all unpleasant circum stances. "This man," said Governor Carroll, "happened to be standing outside a Des Moines undertaking establish ment, conversing with a friend on political matters, when one of the employes came out of the shop and said: : "'Say, will you give us a lift with a casket?' "The senator shuddered and replied hesitatingly: " 'Is there is there anything In It?' , "'Sure,' came the hearty reply, 'there's a couple of drinks In it!'" Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. . True Till Death, tils companions bent over him with pitiful earnestness, and stared be seechingly Into his waxen features. Again came the flutter of the eyelids, but this time his will mastered ap proaching death. His Hps weakly struggled to execute his last command and the friends bent closer to hear the faltering whisper. "I am gone? Yes er I know. Go to Mllly. Tell her er I died with her name on my Hps; that I er have loved her -her alone er always. And Bessie tell er tell Bessie the same thing." London Weekly Telegraph. It's difficult for a man who Is broke to break Into society. A Tempting Treat Post Toasties with cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian Corn; cooked, rolled into flakes and toasted to a golden brown. ; . Ready to serve direct from the package. De!: fitful flavour! TT ororMy wholesome! : ! tj C scars I iwlta I 11 Shoe Polishes riNIBTOUAUTV LARGEST VARIETY .. ",. I HrAEOWBROOK tSKxT .FARM sv. x y ir US, J Keep nothing but pure breds. " a Peat soils need potassium (potash). Be careful of caked udders In the ewes. The natural color of butter Is that found In June. A deep bed will often cause the loss of a number of pigs. A collar that fits Is tbe best preven tive for sore shoulders. Never whip a horse when he shies. It will Increase his fear. Give the sows plenty of clean. water to drink. Take the chill off. If the fodder Is getting scarce, bet ter buy than stint the cows. A good agitator on the spray pump Is as Important as a good pump. Save all the hog manure. You have none on the farm that is richer. iu cuwsiua eKgs tur Dnu'mug, try to get those from tbe best bens you have. f - i. I - V - . l I . . - With three cows you need a cream separator; with ten, you must have a silo. File the crosscut saw yourself; you will thus soon save enough to buy a new saw. The churn should be thoroughly scalded and then cooled before cream Is put In. It is a losing proposition to try to raise 200 chicks where there is room for only SO. A little oil meal or a few potatoes will help the horses get rid of their w'.nter hair. Before you start your Incubator, get out the manufacturers' directions and re-read carefully. Do not use anv ill-formed ees for hatching, nor any that are unnaturally long, or nearly round. Keep your fowls on Ihe same foot ing that you keep your cattle, and you will surely be rewarded. Most anyone ran hare a small flock and keep from eight to a dozen hens and feed on table scraps. Be sure tbe fenders are In position In the farrowing pens to prevent tbe sows laying on the young pigs. Cold, raw winds make chapped teats all the worse. Have a small jar of vaseline handy at milking time and use it. It costs a Kood deal of mnnev tn hnr a satisfactory team. In most cases this can be avoided by tbe farmer raising bis own. 'It is hard for an empty sack to stand straight, but It is still harder for a lazy man to succeed In the dairy business." Every four years 1,000 Pounds of rock phosphate is needed to keen un the phosphorous content of average corn belt soil. An occasional colt or young horse to sell, even when one Is not making a business of raising horses. Is a help to any farmer. Get after the San Jose scale. What a melliferous name this little beast sails under! But cover him with Bor deaux all tbe same. - The time to plant grape cuttings is In early spring, as soon as the ground can be worked. Slant tha cuttlnea a little and leave only one bud above ground. If you are a beginner with sheep go slow until you have mastered tbe In dustry. As in poultrylng or any other like business, experience is the safe, sure teacher. Sheep that are well kept and fed during the fall season so that tbey enter