7) - j www MADISON COUNTY RECORD, Established June 281901. , FRENCH BROAD NEWS, -, Established May 16, 1907. . Consolidated ! : Not. 2nd, 1911. n irtv rr-" tt f -7 Medium. A f H T. i! Through which you reach the j people of Madison County. . : : ; Advertising Rates on Application. j TKI ONLY NEWSPAPER PinlSl.ED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XVII MARSHALL. MADISON COUNTY, N, C, FRIDAY, JUNE 4th, 1915 NO 23. HP1U TTT7 l il Mi II JO V Ha-V L 1 DIRECTORY MADISON COUNTY. Established I y the legislature ses- Ion 1850-51. ; ' Potmlatlon, 20132. , County seat, Marshall. , , 16wj .eet above sea level. New and modern court house, cost 33,000.00. , ' . New and modern jail, oost 115,000. New county home, cost $10,000.00. ; County Officer!. Hon.J E. Llneback, Senator, 35th District, Elk Park Hon. Plato Ebbs, Kepresentatlve, Hoi Springs. NA . , W. .A. West. Clerk 0 Superior , Court. Marshall. ; ' Caney Ramsey, Sheriff, Marshall. James Smart, Register of Deeds Marshall. . " , C. F."Eunni?n, Treasurer, Marshall N.Ot HVF. T). No. 4. A; T. Chandley, Surveyor, Marshall N. O. . Dr. J. H. Halrd, Coroner, Mars Hill n. c v " ' W. J. Balding, Janitor, Marshall. Dr. Frank' Roberts, County, Physi cian, Marshall. Garfield Davis. SupU, county home. Marshall. Court at Folio wi ' September 1st, 1915 (2) November in. I. "OIK 9 March'2nd. 1U5, (2). June 1st, 1915 (2). Sept." 7lh, 115,2). ' ' J. Ed. Swain, Solicitor, Ashevllle N.C.- 1915, Pall Term Judge Frank Carter, Ashe ville. ' . 1914,Sprlng Term Judge M. H. Justice, Rutherfordton, N C. Fall Term Judge E. B. Cline, of Hickory, N. C. .,'. ",:V - County cmmlMlonr . N.,B; McDevitUchaliman. Marshall J. E. Rector, member, , Marshall, B V. D. No. L . Anderson. Sliver, mem ber, vMaithall Eoutc 3 ' W.-fc.-Geoi,emberaTSHHl.-' C. Chaudiey,. White Rock. . r (" . P. A McElroy Co. ' Atty., Marshall. Highway eommlMloB F7 Shelton, President, Marshall. O.' V. Russell, ' '-. ; Bluff, N, C. "A. F Sprinkle, Mars Hill, p. C. Boid of Education. Jasper Ebbs,;. Chairman, Spring Creek, N. O. John Robert Sams, mem. Mars Hill, N. C. W R. Sams, mem. Marshall: fvot. B.- G. Anders, ' Superintendent of-Schools, Marshall. Board meets first Monday In Jarhiary. April, July, and October each year. " Schools mn&CiolHiBf Mars Hill College, Prof. R. l Moore, President. Fall'Term begins August 17th, 1913, and Spring Term begins January 2nd 1914. '. Soring Creek High School.. Prof. Jbi. L, 'Pleasants, Principal,. Spring Creek,' - 8 mos school ,'opens Aug. 1st Madison Seminary" High School, Prof. G. C.' Brown, principal., 1 mos. school." . . ' , x Bell Institute, Margaret E. Grlf fith, principal, Walnut, N. , , ? '; Marshall Academy, Prof. S. Roland Wllllams,v principal 8 mos. school.. ' Opens August 31, r ; Notary Putolloa,. . J. C. Ramsey, Marshall, Term ex plres Jauuary 6th, 1916.- - . Jasper Ebbs, Spring Creek. N. 0. Term expires January 6th ; 1915, J H Hunter J Marshall, Route 3. -Term expires April lstj 1915t J W Nelson, Marshall Term ex sires May 11, 1915 T B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex pires February 4th 1915.; , Craig Ramsey, Reyere, Term ex pires March 19, 1915, - - - ' : N. W. . Anderson, 'j Paint Fork, Term expires May 19, 1916. , , .V W. ,T- DavIs, Hot Springs, term expires January 22nd 1915. j?teve Rice, Marshall. Term ex pires Dec. 19th. 1915.' -' Ben W. Gahagan, Stackhouse, N. C. Term expiresDec. 