7 y 'tV x:'V ,7-f ' X Xi x; ' -Y?1 uDisorr. COUNTY RECORD, ' : ; ' V.-.'i! . 1 ' $ r - Established June. 28, 1901, 7 ' J . i WWW f Medium. :. '' ' " 'C ' ' ;" v Establishe BROAD NEWS, $ , Established May 16, 1907 J A H-' .! which' you reach the 3l peopfe of Madison County I 'M S 'i dhninlMfttei! : V t" Naif 2nd- 1011. Adyertisirg Rales . ca , Ar;'Icsl!;z. J WWVWVWWW-WW v -'X- 'XV '' ;. ;. -,',''X:-'' r- K the may Iiewsfafeh pu:lisi:o im mad (son mm .. v r :'i IV." ' ' ' -' I ' :A iA'VL.... ... : . ..V -A V MARSHALL. MADISON COUNTY N, C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1915. . NO 47 A. 'f Jt. i v. - ;v i 'V- 4':- VvA ?A 1UU13CTORY Beef Cattle on ) The Kickers High-Priced Land (By George Pitch) T HERE are., three kinds 1 . MADISON btWTY. EstabllslieA I f the ' legislature ss Ion 1850-51. . .. Population, 20.132. V Cciint.y soat.AMarshaU. A .. , ie;.I eet above sea level. New and moderp court house, cost C5 . A : y: jA A fB U3.ooo.6o. V" ."I A. ' 'New" and modern jail, cost15,000. . i ! , A New county borne, cost 110,000.00. . t ' A ' ; ' - Cooatr OHifers '': .A '' : f.A- Hon.JN E. ' Mnebacl; Senator, 35th i : District, El'i Park Ortne bl farm "'of' Levi Seass in Moultrie bouDty, III., L. D. Seas and his father are doing what so many people talk ; about and so few have tackled in the last fewA years -breeding and finishing beef cattle. For at least two generations ' this farm has turned off it's liberal annual Quota of .well finished steers for are three kinds of kickers: mules, shot-guns and some men ,,. "V The - mule kicks, because he was born that way; the Shot-gun because it was built that wav. I An Act to Regulate the nse o Assumed Names in Partnerships The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, t xn -w imr ; ofiuiw l. no person or persons shall hereafter carry on, conduct or transact business in this State under assumed name, or under any designation, name and the human being because it' or style' other than the real name is a right thoughtlessly" granted J or names of the individual or in to him by the constitution The human kicker isAdividod A- r,M v A , ' r. Jinenuman KicKer is aividod the Chicago markets. Some were int0 twQ kjndsacnte anfi thronic 7T &on.p)ao Ebbs,,Eepresentatly, bred on neaxby farms, and.-later The RCUte kic,cer kjckss bec. lL . i. . ' " ' J J Hot Snrlnirs N. C. - Z: . - ': I hns western ranges were aepena A W.h'A." West. Clerk o Superior ed upon for 'stock As corn land f Courts Marshall. A A- V- ferew In value, however, grazing A Caney Ramsey. Sheriff. Marshall. jand 'declined In" acreage in Illi James Smart, Register of Deeds n019 The West too, has been Marshall. - A A wlJ.n drained bf cattle - Now that this he has something to kick at. He kicks until, he . removes the object and . then subsides His ailments is more violent, but he usually recovers.- For'the.chro oic KicKer nowever, mere is no 1 1 1 1 N.C.R. FAB. No. 4. A: ' "r , ; h-.b tope. He must kick to live. Na- A. T. Chandley, Surveyor, Hantaan aiaea vencouragea ,: anu assistea bre b , shameles8,v com'fcted , , i 1 ' - : . . . II . 1.? . 11 J . 1 II J I M " " :. A W iner, . again oreeaing h a nnir8'wlth uu hinA ipmtt nnA n T.TI Uori rVirnnftp. MarS 11111 ttl- 1 j; ii - " 7" T " uao.y. oeei. , - i8 to-sbut off Ji2"5ShJn N -" high-grade Angus cows ( a first clan,. Marshall. . . ' , , ,i Garfield Davis. Supt- county home, class pure-bred Angus bull, all Marshall. , , ' : : A ftne etLt feeding and no pasture v- A )-:.'