mmmm-mm-' ' I'M!"! THOUGHT SUE GOULD HOT LIVE .. 1 , - Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. Unlonville, Mo.-" I suffered from female trouble and I got to weak that I icouia naniiy " across the floor witn out holding on to something. I had norvnna -Boells ana my fingers would cramp and my face nrnuld draw, ana A could not speak, nor Wr to do any stood, KbH no ametite.ana everyone thought I would not live. . - ma tn tnlca Lvdia E. some one ui , , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had token so much medicine and my doctor said he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it By the time I had taken HI frit better. I continued its use.and now I am well and strong. "I have always recommended your medicine ever since I was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I hope this letter will be the means of saving some 1 other poor woman from suffering. -Mrs. Maetha Seavey, Box 1144. Unionville, Missouri. n- 1.- v T Win PL Pinkham's Ape mtwciB . . Vegetable Compound have thousands oi roch letters as that above - they tell v.. tmth. else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger -it has stood the test for years. If there are anr mUbs yra do not enderstand write to Lydla B. IMnkbam Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn.Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read nr answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. INTRODUCING THE DASHEEN, NEW i n pniRiF l i - i 4S . V : - . - I - For poison ivy use Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. Uncle Sam has one bank to every 9,700 people. rrv. man whn huvs an automobile on the installment plan evidently be lieves in paying as he goes. To Drive Out Malaria m And Build up ine sysiem .k. nu c.nrf.rd GROVE'S 1 lid 111. VIU u - .icthi ncc .kill TONIC! You know what you are taking, as mo - Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. Trie 2? . . . ... .Vi -Iran giumtne anves om "'-. ----uilds up the system. 50 csnts. Adv. A Greater Surprise. "Where are you goin', ma?" asked the youngest of five children. "I'm going to a surprise puny, dear," answered the mother. "Are we all goln', too! "No, dear; you weren't invited." After a few moments' deep thought: 'Say, ma, then don't you think they'd be lots more surprised if you did take us all?" CARE FOR CHILDREN'S i.m.n fliintin iiiirn unit PIPII 1UKH1 uALU i tL hlMtD IUU OlbII GLEAIl LIVER A!ID BOWELS MY WAY just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious,. Consli- pated, Headachy Don't Lose a uays Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerfuU make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, danger ous calomel, because it makes you ii j vnn mnv lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicasuver, hioii mnntm necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like hrnnktne it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and Listen to me! If you want to enjoy h gentlest liver ana doww UHO aw.B O " Ml . cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless uooboh Liver Tone. Your druggist or aeaier sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money- .. Th. ftnhinx on Natation. The Sphinx propounded a riddle: "How many girls would swim out beyond the danger line it the life guard was a woman?" she asked. After Tkln F1""8,?, One of the D.sheen Corms, Which Are Forced for Their Shoots. The cook can mtts io Bhootg( forced ffom the corroB tato. and she can also Jjwe ( when tender, wm take SeshZrcasSeen will be a familiar vegetable in our markets before long BE KINDER m.frfa ana ft inena ihivibw - . The more prominent the man, the more likely the doctors are to dlog nose his old age as rheumatism. For' any sore Hanford's Balsam. Adv., . " : . . .v India contains at least 29 cities with populations exceeding 100,000. For galls use Hanford's Balsam. Adv. . ' " King Alfonso ot Spain is a general In the British army. Made since 1846Hanford's Balsam. Adv. - ' ' - The railways of Egypt exceed 1,600 miles in length. " HARVESTING IN COUTH Suggestions for Handling Crops for Hay or straw. Best Result. Obtained Where Wheat or Oats Are Cut in "mmk ! Very Soft Douflh State Quara Against Bad Weather. Summer Luncheons III- in a jiffy Mil .1 Let Libby'i id cheli reft VOU I P of hot-westhet cooling. Stock the fiJr oucea Dried iSeet ud the other good summer ifwIiiHinff l.lbbV S VKona Sauge- you II find thccs , tretb ana ppeozmg. Libby,M?NeiIIdb libby, Chicago ii b n n n -urn. - V "-r I ISSB J LADIES!!' , USZGUXERT'S ,' :-JEVEL TALCU;. F0uD2l The" Tsloum of Quality, for reflned people; Pertume rich, lasting, and ex Sulilte; Powder of veWety flueneu. r h Clu JawlSe. Sold bf all dealers. MADE BY caxr.nT eros, a co. ' BALTIMORE. MP. ' , ' nADIlTOH i . ..... 4 a CO r2 P O D i 13 .' i I in automobile radiatora. I or aale at leading garage, oi ent by wh'1 "i receipt of 35 eenta pet can, in coin.' i " wanted, write ua. new houoid tc Free call. 4. bu.u -aa, Lakewooa. r w spared IWJJg tidniHina- wheat and oats vary widely In different localities. In the South the harvest is in some ways .i ynniiiinted than in tne North. There are, however, a numoer of operations which farmers almost universally have found to their advan whom the neighborhood in far distant that threshing machines .ptiiv available, farmers have found It more feasible to cut the wheat and oats either as hay or to tie the crops into medium-Bizea uuuu. tn ha fed as straw. Provided the wheat or oais crop Is fnr hav. best results are oo- hor. th crons are cut in tne tBMirju v a- w - . Trv soft dough stage, me atalks will be mostly green, or Just beginning to show eigns ot ripening mittine.' the oats or wheat should be cured, and handled xi- .nv nthar common grass hays. conditions are favorable, the hay will have a bright green color, hut .. ' in fiiaved until the grain la in the full doujh stage, the bay will be dry, hard ana meuuueu in a value dlminisnea. , . .4 t. ttnaA to feed the grain In should be put off. until the grain has reached the hard dough : stage ana .... v...- t.i.n nn a yellow color. Plains ua o t""u" : " .... Under favorable weather conditions . .!.. sufficiently for ZarpWoTesi; six or eight days 5 'put up in carefully made round "hocks of nine bundles each, including one cap bundle. Near the coast, where frequent rains are to be expected at this season, grain should be put in small shocks. , containing only , six . lot nncanoed so tnai n will dry out quickly after a rain. It is unnecessary to tear down and spread n hnka after rains, aa it Bometlmes is with larger ones. The . . ftnra. should be shocked Immediately in order to avoid the pos- aiblllty of loss irom oau wwi. . ri. ha cron Is grown not. for feeding purposes but tor sale cr for J V. nilttlTlff SnOUlU UO PUDIWWuom still further until the grain has passed the bard dough stage, kh m nead rioe. however, the ieu w a .v. i. quality Is not so from shattering i MnAar cannot be used the cut- tlna may be done a little earlier than . . a 'i nn k? i hiii. auuvnvvi w manner already mentioned, should be left In the neid unui u wuiu-j 1 .t,a then threshed without de- curou vi i ..n. lay It no thresnmg macuiuo able at once, the grain snouia oe either stacked or stored in a barn du 1UK llw 1 ,n form where Btorag space is not abundant it will probably pay tie farmer to sell the grain as soon as .v,.v with the exercise of a little co-operation be may arrange with t "9 neighbors to make up a bu..,mU this is done the freight car can be loaded direct from the farmers' wag ons. It is important to remember, how ever, that the car should oe loaaea without delay in order to avoid demur rage charges. Wheat and oats should nnt he loaded into the same car unless It la absolutely necessary. Mixed ship' ments of this kind cannot be nanaiea to mod advantaee in the market. In the case of oats it is also possmie to disDoae advantageously of the crop by shipping it In bags to grain brokers or feed dealers in nearby towns, wnen this is done, however, It Is ot great im portance to have the oats cleaned and of uniform quality. , une nunareu pound bags are probably the most sat isfactory, when tnese are suippeu intn another state the federal law re quires that the net weight ot grain In the bags be marked upon tnem. &aca bag should contain the quantity indi cated by the marks on the outside; that is, If the bags are maritea "iuu pounds" they should contain , 100 pounds of gTaln, actual weigni. Hair and 8kln With Cutlcura. Noth- Ing Easier. Trial Free. tn, en.n tn Meanse and purify the aV UU " skin and scalp, the Ointment to soothe and heal rashes, ltcnings, reu ness. roughness, dandruff, etc. Noth tag better than these fragrant super creamy emollients for preserving and purifying the skin, scaip ana uu. .. " f.oo hv mftll With Book. oauiyioOTiiu Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywnere. u.. What She Expected. "Look at her," said the Ironmonger, Indicating a departing customer. "She Bent her wringer here to be repaired. I promised it to her lor mis ween, provided I could get a certain new n.rt in time from the maker's. I couldn't get it. Now she wants me to pay a charwoman, wno came uu- necessarily, half a crown an iwgpuw The Ironmonger paused to nreaine i .11.. . "But that's not all. tier nuuauu ... nn woahrlnva. and as no ainea uiuca vui. " ' , t. o ,.hiiiT that wasn t a wash- UUb UU " rf ,jayyou understand: sne sayn i t n.v fnr hia dinner. No, she ffoeBn't ask anything else. And they call 'em the weaker sex. iimuuu Tit-BlU. back guarantee that each spoonful alueeish liver beUer than a dose ot nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is reai u medicine. You'll know it next mora will wake up feet ing Jne, your liver wiU be working. your headache ana aizime s"u your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore barmleBS ant aniivate. Give it to your chil dren. Millions ot people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dan gerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here. TO YOURSELF TEST THAT NEVER FAILED Mine Foreman Had Particular Reaaorf for Patronizing Sawyer Kiaca on His "Vacation." Women Are Often Victims of Nervous- nesa Because They Don't Know How to Relax. HORSE IN DEMAND IN SOUTH Diversification Create Market for Mares to Breed to Jacks tor Plantation Motive Power, i while the demand for horses from army buyers has not brought the prices up to the expectations oi many owners, the horse grower should not despair. There is a new market and a permanent one opening up m mis country.- It will not be dependent upon the war-whims or European na tions. The South is beginning to feel the need of more farm power. The one-mule-one-horse day oi agriculture in that section is passing, says Farm Progress. The South as cotton grow ing area might get along . with the one-horse system, but a new South taking up diversified farming wants more power and this means a demand for more mules and more horses. The southern states are going to be big buyers of mares in the next few years. They will want tne mares to oreea to in nit tn furnish Plantation motive power and these buyers are going to want mares in large uumoers. Come war or peace, the horse de mand la going to be Steady and strong for a long time, rne aoutn is not go in tn rhanee over from the one-mule system to the tractor. The tractor will follow the big teams and these must come first . ' -. T.ntu r.nntl Out "I made an awful break yesterday," said the fellow who is Known aa "That 1b unusual for you. How am it happen?" asked the man In whom v. wai atimit tn confide, ' h "I met Lulu in front of an ice cream 1. n.t i told her that her lips were -like strawberries. She said the tn nrove It was DV maamg the comparison, so I had to blow her to a strawberry sunaae Revised. t. ti,. futurist music you're play iag?" Inquired hubby as his wife th. ntannla. m ju,' it'a 'Home. Sweet Home, but I think Bobby has been using it as a target tor his air nne One of the important things to know in life, especially if you are a womaa, Is how to let yourself alone, writes rnrnivn Davles in the Mother's Marine. The ability to relax, the ,t nr hPine ludiciously lazy, the tact to let herself alone has saved many a woman from a nervous breaKaown. tr -it lrnnur the housewife who nags herself into such a state of conscien tiousness that she cannot rest, n sne Ilia down she is continually worrying herself with thoughts of tne worn mat she is neglecting. u...i. r thu hiamo fnr mis hihib ui isiuuii wi t-uw " - ofr.irs lies at the doors of the moth ers. The mistake is in their training of their children, especially weir daughters. They are taught from ear liest infancy to be kind to others, to bear with them, to forgive tnem, io help them; but from birth to death no one ever tells them to De amu, to themselves. Th. wnman who nags nerseii cau make herself more miserable than any nna aid A nossiblv could. She can make her life more of a nightmare than any misfortune could possibly maae ii. u cmsth H7ATT1 ATI nould learn to be kinder DUu , w to themselves there is no douDi tnai thoir wn lives would be lengthened; and not only that, but the lives of those with whom they come in cioe contact would be made far more pleas ant.. Among the old miners of Siskiyou county a man can get worse whisky at Sawyer's bar than in any other place on earth. This is the belief ot the gold-diggers of that section, and that faith is accepted as orthodox, aaj ih. Qon HVonHiinn Pall. IUU Mil . .. Regularly every Christmas uuiy a, foreman of'the Oro FIno mine, take his layoff down at Sawyer's. Oncc the superintendent asked him why h alwaya selected that place for bis va cation. .,.ti tn have one yearly drnna. said Billy, "and I want to know Jut when 1 am drunk, so that l may enji the sensation." . t'Well, can't you enjoy tne sensauo thor nnrtion of the county or iu ail j w.v. f state or continent?" asked the super intendent. "No. When I'm drinking Sawyer whisky and it begins to taste gooi then I know rm drunk. Insulted th Mayor, A jtnmnanv had onened a new swim hath in the Dlace. and as a com pliment sent a free ticket to the mayor. , , That worthy man was very pleased. But he began to wonder wnen anow er ticket arrived. Sitting down, he wrote to the bath proprietors as follows: "Gentlemen: Your first ticket I re ceived as a complimtnt. Your second i .11. nn ma .a hin rather suggestive. Bll mco uw o If you send me a third I will take it as a personal insult. Life In London. V Aa-a nftnr the Visit Of tt UU L"o " German Zeppelins there occurred la Soutbwark bo a wireiess me--from BerUn asserts the following coac versation: "Betsy," whispered Mr. James, lea ing his wife into the darkest corner at the cellar, "here is a waiieu i find in it all our valuable papers. ta stocks and bonds, my will, my hum- ance policies, and the iock oi nany. hair cut off on his first birthdaf. Good-by, Betsy. If I fail to retire, bring up our children to be good Ene lieh men and women." ' "Oh, James, dear, you are not going on a dangerous journey, are you?" "Voa Nearest. I must go UP to the first floor." New York Evening Poet Same Old 8ymptoma. Hyker-What do you consider th one unfailing sign of spring? Pyker The" delicious feeling whleft. makes you want to sit down and wats other people wore. I - i . mmtki InanlL" I Bk ijc ov i i i . --T7V 0 1 O'JWV I l1 1 To Destroy Onion Maggot rha nnlnn maeeot which does a lot r wit.fhlpf mav be foueht with a new spray compounded to kill the fly xhich lays the eggs rrom wnicn tne maggots come. This spray should be milled before the maggots appear, ith coarse snrav. The mixture consists of one pint of Orleans mo lasses, one-sixth or an ounce ot Bodlum arsenite, and one gallon of water. ... . , Pmfiuble Root Croo. Ton tons ot roots ner acre bout v amnnnt that can be crown on land that will yield 80 bushels of corn t the acre 1b not a profitable crop, but on even 25. tons may easily be se- cured under good management,-and will pay well uah Paatura Combinations. ' ' " Good hog pasture combinations are rye (early Spring), rape (sutumeri; corn in field and rape (fall); rye, al falfa, corn; rye, clever, oats and pea Lunch Prepared in a Jiffy Now for a rest while waiting for John. ' ' " ' 'r - ' r ' ala are always ready to eat right from the package-.weet, crisp and tempting. And What a relief from fussing around in a stuffy kitchen on hot days. The lunch is a good one-and John likes to find the ife cool and comfortable. Post Toasties are thin bits of white Indian corn toasted to a golden brown. Eat itham and sugar-and some fresh berries-They are deliaou, Quantity ta ev t v . . u .