20, 1915. J. F. -Tilson, Marshall, Route 2. Term expires Nov. 14thl915. t '( C. J. Ebbs, Marshall. Term ex pires April 25th, 1915. -, D. M. ' Ilarshburger, Stackhouse, Term expires January J6th. 1916. D. T. Miles, Barnard. Termexplres December, 23, 1916. ", ' ''-'. . W. B. r.ainspy; Marsaall. Term expires Oct. 4ih 1915. , , 1 - J, A. " Wallii, Big Laurel. Term ev;-lrcs Aug. blh, 1916. . . . C. C. Brown, BlufT: Terrei expire J: ry 9th 1911. North Carolina Counties and for Whom Named Odo of the many most interest ing features of the many of the North Carolina Hall of History is the collection of portraits of persons for whom the counties of North. Carolina were named. There arc 100 counties and eleven of these have Indian names; two are names of countries,' Scotland for that part of Great Br ittain anchpf Union . for the United States; one country, Transylvania is a latin name, - meaning across or beyond tho woods. Tor some months the collector of the Hall of History has been endeavoring to make as complete a collection of pictures as possi ble and- those- already secured have been placed in cases numbers 37, 38 and 40 in the eastern," Hall of History. These get a great deal of ' attention from visitors. Below is a list which he has pre nared of the counties and the source from which the names are derived. " " . N 'j -The list is not complete, but every day new pictures are com ing in. During the past few days those of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenbury, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; Arthur Onslow; Mara u is of Halifax: Duke of Richmond; Earl of Surry; Lord Edgecombe; King William III of the House of Orange; ' King George I, Head 'ofine "lious6s ot Burrfswick and Hanover Duke Of Cumberland; Peyton Randolph of Virginia, ; The star to the left of the coun tv indicates that the picture of the person for whom the county was named is on view in tha col lection.' . '" y' "''''.' . It seems that it will be impos sible to get the pictures ' of six teen as' no portraits appear to have been made.; These are Col. Waighstil Avery, Brothers Bertie of England, who were among the Lords proprietors; Gov. Burke; Gov. Richard Caswell; ; Eleanor Dare; Gov. Edward Hyde; Cor nelius Harnett; Edward Bun combe; Col. Benjamin Cleveland; Col. Benjamin Forsyth; Gen. Thomas Person; Col. ; Thomas Robeson; ' Mathew Rowan, Col. John Sampson and Nathaniel Ma con." ., - Information regarding missing pictures desired will - be special value just now to the Hall of History. . . ' t Oher missing pictures desired are those of Stephen Babrrus, Dr. Joseph Caldwell. Gen.RTil- Ham Lee Davidson Earl or Dup lin. Gen. William Lenoir, the Earl of Northampton, Gen. "Wil liam D. Pender, Gen: Griffith Rutherford, Col. John Stanly, Sir John Tyrrell, John Wilkes, Louis D. Wilson and Barlett Yaucey. , v Alamance, Indian; old from Anamonsi; meaning unknown. . Alexander, William Julius Alexander. " ' ; Alleghdny, . Indian; Delaware word Allegiwi; name of an an cient Dele ware tribe. " Anson, Admiral Lord Anson. ' Ashe, Col. John Baptist Ashe.. A very Col. Waightstill Avery. Beaufort, Duke of Beaufort. Bertie, The Brothers Bertie Lords Proprietors. Bladen, Martin Bladen of the Board of Colotiial Affairs. Brunswick, The House of Bruaswick; King George I. " Buncombe, Col. Edward Bun combe. : Eurke, Gov. Burke. . I THE FOUNTAIN AT THE PAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION THAT SYMBOLIZES THE BUILDING OF THE PANAMA CANAL .-.. 