-. : ' A - ' - are . the fundamentals ,of '-' the N. C. .Balding, Janitor, Marsliall. Seass, venture in breeding ' cattle f N. B. McDevltt chairman. Marshall for beef on $200-an acre land says JV E. Rector, mem ber.r Marshall, K. Y. F. D. No. 1." Anderson. Sliver, mem- f ber, MarOiair,, ABoute. 3 W. L. ,'t; George, member, ' Mar Hill. Jt C. :Chandley, White .Rock.A-.-A-" ' A - : t-. P, A MoElroy Co. Atty., Marshall. r .- ' "A; .(Highway commission F. L. etty in Farm and Home u , Tbe ffio - Magazine; Corn and alfalfa fur ls to elect.him.to r'-'i nish the feed. Two "big. silrs make business possible, and in Mr. Seass' estimation. are 'pri mary requisties t possible sue- Cess. ' ;-. V; ' . .. .- r 5T; Shelton, President', Marshall. There is barn room for all the a. Y. Russell. : i A Bluff.vNi Ci-- stock - Tbe-calves breed for beef A F..Sprlnklej;;! , f Mars Uill, JS. U. ? pusueu ,muuiuy.: - Aueir c0ngre8S on the' price of salt, on wmaare.weii.jea ;aoa wen carea tw gUpren,o Court, on the minis for and their calves are born tep of hi h-h .nn ihA.n,.n t -' . I t it.i . I. 1 - T Creek. NAO.' John Robert Sams. ffP "ranged an Cfy early Iie9 of 8quashed fireu3en, on the mem: Mars Hill, N. C. W R. Sams, ln 1 they are encouraged to eat 8p-d and slowness heat and ... is liffla rpr in on alfalfa haxr rn 1 L . j . - mem. Marshau. . froi. u. u. Board of Education. his breath. A This was often done in1 the' good old days when human lifej was so cheap that a patriot could-go out with an aje, and getj;epough culls and seconds for a mess any day without objection. -But now adays, we have to let the kicker we can'do (o him office i or encour age him to buy a racing Aftutouao bile. y "-.-'A,! : A''A:'H:. . A;-"" The chronio kicker stands for ever in the road withhls heels pointed toward progress, i He kioks on taxes, on street, buvi rig, dividuals owning, conducting or transacting such business, unless such person or persons shall fi!o ' I 1.1 ..A3 .1 .1 i m . t ause i iu ine omce oi me cieric or tne Ruperipr Court of the county or counties iti wHich suclv person or persons own, conductor transact, or intend to own, conductor tran sact such business, or maintain an office or place of business, a certificate setting forth the neme under which such business . own ed is or is to be , conducted or transacted, and the true : or real full name or names of the person or persons owning, conducting or1 transacting the same with ; the home and post office address or j addresses of said person or per- School Fair at Little Pine School Mr. Editor; The School , fair at Big Pine School ,was so successful, that we decided to have one , at the Little Pine Graded School on Friday November the 19th. Notwithstanding t h ev rain, snow and wind, the children from both schools were out with mny jf their parents. , It is needles to say that ;the (occasion wa success; for , children ; alway make a success of what they, und ertake. Children do not have to go through a long mill to grind them, into some kind of great. -.or ganized effort to do some trifling thing that should be done .with little effort. They simply go after the thing and do it. They collected at the school house thirty-sit different farm and gar den products and three, hundred samples of these products, Oue Mnall boy carried a beautiful pig a half mile for exhibition. A Mr. Jasper Ebbs was present The Coronation in Japan.'; on a n ue grain ana airaua jiay on ani bigness and iaiali- tbeir own accounts. Mr.- Seass is! ! i.