N4U'll(ttl..-r.'p ' f "1 ." " '- 19 1 -v f. I :: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Thanksgiving. .,,;; ; Fly in the ointment.,' . , , Pay your debts and feel good. Miss Penrose is quite sick 1 still. Mr. Amos Stackhouso was in town last Saturday. A new well wilf be dug on the Court house square. Mr. Paul Rector went to , Knoxville last Monday. , Mr. W. C. Sprinkle was In Asheville Wednesday. Mrs. Stephen llice is quite sick with a case of grip. Mr. Stephen Rice has been Jald up, for several days. Mr. Posey Fisher made a trip to Knoxville last Sunday. Pr. Weaver was down from Leicester for the Sabbath. Miss Clara Hood returned home last Sunday afternoon. Miss Adeline Ramsey was vis iting in Walnut last Sunday. ,: Weddings and more weddings are in the air.' Guess whom ? The new water tank on the mill side has been painted red. Mr. J. H. White and family were in Asheville last Wednes Mr. Robert Allman, of Walnut Creekj is very sick at the present writing. , Mr. N. B. McDevitt and family pent Sunday with friends out of town. A case or so rf small pox have appeared on the other side of the river. Mr. M. L. Church will occupy the house vacated by Mr. George Pritchard. The Finance Committee met on - Monday, to settle up the county books. The family of Mr. McLain, of Walnut Creek, are all down with small pox. The man most particular abcu1, the way to" heaven is the one who never starts. :i - December- 1st "1s ' the time for the new officers of the county to take their places. Mr. Everett Tweed will oc cupy the house vacated by Mr, M. L. Church. 'Mr.' Fowler Sheltou a n daughters,'" Misses Stella and Sabra and Oliver went to Knox villa last Sunday. There has a new house gone up near the Presbyterian school at Walnut Springs. Mr. Silas Wilson is the owner. The new Methodist church is under cover and ready forth inside work. It will be done by tho middle of December. Mr. Wade Redraon and family have moved into . town and are occupying the Reduion cottage on lower Main street. Mr. Chester Wallin and family have moved to Marshall from Big Laurel and are living in one of Dr. Roberts houses. The United States Revenue officers were out Monday night on a raid. One man was brough in but no still was found. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John A Hendricks; on November 17th a daughter. Virginia. Mother and daughter are doing well. Mr. Tom Tweed and family have moved to Marshall. Mr, Tweed having accepted a place in N. B. Tweed's Bargain Store Dr. Burks, the "Dentist, will be in Marshall the firs Monday in December for ( days. Remember 'Thanksgiving Ser vice next Thursday at 10 o'clock Baptist church. Rev. E. P, Stabler will preach the sermon Mr. M. C. Allaben spent Fri dav and . Saturday here as the guest of Rev. W. E. Finley He left Saturday for White Rock. . C, A. Nichols will pay fifteen cents ner pound for all nice fat turkeys delivered in Marshall on or before Saturday, November 23rd, 1912. - Mr. Rutledge, the insurance agent, of Asheville, was in town last Thursday. 1 Mr." Jeter Rector has been laid off lately with a slight at tack of sickness. Pesident E. P. Childs, of Asheville, was a visitor last Sat urday and Monday. It is a crying need to have a watchman for the railroad cross ing on Bridge street. Misses Penrose and Hood went to Asheville Wednesday to stay for some days J Mr. Joe Johnson one of the workmen on the News-Record is down with small pox. , Report has It that there are two more cases " of small pox near the railroad station. Mr. Stephen Rice who has been sick for some time is better at the present time. Mrs.: Belle1 Runnion, of , Wal nut Ron, (s visiting in Bun combe county this week. Mr. Claude Allison is setting type in the News-Record office while Joe Johnson is sick. Mr. ' George Pritchard and family have moved to their new home at Toney Lonesome, Born to Rev. and Mrs.. W, E. Goode on last Thursday a son. Mother and son are "doing well, Mr. George and . Miss Grace Robinett who have been sick of typhoid fever are getting better. An adequate water supply is the urgent need of the town. We hope it may soon come The Electric Company 'has en tered Into a contract to pump for the water tank at the rail road. Quite a number of persons are liid up with sore arms from vac cination. Better that than small pox. ' j- : The loss on the vBarytes : mill at Stackhouse. was $15,000.00. Rumor has It that it will not be rebuilt. " .... Miss Lillie Orough left "for Greensboro, N. C, last Tuesday where sho will enter the employ of the Public Service Co., 'of that place. Thanksgiving services at the Presbyterian school at 3 o'clock P; M.. Thursday, November 28th, There will be special music at that time. Mrs.' R. L Moore, of Mars Hill and Mrs. Woodall, of Clyde, were in Marshall last Saturday for the Missionary meeting. Miss