A. Y J.. MAnisOM miTMTV Dirmnrk EsQdished June '28, 1901. . J he TJ EGOM JAe Medium. I rKJtwui JJKOAD NEWS, Through which you rtach the Established May .16', 1907. ' ' 5 people of Madison County. ' ' J . I Advertising Rates on Application. wwwwwwwvwwwwwvwv THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY, z v i . m r .4 :.:: - v - - $ Consolidated : : Not. 2nd, 1911. J 1 '" . , ,' VOL. XV DIRECTORY. , Madison county. Established by the legislature ses- Population,, 20, 132. , County seat, Marshall. , 1650 feet above sea level, ' v New and modern court house, cost C33.000.00. ' '; ; New and modern jail, cost 115,000. New county home, cost 110,000.00. ooaty Offkcra. ' Hon. O. B Mashburn. Senator, m.h . District, Marshall.-. . u ' j Hon. J. E. Rector. . HenrORnnttttlvo I Hot Springs. N. C. - N,B. McDevltt. Clerk Sunarinr court. Marshall. , , . W. II. Buckner, Sheriff, Marshall. Z. G. Sprinkle, Register of Deeds, Marshall. , ' CP. Runnion, Treasurer, Marshall , N.C., R. F. D. No. 4.. ; : R,. L. Tweed, Surveyor, White Rock Dr. J. H. Baird, Coroner, Mars Hill Mrs. Eliza Henderson, jailer, Mar shall. " ', ' ' , ' John Honeycutt, Janitor, Marshall ur. sprinkle, County Physi cian, Marshall. ;-'.; James Eaynie. Supt. county home. " Marshall. ' ,. Courts u Followti September let, 1913 (2) November 10th, 1913. (2) j ' , -. March 2nd, 1914, (2). June 1st, 1914 (2). Sept. 7th. 1914, (2). .',- R. R. Reynolds, Solicitor, Ashevllle jn. u. Fall Term Judge Frank carter, Ashevllle. '!. 1914, Spring Term Judge M. H Justice, Rutherforcjton, N.- C. V Fall Term Judge E. B. Cline, of itlckory, N. C. County CofflnilitiJnfi, W. C. Sprinkle, chairman. Marshall K. A. Kawards. member, Marshall, K. f ber, Big laurel, N. Ct . ' J. Coleman Ramsey, atty., Manshall. I v Road CommtMlonari, 'Frank Roberts, chalrmsn, Marshal). I J. K. Wilson, secretary, route 2. Mar- .Highway Commlitlon, F. Sheltoti, President, Marshall. Guy V. Roberts, " Geo. W. Wild, , Big Pine. N. C. ' ... w .,, uvv .ugo, Joe S. Brown. Waverlv. ...... f Board of Bduoatlon, Jasper Ebbs, Chairman, Spring Creek, N. C. , John Robert Sams, roem. Mars H1H, N. C. W R. Sams, mem. Marshall j Teachers Meeting Held at Chappel Hill. MARSHALL, MADISON, COUNTy, N, C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th 1913., Paint Fork News. Editor of News-Recoard: The first teachers .meetinir for the Laurel District composed of town ship Nor 10 and 2. met at Ch iiiu baturday, Oct. 11, 1913 rVL .. ... . . . j.ue luuowimr teacnnrs warn School Law Amended; Below is a copy of aa act of the legislature amendinsr the compul sory school law, as affectinff the counties of Madison and Avery compelling the attendance of child ren between theses of eight and lourtecn years and applyinsr to children not regularly employed present. A. C. Coats, Bie Laurel. JameJ.W1,Ureo "ot reBU,a,'ly emI,,0-Ve(1 Wallin. Chaooel Hill.- f1hnnl oelween 1116 RSea of 'ourteoa' and Tweed, Alleirhanv. S Pi. seventeen- years. Ihis is a Cood ' law and ought to bo enforced to - tm. A I j M uiiiii v III! M. nnurapD i Creelc. ' Richard Fmnklin. - n:, the letter' That big . gawky : bo.r Laurel Seniinftrr. F.ll , Vi.l thflt ,a's aroun(1 and does nothing - ' I I nnrl ... I . n I aim miu i mac ii l men t to compulsory school law. which I have passed for Mwlisnn County no doubt .vour readers would bo interested in it. It is now the law. ' 1 jamp:s e. hector. Good Bye "Bill" L. D. Edwards the local