the winter quarters In thrifty and vigorous condition will keep easi ly over winter. Early peas may be followed by celery or cabbage or potatoes, fol lowed by late beans or corn, thereby getting several crops from the same ground each year. Young currant canes may be bent over In spring, and the middle cov ered with earth. Roots will start at these points snd In a short time you will have currant plants. Horticultural Inspectors In Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho report that there are 16,000,000 growing fruit trees In those states -6,744.257 of them bore fruit last year. If you allow the young, stock to rough It with the older and stronger stock, they'll be rough looking crea tures when they come through In the spring, and they may be lost entirely. In preparing land for a new or chard take time to plow It all very deeply before a tree la set, and If tie re Is a hard "plow sole," or tight i .b t 1. loosen It up with dynamite. Don't forget ti. water. Clean out feed troughs dally. Peklns lay from 120 to 170 eggs par year. .' J Alslke clover helps out the stand of red clover. A purplish red comb Indicates bad health In a fowl. Test out Infertile eggs oa tenth and seventeenth days. A quart of mixed feed Is about right or twelve hens. If you wish to succeed, know that your hens are comfortable. Do not make too violent crosses. Select a type and stick to It It Is not so much the make of In cubator as the man who runs It Alr-alaked lime Is a valuable dis infectant In the poultry house. Variety Is always good, but sudden and abrupt changes are dangerous. It pays tn more ways than one to be on friendly terms with the heifers. Tbe sort of seed corn to select Is the klud that produces bushels per acre. Correct sour or acid soil with one to Ave tons per sere of crushed lime stone. To maintain normal soil fertility the supply of humus must be con served. The business hen is the hen that puts her daily credits In the egg basket. Tha nnlr nroner wav lo renlenlsh the flock Is to save the best lambs each year. A common cause of slow churning Is an overfilled churn. Half full Is about right. Plrlv rnllara ara nrobablv as re sponsible for sore shoulders as 111- flttlng ones. Kaon rlie hnraea well cleaned, but remember that you can be cruel with the curry comb. Tbe hopper system of feeding Is a good one, but put only one kind of feed in one hopper. The fault of too many dairy farm ers Is failure to make the cows pro duce up to their limit. Too much corn has caused the loss of many a fine litter of pigs, and often tbe loss of the sow as well. In raising horses for one's own use It should be done as intelligently as if it were to be a regular business. Spraying Is one of the unavoidable tasks of the farmer who would keep his orchard in desirable condition. Place the bee hives on string sup ports about eight Inches from the ground to prevent dampness and cold. The man who Is producing milk for the city trade should have a clear mind, clean hands and a pure heart Arsenate of lead which Is held over from the year before will be good if it has not dried out and become a hard lump. When turkeys are penned up to fat ten for market, good results are not obtained if they are cramped for room. Now and then put a little brine on the straw. It acts, as an appetizer, and the sheep clean up the straw better. A belfer may give as much milk In proportion to the food eaten as a mature cow, and make some growth in addition. A paint brush that has become hardened with paint can be made soft and pliable by immersing It In boiling vinegar. It Is Just as easy to multiply de fects In breeding as It Is to strength en good points, and many people are doing the former. The colt crop on the general farm may be made a by-product that will cost very little, but swell the bank ac count considerably. Seed corn? Of coarse you have It all In good shape and ready for tbe germination test. Do not plant a grain unless you know it comes from sound stock. . Tbo best medicine In the world for poultry are dry, clean quarters and lots of sunshine. Better lose every oth er poultry recipe known than to for get this.. The great need of the day Is edu cated