Boudou missionary in Mex i.o spoke.' C. A. Nichols will pay fifteen cents per pound for all nice fat turkeys delivered in Marshall on or before Saturday, Novem ber 23rd, 1912.' There will be Thanksgiving services held at lower Walnut Creek church, Nov., 28th, 1912, Services to be held by Rev. W. P. Robertson and ' Rev. J. H Ballard. Services to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. Last Saturday the barn be longing to Mr. Steve Roberts on the old homestead was burned down. The loss was about $800.00. The workmen were roofing the barn and the hot tar burning fell on the hay and the fire resulted. Buy Red Cross Seals at one cent apiece. Every cent given helps in the war against tuber culosis. . For sale at all the stores and drugstore and banks. Don't fail to buy them. Mr. JHilliard Rector writes that he has changed his place of business and is employed in the American National Bank at Richmond, Va. He has been employed in the auditors office of the Richmond, Fredericks burg and Potomac Railroad. This position is a better ' one than the one he has been in. Beyond the fires at .Marshall and Stackhouse we , chronicle one at Mars tun, tne - Darn 01 Dr. 'Baird having burned and the barn and corn crib of Zade Ponder also was burned. This latter for a time was thought to be of incendiary origin and blood hounds were put on the track but it resulted in nothing. ' The "New York" Dreadnanght of 27000 'ton displacement was launched last week and Presi dent Taft attended the launch ing. It was a grand sight to see the largest of our. war ves sels launched. . Will the tiipe ever come when we will cot need these ships. ' ' ; ,. ;'; FireV- '"T ' Last Monday about two o'clock a cry of fire called, the people of town The house of Mr. J. N. West had caught from a burning chimney and was nuito in a blaze. However, the school boys organized a' buckot brigade and quickly the fire company was on the ground and the, fire was soon put out. The damage was not great and will he re paired immediately. Sheriff Buckner heard of Hol land' who cut Mr. Farley so badly and sent his Deputy Win ston Rice to Allenstand and ar rested him. He was brought down here and at his preliminary trial was bound over to court under 300.00 bond. Not being able to furnish it he was sent to ail. A reward of $50.00 had been offered for the apprehen sion of Holland but the sheriff fulfilled his duty and the man was arrested without cost to the ones offering the reward. We hope the limit may be given him and that such crimes may bo stopped. Bootlegging and crime go together and should be stopped. Named Bab ' After President. , Mr. and Mrs,' J. Y. Kyder, of Denison, Texas, have done their part to prevent- race suicide by giving to their country three healthy boys, born October 29, The parents determined that if the baby ishould be a boy he should be named after the Pres ident ek'Ctod on November 5. As triplets were born, there was no difficulty in realizing their ambition to name a child after the Presldent to be. So they called one William Howard Taft Kyler, another Theodore Roose velt Kylcr, and tho other Wood- row Wilson Kyler. .The day before the election the parents sent a telegram to the White House, announcing the birth and names of their three boys, aud Assistant Secretary Brahny sent back' a telegram in the Presi dent's name, wishing the triplets long life and prosperity. A Real Nobleman: Teachers Meeting. There will be a speaker at the teachers meeting next Saturday It is desired that every one should be present and that the request of the County Superin tendent may be heeded by all the teachers. The meeting will be at 10:30 A. M. Address at 11:30. The meeting will end early in order that all may return home that day. Only A Fire Hero but the crowd cheered' at, with burn ed hands, ho held up a small round box. "Fellows!" he shouted, "this Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, has everything boat for burns." Right! al so for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. Purest pile cure. It subdues inflammation kills pain. Only 25 cents at Triplett & Rector. The Farmer's Union of Madi son county will meet in regular session on the first Monday in December. (Dec. - 2). Hope to have a good attendance as that is the time for electing officers and a delegate to the State Union. L. M. Bkyan, President The marriage of Miss Kath leen Clarke and Dr. William Weaver of Leicester, will take piace today weelt, .November 27th, at the home of the bride near Barnard, N. C. Miss Clarke is well known in this city where she has many friends and rela tives. She is a niece of Mrs. J. Nichols. Dr. Weaver former ly resided In this city, and is a brother of Mrs. J. T. Sevier and Mrs. R. J. Tighe, and a cousin of Mr. Thomas S. Rollins and nephew of Major W. W. Rollins Dr. Weaver is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and of Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia, and is a promi nent resident of this county. Dr. Weaver is the son of Dr. J. Weaver, who was at one time consul to Brazil. The wedding will be a very quiet one and at tended only by , the relatives of the principals of this city and other points in the state. Dr and Mrs. Weaver will reside at Leicester. Asheville Citizen, Nov. 20th. Vote of Thirty-Sixth Senatorial District. - MADISON COUNTY. Charles B. Mashburn.. .. . .1,737 David M. Buck........ 734 YANCEY COUNTY. Charles B. Mashburn.. .... ..1,081 David M. Buck . ... .... .