trav eling man was calling on our merchants last week. I Rev. Hatley, preached an able sermon to a large audience at oar place Sunday. Supt. Anders; was-visiting the , In every home there there should be a bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery, ready for Immediate use when any member of the family contract, & cold or a cough. PromDt uaa will stop the spread of sickness. S, A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., writes: "My whole family depends uoon Dr. KW New DJscovery aa the best cough and cold medioine in the world. Two COc bottles cured me of . nnnumnni. Middle Laurel OHe Rice, Revere, Maymie Williams, .... Belva. Alia Fair Chandler, Revere, Nora S Ward rep, Carmen, The, following-questions were discussed. The : attendance in school, Opening exercis in school, Punishment in school.', r got . ambition enough to learn to write a decent letter will have Jto'ao to schoo or go to work. . Too, that orettv little woman weigted down with bangs and frills and powders and paint will have to give ud her idle dreams and get .busy, either in the school room or some where Pt-rtf A nrlana 1.1. i I I " ivii . liiiir. i n uiivn i.iii. pyi'ii.rv i the first threa chapters in everv e' . ' XM Xi l ss ,nto " etfect day problems of. teaching and au tdU'v.nrs Ane only m.s- outline in course of study, for the ta,ke 13 lfc was not effectivc next meeting to be held at Chan- wl" t,fie . C ' p1 Hill n K, fi 1Q14' a Din to be entitled an Act to . ii nt . , i nujenu vuupLer i0 or Jt'UUJlC i" ', ? : I!"" : -lon ..ineteen hundred Oo.-,1 l..ve .Snizor. We nil nd- miretl ,voo; wis n!l believed in you'; .you had 8oine good people fooled; you even had the great wiiiiuoncr rooied. l ou were a politinnn of strength and po wer. The , people honored vou; thii made .you the gorernor of the greatpst state in the American Kephblic. Through the political heavens you rushed like a flaming meteor. You were almost ' in reach of the presidency of this eput lie but while you soed on school of this section last week: Thous4nd of other families have been . I An... nil. 1 n . . . ne left a good Impression on all r1Ud'"-v uenenii.ea ana depend entire- who met him. We hope he will 1! B1 8 5 5 n'U' ... I lUDff troll hi OM Vvafv our writer attended the teach- Price 50o- and 11.00. ah ,irff ! era meeting held at California Saturday and had a good time. The treat of the day was Prof til . uucKner teaching his class in Orthography. , Quite anumber of teachers was present who acted as critics; all agreed that it was a day well spent. ' The Pair at Asheville is draw- H. E. Bucklln & Co. St. Louis. Philadelphia or Quick your suimng career the gravity of B 'rge crowas trom '"is sec- illegal and corrupt cain null tlon tni3 week. you f to the earth. You were " aint b 0l'k School is still hold- Wrecked on the sandbars of an inga good crowd of students uu 1 t considerinar thn hns c - MV vwmi jum iuliil'SI " - J wwu are soilocl,your hands are uncleaff mvn rarmers but one in the District. r J. WINSTON RICE BUM of Ohio, city of Toledo, I" Iiuoaa County. r .i-Ii?! that he la 9-.loln.T bulne In the Cltjr of To. ltr.1' .r.uSly an.?. Btat0. aioresald. and ry case of Catarrh that cannot be cu?& by the use of HALL'S CATAfiRH CURB. 1 ctlANK. J, CHENEY. ' ?o n uweuy myre-aenceTthii 6ul day Ztv?b m"ea 'W (ltJin(r t the end of . (Sean . 