-'j-ri tP a hntnl 14.U .1, t -. ., ' -- . I" lauio VIUL1I. UU liliH , i, size or Sunday newspapers, on After the calves learn ,to eat a vu. atuat. nil kV:a olin nn tha httlevthey-.spend most of rtet&&eoiw biuio in Liieir uwn ueu. stuidit out i 1 . t . . . . . , 'F-. .iiw.;;Ht,i, R. v --L1 A, ,-' ?eiriecioi Harare in nocprovta .w., -"" a kwed to sup.k- nnt . thv rfl . . . . - . . I nnncrc. unrl An rno virnlont. rnmc itinntKa nll yAtl" i : . ges Brown, Superintendent of Schools,' '.Marshall. : Board meets first Monday in January. April, Jujy; and October each year. A ' . Schools ndCollB' Mars Hill , College, Prof, R. ,JL; August 17th, 1915: nine ?ffA'r .!Li r Clnrmo- fi-lf Hlirh School. ' Prof. V -y. hi. iw woasanta; rrineipai, spruiK i "wu muo mejf Creek. :, 8 jnos soliool, opens Aug. 1st ration on five parts corn meal and a Vrain A',AL- ; Madison v Seminary High - School, Prof. K. G;Ahder8,prlocipaK 'd voa. chOOL,! Begins July 'W';, : -Bell lckltute, Margaret E.,Grtf ; flth, priijcipai, ' "Walnvi, Nl i; ; A vvN Marshall 'Aeademy, Prof. 8. Roland Williams, principal 8 mos. school. , Opens August 31:0.1 'XA one part oil meal, and for rough age are given silage and . alfalfa leaves.- From this on their pro. gress into the fattening pen Is rapi d . A A,; :: "A A XA A: A ; JITNEY 0FFEB--THI5 AND St - The kicker is usually born1 on Friday, :i because that is1 the world's unlucky day. X He begins criticising his food on the day of his birth. When be grows up, he has to -approach his fellow men from the .rear , in orders- to say '.'Good morning" to them; ex cept at long range,',and when the sons. Said certificate shall be "ti-"Ku " uuijr ucM.iiuwifueu ana maae an excellent aauress n by the person or persons so o vn- "How to make a living and how mg, ct nductlng or intending to to live." The children themswl conauct saia business; Provfced ves, made the best exhibit for that the selling of good a by sam- Little Pine as theywere a lot of pie or tnrough traveling agjnts beautiful and well kept and well or traveling salesman, or by behaved children; however, thefr means of orders forwarded by exhibit of farm anfl garden pro me purcnaser tnrongb, the mails, ducts did credit to .them and shall not be construed ! for. the their township. We mean to hold purpose of .this acHsr tendoctinir: similar fairs at" Spring Creek, or transacting business so as to Madison Seminary, Bethel Grad require the filing of - said certifi- ed School and others that ask for cate9- , them. We hope that these school r: SECTION 2. T h ' pvpi.1 will lead to a great Corn clerks of the Superior Court 0f phow that will be at Marshall on Uis State shall keen an alohabe- r,day December 17th, 191o tical index of all persons . filing at this Corn Show. we wil 1 8 certificates provided for herein. aDle l offer some sma11 i P"zes to and for the indexing and filing of the farmers who , can show the such certificates A they shall re- Dest tnree fara ot corn produced ceive a f.eo of twenty-five cents 0,1 1,58 farm- Fui' announcement A coDv.of such AcertifinatAfj AnU wil1 he made X concerning the certified to bv said clerk. in hnm Madison Gounty Corn - Show in office the same shall be fiied, shall Dext week'8 paper Respectfully,' ; J. R. SAMS, County Agent. Rules For Farm Renters ..if'V.' Notary iutotlb. r ' JVC. Ramsey, Marsliall, term . ex , , plres Jauiiary 6th, J916, ' A:X- ' "Jasper Ebbs, Spring Creek. Term expires January 6th lfi5( j AA V tt tlunter. Marshall, Route : Term enires Vpril 1st Al915,' - A'J W Nelsobi Marshall4-Term e K sires May Hy 1915 vVBf'--,?'--. X, B Ebbs, Hot Springs Term ex vplres February 4th'-1915. fXAA.