1 Mirf' SSt 1 -ii'-i'.v ' j " ' ' . i ' -' i '"'hlir . t : ;V' ;"' Jit 'Js ' Bii ' The labor that went into the building of the Panama canal is symbolized In the Fountain of Energy, by k. tfrUm Colder. This heroic" sculpture stands ii the center lagoon of the three lagoons of the South Garden 5 a,n.h faces the main entrance gates. The waters vere first released on opening day, February 20. colnciflooU? with the opening of the portals of te exnigJt i Places and by the same means: the electric gpark tmsmltted across the :tiBent."wfaen President Woodrow-WUttpmopened toe great exposition at Ban TrranclscA by Wireless. . - Cabarrus, Stephen Cabarrus. Oaldwell, Joseph Caldwell, first PrfesidRt yniversity. of North Carolina. Camden, Earl of Camden. Carteret, S i r John Carteret afterwards Earl Granville. Caswell, Gov, Richard Caswell. Catawba, Indian; meaning se parated or set apart; onci! a part of the Cherokees. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.' ' : ' Cherokee, Indian' moaning Cave People, because of t h e mountain caves. Chowan, Indian; moaning They of the South, or Southernrs; from the word Cbowanise. Clay, Henry Clay of Kentucky, Cleveland, Col. Benjamin Cleve land. ' - Columuus, Christopher Colum bus. Craven, Earl of Craven. Cumberland, Duke of Cumber land. ' Currituck, Indian; meaning un known; from an Alganguian lan guage. - Dare, Eleanor Dare, " born on Roanoke Island; the first white child in America. Davidson, Gov. Wm. Lee Davidson. Davie, Gen, William R. Davie. Duplin, Earle of Duplin. Durham, For a family named Durham; local: t , Edgecombe, Lord Edgecombe. Forsyth, Ool Benjamin Forsyth Franklin, Beniamin Franklin. Gaston, William Gasto. Gates, Gen.' Horatia Gates. . Graham, Gov. Wm. A. Graham Granville, Earl Granville, ; Greene, Gen. N a t b a n ie I Greene. ; - x - Guilford, Earl of Guilford. Halifax, Marquis of Halifax. Harnett. Cornelius Harnett, Haywood, J"o h o Haywood, State Treasurer. Henderson, Leonard Hender son, Uhier justice- Hertford, Earl of Hertford. . Hok3. Gen. r.obert F. Hoke ., ., ...iry r - - -r nr - -rtil-iaMif rcMM-t-- "-Vr-Ta- nr - mfr irnrir r ;' ' in nm'ii i ll I awlKln-Wty . Hyde, Gov. Edward Hyde Iredell, James Iredell. Jackson, President Andrew Jsckson, Johnston, Gov. Gabriel John ston. -Jones, Willie-Jones. Lee, Gen. Robt. E. Lee Lenoir, Gen. William Renoir. -Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin Lin coln. -Macon, Nathaniel Macon. Madison, President James Madison. Martin, Gov. Josiah, Martin. ' McDowell, Col. Joseph Mc Dowell. 'Mecklenburg, Queen Charlotte Princess of Mecklenbnrg. Mitohell, Prof. Elisha Mitchell of the University of North Caro lina. Montgomery, Gen. Richard Montgomery. Moore, Alfred Moore. Nash, Gen. Abner Nash. New Hanover, The House of Hanover; King George I. Northampton, Earl of North ampton! Onslow, Arthur Onslow, Speak er British House of Commons. Orange, The House cf Orange; King William of Orange. Pamlico, Indian. Pasquotank, Indian. Pender, Gen. William D. Pen der. "Perquimans, Indian; meaning unknown; from some Algouguian language. . Person, Thomas Person. Pitt; Wm. Pitt, Earl of Chat ham. ' Polk, Col, WilliamPolk. . - Randolp. Peyton Randolph, of Virginia. Richmod, Duke of Richmond. Robeson, Col. Thomas Robe son. ; Rockingham M arquis of Rockingham. Rowan,s Mathew Rowan. Rutherford, Gen. Griffith Ruth erforcT. ' " Sampson, Col. John Sampson A Scotland, For Scotland in Great Britain. Stanley, John Stanley. Stokes, Col, John Stokes, v f gt Surry, Earl of Surry. ' bwain, Gov. David L, Swam. Transylvania,, A. c r 0 s s the WOflds.. . Tyrrell, Sir John Tyrrell. . Union, For the Union of the States. ' ' Vance, Gov. Zebulon B. Vance. Wake, Marearet Wake, ; wife of Gov. Tryon. Warren, Gen. Joseph Warren. Washington, George