J IiADISOIJ COUNTY IirCOIiD, Established June:-:;!vi0Ol. . JTJf1 A;':.. . " - H J Medium, j Through which you reach the S - people of Madison County," 14 !&'''. -f- m mm ,m -Established May 16, 1907. Consolidated 'f t: Net, 2nd, J .on, Vs J. AJ Aavemsi22 Kates ca. AFpcstisa. wwwvv THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL. XVII MARSHALL. MADISON COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY s 9th , 1915 NO 27. ( " - DIRECTOBIY MADISON COUNTY. fisMk'ollshedly the legislature ses- Ion S1850-51. Po ,julatlon, 20,132. ' Cq jntyseat, Marshall. 18' .t, ieet above sea level. H r md modern court house, cost 33 ,000.00. . : ?tfew and modern jail, cost 115,000 New county home, cost $10,000.00. County Officers. Inn T K. T.lneback. Senator, 35tli DI strict, Elk Park iHon. Plato Ebbs, Representative, Ho t Springs. N. . 7. A. West.- Clerk o Superior Con rt Marshall. ' Cvney Ramsey, Sheriff, Marshall. Ja:mes Smart, Register of Deeds Mars hall. C. ;F. Runnbn, Treasurer, Marshall V.G , R. F. D. No.. 4. " A. T- Chandley, Surveyor, Marshall N. c. - ' " , Dr. J. H. Balrd, Coroner, Mars Hill N. C. ' , ... , , , W. J. , Balding, Janitor, Marshall. Dr. Frank Roberts, County Physi cian, Marshall. . s ;, 4 ' Garfield PavU. Supt county home. Marshall. ' ' : vs.' Court u Fliowii . . September 1st, 1915' J?) November 10th. 1915. (2 '. vpp.h 2nd. IMS. 12). June 1st, 1915 o anK life. IU15. 2. - J. .Ed. Swain, Solicitor, Ahevllle N.C. 1915, Fall Term-Judge Frank r.rii- Asheville. ion rtnrfnir Term Judge M. H, Justice. Rutherfordton, N. C. Full Term Judge E. B. Cllne, of Hickory, W. C. , f , County commlitlonr N. B. McDervltt chaiiman. Marshall t w! tJoKtnr. member. Marshall. U. tf JJt I , v. T). No. 1. Anderson. Silver, mem ho Mnrfihull..- Route 3 W. L. . nsnxu mmhfr. Mars Hill.. J, C. Chandley vWhlte Rock. : P.' A-'.jjcElrojt Co;; Atty. Marshall m i rvVmav oommtmmion , F. Sheltoo, President, Marshall. jO. V. Russell, - Bluff, N, C. ... A. F. Sprinkle, Mars Hill, N.C, """""'"i"iiiiiiiiiiie)l.ejii)iia.lejllan).lfl).ie).iti Those Native Hills. r i Board of Education, Jasuer Ebbs, Chairman, Spring Creek. N. C. John Robert Sams, mem'. Mars Hill, N. C. W R. Sams, mem. Marshall. Prof. R. G. Anders, ; Superintendent of Schools, Marshall. Board meets first Monday In January, April, July, and October each year.' ; Schools ndCo1lB"' Mra - Hill Colleee. Prof. R. L. Moore. President. ... 4J2 students. Ses sion .1915-16, nine months, begins Ausrust 17th. 1915. Ptving Creek High School. Prof. 1. i Pleasants, Principal, Spring Creek. 8 mos school, opens Aug. 1st Madison Seminary High School, vmt. a. n. Brown, nrlncinal. 7 mos. Rfiii institute.'.-Margaret E. Grlf t(h, principal, Walnut, N. M arshall Academy. Prof. S. Roland Williams, principal 8 mos. school. Opens August 31, : Notary Publlea, , .T. n. Ramsev. Marshall. Term ex- Dlres Jauuary 6th, 1916. Jisner Ebbs. Soring Creek. N. ( O. Term expires January 6th .1915. J H Hunter, Marshall, Route Term expire April 1st", 1915, J w Kftlson. Marshall Term ex- ' Bires May ll, 1915 T B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex pires February 4th 1915. , Craig Ramsey, Revere. Term ex pires March 19, 1915," N. W. '" Anderson, Paint Fork, Term expires May 19, 1915. W. T. Davis, Hot Springs, term . expires January 22nd 1915. . ; Steve -Rice, Marshall. Term ex pires Dec 19th. 1915. ' Ben W. Gahagan, Stackhouse, N. C. Term expires Dec 20, 1915.' J. F. Tllson," Marshall, Route 2. Term expires Nov. 14thl915. C. J. Ebbs, Marshall. Terfi ex pires April 25th, 1915. D. M. Harshburger, Stackhouse, Term expires January 16th, 1916. D. P. Miles, Barnard. .Term expires December,-23, 1916., - W. B. Ramsey, Marsaall. Term expires Oct. 4th 1915. v J, A. Wallin, Big Laurel. Term expires Aug. 8Ui, 1916. , a C. Brown, Bluff: Term expire January 8ih mi Let me go to the hills where I roamed when a child V With Nature's-white hand as my guide; . , ; ' . Let me saunter 'mid irlens where' azaleas grew wild In the ivy-clad hills let me hide. r Let me go, to the farm where I toiled long ago , . And lay down my head oo its soil; x ,; 'Neath the apple-tree's shade at the end of the row ; -i. And mingle my dreams with its moil. ; , Let me go to my home though humble it be, by follow Ambition's mad call?. . ? Let me go where fond hearts are awaiting for me, . 