Ti SUPPLEMENT BETRAYED BY PARTY LEADERS. Recent County Democratic Convention Packed to Shield Republican CanJidates So Charges T. N. James. PAID ADVERTISEMENT No doubt many democrats as well as pood republicans and progressives over the County feel disappointed over the action of the recent County Democratic Convention in refusing to nominate a county ticket. It seems incredible to thinkthatour party would back down just as the door of opportunity was opening. Not for a generation has political conditions been so torn up in Madison County; not for a generation has there been so manv voters unset tled as to how they were going to vote next November, and not for a generation has our party had such opportunity to gain from these unsettled voters permanent rdcruits. "As the tree falleth so shall it lie" and as the voter finally decides this election, so will he generally vote hereafter. The Republican party is appealing to these independent voters through a complete county ticket made up of candidates from most every section of our county, while the democratic party offers them only a one man bob-tail ticket to vote for. Can the Democratic party hope to make gains under such conditions? Can it even hope to hold its own? Does the Democratic party in Madison County stand for any thing? Has it any mission to serve? It should stand against the extravagance which has characterized the administration of our county's affairs, but it lias condoned it. . It should stand against the drunkeness, ineficency and imorality which permeats some of our county offices, but against such evils It is silent and offers no remedy. Speaking figuratively the Democratic party in Madison County has ignored the great vultures who feed daily on the coun ty's vitals and trained all of its guns on one little harmless spar row Jim Rector against whose character, so far as the writer is able to learn, there is no stain and against whose record "if he has one" can be made no charge. Why did our County Con vention take such a course? The ans wer is simple. The rank and file of the Democratic party was be trayed by its present party leaders, and our County Convention was ran, not in the interest of the Democratic party, not in the interest of better CouDty Government, but in the interess of a few Republican canditates. Their personal friendship for certain Re publican candidates and their desire to shield them from further oposition was stronger than their party principles, and their am bition to gain financial advantage for a business headed by a lead ing Republican was stronger than their desire to correct existing abuses. Personal friendship is ail right and I only wish that men : u . I i it . t . . i . ujiKnu uc uuuuuK)s?fuier sirontrer ry sucn ties, ana 1 concede a man the right to vote for a warm worthy and personal friend running on an opposite ticket, but I have only censure and condemnation for a few men after acquiring leadership of our party and then be traying it into the hands or the Republicans. rnow i ao not , charge that alt the Democrats who voted to carry out the plans of these leaders were influenced by the same sit Ister motives. A few as good Democrats as live in Madison County thought it good party policy to nominate only one candi date, others followed their leadership blindly trusting them to lead for the best interest of the party, while others were offered the support of this ring crowd in securing a small niece of federal nie in the event of a national Democratic Victory if they would only do tneir moaing. it is actually funny to think of this erowd, who fought Wilson so hard before the National Convention and who now have taken the very course that will lose him and our State t:cket as well, many, many votes, deviding up the federal pie this far in advance. But. it has heen done and I can name their candi dates for the most important appointments now. If they would like to see their list published, they have only to request it. Now I want it plainly understood that I am not kicking about the nomination of Mr N. B. McDevitt, but my kick is that the will of the rank and file of our party was ignored and our primaries and convention was packed by our so called party leaders for the ex press purjose of earring out the will of certain Republican cancli dates and leaders and therefore other nominations were prevented. I want every Democrat in Madison County to go to the poles early on election day and for the. sake of Democratic principles, and for the sake of our National, State and Congressional ticket, and for the sake of the one County candidate, Mr. McDevitt, who they did let os nominate, vote and work harder than ever before for success, and remember that "Truth will not always be on the scaffold and wrong on the throne" and that the "principles of Democracy are immortal" and that bye and bye a Moses whose only ambition will be to advance the interest of the Democratic party, and the cause of good government in general, will appear to lead us out from the Wilderness into which we have been led. Remember you must vote the ENTIRE Democratic ticket, other-wise yon cannot vote for either Simmons. Kitchen or Clark for United States Senator in the Senatorial primary to be held on election day. This rule has been laid down by the State Democra tic Executive Committee. Respectfully, T. N. JAMES. Docket For Civil Court Monday Oct. 1912. Maibburn, No. 61 Deaver Ken nedy & Co. vs. Dan Shelton et-al J. C. Ramsey Mashburn, No. 62 C. M. Mc Clung&Co. vs. Dan Shelton et al J. C. Ramsey. Mashburn, No. 63 Cowan Mc Clung & Co. vs. Dan Shelton et al J. C. Ramsey. K,ay, ino. lis j. Al. Winters vs Champion Lumber Co. Roberts McElrcy & Barnard. McElroy & Ramsey, No. 110 Prank Henderson vs Madison County Railway Company Rc berts McElroy & Barnard. TUESDAY Oct. 15, 1912. fcElroy, No. Mack Cram vs Laurel River Logging Company Roberts McElroy & Barnard. Ray & Murphy, No. 71 Jno. Buckner vs. Laurel River Logg ing Company & Madison Rail way Company Roberts McElroy & Barnard. Ray& Murphy, No. 73 Carine! Brad burn Inft by N. P. vs Sout hern Railroad Company Roberts & Rollins. Zachary & Roberts, No. 68 R. H. & D. T. Haynie vs Philip Martin, J. C. Ramsey. Mashburn, No. 80 Howard Chandley vs T. J. Ricker Ro berts & Ramsey. WEDNESDAY Oct. 16, 1612 McElroy, No. 82 Lannie Ar rington vs Thos." Dill & S. Peek Ray. ' Gudger McElroy & Rollins, No. 85 Tonie Ball vs Barnett Lowe Pritchard. Mashburn & Ray, No. 92 Jos hva Gosnell vs Southern Rail road Company Roberts & Rollins. Mashburn, No. 105 Z. C. Rec tor vs R. B. Payne Ramsey. Roberts Fortune & Alashburn, No. 108 Thos. Lamb, aainr. vs Southern Railroad Roberts & Rollins; Gudger & McElroy, Vinnie Ramsey vs McElroy & Ramsey. THURSDAY, Oct. 17, 1912. Ray, No. 118 P. R. Waddell vs Sidney Lusk, et-al McElroy. McElroy, No. Nat Davis an wife vs W. R. Waddeil, et-t Ray & Roberts. Ray, No. John Franks Southern Railroad Company R lins & Roberts. Gudger & McElroy, No. 2E W. Rice vs Jno. Ferrier Mi burn. Company No. Ill Harrison PRODUCE J. H. Haynie will pay 12 a pound for chickens and 2 a dozen for eggs. Everybody bring in thf duce to him.