Washing ton. '. Watauga, Indian; properly spelled Watagi; meaning un known. Wayne, Gov. Anthony Wayne. Wilkes, John Wilkes. Wilson, Louis D. Wilson of Edgecombe. Yadkin, Indian; old form Reat- kin, from the Catawba; meaning unknown. Yancey, Bartlett Yancey. Thank God for the Oceans! (Philadelphi Evening Times.) There are eight great powers in the world. When placed in alphabetical order the list stands like this: Austria-Hungary. v . France. Germany. Great Britain. ,' Italy. .Japan. Russia. United States. They are all at War save the United States. We have no un gratifiied territorial ambitions, and no boundary disputes, and no commercial desires the fulfillment of , which is sufficiently threaten ed by the rivalry of other powers to justify an appeal to arms. We are assured of our place in the sun by 3,000 miles of sea on the east of us and by more than 4, 000 miles of sea on the west of tsi.'ie cold salt water laves our shores and tempers whatever war iibirit there m ay be. It makes our invasion of foreign lands difficult and discourages foreign nations from contemplat ing any invasion of our shores. Thank God for the oceans, and may they never be reddened by the blood of our citizens defend ing their native shores! Turpentine for the Blight. (From The Lenoir News.) A friend tells us that the apple tree blight, that seems to be quite prevalent this season can be stopped by simply opening about three little places in the bark of the tree, at different points about the tree on opposite sides and drop into these places, 3 drops of turpentine iu each place. This is simple and is said to have stop ped the blight in some instances. I will not cure the twigs already blighted, of course, but it is said! to stop the ravages of the disease. Constipation Cured Overnight A small dose of Po-Do-Lax to-night and you enjoy a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morning. No grip ing, for Po-Do-Lax is rodophylin (May Apple) wluhout the grip. Po- Do-Lax corrects the eause of Consti pation by arousing the liver, increas ing the 4jw of bile: Bile is Nature's- anilseptlc in the bowels. With prop er amount of bile, digestion In bowels Is perfect. ; No gas, no, fermentation, no constipation. Don't be sick, nerv ous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do- Lax froaa your Druggist now and cure your Constipation overnight. Do you know that you can cov er your house with Georgia Pine Shingles 'or $2.50 a square. We, sell them. Morrow & McLeh- don. WANTED 100.000 feet of framing. Morrow & McLendon. $100 Reward, $100. Tta. imd of thla nanar will b nlnuM bam that then la at least ooa dreaded dlanu. that actonc ha bow able to eura la all lu Huh, and tint u Catarrh. Hall'i Catarrh Cur. I. Um onl nnaitiva aura now known to tha aMdlaal treteralty. Catarrh being a annrttutlona! dtsmaa, raqulrea a oo.tltu tlonal treatment. Hall' Catarrh Car. I taken In. temally, acunf directly upon tb Moo and aiuaw furtaog 01 the ly-tera. thereby destroying th. foundation ot the dlaeaw. and string the patient trength by building up the onutltotloa and aaaa Ing nature In doing Ita work. The proprletora aat o much faith In tta euratlre pewen that they oOer On Hundred Dollar for any ease that It laU to aura. Send for list of teetlmonWa Address F. J. CHENEY CO.. ToMO. O. v Md br an Drunrirta. Tie. Taa. .iaU family PU1 lor eoutlBtUoa, ""7oirs' 'CUfvPr.' ' Chero-Coh is sold only in Carbon- 'ated bottles. It h always uniform, pure, whc! f 0si3 refreshing. "In a Lott:3

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