'i ; Where justice is "meted to all, V, Let me go to the church where my dear mother sang ; The old hymns of the sweet long ago; ., ..'.J That music I hear bringing peace and a pang, '-, ' And softly the willing tears flow. ' ', Let me lay down my head on my mother's soft breast '; . . Apd feel on my forehead her hand. . ' With her kisses bo sweet let me croon into rtst While my eyes close in happy dreamland. Let the gospel of song from the fair oriole : Cheer my soul in its burdens of ruth; Let the prayer pf the pines bring its peace to my soul ' As I bow at the altars of youth. ' The world does not care for the hearts that are worn : By unequal allotments of woe; But it sdds to their grief by its hatred amd scorn . ."; cherish so sacred a symbol. An other explanation is -that the first three fingers "represent the Trinity and the fourth belongs to the husband. , The lady entitled to the green band or the circlet of diamonds, if she considered the VPtifl. ormnrla t Via ' A ArA would have to chose the little fin ger or the fourth finger of the right hand, which would perhaps be the better way of emphasizing her independence of all mascu line control. . But such subtleties will pr6bably be found less se ductive than the privilege of wearing a new and odd piece of jewelry. ' : ..' " ,. A Cough Remedy that Relieves Ifl 1 It's perpared from the healing Pine Balsam, Tar and Honey all mixed, in a pleasant, soothing Cough Syrup called Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Thousands have benefited by it use no need pf your enduring that an noying Cough or risking a 'dangerous Cold. Go to your dealer, ask for a 25c original bottle of Dr. Bell's Pfne-Tar- Honey, start using at once and get rid of your Cough and Cold. I The Tower of Babel. "Our Nation's IPrayer." Oh God! Thou great and Holy One Loon down, from Thy mighty throne, Upon those war strickened nations, and send, Mercy which comes from Thee alone. Drive hatred from the hearts of men, ' Arouse them from their dream, , , That they may know Thy mighty power. ' And Thou alone rules supreme. Give strength to the orphaned ones Left by this awful strife, Take them under Thy sheltering wing , Give them the bread of life. v God be with those homeless ones, Stretch fourth thy loving hand,' Teach them to fear Thee alone And not the wrath of man. Look down upon that brood-stained battlefield And aid men's quick ghasting breath, . ' Teach them to say, ;"Thy will be done' Before their eye-lids close in death. May the cannon's roar cease its thunder, , And each head bow in shame, And lips that shouted the battle cry Sing Praises to Thy name.; JAMES W. ELLIOTT. UJ 1 to 3EDG 3E 3E Pointed Paragraphs t I am weary; I am tired; let me go. .''v,;-..y.;.;;,: . Vj.y -; W. L. HUTCHINS. Our Mountain Mar vels. (From the Philakelphia Record ) According to modern views the Tower of Babel was rather a dis reputable establishment :and With a sea moral sticklers may feel that its All hail to peace when it gets here.'' - ': ':- ; ; ; Do it today tomorrow is a long ways off, ' . ; America's duty Js to America. (News & Observer.) That North Carolinian who has Tipver sneni time amiust wv mountains of his State has failed to see a part o.Mhis great State which is a marvel in its attract iveness. unerinff lnviiauon ui beauty td the world; it is largely people