dairymen, men who understand the care and feeding of the cow a well as the successful marketing of her products. Now Is the time to set a shallow box of earth In tbe winiAw and start some cabbage and tomato seeds for early planting, first la the hotbed and then In open ground. If the dairymen could come 'Into direct contact with the people who eat their butter there would be less need of discussing the subject of mak ing a better grade of butter. Government reports state that dur ing the last year mors) up-to-date and modern . machinery has been . pur chased and Installed on the farms Laan during any previous ten .years. Thousands of acres of pasture land In Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa are devoted to feeding cows to supply Chicago consumers with ml!k and cream and other dairy products. wmm at- mewssmaswa SMEG (PfflMOTEQ) (miMM 001117. FRUIT CAN BE COOKED DELI CIOUSLY. anBSsaeaa,ma By Martha McCulloch Williams. A French woman, a student of medi cine, has lust won her doctor's de gree with a paper on scientific cook ery. In it she Impresses forcibly the fact flat good feeding Is not merely necessary to good health, but essen tial to Its restoration. Further, she sets forth that the slops and messes to which Invalids are commonly con demned not merely hare no reason of being, but that they are positively hurtful. They overwork stomachs al ready weak. In sympathy with debili tated bodies; worse still there Is no commensurate return for the work tn the way of nourishment. Yet, It Is manifestly Impossible for sick or weak or ailing folk, old people and little children, to feed upon the "hearty" things, or those highly spiced and sauced,' which suit healthy persons of strong appetites and stronger diges tions. , Right here comes In '-he paper bag cookery. By help of It, food la made tender, easily digested and flavored as nature wills, with only the added sav ors that fire brings out. Not only meat and vegetables, but fruit as well. The French lady lays stress upon tbe fact that fruit la almost curative for many things If properly prepared. Fruit cooked in a paper bag is whol ly sanitary. There Is, further, no trouble of watching, of stirring, no apprehension of scorching. Peaches should be scalded in boil ing water for a mlnuto and a half, then the skins removed, and the fruit, on the seed, put to stew in a lightly buttered bag. Add a tablespoonful of water for a dozen large peaches less if they are very juicy. Cook for 20 minutes in a fairly hot oven, slacking heat a third after five minutes from the putting in. The seed gives an adorable bitter-almond flavor. Add sugar to taste, while the fruit Is very hot and let stand several hours be fore using. For an invalid, choose sweet, very juicy peaches, coo'; in small quantity say half a dozen at a time without adding water, and buttering tbe bag well. Serve un sweetened with thick cream. Baked pears are relished by almost everybody. Ripe, full flavored fruit of medium size and even is the best. Cut off the stalks close, snip out the blossom end, and stick In a clove there. Pare thinly, pack tn a buttered bag with a little water and cook f teen to thirty mlnutea in a fairly hot oven. Leg of Iamb, with Turnips: Get a tat leg of lamb, have fee butcher take off carefully the outside nrembrane In that most of the "sheep-y" taste re sides. Scrape well, wipe over with a damp, soft cloth, and If necessary, wash quickly In cold water, but avoid washing if possible, .alt and pepper moderately, then grease well using either' butter or clarified dripplrgs dredge very lightly with flour anJ put Pastry By Nicolas Soyer, Chef Pastry, cakes and sweets generally are ' wonderfully improved by being :ooked in paper bags. The concen tration of heat which is thus gained bas the effect of making the puff paste lighter and more regular In texture and all cake mixtures "rise" in a manner the open oven cannot produce. Then again the cooking takes much less time, and I need not point out the value of this. In the old style the oven door had frequently to be opened to watch progress. . The pastry was thus exposed to draughts of cool air, which could but produce "doughy," heavy and