i 7z- MfHiiim. I I1ADIS0N COUNTY EEC02D, Established June 23, 1901. S h i I Througk which you reach the S people of Madison County. ; $ Advertisiug Eates ca AF?licatica. FRENCH BROAD NEWS, i CS3T . Established May 16, 1907. r va0a t i Not. 2nd, 1911. VUU9UUB1V ". , NO 26. MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N, C, FRIDAV, JUNE 26th, c 0 ID . tkz c:;lt uwsra u.L.&..rj m VOL. XVII - DIRECTORY MADISON COUNTY. ',. Established ty the legislature ses Ion 1850-51. ' Population, 20,132. ' ; County seat, Marshall. , , 6:.'o leeb above sea level. New and modern court . house, cost 133,000.00. ;, ,. ftleAAn . t m,1an lal . COSt 15,000. New county home, cost 110,000.00. , v . County Officers. ' Hon. J E. Llneback,. Senator, 35U District, Elk Park ' 1 . Hon. Plato Ebbs, Representative, Hot Springs. N. .i W A. West. Clerk o 'Superior Court. Marshall. , ' Caney Ramsey, Sheriff, Marshall. The Shelf of Afce (Prom The Kansas City Star) How can men in wis ousy w. T . the ghelf of Bfire spare the time to shave, gracef ully and remain there con sorGildersleeve of John Hopkins tentedly a teat of human cha wants to know. Tt,.f id nnn ft f the mOSt f6- X linn , markable questions that ever came from a proffessor Jot Greek jor from any other kind of a pro- Vnr t dlsDlavs a iruiy i ncnta., - m I remarkable misconception of. th inception of its meaning.. intimate relationship Deiwe? Like" rich preserves on our time and whiskers. ! ; 09 shelves, are our. dearly beloved ia if. possible that in.tne M I , , . A m ci,0iWpa nf Ufa. " r : j-,., IU1U UCULiio vu "w racter both as to its strength and its sweetness. , - Tha oVia1 nf acA. however, is aaw o f ' not so terrible as it is thought to hn. The reason we areaa it i be'nause we have not the right New Cancer Bulletin. t : State Board Health Tells People What They should Know About Cancer Why it Hurts so When You Hit it Against Angxninj (Erwin Magnet.) Better limp all the way to heaven than not get there at all. (Bulletin by the State Health.) Milwaukee Journal. . f Qod the When you bump your nose or .q chin you bump the flesh and bone IM.IIII US-Ill MM UVV I 41 Mr! WAtl - . V t! s in over me river ury ouw, j Boartf of you feel a sensation or pain jufit where the blow was struct .. . nn .nA youstrike hepoin of Jo , lig reiiBi0n will stand without are men in neu Cancerison the increase. The f- ""-"" State poard of Health realizing k hat Ufctle hitching 1 here the tiiely importance of check- SCil the bir central because they w arshall. years of bis life Proffessor Tney give out a savor that sweet- T7onr4at.Pi- DI ucw ueisrec.v ions nil DT 1ILU lur IB,. ,utj i t T),.nn m 'i rfiftRurer. i n va n r rimer rniuoi - N.O , R. S1- No 4 wears a beard because time Kaon 'r.Wnmrhlv seasoned, tested 1 Adai At AT. enyuu u ,hftV wft8tad too much our people has just prepared ana . . . . tiftklin oain gos issuea ou wyico ,t his wife. You can una ikling, " , - , . i a. - w . i i Dvnpvi.iiinir in til in BiciaKa vuu vm a wi m Jr I . . '.i!.. :M aH In t.ho P"v,J""o and What You . Should jvnow . nrinff puzzara. luuac "r . " .u, tv. u. v. M hii wears a ueru - ; and tried over tne nres . oi e- A. T. Chandley, Surveyor, Marshall I eMe - of beards. Lrience and paltf, and their rare ir.' J. H. Halrd, Coroner, Mars Hill N'V. J. Baldlh(f,-Janltor,-. Marshall. . Dr. Frank Roberts, County Physi cian, Marshall. - -. . ,' Garfield Davis. SupU county home. . Marshall. CouriMroHoww -RPntember 1st, 1915 (2) November 10th, 1915. (2 1 ' - .. . March 2nd. IW5, (2). June 1st, 1915 Not that it takes time to grow . , thi ff mncn them-rAough ik aes- ?ut. 7 to be desired and when lost out years of growth are minor mci- K leaveg