I WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWj X MADISON COUNTY RECORD, J Established June 28, 1901. :" $ Medium. Thronfh which you reach the people of Madisoc County. Advertising Rates on application. 'I FRENCH BROAD NEWS, : Established May5 16, 1907. ' Consolidated NT. 2nd, 1911. WWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWV . 1 ; . - "' - ' ' -. j : 1 r, ' ; j 1 1 . "'"T7 7""" : 7 7 rnZ ONLY KE7SPAPER PL'SllSKED IN MADISON COUNTY. V r . ( T j ' VOL. XV : MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N, C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1013. N(. 31. Directory. y . ' .' . . . , t - ' . MADIHON COUNTY. Established by the legislature ses- ion 1850-5L. : Population, 20,132. "''' County seat, Marshall. J 656 feet above sea level. , New and modern court house, cost $33,000.00. : . ;- ' New and modern jail, cost 115,000. -New county homo, cost $10,000.00. . . County OHirsra. V Hon. C. B. Nashburn, Senator, 3th District, Marshall. . ' Hon. J. K. Reolor, Representative, Hot Springs. 'N C. N. B. ; McPevltt, '" Clerk Superior "Court. Marshall. . . W. M. Buckner, Sheriff, Marshall. Z. G. Sprinkle, Register' of Dee.ds, Marshall. c: F. Runnlon, Treasurer, Marshall N.C., R. F. D. No. 4.- : R. L. Tweed, Surveyor, While Rock - N. C. : - v." : Dr. J. II. Balrd, Coroner, Mars Hill ; N. C. V -x '-,- , v'"': . Mrs. Eliza Henderson, jwiler, Mar shall. John Hqneycutt, Janitor, Marshall Dr. C. N. Sprinkle, County Physl . clan, Marshall. Jamea Eaynie. girpt." county homo. " Marshall. ; ' Courts u Follows: " - September 1st, 1013 (2) Novembei 10th, 1913. (2) ':' I' ' March 2nd, 1914, (2). June 1st, 19)4 (2). Sept. 7th. 19147(2). -. ' R. R. Reynolds, Solicitor, Asheville N. C. 1913 Kail Term-Judge Yranit Carter, Asheville. '.''' - 1914,Sprlnjr Term-Judfte M.' II. Justice, RutherforJton, N. C. . Fall Term-Judge E. B. Cllce, of Hickory, N. C. : " County. Commllon". W. C. Sprinkle, chairman. Marshall R. A.'Eawaras, meniDer,-jviar!,iiii, i. . F. D. No. 2.';-.ReuWn"AT JweST, WenY ber, Bltf Laurel, IS. Or , ' ., J. Coleman Ramsey. atty.,Marshall. . Road Commlloneri. Frank Roberts, chairman, Marshal). J. K. Wilson, secretary, route 2. Mar . shall. Highway Commlilon, F. Shelton, President, Marshall. , Guy V. Roberts, n w Wild BiirPlne. N c. 8. W. Brown, - Hot Springs, Joe a Brown. Waverly, Board or Education. Jasper Ebbs, Chairman, Spring Creekr Nv C. John Robert ' Sams, mem. Mars Hill, N. C. W. R. Sams, ' mem; Marshall.- :Pro. G." Anders, Superintendent of ScboolMarslmll. Board meets first Monday in January. ' April, July, and October each year. School a and CollBa Mars Hill College, . Prof. R. -U Moore, President. Fall Term begins - August 17th, 113,: and Spring Term begins January 2nd 1914. ' Spring Creek High School. Prof. R, G. Edwards, Principal, Spring Creek.' 8 mos school, opens-Aug. 1st. Madison Seminary' High School, Prof. G. C. Brown, principal. 7 mos. school. - -. " Boll Institute, Margaret ' lith, principal, Walnut, N. C , . Marshall Academy, Prof.ig. Roland VWJlliams, principal, 8 mos.- school. Opens August 4th. ' ' .' Notary fullo " - J. C. Ramsey, Marshall, Terra ox: plres Jauuary 1st, 1911. W. O. Connor, Mara Hill, Term expires Nov. 27th 1S14, D, P. Miles, Barna' A, Term expires March 14th, 1914. " v - J. A. Wallln. Big Laurel, Term expires Jan. 24th, 1914. , J. G, Ramsey, Marshall.. Route .form Binlres March 10th, 1914. 4. J. E. Grezory, Joe, N. C, Term ex- pires January 7th," 1914. Jasper Ebbs,' Spring Creek. N. . o, ' Term expires September 24th 1914. - J H Hunter, Marshall,. Route 3. 'Term expires April 1st 1015, : J WNelson, Marshall Term ex Sires May 14, 1915 r ; T B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex- pires Februaryih 1915. Craig" Ramsey, ReTere.v Term ex pires March 19, 1915, ' N. W. Anders!, Taint Fork, Term expires May 19, 1915. C. C. Brown, Uluff, Term expires December 9th,. 1914. -.W.T.Davis, Hot Springs. Term expires January 22nd 1'J15. . George W. Gahsgan Post, 'No. 3. G. A. R. T. J. Rice, Commander; J. H. Ballard, Adjutant. Meets at the Court House Saturday before the,sec ond Sunday In each manth at 11 a m. Madison County Wants Convicts. Greater Western North Caro lina Association Helping to Get Them. "Matter Before the Gov- : . ;- ernor. The following Good Uoad news is taken from a recent Issue of Asheville Citizen: . , f , ' '.'The Greater Western North Carolina Association is now lend iiiK its aid to Madison county in an attempt to secure the 50 State convicts that were promised. by the last session of the general assembly to construct roads for county at least to construct central road as a link of the Cen tral highway to replace the road bed that was sold to the South ern railway by the State for its present rijrht of way. .The con viols were promised on or-before June 1st. Inst, but up to this time they hare not appeared on the scene.