from other States who en joy hospitality - of prodigal na ture, in winter and summer com ing in great crowds to a section blessed bv the lavishness of its offerings. -, North Carolinians should know North Carolina better, and in es pecially men and women of the Coast and i Piedmont sections should know Western North Carolina. Ic the Swiss Alps there is the : playground of Eu rope and in the Blue Ridge there is section after section which should not alone be the play around of North Carolina, but the playground of all the United States. A type of the playground of the Blue Ridge is what may be termed the Mount Michel! sec tion, where scenic beauty crowds on scenic beauty along the route from Black Mountain to the top of Mount Mitchell. Here 6,711 feet above sea level the visitor can look Out from ; this highest point east of the Rockies over, a vista of great mountains, ' grow ing fainter and fainter amidst the blue as distance engulfs it.. Wonderful are the mountains of Western North .Carolina. Their beautv and their guarantee of health are calling to homes amid st them people from all parts of the country. On mountain side after mountain side residences continue to be built in increasing number, and the fame of .the North Carolina mountains is be- a a t 1 !.' Tl ing tieraiaea iar ca near. Aiiey are worthy of all that can be said or written of them, and they give another reason why North Caro- ina oilers advantages, which should increase its population by leaps and bounds. coast and a coastal region ' unsur i wicked ruins might better be left Do your duty). rso nrys -l mfa-W Til 3 . . .w I 1 1 i ml ' V 1 .' I , . rTr llU " 'earnonp, secuon nngisiuroea.-ine arcnaeiogtsw, , m ,g &m , itj Dr' . JaD; vlty,' with a mountain section pf haelogist morals. , He would as unsurpassed beauty and of the soon dig up Sodom and Gomor- 1 he robins are with us again greatest opportunity, the wonder rah as the petrified hull of the a9 hkewise the hobo 1 - a1. i IT. ,1 ."n i. . I . - . - . . I . , is tnai-xvortn Carolina does not original ark or the bones Of Austria balks at our neutrality grow quickly to a vaster, stature Moses. Therefore the German Possibly she would prefer our among tne estates. .But time Orient Society is jubilant over bullets works for it, and North Carolina having discovered the. founda sees forward. With This Ring (Prom The Philadelphia Public Ledger.) , Plainest of all adornments, the not clear, wedding ring, if the jewelers are later tower is referred to, for the to have their way. is to denote ruins of a colossal staircase of by ornamentation hereafter con- three flights are described sup tions of the Tower of Babei. They had been noking around the ruins of ancient Babylon for some time before this happy event occured. Whether these foundations are of a good dog? the deep remains of the original to some men. tower or of the later structure put up by Nebuchadnezzar, is But apparently the Talk business make business and your arms will enfold pros perity; ,' Did you ever notice the fidelity An object lesson A good woman commands a man's respect, but it takes a doll to make him prance. We commend the modesty of Jesse Willard. He declines to A year ago we termed it "riv ers of Blood," Today an ocean is inadequate. f , , .. . . nubial state of the wearer. The posed to have led up to the first usurP ino wnoie ir.oni Pae old , posies" -with their For- story of the tower, l he diggers Failure to advertise is about ever and for aye," "My heart also uncovered the remains of ie getting a bull dog on a custo and I until I die." When this four city gates in the fortified en- mer at your store door you see, then think of me" as- Circling wall built by Nebupoias- sumed that it was worn once to sar. farther of Nebuchadnezzar. Whenever a person refers to U. i ji :.i i.l rr : . J ..t