TH2 i:zT72-r.rcor,D, iiaz: :ale, nonra oaholktk. G. A. R. r. :: LOCAL AND PERSONAL :: R.-N. Caton was in Ashevilie, Tuesday. ' J. II. Hunter wasTiere the first of the week. Miss Sallie W.' Hunter was in town this week. Ex-Sheriff Cole, was here- from Del Rio, Monday. Dr. J. 0. Tilaon was1 here on Tuesday of this week. The showers this , week are a blessing to the farmers. -. Dr. W. E. Finley was here this 1- week, from White Rook. Mr. J- E. Lance of Hot Springs was here Thursday. "'; Shingles, Lath, Ceiling. Siding, Flooring. Morrow & McLendon J. H. White and family left this week for a visit to relatives in Kansas. We have everything in the , Builders Line. Morrow & Mc . Lendon. Miss bess ijSinage anu vueeu Ramsey of Walnnt, were visiting in iown Tuesday. Hair and Wood Fiber Plaster, Cement, Brick and Lime. Mor row & Mctendon. The new County Superintend ent is busy getting his teachers placed for the County Schools. . Hon. John A. Hendricks,, is spending several days at hotce before he returns to his work in Texas. - The best line of doors and win dows in Madison County. Mori row & McLendon. " Rev. J. N. Andre of Walnut was in town Monday and preached at the Presbyterian Church, Mon- day evening, ; Let us figure on that house plan, we can save yqu money and ' you get the best at lowest prices; Morrow & McLendon. . - Rev. C. II. Bartlett, of Mary , ville, Tenn., preached at the : Presbyterian , C h u r c h Sunday . morning and evening. We are especi ally pleased to note that the . Madison wheat crops is proving to be much bet- ter Jhan -was at first thought. Wo are very sorry to announce that Mrs.C. F. Runnionwhp has been very sick for some time is " still in a precarious condition. The many friends of Walter W. Vandiver who spent several years here will be pleased to know that he has been a special attorney for th department of justice of the Federal Govern " ment with headquarters at Chi cago 111. , . ' Mminn tn tlia A a ma era nnnrlitinn 1 of Tan Bark, I will have to cut the price after August the 1st, to seven dollars a ton. Except on : fresh peeled Bark : that is not damaged, and well cured. -R. H. WARD. J. J. Red mon begun this week the erection of Marshall's largest building. .. It is to be 40 x 100 ft, ' and three stories high. The new . building will be built on the spot , where the old livery stable "was burned, This will add much to the growing town of Marshall. The Madison Seminary High , . School will open the first Moni day in , August instead oi juiy. uotn as was-nrst aeciueu uyuu. This-delay is caused by. the ma jority of the patrons Vn o t being ' through with their arops o n ac , count of the rainy season. " Tin Cans If you need any tin cans this year you will. find them at A. C. Gilbert's, 3 doors west of the De pot. They are the best cans that can be bought and you can' can anything in a tin can that can be canned. ' '. . Miss L u c i 1 e Jhonston o f Burnsville arrived Thursday for a visit to Mrs. V. A, West. Notice, to the members of Geo. W. Gahagan Post No. 38, G. A. R., Department of rVirginia and North Carolina: All members of said Post are requested to be present at the next moeting of same to be held af the Court House August 7, 1915, at 11 o'clock. A. M. This July 22, 1915. . S. M.' DAVIS, Com.; .. j M. A Chandley, Adjutant. Summer Aches ind Pains A backache that cannot be explain ed by baring "sat in a drift" Is more than likely the result of disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly relieve backache, sore or stiff mus cles and joints, rheumatism, and sleep dlstnrblnjr bladder ailments. They put the KidneysIn sound, healthy conditions. Dr. I. E. Buruetl, Mars Hill, N. C. Items From Buckijer N. C. To The News-Record Its been quite a long time since I havo wrote .anything from Buckner, I have just been wait ing to gather all the news I could possibly get and put it in one let ter. ' ,;' ' The people of Bethel, has cal led Rev. W. L. Edwards, of Bald Creek, as their Pastor. We are glad to see the Godly man come among