-XiA. ; . A' (Craig Ramsey, Reverj . . plres March 19, 1915, : ? X N. W. ; Anderson, .Paint ForK, Term exDlres May 19, 1915. ; if . W: T. ! Pavis, Hot Springs. term '.expires January 22nd 1915. X DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this dies the undertake issues orders slip, enclose with five cent' to Foley to the hearse driver to drive lovv. :.Co :;-.Cljlcago,''Iil.rXwri"ting : you ly, and . avoid all' jolts. ' The name and jiddres clearly . You will Lrvotians invented 1 embalminur' r " B hit-. A firna irhon tha nt irtu lira a in.1 f.l.t. rp1..i tt j ' nv- . w "v . t.w nuviwu t i u- 3. pound. Mr cotighs, colds and croup, .,,; Foley Kidney, Pills, and Foley Cathnr- of making death permanent. .. . . . - . i wi " ' .. I t. -. ... i, ... . ' 'i tic Tablets.' SoldABlvery'where. Ter,m ex- . XXX AXSchool; Dear-Editor:-4- Will yoa allow me space in your paper for a few items in regard to bur school at Lower -.California. The. School teva' Rice, MarshallX Term ex- at this place is making fine - head . n'rso nan 1QfV. 1Q1S: s- Ben W. Gahagan Stackhouse,' "N. C. Term expires Dec. 20, 1915. A A,' , J. F. Tilsofi, Marshall, Boute 2. Ab'Term expires Nov.;i4thl915. A . X ; C. J. ELbs, ' .Marshall. Term '; ex XTplrea April 2;ih, 1917. ;v; .AA: A A- 1 'AM-', ITarshburger, Staekliouse. ; 'Term expires January 16th, 1016.' , D. T.-Miles, Earnard. Term expires : . ' l 'liter, 23, 1916..; t - .. '; r J.' ' ' ' ". '. Hamser, Marsaall. 'Term ( 4h 1915. e:-. ' E:Ar Laurel. Term , lCia. ; A -Is; I:' ' Term crrir way under the wise instructions of Prei.' Wilson and Miss , Phoe- nix. We' have a fine body of student, the school has attracted much attention this year. r A Mr.ljG.. A,Cocdey, has been transferred from Upper Califor nia district to our district. We are all forking" together to a great end .and' expect .to make this school rank among the : best schools in o'i Madison County. Goo J wi;..Aos ts The ' News Re-f-rJ. C AscriL-i for Tha News L....J t .Jr-ttt3i.2' .''- . ... ' . A Til ...iXr.. ' Heavert is full of kickers whom tne other place nas.seeu coming Besides a kicker is . usually too busy objecjiing td; do. anything bad. But it has been so arrang ed in Heaven that when a kicker begins to kick, he has to stop flyipg. This , jgives" the other anjrel a chance to escape, for thus far no kicker has ever been able to aviate beyond the : ground floor. be presumptive . evidence in all courts of law in this state of the facts therein contained. , ....... ... . . :.-T , SECTIONS This act shall in np way affect or - apply to any corporation created and organized 1.1 A t . r . I unaer tne laws or this state, or to any corporation organized un der the laws, of any other State and lawfully doing business in ! Stick to ' the farm. It's this State,' nor shall this act in better even for the tenant tl an any manner affect the ' right of "the town or the factory, and cei any person tr persons to form tainly bitter for his children limited partnerships as provided whose future should' be deai est of all things to him 2. Aim sometime to be a land ; I P1KH OR COUGH : RE&TECT ' Mothers, Dr Bell's Pino-Tar-Honey is just the remedy for your children's edld kilmeats. ; .The fact is that pine is a quick enemy of cold conditions. Its qualities loosen the muoous in the throat, soothe t he luns and open1 up the air passages.'" The combination of honey, soothing and pleasant, with. the iooseuing pine quality makes, this by the laws of this State. - finimTT ' t ... . : I DiunuiN 4. Any person or persons owning, carrying on or conducting or transacting busi ness as aforesaid, who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall A be punished by