t...i;.,i I ronr a 9 hell t.hp rlpvil lrotrfj riffht ue wuru, u IV ays, anu IIIUS llSI iiei B is a (jam ui uannusuii 3 1 1 Dlainness was more movincr than descriDtive recreation of the later up on his hind legs and objects eloquence; and even after death tower: Upon a platform of to the comparison had broken the bond of . wedlock crude brick raised a few feet V'e believe in the spirit of the surviving partner did not above the alluvial plain was built peace, but it will require some care to remove of change it. But of burnt brick the farst or base- thing more thanJbelief to anchor in our modern life we have three ment stage, an exact square 272 down : kinds of widows by death; by feet each way and 26 feet in per desertion and by divorce with pendicular hight. Upon this alimonv. Whv not . then, three stage was erected a second, " 230 kinds of wedding ring? She feet each way and likewise .96 whose husbandls dead is to have feet in perpendiculiar hight, The first duty of society is the n her hoop of " gold a band of which however, was not placed preservation of society. ' B u black enamel, while widows of exactly in the middle of the first, this has no reference to high eo- another order will wear a band of but considerably nearer to the ciety green, to be studded, if they en- southwestern end, which const! joy apension fund from the late- tuted the back of the building . . . " . . . ' . .. I . . . , n . y beloved, with a circlet of dia- Kthere were seven stages, ine nrsi monds. : What could be more three 26 feet high,the last four nlpasinc or more aDDronrlate? 15 feet high, and on the top the r o - . - - I -i ' ' ' A simpler and equally distinc- ark or tabernacle.) Ihe entire tive device, of course, would be a original hight. allowing ' three change of fnger. Appianus as feet for the platform, would thus wife does it for him. serts that a very delicate nerve have been l&o reet. un me norm- wh,n thfl WftP enjs foreiffn runs from the fourth. finger of the east side was the' grand entrance governments might raise a little! eft hand to the heart and that is and here stood the vesuouie, a coin D 8euin tDe;r submarines why it is used for the wedding seperate building. to rich Americans for pleasure ring; but modern physiologists - s. . would dispute this conclusion. July snows are very scarce as MaCrobius says that the thumb Is a rule but we noticed a report The fact that a man is well too busy, the forefinger and little that there was snow i n Kansas educated does not necessarily im finger insufficiently protected, tor last week. i ply that he is using his talents to best advantage. " Lots of men brag of having horse sense, which is something of a compliment to the men; Photography, we are told, is gaining a place as a fine art All right, be as arty as you please but tie a sinker to the price tag. : .. ,.: - : ' puffed up because a ' baby camel was born in Lincoln park zoo the other day. The camel, you know, takes a drink but once in nine days. A single shot laid and Austrian archduke low and plunged Eu rope into the bloodiest war of all history. And countless millions of shots have been unable to re store peace. Quite frequently an editor is criticised for expressing his opin ions. And then he is criticised for not doing so. Fact is, be is criticised either way and both ways and just ambles along as blissfully indifferent as a duck in a summer shower. As another evidence that Ame rica is drifting toward war, we now refer to baseball suits as '. :t , UMUUIU19. .... . . . ;-' Iu this country every fellow thinks for himself unless his crafts. One will do for ua. In a Bottle Through a Straw is the only best wayto' have your Chero-Cola. This insures i uniform- ity in flavor perfect cleanliness; Always pure, refreshing wholessns'&nd'

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