us as pastor, knowing him as I do I feel sure he will be an inspiration to our people. Our new house is being com pleted by S. L. Ponder and Levy Ballard, Bethel can certainly boast of "the best county. Church anywhere around when the build ing is finished. v The new School building is be ing rapidly completed, but we are not surprised at the progress knowing the contractor as we do, and some of you all know hitn to he is the Rev. John Beaver, our preachers is not ashamed to work Any legitimate job beats begging. We certainly have giounds to compliment the Board of Educa tion, for what they are doing and especially for . what they have done for Bethel, by putting Beth el and Middle Fork Schools to gether, which at this time is caus ing some little "growling, . but it will soon die down ; and we will have one of the best schools in the Couuty. . . , Some says we will have to take the Association, our people says send it on, we will be glad to have it, wecouDt it a great honor to have such a noble institution id our community. . 1 I(j looks as though some folks are, going to do like Frank , Holt, climb just as high as they can and then fall and kill themselves. Our Choir went to Pleasant Valley in Yaney County, on July 4th, and 'exhibited some of their skill in praise service. The peo ple said they sang fine. .", It wa3 greatly enjoyed by all. .. Quite a large crowd went from here on July the 11, to a Decora tion at Swiss, N. C, and had a nice time. The farmers are nearly through with their corn and it sure looks fine In this part, but it keeps .on raining- Don't know when it will quit, some u say that "it is caused by sd much explosions in Europe, if this is . the cause, 1 hope the Allies will soon lick Germany. Success to the paper. A FRIEND. For Hay Fever or Asthma Many persons dread July on account of hay fever. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is recognized as the Ideal remedy for hay fever and asthma. It heals and soothes the raw, grasping throat and eases the choking sensa tion. . It allays inflammation arid ir ritation and brinffs easy, natural breathing. Dr I. K. Burnett, Mars Hill, N. C 1 - ' ; . " A THREE-DAY WHIRLWIND OF THINGS WORTH WHILE . , A ThreeDay Mobilization of the ; . ... i Community's Industrial, Educational and Social Forces All Attractions Furnished by Radcliffe Washington, D. C. First Day -Agricultural Day MORNINQ 10:30 O'clock Farmers Institute. Addresses by County, State and National Farm Experts. AFTERNOON 3:00 O'clock Lecture, "The New Agriculture.'' By Dr. Dr. Frank B. Vrooman. . 4:00 O'clock Concert. By the Bessie Leigh Concert Company. ' , ,.' V s ' EVENING 8:15 O'clock ' Concert and Entertainment. By The Bessie Leigh Company. 9:00 O'clock Lecture, "Armageddon and After." a Story of the War. By Dr. Frank B. Vrooman. Second Day Educational Day. ' ' MORNINQ 10:30 O'clock Educational Rally. Addresses by , Local, State, and National Educational Leaders. AFTERNOON 3:00 O'clock Forty-Five Minutes of Fun and Magic with the Mysterious Milburns, 3:43 O'clock . Impersonations, Stories, Recitations, Grave and Gay. By Charles B. Hanford, the famous actor. ' . EVENING 8:15 O'clock Magical Illusions and Prestidigitatorial Per formance. By the Mysterious Milburns 9:30 O'clock Grand Scenes from Shakespe'are's Comedies , - and Tragedies. By Mr. Charles B. - ' ' Hanford, the celebrated tragedian. Third Pay Town Booster's Day and Neighborhood Picnic mornino 10:30 O'clock Addresses on Boosting "The Old Home - ' Town." By City, State and National Leaders (All citizens are requested to close their places, of business and unite in boosting our town on this day.) AFTERNOON 3:00 O'clock Grand Concert, by The Lyric Glee Club. 3:45 O'clock Lecture, "Visions and Ideals," By Dr. J. J . W. Frizzoll, , Chautauqua Director. eveninq ." 8:15 O'clock , Lecture, "Some' Twentieth Century Pro- ,-blems." By Dr.'J. W. Frizzell. 