PARROT '( CHAPTER I. East la East It began somewhere In the middle of the world, at a forlorn landing on the west bank of the muddy, turbu- lent Irrawaddy, remembered by man only ao often as it was necessary for the flotilla boat to call for paddy, a visiting commissioner anxious to get way, or a family homeward bound Oa the east side of the river, over there, was a semblance of civilization That is to say, men wore white linen, avoided murder, and frequently paid their gambling debts. But on this west side stood wilderness, not the kind one reads about as being eventu ally conquered by white men; no, the real grim desolation, where the ax eats but leaves no blaze, where the pioneer disappears and few or none follow. It was not the wilderness of the desert, of the jungle; rather the tragic, hopeless state of a settlement that neither progressed, retarded nor stood still. Between the landing and the settle ment itself there stretched a winding road, arid and treeless, perhaps two miles In length. It announced dell nltely that its end was futility. The dust hung like a fog above It, not only for this day, but for all days between the big rains. When the gods, or the elements, or Providence, arranged the world as a fit habitation for man, In dia and Burma were made the dust bins. And as water finds its levels, so will dust, earthly and human, the quick and the dead. Along the road walked two -men, phantomlike. One saw their heads dimly and still more dimly their bodies to the knees; of legs there was noth ing visible. Occasionally they stepped aside to permit some bullock cart to pass. One of them swore, not with any evidence of temper, not viciously, bnt in a kind of mechanical protest, which, from long usage, had become a habit He directed these epithets never at anything be could by mental or physical contest overcome. He swore at the dust, at the beat, at the wind, at the sun. The other wayfarer, with the Inher ent patience of his blood, said nothing and waited, setting down the heavy kit bag and the canvas valise (his own). When the way was free again he would sling the kit bag and the valise over his shoulder and step back Into the road. His turban, once white, was brown with dust and sweat. His khaki uniform was rent and the rag ged canvas shoes spurted little spirals of dnst as he walked. James Hooghly was Eurasian; half European, half In dian, having his place twixt heaven and bell, which Is to say, nowhere. He was faithful, willing and strong; and u a carrier of burdens took unmur muringly bis place beside the tireless bollock and the elephant He was a Methodist; why, no one could find lu-1 eld answer. By dint of inquiry his master had learned that James looked anon his baptism and conversion in Methodism as a corporal would have looked upon the acquisition of a V. C. Twice, during fever and plague, he bad saved bis master's life. With the gallelessness of the Oriental he con sidered himself responsible for his master in all future times. :. Instead of paying off a debt he had acquired one. Treated as he was, kindly but always firmly, he would have surrendered his life cheerfully at the beck of the white , Warrington was an American, He was also one of those men who never teld misfortune In contempt, whose outlook wherever it roamed was tol erant He had patience for the weak, resolution for the strong and a fear less amiability toward all. . He was like the St Bernard dog, very diffi cult to arouse. It is rather the way with all men who are strong mentally and physically. He was tall and broad and deep. Under the battered pith helmet his face was as dark as the Eurasian's; but the eyes were blue, bright and small pu piled, as they are with men who live out of doors, who are compelled of necessity to note things moving at distances. The nose, was . large and well .defined. . All framed in a tangle of blond beard and mustache which, if anything, added to the general manliness of his ap pearance. He, too, wore khaki, but with the addition of tan riding leg gings, which had seen anything but rockinghorse service. The man was yellow from the top of his helmet to the soles of his shoes outside. For the rest he was a mystery, to James, to all who thought they knew him, and most of all to himself. A pariah, an outcast fugitive from the bloodless hand of the law; a gentleman born, once upon a time a clubman, college bred; a contradiction, a puzzle for which there was not any solution, not oven in the hidden corners of the miss's heart His name wasnt War rl ";oa; and he had rubbed elbows wl.i V o dregs of humanity, and still lx ; 1 you straight In the eye because la I 1 come through infarno without 1 " ' j any of tie foZl'.zg s'.'