unsatisfactory results. . Puff Paste: Take one pound flour, three-quarters of a pound butter, and mix the flour with water and salt light ly, to the consistency of butter. Leave this dough for half an hour, then flat ten It with your hand, and lay your butter on top of the paste. Then told four-corner way, and give It two rolls as usual. Leave your paste In a cool place for forty-five minutes, then roll twice more. Leave it for forty-five minutes, and roll twice again. Place It In a larger paper bag which will not touch the paste. Put on broiler , and allow twenty minutes in a not oven. 3UNQRY SWEETS. Petit Nld: Peel and core half dozen cooking apples. EmpVjr a gill, a liberal quantity of fruit syrup (for Took Taxi Off Her Hands And Now Woman Is Wondering Why . Neighbor Waa In Such a Des perate Hurry. "Just as I am beginning to feel that life Is unprofitable, dull and stale, something happens to reconcile me to existence," said a pretty girl. "The affair of the taxicab was about the strangest thing that ever happened to me. I went calling tn a taxt. The woman 1 called on had so much to say and took so much time to say It In that the last five minutes of my stay I couldn't listen to a word she said for counting up to myself the rste at which that taxicab was eating up my money. 'Six dollars and ninety-nine cents.' I figured finally, and bolted desper ately. Just as 1 reached the side walk another woman equally desper ate shot out of tbe sdjolnlng apart ment t '. -!: you - "1 tt's cbr sit into a roomy, thicky greased bag with a pint of sliced turnips, two small thinly sliced onions, a small sprig of mint, and a half cup or tomato pulp or catsup. Sliced potatoes can be added at will In that case use fewer tur nips. Be sure there are no sharp ends of bone projecting they should oe cut off rather under the flesh. Season the vegetables lightly with salt before put ting them In the bag, but take care not to put It too much. Add half a tumbler of cold water, seal, put In hot oven, slack heat after five minutes and cook until well done. Time de pends on weight : ITS MANY ECONOMIES. t A dollar's worth of paper bags wnl be ample to cook for any average family throughout a month. Add a box of clips at ten cents they will be good for another month, and still an other In careful hands and tbe out lay Is still Inconsiderable. Add still further fifty cents for greasing a pound of lard, half a pound of butter, half pound of drippings and the total I still more than moderate. Not withstanding, It is .nore than plenty of us would care to spend monthly merely In the Interest of flavor or eve. of ease. Plenty more of us like to take duties laboriously, feeling that thus we In to tho kingdom of thrift So It there were no economic offset paper ba ; cooking would have to be reckoned either a fad or luxury, it is neither It has come to stay. Say you pay three to four dollars 'a month for gas which Is about a fair average. If the paper bag cook ling cuts this a third, it has almost ' paid for ltse:f at one fell swoop. , Next comes the saving In quantity of food cooked. Paper bag cooking Is one-fifth to one-fourth ahead there. ! In pot cooklug the scales -ow a , shrinkage treble that of bag cooklnr i Tbls Is a saving weirworth while, : et . far from telling the whole story. Things bag-cooked nourish better be cause they are more readily digested. Set tbr extra nourishment at one- tenth of the food cost, and the food cost :or a tamily ten dollars a week. I Right there you have mora the price of bags, grease, clips, etc. almost ta-i cost of tbe gas. But even then the sum In domestic economy Is Just falrl. begun. Prrer bag cooking not only saves thus nega tively by preventing loss and Insur ing full edibility, but positively and In many, Jiany ways, as, for example, In the food bought Round steak Is more nourishing than any other but the fact baa been held to be offset by tbe extra dentist's bill tbe eating of it necessitated. Paper bag cooking makes It as tender as porterhouse Itself moreover, there is no bone to be thrown away nothing but clear meat. And the favorable difference In price runs from eight to ten cents the pound. Living Is dearer in every way the one possible alleviation of this in creasing cost, without skimping of ap petites, is in buying things less costly and t" cooking them as to make the difference ail in their favor. Paper bag cooking will do It; It has done It for me. Let's recapitulate. Say one uses one hundred and fifty bags In the month, and then allow seventy-five cents for clips, lard, butter, and dripping. This gives an Initial debit of two dollars beginning the ac count thus: DEBIT. Paper bags, butter, clips, one ' month $2.00 CREDIT. Gas saved............ fl-00 Saved tn wear and tear (S per cent) ..................... -50 Food saved ($1.00 a week) $4.00 Saved on meat (75 cents week) $3.00 (Copyright, Wit. by Associated Literary Press.) of Brooks' Club, London. . preference pineapple) Into a thickly buttered bag. Add the apples, seal bag, place on broiler and simmer gent ly until cooked, but take care that they they d not get broken. Line a paper souffle-case with p jtf paste, place carefully in a well greased -tag, , put the apples tn this, and twist long strips of citron and angelica round them. Place four ounces of butter in a clean basin, sift In eight ounces of sugar and whip to a cream. Then add tbe well beaten yolk of four eggs and season to taste with grated nutmeg. Place on the fire and stir gently until very hot then add the whites of the eggs, whipped to a stiff froth. Stir these In lightly, then pour over the apples, place in the bag, put It In the oven without loss of time and bake to a golden hue. Dust thickly with pow dered sugar and serve hot or cold. Apple Dumpling: Make It tbe usual way. Cook In the paper bag. Allow twenty minutes In a hot oven. Scone: . Any kind of scone or break fast rolls should be placed in a large loose greased paper bag In hot oven. Allow ten to fifteen minutes accord ing to size. (Copyright 1911, by the Sturgls Walton Company.) A chicken hearted man should never marry unless he Is anxloua - to break into the henpecked class. said. 1 am In a great hurry. I can not wait for another.' " 'I have had It for an age," I said. I owe' "That's all right' the woman in terrupted. I will pay It . "A roll of bills In her hand showed that she was financially equal even to the demands of a waiting taxicab. Ths driver nodded acquesoence In ths change of passengers, tbe woman Jumped into the cab, and away they went For the next half hour I urged my friend to talk, but she could tell me nothing of the subject tn which I was then vitally Interested, the identi ty of the woman next door. It waa s big apartment house through whoat doors a hundred women pass each day, and probably we never shall find out who the woman was or why sbt waa la such a desperate hurry.". Famous Tower In Canrar. Subterranean springs are undermln Ing tbe leftolof tower of FU In a Hurry. Magistrate What Is tho charge tgalnst the old manT . Officer Stealing some brimstone, rour honor. He was caught In the act Magistrate (to prisoner) My aged Mend, couldn't you have waited a tew rears longer? tO DBITI OTT Taka tha Aid BundardUROVSm TABT 3H1U, TON 10. Too snow what Ton ara lakln. tha (orasala la alalalr rlDI4 an ararr aoula, ihowloa It la aiasplr gulnlaa and Iron In a taaur uriu, and tha tnuat afwtvai fun. Iter gruwa Mwaiaaaa iaalldraa.a)aaau The Natural Thing. Lawyer Of what did you take cog nizance In the saloon? Witness I took a drink. rr coldsj mm emit Hleka' Oinmiii la tha baat rrmrdj r tlevaa tha aching and favartaanaaa curaa tba Juld and raaturaa normal rondltloua. It's liquid alTarta lauaadlatal. 10c., 16c., audlOc It drug aloraa. The more a man exoecta tba more he will be surprised If be gets It TO tTJBB! A COI.n IM OKI DAY Ttka I.AIATITB BHOUO Onlnlaa Tahlata. Uruaainsrarand aioaar " It rafts lo eara. a. w. aaaalsaaMralaaaaaahaas. Ska. It takes a man of originality to pose ss a successful liar. To overcome eonttlnmtloa and rmultast ills, take Uarfleld Tea, a pure hsrb laxative. Beginning a proper name with a small letter Is a capital offense. Fads for Weak iNiae-tenthe of all the licknaM of womea is due to some derancammt or dta case of the organs distinctly fomiaiae. Such sickness eaa be eurad is eared very day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Make Weak Women Strong, Slek Women Welt. It sets directly oa the organs affected sod is at the same tiroe a faoarml restore five tonic for the whole system. It curaa female complaint rijbt in the privacy of home. It makes uaneceaaarv the disagreeable quastionieg, examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as to tbe symptoms ol those peculiar affeotions incident to woman, but those wanting full informattoa es to their symptoms and means of positive sure are referred to the People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 and up-to-date Edition, eeat tret on cent stamps to cover cost of mailing binding lor 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, ooococooooooooooooooooooo o Colds, La Grippe "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have received from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she had no more trouble. ; "I shall never be without . 5 o o o o o o o o a o o o o o THEDFORD'S 5) PI LA ffi-teMl 0 "You are at liberty to publish this letter If you wish, and I will gladly answer anybody that might q o O O O O O O write me, concerning yuur wunuenui meuiune. Thedford's Black-Draught can be used freely, by young and old. It is non-mineral, harmless, without bad after-effects. It acts in a perfectly safe and nat ural way, on the liver, stomach, kidneys, and bowels, cleansing, strengthening, and stimulating them to do their work. In common use for over 70 years. Sold everywhere. Get a package to-day. Price 25 cents. o (.JSa.a,,aa,j rls-WVI - 1 a meat par esxellence. cap caused by a fall, and to my my duties In less than three weeks III I v.. . y i J .-- aw t. ' ' ST a -r r r ' "i I I I Is is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush. At c.7 ttamgar. FrUe ZZo.. CCD. afJaWa Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sent free. A r?. rAr.L s. r'-c:j. rcrrc !. r-- r.r- JCD TI.3 Feed CisI-Irr.-rcYD Tho teilrr.-.i a t -f 4)0 aDor work; Co" pr,T "" Htr Milk and Butter; , r - 1 4 tirow better Ames; f - 1 Iht more n, mat mil well sv 1 ft aI- 4 tk on nore flesh a4 ul aTiop Burt nvpuiix d ktep la uatt,.i t.u uwudutot. wibea Ie4 oa Ccttonseed WeslertJ CzV.zr.zztd tfu..3 rf BrMdlrv or rVu'"1"? P. v..ioble. ft" u u iw.it ' t -.a trrtto forVroo BoveUet eomomiiitf tnn.n t jtaUaMrm m Til w r:r IntaratfST - The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana CiaTERS gently on the liver. Cure i 1WI at Biliousness, Mead ache. Dizsi. ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL nil, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature E ff intst'tatsiil -rlte lor Mtallnsniaa. kAArmm WL M. MUL lltawr, IUm C I.C High Orada n. , Hail .1 Mk MM. II itvifnnw erdaraclraki rt r elal Attention, mraa reaaokaoia. k I a . t --k raaaoha for m.- I MrTlrpronp. Hand I lauwafs iti area, en . si seres, a. . 5""n vnct rxuxp iiHA-l i I mTtOUBUS BAGS Wantad. Sacond-haad Ban snd Bur laa. Wrlta for arloaa. RIOUMONO aicMairAB J, MMohsaooO. Vlnjiaia W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 15-1912. Women pages, newly revised receipt of 21 emty; or, in cloth Btrfalo, N. Y. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o CCO CO 9 CO CUT Rheumatic Pains qniclily rdioved Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of any sort It penetrates, without rubbing, through the muscular tissue right to the " bdne-relievesthecongestionand gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Here's Proof. A. W. Lav of Lafayette, Ala., writes ! "I had rheumatism for five years. I tried doctors and several different remedies but they did not help me. I obtained a bottle of Sloan's Liniment which did ma so much 1 U T 1.1 n. J. mrknM, ifr for anything" Thomas L. Rice of Easton, Pa., writes: "I have used Sloan's Lini merit and find it fiist-ciaae for rheu S matic pains." . Mr. G.O. Jowts of Baldwins, LI, writes: "I nave found Sloan's Lin I haTa ied It for broken sinews above the knee great satisfaction I was able to resume aftei tha aeddent." jt a . J e Va A Address v - . Cnwi, ttows or Bw, It U o-polil 1m,r tr thaVai Corn. li MabaVUta tO areMrtlafrft aM4 aVtOCH LI IT Y

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