a ionginfir dents of whiskers when ii com that can 'never be satisfied by to time consumption. ' The hours anything elge v sDent in the"care of whiskers by , naervesi are often filled . t l . www r-w those intrusted with tneir Keep- . . memories of long ago ins. The quite nqmberless little , . - month. t0 watering devotional exercises.glven wholly for their honied fragrance, and to them, such as snatcmng mem , ,t theT are well presarved (2). Sept. 1th. mb, z). , v . from injurious soup, gu. u.ue, filled with the BUgar 0r j. Ed. Swain, Solicitor, them jom a 8tary spark oi the . . of understanding. N'0, t' lwm I cigar, muffling them from manur maUer how uU the cnp of c"'ci, A lrmJud M. H. dine winds! These also; are but . la t to our llpa t0 justice, Rutherfordton, N. C ' the merest indexes of what whia- drinki it8 bitterness is made irii Tfirm-Judee E. B. Cllne, of . , to tjie calandar. ; L.of hxr the after-taste of sym- Hlckory, N. C a thief o f time, a ,"alj pafchy that comes from the dear county c.mmii.ion.r bumper crop of whiskers may-be old peopje pre8erved on qur shel- f. McDevitt chaliman. Marsn.. id t0 mabe rroerastmauon . ,.f . ; : t; - . tr...iM i ' k. . . - . i . - .... i t . - j - E. Rector, inemner, " like a watckdog oi tne ireasurj, . , gQ shaU r keep them There is many a man who has ae- . lfl a aQ make voted his whole mature life th? World good ancl precious . for crowing Jthe flneAt beard in ,th . - wbeik we, too, shall N. J. Marshall, R. w Ti 'No. 1. Anderson, suver, lum ber, Marshall,,- .. Route .3 w. u. . Oftorire. member, Mars Hilh J, y Unanaiey, v "v - P ; H ldiey White RooV, vi- growing be flnev Der v-, us-".Then, wher.we, too, snau a McEiroy Co. AttK, Marshall- county. : Indeed, , you v true w hftve- to takd ihi9 inevitable climb oommlolon, tensive gardner of whiskers nas the ghel 0f ag, we also shelton, President, Marshall. a fuU working day cut out for b become delightful preserves Bluff, N, C Mars Hill," N.O, G. V. Russell, A. F. Sprinkle, Bourd of Education. .Tsner . Ebbs, Chairman, Spring Prnek. N. O 24 hours.'' Occasional ly a man can take a suit of whis- A lot. them alone. ' xiacau forget them. But such a person is so rare as to be negngiui. uTi.u man pnwffed in tne L. j..un fha hourd izets on the luuusuijr .T " . John Robert Sams, mem. Mars tun, j.-. . mem. Marshall. Prof. R. G. Ande s, Superintendent of Schools, Marshall. Board meets first Monday in January. April, July, and October each year. a .hnnla ndColl8 . Mars-Hill College, Prof. B. L. Mvg with the fingers the full President. 412 students. Ses- b A5t 11th, ins- - s...Sm,. ...,,. to sh.v.l That's ' ' wns. Principal, Spring l aaxr Tpn or flfteen minutes a -.a it M l or 1 Creek.' 8 mos school, opens uB. VS W www shall become delightful preserves .1..' l! -t to sweeten, not sour, ine uvea fVincA that follow after us. ah vnn who have nrecious and owoa. nid kdv Dreserves on your home shelves, or the memory of them in your hearts, rejoice ana little hollow you swikb uu . hel, a L"g.l food may teachers are obtaining oetwCeu .u. , . - ----- money under false pretenses. of the neck and runs through the . & man nan arm to the wrist In tne nouow to reform hef Qo. of the elbow the nerve lies over a don,t :vayouketht iiJ a Chrl9tian any more than vou feel a tingling sensation which isn't exactly funny bu an automobile. x because it tickles the bene is tatbep be pastor o ft grave called the funny bone. q BQme churches. you the people must be informed and ; t.Ao1 caQ bave 68 maDy innes as made to -know the nature and A PerSOnal you please, but you will never facts ; concerning rrODieiH. "T T'lVn Vf a.. JVl l - . . m . ! Mni o . . . rrlollinrr ,a Wim.na Wnrln.l I. . .. . .i! About it." - r - - " Lareelv because of public Ig norance and neglect cancer now prove fatal in over W per ceni of the attacks. Whereas 90 per cent could be cured through ear ly recognition and prompt re moval.. ; V, Herein lies hope for the con trol of cancer. It is at this point large- They must know that it is all-.. XHERBU proverb is s'L: TSgj-ife him in. The real man snuns ine na.t.h purnotted with velvet. What God needs and the world needs is men who are solid mahogany all the way through. v the beard gets on the be ad that yoq - have been so mind. 'It gets into the subliminal u. of tbe Lord, for nothing consciousness. It induces w'e dearer wm ever come to you in .. t hi :iu . . reBer actions, like naaiing witu , . ... . nothing more bles a - coatee, ' putting ' a Peking , t you ia the woria duck's tail effect on a Van Dyke, L come Clara Cox Eppersonl in the Southern Woman's Maga zine. - . irritation of some local ussue & f bfi. ia known to be more prevalent in sianaer auu w v is KDowuw uo.u i norino- it. It is our most popu- overnounshed peop w. h its , wicked. dent that these P- , efc we,keep 0Q endur. aes can be conirouea, . . we it ia safe to say that cancer is " "r . g . . , rS Municipal Board breast and by avoiding xver nu- her ' v .. turn. , trition, predisposition .w cancer turninjr con. The aldeman of Bilt- can be greatly diminished encouraging more-is now considering the -The board 10 speak ill of others. momentous question of passing asa message of hope-to info llways the time : for beginning an ordinance requiring all ci the people that if taker intime uform.sright DOw. Don't zen8tokeep their chickens con- tne majors ?r -- neiirhbors to make fined. cer are curable, that in "Btart . It is your problem. At the risk of revealing the oy y&o 8ecrets of an executive session of cure. r or vu , nder; by listeniDg it may als0 be stateci cancer, write to he State Board oe authority that a , . JUIHUWU ' - . 1 H i0 m rt n Dmn. nrinclDal. 1 mOB. school. ' nrif ' Bell institute, mai!ttio fltb, principal, Walnut, N. Marshall Academy", Prof. Sr Roland Williams, principal 8 mos. school. Opens August 31, ' Notary falloa." : J. C. Ramsey,' Marshall, Term ex plresJauuary 6th, 1916. . Jasper Ebbs, Spring Creek. N. - 0. Term expires Jminry 6th 1916. ,,'jH fluntcv, Marshall, Route 3. April 1st; 1915, , . .T W Nols on, 'Marshall-Term sires "May 11, 1915 " T B Ebbs, Hot Springs-ierm e plrea February 4th 1915. .. , Craig Ramsey, Revere. Term ex pires March 19, 1916, - ' N. W. Anderson, Paint Fork, ' Term expires May 19, 1915. : w." T. Davis, Hot Springs, term expires January 22nd 1915. tv Rice. Marshall. Term ex- . rlres Pec 19th. 1915. - Ben W- Gahagan, Stackhouse, N. 0 Term expires Dec, 20, 1915. v J. F. Tllaon, Marshall, , Route 2. Term expires Nov. 14thl915. C. J. Ebbs, Marshall. -Term ex ' plres April 25th, 1915. . . D. M. liarsuuui goi, Term expires January 10th. 1916. D. P. Miles, Ba- rd. Term expire r,. Uauisey, Marall. ieiui expufs O-.-t. J,-h 1915 J, A, V.- .in, Tig La, I, Term expires A'.'.:, t"!i, 1016. . C. 0,Ljd, i :-3: Term ex.. January ... , the business. - How can 4n tVi5o hnnv era spare tne time not to shave? The Baggage The Ripening Cherry. : -I,:'''.' ,fc . (From The Ohio State Journal.) The cherries are now turning Checking LaW. into Mashes.