1 !itv. nr.w.Aafwr notary jrubiia thirteen, entitled, ' An' Act to Make School Attendance Com pulsory." - ,.' , The'General Assembly of North Oirolina do enact; . " , Sdclion. 1, That section 'one 73 of public Laws. session of nineteen,, hundred thir teen, be and the same is herein- The aspirants to the Post f)f. fice at Ivy are hurtling around at t us wilting. With success to the editor and his paper. HARKKR. TTaTT rlfWV tl.-a. I at .l -T.e .Tin B.ftm d MAtl linn th - - vwaj uvuil tilD uiuuu mill Illlla ;..? "urfce of the system. $end for P. J. CHBNBT tt CO.. Toledo, a BaU'a FanUy fun for consUpatloa. Good News from Cross Rock Cross Rock, N. C Oct. 6th, 1913 ways finds home. i a welcome Ini our Respectfully, " J. P. GLANCE. C. B. DAVIS FroT. It. IJ. Andfirn. 1 .. .', 'k Sunerlntendent of Scbciola. Marshall. News-Record Board meets first Monday in January. You will find enclosed $1.00 April, July, and October each year, for which please send me The school and coiia;ea. J News-Record ; again. We . are , Mars, Hiir . College, Prof. E. L. getting hungry for the news and irTo , u;ir can,t jo without it. it ai becliis Januarv 2nd 1914. 1 Spring Creek High School.' Prof i R, O. Edwards: - PrinciDal. SDrihi Creek. . 8 mos school, opens Aug. 1st Madison Seminary 'High ' School, Prof. G. C. Brown, principal. 7 mos school. . .;.-. Bell Institute, Margaret E. Grif fith, principal, Walnut, N, C. Marshall Academy, Prof. S. Boland Williams, principal, 8 mos. school Opens August 4tb,, r- NotaiV Publlos. v - J. C. Itamsey, Marshall, Term ex pires Jauuary 1st, 1914. W. O. Connor, Mars Hill, Term XDlres Nov. 27th 1914. ' - ' D. P. Miles, Barnard, Term expires March 14th, 1914. . J. A., Wallin, Big Laurel, Term ATnlren Jan. 9.ith. TP.14. 1 , . f J. O, Kamsey, Marshall. Route 4 ' Term expires March 16tb, 1914. v J. E. Gregory, Joe, N. C. Term ex , pires January 7tn, am. I ? ' .' " ... V - Jasper Ebbs, Spring Creek. N. 0, I Term expires September "24th 1914, ! J H Hunter, Marshall, Boute 3, 1 Term expires April 1st 1915, j J W elson, Marshall Term ex slrps Miiv 14. 191A T B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex pires February 7th 1915. Cratr Kamsey, ue"vere. Term ex pires March 19, 1915, y . $T. W. Anderson, Paint Fork, Te!ta expires May 19, 1914 C C. BrOwn, Bluff, Tern expires December 9th, 1914. 5 " ' W. T. Davis, Hot Springs. ; Term expires January 22nd 1015. " ' Foet. ' '. George W. Gahagan Post, ,; No. 38, 3. A. B. T. J. Bice, Commander; J H. Ballard, Adjutant. MeeU at the said section the following: "And ...11 ; , 1 '. . . proviaea ruruier that ; the period of compulsory attendance sbn be in force and apply between the ages of eight and fourteen Madison and Avery counties: and all children in said counties lie 1 ll. Ik M . - t twceii tiio ages or lourtecn and seventeen, who have not oomnlet ed the cfturse of "study being taught in their resnective free, scliool districts and are not rcu larly employed, shall ba snhiWt. to all the provisions of this act." Section. ,2. vThatth is act shall apply to Madison and Averv coun- ties only. ' ' , Section. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force f 1 and after the first uav of Jnlir. 1914. The above is a copy of amend and your light has forever irone out., Your pockets bulged in the dark with money 'you embezzled. You have played a crooked game and justice has tracked you down. Tammany may be corrupt and Murphy may be a crook but who are you to tell the plain people of FOR SALE iiie iViiiLT'ican republic of crooked fsl n..oc, .inoiin . !' 