.JX I i f :e ta t'T.e be p'jsei to re- r . i ' r j ct T"' t Copyrif M hr the Bobbs-sIsrriU Company the tang of the smoke on his tongue; was noi 10 do ueniea. Under his arm he carried a small iron cage, patterned something like a rat trap. It contained a Rajputana parrakeet, not much larger than a robin, but possessor of a soul as fierce as that of Palladln, minus, however. the smoothing Influence of chivalry, He had been born under the eaves of the scarlet palace in Jaipur (so his history ran); but the proximity of In dian princes bad left him untouched; he had neither chivalry, politeness, nor diplomacy. He was, in fact, thor oughly and consistently bad. Round and round he went, over and over, top side, down side, restlessly. For at this moment he was hearing those familiar evening sounds which no bo- man ear can discern the mutterings of the day birds about to seek cover for the night In the field at the right of the road stood a lonely tree. It was covered with brilliant scarlet leaves and blossoms, and Justly the natives call it the Flame of the Jungle. A flock of small birds were gyrating above it "Jah, Jah. jah! Jah Jah Ja-a-a-h!" cried the parrot, Imitating the Bur mese bell gong that calls to prayer. Instantly he followed the call with a shriek so piercing as to sting the ear of the man who was carrying blm. "You little son of a gun!" he laughed; "where do yon pack away all that noise?" There was a strange bond between the big yellow man and this little green bird. The bird did not suspect it, but the man knew. The pluck, the pugnacity and the individuality of the feathered comrade had been an object lesson to the man, at a time when he had been on the point of throwing up the fight "Jah, Jah, jah! Jah Jah ja-a-a-h P The bird began Its interminable som ersaults, pausing only to reach for the tantalizing finger of the man, who laughed again as he withdrew the digit in time. For six years he had carried the bird with him, through India and Bur ma and Malacca, and not yet had he won a sign of surrender. There were many scars on his forefingers. It was amazing. With one pressure of his hand he could have crushed out the life of the bird, but over its brave, un conquerable spirit he bad no power. And that is why he loved it Far away in the past they had met He remembered the day distinctly and bitterly. He had been on the brink of self-destruction. Fever and poverty and terrible loneliness- had battered and beaten him flat into the dust, from which this time he had no wish to rise. He had walked out to the railway station at Jaipur to wit ness the arrival of the tourist train from Ahmadabad.' The natives surged about the train, with brassware, an tique articles of warfare, tiger bunt ing knives (accompanied by perennial fairy tales), skins and silks. There were beggars, boly men, guides and fakirs. Squatted in the dust before the door of a first-class carriage was a solemn, brown man, In turban and clout, exhib iting performing parrots. It was Ra jah's turn. He fired a cannon, turned somersaults through a little steel hoop, opened a tiny chest, took out a four-anna piece, carried it to bis mas ter, and in exchange received some seed. Thereupon he waddled resent fully back to the Iron cage, opened the door, closed It behind him, and began to mutter belligerently: War rington haggled for two straight hours. When he returned to his sordid, evil Smelling lodgings that night he pos sessed the. parrot and four rupees, and sat up the greater part of the night trying to make the bird perform hjs tricks. The idea of suicide no longer bothered him; trifling though it was, he bad found an interest In life. And on the morrow came the Eurasian, who trustfully loaned Warrington ev ery coin that he could scrape together. Often, in the dreary heart-achy days that followed, when weeks passed ere he saw the face of a white man, when he had to combat opium and bhang and laziness In the natives under him, the bird and. his funny tricks had saved him from whisky, or worse. In camp he gave Rajah much freedom. Its wlsgs being clipped; and nothing pleased the little rebel so much as to claw his way up to his master's shoulder, , sit there and watch the progress of the razor, with Intermit tent "Jawing" at his own reflection In the cracked hand mirror. Up and down the Irrawaddy, at the resthouses, on the boats, to those of a Jocmlar turn of mind the three were known as "Parrot It Co." Warring ton's amiability often misled the vari ous scoundrels with whom he was at times forced to associate. A man who smiled most of the time and talked Hindustani to a parrot was not to be accorded much courtesy; until one day Warrington had settled all distinctions, finally and primordlaliy, with the square of his flats. - After teat be wer.t ca fci$ way unmolested, t-jvlnj soun.ry to!??ieed one of t s tv-'-t I.".: i l.i t" j t ak tlH.Lr J! i tt I s. I 1 1 ' 1 t f ' ; 1 s t ' 1 1 c " by HAROLD MACGRATH ' AUTHOR OF" . " .. . "THE CARPET FROM ' BAGDAD' "THE PLACE OF HONEYMOONS," ETC. 1 fldences to exchange; nor did he offer to become the repository, of other men's pasts. But he would share his bread and his rupees, when he had them, with any who asked. , Many tried to dig Into his past but he was as unresponsive as granite. It takes a woman to find out what a man is and has been, and Warrington went about women in a wide circle. In a way he was the most baffling kind of a mystery to those who knew him; he frequented the haunts of men, took a friendly drink, played cards for small sums, laughed and jested like any other anchorless man. In the East men are given curious names. They become known by phrases, such as. The Man Who Talks, Mr. Once Upon a Time, The One-Rupee Man, and the like. As Warrington never received any mail, as he never entered a hotel, nor spoke of the past, he be came The Man Who Never Talked of Home. - ': "I say, James, old sport, no more going up and down this bally old river. We'll go on to Rangoon tonight If we can find a berth." "Yes, sahib; this business very piffle," replied the Eurasian without turning his head. Two things he dearly loved to acquire a bit of American slang and a bit of English silver. He was Invariably changing rupees into shillings, and Warrington could not convince him that he was always losing in the transaction. They tramped on through the dust The sun dropped. A sudden chill be gan to penetrate the haze. - The white man puffed his cheroot, its , wrapper dangling; the servant bummed an Urdu lullaby; the parrot' complained unceasingly. ' Warrington laughed arid shdok the dust from his beard. "It's a great world, James, a great, wonderful world. I've Just two rupees myself. In other words we are busted." - - "Two rupees!" James paused and turned. "Why, sahib, you have three hundred thousand rupees in .- your pocket" "But not worth an anna until I get to Rangoon. Didn't those duffers give you anything for handling their lug gage the other day?' ;J "Not a pice, sahib." " ' :: "Rotters I It takes an Englishman to turn a small trick like that Well, well; there were extenuating circum stances. They bad sore heads. No man likes to pay three hundred thou sand for something he could have bought for ten thousand. And I made them come to me, James, to ma. I made them come to this, god forsaken hole, just because it pleased my fancy. I believe I'm beaven born, after all. The Lord hates a quitter, and so do L I nearly quit myself, once;' eh, Rajah, old top? But I made them come to me. Thafs the milk In the cocoanut, the curry on the rice. They almost had me. Two rupees! t It truly is a great world." "Jah, Jah, jah! Jah Jah Jab ja-a-a-h!" screamed the parrot "Cha- loo!" . "Go on! That's the ticket If I were a praying man this would be the time for it Three hundred thousand rupees!" The man looked at the far horizon, as If he would force his gaze beyond, Into the delectable land, the Eden out of which he had been driven. "James, I owe you three hundred ru pees, and I am going to add seven hundred more. ' We've been fighting this old top for six years together, and you've been a good servant and a good friend; and I'll take you with me as far as this fortune will go, If you say the word." V :v V- M1'-' "Ah, sahib, I am much sorry. But Delhi calls, and I go. A thousand ru pees will make much business for me in the Chandney Chowk." Presently they became purple shades in a brown world. " CHAPTER II. , ; ;', M A Man With a Past The oriental night air was stiiiess. It was without refreshment; it became a labor and not an exhilaration to breathe It A pall of suffocating dust rolled above and about the Irrawaddy flotilla boat which, buffeted by the strong, Irregular current, strained at its cables, now at the bow, now at the stern, not dissimilar to the test rock ing of a deserted swing. This sensa tion was quite perceptible to the girl who leaned over the bow rail, her handkerchief pressed to her nose, and gazed interestedly at the steep bank, up and down which the sweating coo lies swarmed like Gargantuan rats. A dozen torches were stuck Into, the ground above the crumbling ledge; she saw the flames as one sees a burning match cupped in a smoker's hands, shedding light upon nothing save that which stands Immediately behind It She choked a little. Her eyes snort ed. Her lips were slightly cracked, and cold-cream seemed only to provila a surer resting place for the tar v ble dust It had penetrated thr. i wool end i:no s"l s"X !:! 