a fine of. .riot more than fifty dollars or imprisonment in the county jail for a term of. not exceeding thirty days, t' - , That . this , act owner. It you are twenty-one or under, aim to be one by .the time you are thirty-five. If you are already too old , to realize this, aim at ownership not . over ten years from now. 3. Resolve to become a land owner by the two roads first, making; second, saving. Unless you make yourself a progressive, thrifty, economical farmer now, you. would not be likely to keepr a farm of your own if you had - it .shall go into effect and become (j farminB and carefuj saving upurativB uu uie urst uay oi JUiy ftre therefore hoth the . wmr tn one, thousand.;,mne hundred and eet A farm and the wav to keen it luinceii. . .ft.. nn Qii . -..-. i . - . ' wivui Jfvui lift .'"v:y'! . In the. General Assembly' read 4. - Don't try to b. 1 a landown- three times and ratified ' this theer too, soon. That is fto. say, 7th day of March, 1913. ; , : (don't buy a farm until you, can (Published by Resquest.) equip it reasonably .well. . Aim first to get good tools, good;: cat tle, and good horses .and mules WANTED A few car loads while you are a renter, and then an ideal cough remedy for children, j of cord wood.' . Will pay $1,50 let the land come later, instead Jicu passing year Dripgs ror it, new friotids. .'A family of growing children cn iot a-ord to be without It. 25c. a L 't:a. " land per cord Jb, O..B. cars at your nT i',.!nff .u ... . .(I - i r-. W I, VI w iaj iVI KtlV -A R mTV'rn equipment later.The Marshall. N. G. Uive Farmer first and Progres The emperor will rile, make obeisance, and read a prayer. Then he will tell his im ferial an cestors that he accept tbe throne. Clapping bis . bands, be accepts the "divine treasures of his Jra perial . ancestor"T-the aword. jewel, and mirror which have been bequeathed by the first im perial ancestor, Amaterasu Omi Kami,- to her descendants as sym bols of 'imperiol ' power. After this the emperor end' ejonrPM will retire, the sacred - food will be removed, and the door of the sanctuary closed. "Three . tinie the gongs and drums'will sound and theX assemblage will dis perse,'"' " '' ' ' ' " ,The afternoon Aceremony of coronation day will' take place in the throne room ' bf' Shiihinden palace, in Kyoto. 1 Tha throne room itself will bt decorated with a short curtain hung under the southern eaves of the hall, and at each side of the room w ill be a golden phoe nix aud several mirrors, in tbe center,' fucing ihj south, a daia with three steps has been erected, uj o v wh ch the imperial chairs will stand. ' r Hie members of; the ' royal louse-liohl wilt take' their places in-front of the throne. and the emperpr will enter the throne room iiina take higi seat. The empress will follow to her place. W-T'ift emperor, holding the seep- A tre upright ajrai vt his breast, 11 stand up. The empress. holding her " fan, i lo will rise. h i asaemb'agt ; will then rise ' nd mast ""resiiectfully salute. After" tho cmoeror dclivfra a. hort imperial . message, telling his sui-jects he accepts the throne ' rime Minister . Okuma then reads the congratuhtory address. ' Ie will tnen give three ' banzai" cheei-s. in. which, a't the assemb-v lago will join, The emperor and empress, will then depart, and the drums snd gongs will be sounded three times as' a wgnal that the coronation function is over. , From. "Japan and the Corona tion," by Martha L. Root, in the Americanlieview of Reviews for November. . Ijeo Tweed of Bull Creek, was a visllor in town Wednesday. I '-V jha ' ;dc!i-! Dhcrc