- At the meeting of the associa tion here yesterday Guy Roberts of Madison co'ucty appeared and made an eloquent speech about tho, matter, declaring that on the promise made by the general as seiiMy the county authorized an issuo pf $800,000 jn bonds to build good roads, and that $50, 000 of this issue was sold at a considerable sacrifice in order to have tho money available when the, convicts arrived. , Following his speech lie introduced these resolutions before the board of directors of the association which were unanimously adopted: , Whereas, it "was '.enacted by the legislature of North Carolina session of 1913,- that Madison and Buncombe - counties ' should be, furnished with a sufficient number of convicts on or before June 1st, 1913, to aid in building the Central highway; and "Whereas, ' Madison county, relying upon this, aid from the State, has issued bonds for $300, 000 to carry out this work, pari of which issue has been sold at a saoriflce in order to have" funds available to supplement the. work of the convicts; and "Whereas, the council of state tills already allotted 50 convict to aid in the work of the Hick ory Nuf Gap road, but has failed to make any provision for the work in Madison coqntyj, and -v- V Whereas,- the projected road in Madison county cannot possi bly be constructed without state aid, on account of the heavy ex pehse necessary to build said road.; .therefore be it ' ' v ' - "Resolved, That this Greater Western North' CoVoli na; associa tion, knowing the i supreme im portance of the - completion of the highway,, through;: Madison, county in its relation 10 me in torest of the whole of ' western North Carolina, ; does , hereby most- respectfully ask that the act of the legislature, as it ap plies to Madison county, be car ried out at the earliest possible moment.'? ;'; ;V ivp.; ;;, '": ; A copy of these resolutions was mailed to Governor Locke Craig and the council of state, accompanied by. the following letter: rf ". ;','. '; ''.: ' "I take pleasure in submitting to you these resolutions, which we're unanimously adopted by the board of' directors of the Greater Western North .Carolina association at a ' meeting held yesterday, the 24th 1 Inst., at Asheville! The resolutions were introduced and seconded byep resentati(8 of each of the coun-' ties of the associationand I have been instructed to forward - same for your considerations j f ; trus the matter will meet 'with1" your I early co-operation." The letter- was signed by , W.A. , Smith of Hender8onville, vice president of the association. Frank W. Miller, Secretary. , This matter of delayed convict labor for the building of the Madison county road has arous ed considerable discussion lately am org good roads people of 1he section,, and it is believed that with the concerted action of the counties of. the section that the request of the county for con victs will be complied with at an early date." South Carolina Letter." Editor News-RecorI) Will you allow mo space in- your pa per for a few brief news items. , There has been some c4 the hottest weather here for the past week that we've experienced in a loner time, but in the last few day a good rain and local thun der storms have relieved us to a m-eat '-'extent. Durinsr one , of these? storms lightning struck the railroad round house and it Was soon"burned to the ground. There is auite a lot- of work going on hero on the big dam that is being constructed to cre ate electric power. . Corn crops are greatly damag-. ed by tho recent dry, hot weath er. A. A'. Odell loft last week for North Carolina. VV . Y. . Mead ows &pi Lewis Hames ore going to Texas on a prospecting trip. Hope to see them back soon. There is some sickne?s in and around Lock Hart at present. w Success to the News-Record. ' L. A.M. CONVICTS FOR MAD ISON COUNTY. Work to be Rushed Highway.1 on The Sunday's News & Observer contains the following interest ing News:" , v v , ;r. 'J. E. Rector, representative from Madison .County in the last General Assembly' -was - here yesterday on business pertaining o the detailing of convicts to the Highway in Madison county as authorized by an act of the. last egislature. Mr. Rector was in conference with the Council of State relative to the matter and he went away satisfied that tue convicts to pusti the completion of the work of that splendidly conceived piece of highway will be forthcoming, ' Mr. Rector boarded the early morning train last Tnigkt 'out of Raleigh for Chase " City, Va., where, oil Tuesday lie enters in to the solemn bonds of matrimo ny." -- --.