-. . . .246 MITCHELL COUNTY. Charles B, Mashburn. 857 David M. Buck . . . . . . .No ticket. AVERY COUNTY. " . Charles B. Mashburn ,828 David M. Buckv. .... ..No ticket ' ' A Great Building Falls. F - when Its foundation Is undermined, nd if the foundation of health Rood digestion is attacked, quick collapse follows. Oil the first signs of indiges tion, Dr. King's New Life Pills should be taken to tone the stomach and re gulate liver, kianeys and bowels. Pleasant, easy fi and, only Z cents at Triplett & Rector . - ;" Peter Schofle'ld Is one of the real noblemen of the world, al though he is only a Kansas far mer. One day the people riding by the little country schoolhouse near the home of Peter Schofield found the following notice tacked on the schoolhouse door: The Lord has spared my stock. My horses have gone through the epidemic without loss, and I have twenty head to loan to my less fortunate neigh bors, without charge, for plow ing. Those who need are wel come to tliem. This simple notice brought joy to many of the neighbors of generous Peter Schofield, for a stock plague had raged in the rural neighborhood and some of the farmers had lost all of their horses and were too poor to buy others. This plague was the worst disaster that had come to this part of Kansas since the days of the great pest of grass hoppers that swept thousands of acres of crops from the fields. This generous deed on the part of Peter Schofield proved that he was a man of a true heart and generous' spirit, and all those who see things in their right perspective '-must agree with the writer who says: "No title is more adorning and no honor is more enduring than the generous impulse which inspired this man to become a benefactor to the distressed in his community." J. L. H. The above clipping taken from the Christian Herald might give every one of us a subject for thought. Are there at this Thanksgiving time any around us who may need us, Let's think of them. ;:. in fen (nr..; V.1SI I: 9 m. '.u.t m r fx, r 4 i -J D TRIPLETT & RECTOR . DECEMBER 2nd and 3rd. Wc take great pleasure in announcing to our patrons and the general public - that we will have with us on ABOVE DATES ONLY iAN EXPERT OPTICIAN; Representing the Celebrated Firm of . , A. K. HAWKESCOMPANY ;. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. : -i, i ' 1- The Largest and most favorably known Optical Establishment in the South ; Mq mil Test Eye-SEggit and Fit Glasses We have arranged this engagement and secured the REMEMBER services of a man of ability and reputation, and that. we personally guarantee his work. All examinations are FREE, and ON- LY REGULAR PRICES will be charged for Glasses. YOU Cm SAVE MONEY- And obtain the Highest Class of Professional Services in this line by taking advantage of this opportunity BEAR IN MIND THE DATES. CAOTION HAWKES' GLASSES ARE NEVER PEDDLED. Sold only at our Dealer's store. C3TSPELLED ONLY H-A-W-K-E-S. Flagged Train With Shirt Tearing his shirt from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Ka leigh, N. C, once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters. "I was in a terrible plight when I began to use them," he writes, "my stomach, head, back and kidneys were all badly airoot- and my liver was In bad condition but four bottles of Electric Bitters nide me feel'like a uew man." A iaj will convince you of their matysh-s-s merit for any stomach, liver' or kidney trouble. Price 50 cents at Triplett & Rector. Ftf?j,: "NORTH CAROLINA Septenber MADISON COUNTY J Meeting 1913. ' E2 Within tho last two weeks the following people have been burned out or partially so amounting to thousands of dollars in losses: Thei Carolina Barytes Co., Stackhouse. Total loss Zade Ponder, Marshall, barn and contents. Total loss. Dr. J. H. Baird, Mars Hill, barn and contents. Total loss. J. N. West, Marshall, dwelling badly damaged. Steve Roberts, Marshall, barn. Total loss. Why not protect your property against fire loss by insuring with Ebbs & White, who repre sent among the strongest fire Insurance compa nies in the world. See or write them immaJiately at Marshall, N. C, Citizens Bank Building. Wanted! TURKEYS Wanted ! Fifteen Cents per Round. Marriage License. N Thos. Riddle, age 21, to Ada Silvers, age 15, both of Lee, . C. C. C. Bradley, age 21, to Bes sie Jenkins, age 10, ooin 01 Marshall, Route 2. Joseph Frisbee, age 24, to Ona Riddle, age 16, both of Spring Creek. : R. L. Smith, age 52, to Har riet Ledford, Age 38, both of Hot rings. ' L. W. Huntsinger, age 21, of Marshall, Route. 