'r, ; 1 t'.l t" ree t-' a a C y 1 -1 l v ' a r t :" r ' ' t) ' , drink from the old cold pure spring at home! Tea, so (fee, and bottled soda; nothing that ever touched the thirsty spots In her throat - She looked up at the stars and they looked down upon her, but what she asked 4hey could not. would not an swer. Night ' after night . she bad asked, and night after night they had only twinkled as of old. She had trav eled now for four months, and still the doubt beset Mr. It was to bo a leap in the dark, with no one to tell, her what wat on the other side. But why this insistent doubt?! Why could she not Lake the leap gladly, aa a woman should who had given the affirmative to a man? With him she was certain that she loved him, away from hip she did not know what sentiment really abided In her heart She was wise enough to realize that something was wrong; and there were but three months between ber and the Inevitable decision. Never before had she known other than momentary indecision; and it Irked her to find that her clarity of vision was fallible and human like the rest of her.- The truth was, she didn't know her mind. She shrugged, and the movement stirred the dust that had gathered opon her shoulders. "A rare old lot of dust; eh. Miss Chetwood? I wish we could travel by night, but you can't trust this bloom ing old . Irrawaddy after sundown. Charts are so much waste-paper." "I never cease wondering how those poor coolies can carry those heavy rice bags," she replied to the .purser. "Oh, they are used to It" carelessly. The great gray stack of paddy-bags seemed, In the eyes of the girl, fairly to melt away. "By Jove!" exclaimed the purser. "There's Parrot ft Co.!" He laughed and pointed toward one of the torches. "Parrot ft Co.? I do not under stand." "That big blond chap behind the fourth torch. Yes, there. Sometime I'll tell you about blm. Picturesque duffer." She could have shrieked aloud, but all she did was to draw In ber breath with a gasp that went so deep It gave 'Two Rupeesl" James Paused and Turned. her heart a twinge. Her fingers tight ened upon the teak rail. Suddenly she knew, and was ashamed of her weak ness. It was simply a remarkable likeness, nothing more than that; It could not possibly be anything more. Still, a ghost could not have startled her as this living man had done. "Who is he?" . "A chap named Warrington. But over here that signifies nothing; might just as well be Jones or Smith or Brown. , We call him Parrot ft Co. He's always carrying that Rajputana parrot ' You've seen the kind around the palaces and forts; saber-like wings, long tall-feathers, green and blue and scarlet and the ugliest little rascals going. This one is trained to do tricks." , "But the man!" Impatiently.- , . (TO BE CONTINUED.) v ,'t FOUR PERIODS OF TRANSITION George's Looks, Front the Introduction to Adored One to the End of v the Honeymoon.; "'He is a remarkably plain young man,' she wrote In her diary the first day she met him. 'He has rather an ln terestlng face,' she said to ber mamma a month later as she decked ber apricot-colored tea gown with the William-Allen-Rlchardsons that he bad just sent her. "J':.,."'':'.' '';.;'v"' "When she wrote to her best friend to give the news of her engagement she expressed herself thus: ' 'He has not the regular featured dollish, good looks I have always hated In men. He has a, strong, characterful face and magnificent eyes.' "'You loveliest one!' she sighed, aa she poured out bis tea at the third breakfast of the honeymoon. 1 could sit and look at you forever.' "Six months later, she observed ta ber husband: I don't know whether you're aware of It George, but your hair's getting most frightfully thin on the top, and you're Just about the last man In the universe that can afford to go bald.' "A man's looks must not be judged by appearances." From "Stories Without Tears," by Carry Pain. ; . Knew His Buslnrns.' "George," she asked, as tbsy round ed the bend, "is your watch correct?" "Yes," replied Georga, with a merry lausb," "It Is kefr'r.g tetter time e'-ce I tut ycr r -s t "a V c " "CXy"'i 2" ' '1 I ir.'l : It;?1 j i j , i ' s I - ' s 1 : c I HOW TO STOP DANDFIUFF m' j AtaUOSS OF HAIR Here Is a simple, inexpensive treat ment that will almost, always stop dandruff and scalp Itching, and keep the hair thick, live and lustrous: At night, spread the hair apart and rub a little realnol ointment into the scalp gently, with the tip of the finger. Re peat this until the whole scalp has been treated. ' Next morning,' shampoo thoroughly with reslnol soap and hot water. Work the creamy-reslnol lather well into the scalp. Rinse with grad ually cooler water, the last water be ing cold. Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap 'are sold by all druggists. Adv.. " 'Thumb-Print Fantasia. "You seem very much Interested In those thumb-print records," commenc ed the man at police headquarters, "Yes," answered the visitor. "I can't help feeling the greatest curi osity about how one of those things would sound' if you put it on a phono graph and played It" Defined. "Harold says he worships me." "A mere Idol remark." Baltimore American. c ' t" ""0 ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AwtfttaMe Preparation for As similatirrg rheFoodandRefiula ttng the Stomach and Boweb of Promotes Digelion,Cheerful nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic. Arjw tTOU DrSAMVUffTttEX i frJMfr f -1 Anprfrri Remedv forConstloa lion . Sour Stomach,Diarrh6ea, WoirW.Convulsions.Feverisn mss and Loss OF Sleep. facsimile SigTiaturt o 'f The Centaur CompahtV NEW YORK, Exact Copy of Wrapper. c His Tour. "That man never seems to stay long at any one place. . What Is he do ing, anyway?" "He is helping to take a census of the birds." : "Oh, that accounts for his being con stantly on the wing." ' r ONLY A FEW. PIMPLES But Many More May; Come If You Neglect Them. Try Cutieura Free. " Cutieura Soap and , Ointment are most effective In clearing the skin of pimples, blackheads, redness, rough ness, Itching and irritation as well as freeing the scalp of dandruff, dryness and itching, besides satisfying every want of the toilet and, nursery. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutieura, Dept. Y, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. v : Unlesa a man can see a slight Im provement in himself k if a impossible to make him believe the world ; is growing better. : ' ':' : . : Every man is capable of doing' his best and he should always do It ; Pity is akin to love, but a girl Is nev er willing to accept It as a substitute. 11! CALOMEL DIESIOU M: Jusf Once! v Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Eiiicus, Const! . pated, Headachy Don't Lose a Day's Work. - Ltven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, danger jus calomel, becaussi it makes yon tick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. ' That's when you teal that awful nausea and crarrp&g. , ;; ., Listen to nre! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel clo&riB'ns you ever experienced Just t ' a a f;3cr.rl cf taralefi Dodson's i:--'T T;"i. Tf r "'.-!et or CstX-.t i 'j jii a tJ c t to:...s cf EoZioz'i I'. ?7, n ' ;r;i r: li;: Answer (1:3 Mzrzil A bad back makes a day's work twics as bard. Backache usually cornea from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizzi neat or urinary diaorderi are added, don't wait get help before dropsy, gravel or Bright's diaeaM est ia. Doan'f Kidney Pills have brought new life and new. strength to thousands of working men and women. Used and recommend ed the world over. ( A South Carolina Case TwnrttnUh I VT.' Garrison, U10 bV Main fit. An daraon, S. 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Charles Glse, a building contractor of Tork, Pa., resorted to a novel method to save himself from shoking to death when a piece of meat lodged in his throat Realizing that be would choke before a physician could ar rive, Olese grasped a dipper with- a curved handle and dislodged the im pediment, but, lacerated his - throat considerably. 1 -' . - NOTHING 80 EFFECTIVE AS ELIXOI BABEK For Malaria, Chills Ferer. Chief of Police, i. W. Reynolds, Newport News, Va., aays : It la a pleasure to recommend Babe a; for Chills and Ferer. BaTensedltwhen neceaaarjr for SO jears and hare found no remedy aeeffeetlTe." Itllxtr 1 belt 50 cents, all druK fista, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Ktocsew aid Co., 'Washington. D. 0. A Oood More UabekEJver Pills. - -M pills - SS oantai What a great and glorious thing It would be if some enterprising man would get busy and corner the trou ble market ' If, as reported, the cost of living has increased 50 per cent in ten years, a dead man ought to be In a position . to save a lot of money. Nightly eoughing and .torturing throat tickle quicklf relieved by Dean's Mentho lated Cough Drops 6c at all Druggists. . A self-made man Is often the only one Satisfied with the job. - ' back guarantee that each, spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. . ' Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next mom-' ing, because you will wake up feel ing fine, your liver will be workln", your headache and dizziness got. your stomach will be sweet and yr ? bowe'a regular. p'V ,: ' Do'joo's Liver . Tone is r ' ves-ir-.tle,- therefore) here.: t 1 caanct atUvateV- CIve it t j; ? tL3 Cm. i:i"Jons of pi-:') rj filing I : i's Liver V. I : cf can---.:-,: cJomU . r . r Ca::;'ct v :i t .!! yea t" -1 ' " tf Ci!waJ ' li i.. t i tere. mm v J of ttjjy f ForOvor Thirty Years THt