9:00 O'clock Concert and Entertainment by The Lyric . Glee Club. . Comin Soon F. 5. WOLCOTT5 RABBIT FOOT MINSTELS THE LARGEST CLEANEST AND MOST F AMOUS Ml NST RE L SHOWN IN THE SOUTH y WATCH FOR THE $5,000 GOLD BAND A Laugh Gauranteed Eve ry Minute Admission 25 35 Cents Big Street Parade. At Noon ONE NIGHT ONLY Big Day at Laurel Branch Church Susiay July 18, 1915, A. large crowd gathered at Laurel Branch Church on Sunday t,he 8, andvthree Singing Classes were present to render music. A bountiful dinner was served on the ground-by the local citizens, and the day was greatl enjoyed. The East Fork Singing Class was led by George Bruce, and the Laurel Branch binging' Class by James Hunter, and the Lower Walnut Creek Singing Class was directed by C. F. Runnion. Each class was at its best, and made splendid music to the great plea sure ofall who were present. Several parties from Marshall were present, and those who had visited Laurel Branch in former years enjoyeA- meeting many of their old friends formerly met there on such occassions. The C. F. Runnion " Singing Class will attend the Chautauqua to be held at Marshall on the 9, 10, and 11, a part of the time, and assist in making music. ' A Faint Heart, They say that a faint heart never won a fair i ' It is equally true that a firm that wants business ought to ask for it. That's why we are talking each week, telling, you about the good features of our bank and the benefits to be derived from doing business with us. W e want you to be a customer of our bank. We are not afraid to tell you so frankly. W e conduct a conservative and reliable bank. But we are not so blamed conservative that we are afraid to ask for new business THE CITIZENS BANK J. H. White, President C.J. Ebbs, Cashier MW!!:.JU TWENTY ONE MAIMED PER 1 MINUTE. Every"minute twenty-one persons are accidentally injured. Every five minutes one person is accidentally killed. Over 11,000.000 are killed or in jured yearly about 30,000 each day Five times as many persons are killed or injured each year as die from natural causes. More die and are disabled from pin pricks and other slight injur ies than die from pneumonia. More people are killed and injur ed yearly than have been killed or injured in any war of the last two hundred years. More people are kept from work by accidental injury than are idle from lack of employment. One death in every twelve is due to accidental causes. A psrson is twice as liable to die from accident as from old age. Out of 20,000,000 cases of disabil ity lhat occur each year only 5 are fatal. 'This means that life insurance ' ... covers 95 and accident aud sick ness 5 From Government Sta tistics. ' Our Accident and Health Insurance Costa Three Cents a Day. World Accident Association Woodmen of The World Building, Omaha. Neb. t E.B. GILBERT, Local Agt, Marshall; N. C The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PUIS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IP FIRST BdX, O.R BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. SEVERE" PAIN. "I used to suffer a great deal With lumbago in my shouldera and back. A friend Induced me to try Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln pills and I am only too glad to be able to attest to. the relief that I got from these splendid pills. They form a valuable medicine and do all that it M claimed they will do." J J- ; LEWIS J. COTTER, .. Marietta, Ohio. . An Easy Pleasait Laxative One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night No bad! natoseatinjr taste; no belch ing gas. Go right to bed. Wake up in the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day Dr, King's New Life Pills are sold by all DruggisU, 36 in an original package, for 25 cents. Get a bottle to-dayr-enjoy this easy, pleasant laxa tive. ;... When Hot. Weather Oppresses - Whan you foel oppressed, dull snd stupid, we inert and languid do not blame it all en the weatlier. Heat wl!l not affect you so much it the bowels are regular. Foley Cathartic Tablets are ideal for ir.digetlon and constipation. They relieve stout per sons of that bloatad, heavy feeling. Dr. I. E. Uui ni t, Mais Hill. N C.