- They, are just of Hesltb, Kaleigh. Demand for War Horses. English, French and lta- lians Buying in mis Country and Argentina (Chicago Dispatch) -v. Anntrn(t,( for horses are v. . by tne ttriuso. to scandal or by repeating it upon the best authority, tnai a even without approval you spread y0Ung dog belonging to the city t contagion. .The best course al- fathers was recently attacked ways is to seek good in others, anfj bitten by a chicken. but the next best thine is toaeier it i3 probaoie van suou the dealers in unwholesomeness, board will require all chickens 1 ii 4. An t.hia la t Asm L Un mniaH in r.fise the confine ana iue wojr w .w 1 uvj uo prive them of an audience, ior ment ordinance aoes uun v unless it is listened to scandal third reading. dies as soon as it is born. VnV'ilta Doauirer.) spangled with cherry p e. nis a 3-- - with : 1 1 ronr t.iihi, hak r v uuu.i iiwgv.f So' many inquiries have reach- lypie An other piea have theii facts About World's! Largest Battleship TJClj ISLZ Gover is Than Any irfjrJ and demand for calvalry stock p BuiU or, tllO 1UII ouuM6i.. Itis a shows gratifying expansion. Oa- Forergn Battleship Built or, so tar as Known Project 3d ----- Unrcoa Anstral a and new ry pie. All ouer pies nave hftve about been cleaned favorites, devoted sou r-;",, a,ftilftble stock and ed the-Interstate Commerce u.- favorites, devoted sou s inat ooW ----- . slock and ex- mission over, the checking 01 0n apple, peacn, . . h agents ftre now working baaire since the Cummins gooseberry, pump. in , Areentina and the United " ii,- intonstata com- on every one or ineir vu. , - amuuu.cu.T T TnnJ pencil .lingers and would 'eign "n ein horse3 are bred merce aci weui iu t-v , - - sboufc a "hurrab, ' " pencus r . a ft. ...wv, umn, on Wed- k m nnmft to in large numbers, hence she must 8, that the com misions , " 8hoated, but wnen we come w flipn;sh!ntr the nesday made public several lec- cberry pie, their we stop, bring- .f motive fpr, written, recently dealing ing out the brags oana ana ruu lg -UK-, subiect. The letters up -Old Glory." for everybody Jn ftg rt-rthat one declaration without distinction 01 race, w . " t to $1g0 is being rflnplssufflcientforone per- or previous condition 01 service , q U5 w . . .. I i a oharrv nifl. . . I " son's baggage, no mauer r 9un. for gunners. man? pieces, and man eacu p- - r;: fwft sender is entitled to check with- rise imoeaaea w ta Summer . the maximum streans 01 leauuei.j w --- OUh CAl" "VM"'W ' v. On can taste the sun- lo.HUU pounas w u r free ; allowance 01 piK w - - iteness ,hat lDflaminat,on of the bronchial mileS and can be used effectively lonirine to himself. T.h e com- rise awi 1 distressing cough and . o. t mi e. ' . . , 1 . 1 1 : xa riiir. r r cunwHirH hhu uc- i 1 bv w w - minion has held that rauroaaa r - -' makes sleep impossible. D'oiey s turn- , a Ar,,nnft a iarffer than any . i i: nhAnoa has nnr. imriiNiiuu uuc 1 3 4-v an. 1 auo have a right to charge an aaai- ioru wu ---- ey and Tar uompounu Btui iu. rtitrrt huttleshiD built or (so tar 2 where the .true value soul out of his .appetite. Wh ,Dg tickllng d the XStSSS. She ex- of Larzaa is deciarea ana w .m ------ -- - hronchlai affections Ma4a aUter ship, the Fenn ' a. 1 . I X 4 rrt1 rtUVJU H ll 1UI ViULii - I I'J llita. wm - I wuwvtl mw - - IT m tin V-vEriT UP I I 1 L UU UW T V W I - . - rMl I - hnvA t ia ordinary uwv 1 t. t t. Rnmati. Man uui.. . v Tonnage, 31,00.--Length, water line, 600 feet. Breadth, water line, 97 i feet. Speed, 21-5 knots. Horsepower, 35.000. Belt armor. 16 inches. Gun armor, 18 inches. Armament. 12 U-inch rifles; 22 i 6ve inch rifles; four 21-inch tor pedo tubes. Complement, omcerB do; meu 937. Fuel 2,322 tons of oil. Cost, completeabout $16,000, mm Tk moin imtterv will throw 16,800 pounds to a distance of 20 IaQA0 Ua f Bylvanla, by a few tons. great blessing 1 if you" can get 1 7 Cbjero4IJola.Drink I itfromthobotae- I I through a straw. I I JUway3 uniform, I I ' "Pnrffflvrlrilicioir. 0 V 1 cct t:d ty the carriers. jrv