- MInilter Praises thia Laxative " Rev. H. Stutenvoll of Allison, la., in praisinjr Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are such perfect pills no home should be . without them." rffb better regulator for the liver ' and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. "Price 25c. at Marshall Pharmacy.- v f. . ' "- ton .Wells Fails t : to Secure Pardon GOVERNOR , CRAIQ REFUSES , "EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY. Holds That According; o the Evl ii dence He Cannot Qrant Request V Case Most Unusual One. .' , At a hearing held, at the Bat tery Park hotel yesterday morn ing, Governor Locke. Craig re fused to grant a pardon to . Lou Wells, convicted in Swain county Superior court of the larcency of goods from the Southern Rail way .company. Attorney Ed ward Norval, of Murphy, pre Rented a monster petition, signed by people all the way from Mur pay to Asheville, but Governor Craig held that according to the evidence he could not grant the pardon. . V Mr. We'.k, who is 70 years of age, was convicted of a very pe cuhar theft. With his wife he was moving from Murphy to BrysonCily. In unloading the household goods from the car at Hryon City a box'of men's cloth iDg was unloaded with the house hold goods and removed to the new Wells home.? -It was stated at the trial that Mrs. Wells was to blnmo for the failure to return the goods to the railway com luiy, but Mr. Wells refused to alfow this view 'to" be "taken" and 22 ONE CAR LOAD UNBROKE WESTERN , Horses & Mares : AT AUCTION, Hot Springs. N.C. Friday Aug.l, 1913, and Marshall, N. C, Saturday, Aug. 2, 1913 I Will sell a load of extra good bred, heavy bon- - ed and good shaped unbroke Western Horses and Mares, ranging in age from 2 to 4 years. This will;' be a great opportunity fori Vou to get a good Horse or MareN cheap. . . ; 1 ; PdVt miss this Sale for these horseswill be sold. Remember the date, Saturday, August 2, 1913. Sale begins at 10 am. ; . Ialso want to buy 50 head of mules from 4 to 10 years old; 13 to 14 hands high for the mines. i.i that he was equally ' The trial jury in Superior court in Swain county found both Mr and Mrs. Wells guilty, and sen' tenced each to serve two years in the penitentiary. Each made bond and appealed to the Sup reme Court. ,About a month ago the Supreme court affirmed both sentences, and when the officers! went to look for the pair it was found that Mrs. Wells had for feited her bod and left. Mr. Wells. announced himself ready to serve his sentence, but his attorneys gave notice of petition for pardon and Governor Craig granted him a 30-day re spite to secure the petition. This petition was presented to Gover- . it ii nor craiir .vesieraay, ana me governor declined to issue exe cutive clemency. .Mr. Wells will be taken to Raleigh next Wednesday. The prisoner, who is white- haired and feeble, is a former resident of Buncombe county and is well known here. He served one term in the general assembly as representative from Buncombe and was 'one of the electors-at-large at the Jirae of the election of Grover Cleveland. Sunday Citizen. s . A CALL MEETING. There will be a call meeting of the F.,E. C. U. of Madison Coun ty August 4th all Locals are re quested to send a full delegation. H. D. SMITH, lJres. insisted guilty. A Ginseng ifatch mat is a ratcn. i r Mr. R. M. Gahagan of Allan- -1 stand N. C, has a ginseng patch, of about two and one half acres the seng is growing in the foods' the seng is transplanted in rpwsj on an average of about 6 inches? in the Irill and the rows are a- bout throe feet apart, the seng in this field ranges from three to ten years old, and is kept as' nicely cultivated a the up to-date gardener would keep his garden. Mr. Gahagan says that he now has enough plants to transplant about three acres. At a low cs, timate Mr. Gahagan could now dig from his sang Ifield at least from 18 to 20 thousand dollars of sang and then not dig any uuder five years old.- It is a show for any one to see. Mr. Gahagan is a genial, court eous gentleman and will take a great pleasure in showing any. one over his sang paicn, anu telling them how to cultivate it. But woe unto the man who visits this natch alone, as it. is kept strictly and closely guard -ed. There is a cabin built in the center of (his patch, and a faith ful watchman is kepi constantly on the job, night and day, and as his companions he ke keeps a vicious bull dog and a Winches ter rifle, but in these are meant no harm. Tbey areonly to serve. as a warning to those who are disposed to purloin some of the sang. .., y ltespct. J. Will .Roberts. A '.: