MADISON COUNTXRECORD, - ; t . Established June 28,1901. fTTf! Medium. j 0 FRENCH BROAD NEWS, . Established May 16, 1907; II M . ' Throogk which you reach the people of Madison County. Consolidated : : Not. 2nd, 1911. Advertising Rates on Application. 5 TE2 DULY NEWSPAPER FLTIC.'.'ED IN MADISON COUNTY vol; xvii MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 30th 1915 NO 30. 1EG 8 i .r lVf DIRECTORY r "- MADISON COUNTY. Established L r the legislature ses Ion 1850-51. . , - Population, 20,132. ' ' ' . County seat, Marshall. "' 16& teet, above sea level. Naw and modern court house, cost 33,000.00. -r ' Hew and modern jail, cost 115,000 New county homo, cost 10,000.00. County Officers. , ... FTnn.J E. Lineback. Senator, 35th District, Elk Park Hon. Plato Ebbs, Representative Hot Springs. N. ." X W. A. West. Clerk o Superior CourtMarshall. - , Caney Ramsey, Sheriff, Marshall. . James Smart, Register of Deeds Marshall. - C. F. Runnion, Treasurer, Marshall N.O , R. F. D. NOT 4. A. T. Chandley, Surveyor, Marshall N.C. , . ' t Dr. J. H. Balrd, Coroner, Mars Hill N.C. , ' V W. J, Balding, Janitor, Marshall. Dr. Frank Roberts, County Physi cian, Marshall. Garfield Davis. Supt. county home. Marshall. ; Courts is Followit September 1st, 1915 (2) November 10th. 1915. (2). March 2nd. K)15. (2). June 1st, 1915 - (2). Sept. 7th. 1915,2). J. Ed. Swain,- Solicitor, Asheville N.C. 1915, Fall Term Judge Frank .Carter." Asheville. v , 1014 Rnrtncr Term Judge M. E "-IT- f Justice. Rutherfordton, N. C. Full Term Judire E. B. Cline, of Hickory, N. C. - " County ' commlialonri N. B. McDevitt chaliman. Marshall J. JL Reotor, member, . Marshall, R. F. D. No. 1.'" Anderson. Silver, rpem her. ' Marshall;.' Route 3 " If. L. fipnnrft. member. Mars Hill. J. C Chaadley White Rock. T Z P. A McElroy Co. Atty.. Marshall. Hlffhuiay commlnlon F. Shelton, President, Marshall. Q V. Russell, r Bluff, V, C. A. 1. Sprinkle, " Mars Hill, N. - Board of Education. Jasper Ebbs, Chairman, Spring Creefc N. C. John Robert Sams. " mem. Mars Hill, N. C. W R. Samf, mem. Marshall. , Prof. G. C. Browij, feuperlntendent of Schools, Marshall.' i Board meets first Monday in January. April, July, and October each year. Bohoola ndCollag- . Mars Hill College, Prof. R. L. -Moore, President.- 412 students; Ses sion 1915-16, nine months, begins August nth, 1915. ; -, " ' y Soring Creek High School. ' Prof. &. iw Pleasants, Principal, Spring ,., rrnok. R moa school, onens A Uff. 1st Madison Seminary v: High , School, Prof. K. G. Anders, d rinclpal.; i mos. school. ' Begins July 28 Bell Institute. Margaret i E.' Grif 11th, principal, Walnut, N' .. Marshall Academy, Prof. S. Roland Williams, principal 8 mos. school. Opens August 31, - i ,, Notary Vubllcm. 3. C. Ramsey, Marshall, Term plres Jauuary 6th, 1916. Jasper Ebbs. Sprinsr Creek. N, ex- O. 'Term expires January 6th 1915. i J E Hunt'.M-, : Marshall," Route . 3. Term expires April 1st 1915,- J W Nc'.!Hn, Marshall Term ex Bires May 11, 1915 r-.i , . . T B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex pires February 4 th 1915. - " ' Cralgr Ramsey, Revere. tTerm ex pires March 19, 1915, ; N. W. -Anderson, Paint Fork, 1 Term expires May 19, 1915. . v W. T. Davis, Hot Springs, term expires January 22nd 1915. ' Steve Rice, Marshall. Term ex pires Dec. 19th. 1915. Ben W. Gahayan, Stackhpuse,, N. C. Term expires Dec. .20, 1915. J. F. Tllson, Marshall. Route 2. Term expires NOV. 14thl913. a J. Ebbs, Marshall. . Term ex I iris April 25th, 1915. . D. II. Ilarshburger, Stackhouse. Term expires January 16th, l'JIG. - D. P. Miles, I arnard- Term expires December, 2.1, 1910. . W. B. Kamsev, JMarsa2.ll, , xarm expires Oct. 4th 1915. , J, A. Wallia, B!jr Laurel. Term c ' ps Aug. 8th, 1316. - V (. C. Drown, Blu.T: Term expire ,J yC:h 1917. 1 Previous Steam- ship Disasters Lives ' -v ' ,. ' Lost. Steamer Time. 1,595.. Titanic..., April 14, 1912 Off New Foundland Banks,) 1,100. .Lnsitania. . . .Mav 7, 1915 (Atlantic Ocean ) 1.024Empre83 of Ireland. .May 29. 1914 ; (St. Lawrence River.) 959. .Gen. Slocum.June, 15,1915 East River, New York. 871.. Bourgojne.. ;. July 2, 1898 (Off New Foundland, Banks.) 700. .Princess Alice Sept 3 1878 (In Thancus, ner Woolrich.) 574.. Utopia... -.March, 17, 1891 . (Off Gibraltar.) 300..Matsu Maru Mch. 23, 1908, v (Off Coast of Japan.) 289. .Ship Kaponda Mch. 29 1897 (Off the Coast of Brazil.) 287. . Lady Elgin, . .Sept 8, 1860 (Lake Michigan.) 200. . Excursion Steamer Apr! ' . ' - . '24, 1909, 183. . Larchmont : . Feb.' 12, 1907, :. Long Island Sound.) 135..Volturno.....Oct, 11, 1913 (Atlantic . Ocean.) 128. .State of Florida April ; ' . 18, 1884. (Off Canadian Coast.) 100.. Libau....... June, 7, 1903. (Off Marseilles Coast.) 600.. Norge .....June, 25 1894, . (OffyRockall Reefs.) -200., Nile River Steamer April, : ; v.-V (Nile Rivdr.) Pay as you Go. New Bern Sun. , ; Uhere seems to be a consider able breaking away from the old credit system which has been in use by so many merchants' and bthers for so long a time. . This is being noted not only here but elsewhere and we are glad to see this change taking place. If the people could only be induced to pay as .they go it would be4 much better all arojnd. The system of buying on credit works a hardshih on all sides and the sooner it is abandoned the . bet' ter. Let us figure on that house plan, we can save you money and you get the best at lowest prices. Morrow & McL'indon. ' Treat Them Right Tfea dollar is one of the best friends yon bare if yoa treat km right. Fcn't r::ke the mistake of working all year life far the dollar. Ee carefnl, by saving, pat , yenr earnings in osr hz and in time yon can pst the dc!!ars to wcrkfor ycx That's the thing to be de sired. Once wcrkirg for yea at interest the iallit is always working fsr yea, 355 days ia the year, nhts and Scndays, too. It's Vcrth tihking ahest. THE CITIZENS BANK ' ' ' 0 , j J. II. Wilis, Prc:::.:t ' C. J. Ells, fck "Class Poem" (To G R Runnion "Qass") I : Pray listen to one, while I relate A poem not genius, and yet . ; quite great . ' A story of the musical talented stars . 1 - ' . , - .... ' Who breathe and sing, in the Land of the sky. - f In this wonderful class is a num ber of eight; j Each has won for themselves a . note-worthy place. - J C. F. Runnion in the front, found " ever at his post. - ' ' Bilt without Robt Sprinkle, he would feel quite lost. Porter B. deserves praise. with his musical throat, While his fair sex assistant, perfects every note, Johnny R's deep bass gladly thrills every one When Dovie goes to sleeping, , - why his part sings on. sometimes thro the hills of old Tennessee," For a volunteer, comes a pall to me; . 1 With my sister, then , we" try, with the class to keep pace, And our singing's O. K. when we're not singing bass, There s a fair lady yet, w.uo dreams great praise, For so sweetly, her voice to any pitch, can raise, Iarmoniously rings, onward'? each soul in the Choir; With Vutmard" the moto. how joyously happy they (we) are. E. J. Tired, 'Aching Muscles Relieved Hard work, over-exertion, mean stiff sore muscled. Sloan's Liniment light- applied, a little quiet, and yourLntnr , n0 f!iHn'a Rant soreness disappears like magic. Noth- STeTSZ nn.K, rot.,! ,; StODS sufferlnc-. aches and Dains. An JWUf U . bV V M bVI US excellent counter-irman , : oetter aua uieauer uiau m usual u. Ail xJiiiKgisia cents. Get a bottle to-day. Pehe- trates witnout running. For Hay Fever or Asthma Many persons dread July on account of hay fever. Foley's noney and Tar Compound is recognized as the , Ideal remedy for hay fever and asthma. It heals and soothes the raw, grasping throat and eases the choking sensa- tion. It allays inflammation and ir- ritation and brinirs easy, natural breathing. Dr. I. K. Burnett, Mars Hill, N. C To the Farmers of ' 1 i Madison Countv . - ' . The crops for the year 1915 are laid by and what is called the leisure season is on. The way this season is spent by the farm ers will mean much or little in proportion to what use this time is put -by the individual farmer. This period will be the time for Institutes.of various kinds. On tho 9th; 10th and 11th, of August, there will be conducted a Chau tauqua which will be highly en tertaining and instructive to all who will attend. The fore noon of August the ninth, will be a 'ree In9titute 40 a" farmers, their wives and children and all others who see proper to attend. Then on the 12, the regular State Farm er's Institute will be held at Marshall N. C, and at Mars Hill N. C. , on August the 13th farmers and Beef Cattle men S . . . . , "-o vCii c.3 ait wuu ai c luwicavcu in hoes, sheer)! houlkrv and all (other lines of farming should drop every thing and attend all of these meetings. The coming together at the Court House of the County by citizens from all parts of the county is one of the best means of sbcial and financial improvement. Since we are get- ting good roads, it is a thing of nothing to come from the out skirts of the County and spend half the day in town and return in ample time for necessary re- m"" uur.iiK. .lonuwmK n,f ' ., .4. " J- , ' me" mi ciuzeus snouiu Know at first hand what is going on in their county town. Some of our citizens, are so far behind that they do not know that Marshall has two streets, and yet it is true. Than wp hav anm tArvaprnnora . ft hftn(3aomp ddition wd Mr" John Ramsey ianAHrinir tho onmnUinn - - fiau " v v V1IU V VIU VV1VU Vi .Ml t.hron Bfyrir Kri.t hnilinn. rfKl front th& W0(J,d do . credit to . - . a much larger town, Then Jumbo, the old War Horse of Madison and Mogul of Marshall, is laying in cement and stoiie the foundation for another three story brick building on the ashes of the old wood building lately destroyed by fire. So the old town of Marshall is Dast 1 and nocooln a m tm . . . ,,,, , . 1D- Also the old Madison is in the background and a eiant-like County is appearing. - So , let every farmer, it matters not whether he owns a thousand acres one or na acres at all. Come out to tnfiSft mpptincn anrl Iistpn n.nrl 1 lend his voice in everything that is for the upbuilding of the farm ers interest along all lines. -Respectfully,. - J.R.SAMS, County Agent. Notice Having qualifiod as Adminis trator of R. H. Haynie deceased late of Madison County,- North Carolina,, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Bar nard, N. C on or before the 9th day fif "July 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. , , , -, All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. v - " ' ' ";: DAN T. HAYNIE, Administrator ofR. II. Haynie, .J-:ca !. . 6x7-9-15. Church Services on I the Bald Mountain Rev. Oscar E. Sams ot Lynch burg, Virginia, will preach two sermons on top of the Bald Mountain, the Second Sunday in August Rev. Sams is one of our Madison County boys, son of J, f. sams, oi Mara Hill, and is a graduate of Mars Hill College. FT a . . . . ne is anxious to nave as many of his friends and relatives in this section attend these services as can arrange to be present. A Cough Remedy that Relieves It's perpared from the healing Pine Balsam, Tar and Honey all mixed In a pleasant, soothing Cough Syrup called Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey, Thousands have benefited by Its use no neea or your enduring tnat an noylng Cough or risking adangerous Cold- Go t0 your dea,er ask i0T 25s ?' DrBe11'8 Pfne; Tar: Honey, start using at once and get rid of your Cough and Cold. For a More Effec tive Navy Houston Post. It cannot be charged that the mind of Secretary of the Navy Daniels is at all .sluggish' in in venting new ideas to be applied to the making of a more effective navy. His sweep of the needs of that arm of the national defense is limitless and finds .fertile ex pressiOB in innovations thafcsome times startle the old "sea dogs" by the boldness of their concep tion, His latest scheme provides for the creation of an advisory board of the proposed bureau of inyentl0n in tQe navy department 8aia 0ara ,. to be composed Of Thomas A. Edison as Chairman and sixteen noted .American scientists, to be .elected by eight btienWUC SOCieilS- inere 13 HO ( pent-up Utica in Secretary Da niels breast when it comes to planning for that portion of the public good1 which the depart ment over which he presides is expected to conserve and protect aainsfc foes Odious, or, other- wise. An Easy Pleasant Laxative One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night No bad, nauseating taste; no belch ing gas. Go right to bed. Wake up in the . morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day Dr, King's .New Life Pills are sold by a11 Dre'. 36 in an original to - day - enjoy this easy, pleasant laxa- "va. 400 Acre Farm For Sale. On account of poor health Will O'Neil has listed his fine stock and dairy farm two and a half miles west of Newport for sale, For ten years Mr. O'Neil has sav ed no less than fifteen hundred dollars yearlf, profit from this farm and he lists it for sale only because bis health is such that he can no logger care for the farm and the stock. . This farm is only two and a half miles from the court- house and contains more than four hun dred acres. It is in a high state of cultivation,' under good fence well Watered, nice residence, two barns; in fact one of the best stock or dairy farms in upper East Tennessee. Price $21,000., one third cash, remainder in onp, two and three years. For furth er particulars call on or wrile: T. I II. Ctrptc'J, Newport, Teen, ' G. A. R. Notice to the members of Geo. W. Gahagan Post No. 38, G. A. R., Department of Virginia and North Carolina: - All members of said Post are requested to be present at the next moeting of same to be held 1 at the Court House, August 7. 1915. at 11 o'clock. A. M. This July 22, 1915. S. M. DAVIS, Com. M. A. Chandley, Adjutant. Summer Aches ind Pains A backache that cannot be explain ed by having "sat In a drift" is more than likely the result of disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly relieve backache, sore or stiff mus cles and joints, rheumatism, and sleep distnrbing bladder ailments. They put the Kidneys In sound, healthy conditions. Dr. I. E. Burueti, Mars Hill, N. a NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed in trust dated December 8th, 1910 and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Madison, County N. C, In book No 13 onpage 141, which deed in trust.was gives by Manson Evans and wife Kaa- ceyJ, Evans to II. B. Lance, Trus tee, to secure the payment of certain notes therein described and default having been made in the payment ' of said notes, whereby the power of sale has become operative and at the request of the holder of said notes, . the undersigned Trustee in said deed in trust will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in the town of Marshall, Madison Connty, North Carolina, on Monday, : August the 30th, .915 between the hours of U a. ' m., and 3 p. m., tl e property convey- ed in said deed in crust and described as follows: - In Madison County, adjoining the lands of John Thomas, Lance, Ebbs, and H. S. Rumbough. Beginning on on a stake on Conway Street, . being corner of colored Church Lot, and runs Northwest with Conway st 52 feet to John " Thompson's corner, , thence a northeast course with Thomp son's line and Lance's line and a plank fence to Ebbs' line, being 165 feet, then a Southerly course with Ebbs line 65 feet to line of Pubie school, lot line, thence west with said line and Ebbs' line 96 feet to Ebbs corner, thence a south course with Ebbs' line 50 feet to H. S. Rum- bough's line, thence with his line 62 feet to the corner of the colored church corner, thence north with their line to Lance's line, then west with their line to the beginning This the 28th day of July 1915. H. B. LANCE, ! " D 30-4-t. , Trustee. : Corbcn- 333 uniform, pure. ' sis refrechir. h cold only a f ted bottles. It fat!

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