1, to Sarah Huntley, age 22, of Asheville. Thos. Reeves, age 25, of Can- to Beulah Teague, age 22, of Marshall, Route 1. George Roberts, age 21, of Big Pine, to Cindy Cody, age , of Sandy. 1 1 Willie Marion Edwards, age , of Mars Hill, to Essie Wallin, age 17, of White Rock. Claude L. Brown, age 26, of Bluff, to AUie Wardrup, age 18, of Lynch. .- V ';' ' v Frederick Stephens, age 22, to Laura Ilarkehood, age lj( both of Tennalina. : , Spr to, 21 34, Forewarned is fore armed. We will pay Fifteen Cents per Pound, Cash, for all nice fat Turkeys delivered to the depot at Marshall, N. C; on or before Saturday, November 23rd, 1912. 7 Cannot use any poor turkeys at any price. Leave them until Christmas. We furnisii the coop3, and pay ex press. You get Fifteen Cents per pound net at Depot. This is our LAST OFFER for $ Thanksgiving Turkeys. I R W. LOWE & SON. I C. A. NICH0! S, Agent. LEAGUE OF ASHEVILLE MERCHANTS WILL PAY YOUR RAILROAD FARE to Asheville and return to your home if your total or combined purchases from one more of the fol lowing firms reaches the sum of 33O THIRTY DOLLARS $30 It appearing to the Board and th I Board tlndlnif as a fact that mora y than one-thi i-d of the voter of So. 13 ' Township, of Madison County, known as Meadow Fork Township, bav a. filed tbelr petition with Mf,f Board asking- that an election b ' held in and for said Townvhip for tha purpose of voting on a Bond issue or Ten Thonsand tlO,000 6 per cent ' thirty (30) year bonds, the proceed thereof to be used for the purpose of -rebuilding, relocating, grading, im proving, working and maintaining the public roads of said Township. It is therefore ordered by the Board that an election be and the same la hereby called to be held at the polling places in saict Townenip on saturaay. the 30th day of November 1012, topaia upon the question of issuing Ten Thousand (10,000.) Dollars 6 per cent 30 year bonds for the Improvement of the public roads of said Township, ai aforesaid and at said election all th4sa ,( favoring said bonds shall rota a 'vbU i on which shall be either written of printed the words, "For Bonds" and those opposing said bonds shall vote a ballot on which shall be either Written or printed the words, 'Against Bonds." And it is further ordered by the Board that at said eletion the voters of said , f Township shall vote for three men, re ' v , sident free holders of sncli Township -Y to be known as Road Supervisors, , ' such ballot to be either written or printed with the words "For Road Supervisor ; " and It la forthef ordered by t he Bonrd that W. B. Hickf be appointed Registrar and X M. ' Askew and W.T. Forester poll holdetW ' of said election. . .: . , It Is further ordered by tba Boaad that this notice be publish itt Iba Nows-Itecord, as provided irt Chapter 110 Public LochI Law of 191L W. C. SPRINKLE. Chairman. JAMES SMART Clerk to Board. II. REDWOOD & COMPANY Dry goods and Clothing, ready to weaii Auv Wen, women aim iiiiuibu. " 7 & 8 Patton Ave. BROWN BOOK COMPANY - . Books and Stationery. On the Square and 63 Patton Ave. BROWN-MILLKR SEOE CO. ' Shoes, Bags and Trunks. 47 Patton Ave. J. L. SMATHERS & SON Furniture, Wholesale and Retail 15 N.,Vlaln St. opposite Langren Hotelj OTTIS GllKEN HAUDWAUK CO. Hardware, Farming Implements and Machinery, etc. . On the Square. G. F. STRADLEY Staple and Fancy Groceries. 3 E. Pack Square. OUAS. Ji HENDERSON . Jeweler Watches, Jewolery and Holiday Goods ' 52 Patton Ave. . EYE, EAR, NOSE tad TOAT FECIAUST. If you need arlasses fit. If you have Catarrh If your throat needs treating. Call on ' DR. I. E BURNETT, MAKS WILL, N. . and have your work done. Ha has a complete Mt of instruments to perform all kinds of operations, and a new tip-to-dnte office miulpuie&t to treat all kinds of dtoeessa. ': ' He has taken two speelai ec'-" s. He guarantees satisfaction., , M. V. MOORE & COMPANY President-elect Wilson for the Bermudas for a six wc 3 vacation la order to fit hi. for the work that lies I . 3 him. He ; will need &11 ;s strength and virility t!::t W. him to meet the liilUJ VIS UJCCU VUO jfci , . . jOutfitters to Men,'Women and Chlloy 1 bis exalted position p,nl v 3 r ren. Holiday Gotd. II Patton Ave. t. . . , v . t t . When trading, ask the first merchant from whom you buy for your rebate certificate. BOOKLET WILL BE FURNISHED ON REQUEST. for him every cay a cruiting for the the next four yt: 3. Fzy : I

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