1 11 . . "u uii ine waters uv;iiriiii: in mini n acesr ir iPUf P i . , . '.. ,, . ' Ul 1 'tK.oiiuiu, joins k. s. and T. c,urtl,.;allycor.v.ctsyou yoU;a.eLv. J.;imsCiV)J. B BaIJi and you are gone ana if a mistrial re suits you are gone. I can almost Help to Backache and Rheumatism. The man or woman who mnu quick help from backache tism. will find It In Folev'a Pills. .They act so auicklv. with snp.h good effect that weak. inactlv k!,ina that do not keep the blood clean and iree or impurities, are toned up and strengthend to healthy vigorous ac tion. Good results follow their use promptly. For sale by Dr. . E. Bur nett, Mars Hill, N. : . NORTH CAROLINA, i MADISON COUNTY; In the Superior Court Novemi.i. Term 1913, Lakle Fox . . Jesso Fox J . er8v"-4.?rass.enouo'l ta .nuctmu :5 head of young cattle, fresh imagine I hear you exclaim, in the sowed grass. Price $1000 00 cash ljeld " the 1; lanungo of one of EnglanJsfavo- ' Grst Mnday In rite bards: "Shall I kill myself? r f'm0 if Purred. Court House of wuuii(i,,oT I ' . shall, North Cai What help in that? I cannot kill my sin. If Sou be soul, nor can I kill my shame. No, nor by livinc can I live it down; The days will grow to weeks, the weeks to J. J. Moore. K-5 Marshall, N. C. months, the months will add them- Lc ru J. selves and make tluv . vears and T"E. N0FJ" CAROLINA of ptate iNormal and mine will ever be a .nnmn Industrial College The defendant above named will takii notice that an action entitled abovo has been commenced in tho Su- perim- (Jourtof Madison Couhtv t,(. nK. tain divorce, and the said. deemit wiu.iurtjti.er take. noUce. that hp i quiMd to appear at the term of the Superior Courtof said County to he held on tho 13th Mondav aft.ir thn March 1913, at the said County in War- Caaolina. and answer or demur to the complaint In said act ion er the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. , This the 15th day of September 1913. 1 , N. B. McDEVITT,, (Clerk Superior Court 19-26-3-10. Oct. scorn lint it may bo your conscience . , , . . does not bother you since the good lSSS Llltr uiuuu ,yuu unutj uoro was only a I ""XJ icaum tu uerees. special mere mask - of hinocracv. Goorl twTi, lT:. An. H .t0 ..vvW .uneawi in You are not so old w session Degms'Septem bye "Bill.' but that you can reform but "the M161" Information, address paths of glory" tread again, you will never x JULIUS I. FOUST. President, , Greensboro. N. C. Henry A;' Johnston, a businessman of L'Ans-?, Mich., writes: "For years Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs and colds has been our family medicine. We give it.to our children who like item account of its pleasant taste. It is a safe cure for couerhs and colds. " It contains no opiates. For Sale by Dr. I. E. Burnett. Mars Hill, N. C. SELL J. DUDLEY Vueruthwg acco WITH Hi n formerly of Asheville, N.C.. Now with ...Planter's Ware House, DANVILLE, VA. WTould advise you to Grade your Tobacco before Shipping - DAVIS & DUDLEY. Tt? r. urt House Saturday before the seo-J t f - ., ; ":'"-vA,'''A""A 1 Sunday in woh xnaath at 11 10 M """""""" rt At Nelson's MY STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Underwear FOR Men, Women and Chil dren , Is the most complete of any in Marshall. , ---Choice Line of CLOTHING en an ois '1 I am expecting in the next few days a large , shipment of Overcoats, Rain coats, Slickers, and Sweaters. All prices, colors and Styles.