V, 1 Ml State Sunday School Convention. To The Republican Voters of Madison County. Mars Hill Wins And Loss Debate 1 IT 11 rirJ VIWMBrMt I . . Many Sunday School leaders Of Nortli Carol inaa are on pro graaa for State Sunday School Convention which will be u session in Charlotte, April 11-12-18. Prominent among them are: Gilbert T Stephenson, Winston- Salem; Dr. A. VV. Plyler, Greons boro; E. B. Crow, Raleigh; Dr. W. A. Withers. Raleigh; J. M. Broughton, ttaleis:h; Hugh Parks, Franklynville; G. F Hanking, Lexington; P. S. Carlton, Salis bury; (JIihh. A. Lambeth. Thomas ville and I1. C. Niblock, Concord One outstanding featuie of the program will be a parade of Sun day School men on the last even ing of the convention. S. VV Dandridge, prominent Bible Gas worker of Charlotte, is Chairman of the Parade Committee. Effort is being made to get all member of men's Bible classes of Charlotte to be in the line of march, nisi men who are delegates to the convention. Another attractive feature of the convention will be the pageant on religious education, ''Thr Lamp" which will be presented the last night, April 13, by thr Sunday Schools of Charlotte. Tin convention thuno is "Religious Education in the Home, tlx Church, the Community," and me pageant win oo trie climax to the programs presented at th previous sessions Another featuie of the convert tion which is expected to be th most helpful is the Divisions Conferences on the afternoons of April' 12th and 13th, at which time the Convention will divide into four sections for the Chile ren's, Young People's, Adult and Administrative Division workers Arrangements are also being made for all officers of County bunday School Associations to have a supper-conference and get together meeting on the opening day of the convention, Tuesday April 11th. i. tie program Tor the main ses eion of the convention is said to be very strong. Among the special iats who will speak are: Dr. H . Tralle, Editor Training Publi cations, American Baptist Publi Mtibn Society ; Philadelphia, Pa Mrs. Maud J. Balding, Children's Division Saperintendent of Inter national Sunday Cichool .Associa tion, .Chicago, III.; Dr. Plato T, Durham, Professor of History, Cundler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga ; Prof. Harold F. Humbert, In structor in Religious Education, Boston University School of Religious Education, Boston, Mass , Miss Anna Branch Bin f nl, D"i rector . Younf People's VV.irlf, Tit sliyiei iai; Ciurch, U. K., kicliuvnd, Vi' ; R(jv. E W. Halpunn.Vi A'tult Division Supsrin t'iiiii n t.j Intern uionai Sunday "bchooi Association, Chicago, III. Communications Hie bcin sen1 out, liy the Charlotte Coinoiittet , 'on arrangemo n t s assuring tin Church and Sunday School work e.s of the Slate Vmt Charlotti cau tak caro of all who attenc the convention, for besides th Hotel a'-coinouiiiion, the com mitten h is secured lodging and breakfast '(Harvard Plan) at the rate of $1 UO per night for the delegates in the private homes of the city. 1 he local committee will meet a'l trains) during the Convention. All delegates will be registered and assigned homes at the First Presbyterian Ciiurch, which will be the Convention Church. Railroads of the State have granted a special rate one and one-half fre, certificate plan, pro videii as mmy as 350 'certificates are presented for validation. Information is einr received indicating' a large number of workers over the State are plann Ing to matte the trip to the con vention in automobiles. ALL GENERAL WORK STRENGTH ENED BY 75 MILLION CAM. ', PAIGN, IT 13 SHOWN. WHERE TH MONEY GOES Burnt That Have Been Appropriated To Various Objecte 8et Forth By Headquarter Office At Nashville, Term, 0' f grow l. Jrtr ,4.7 T Dr. E. Gill, Baptist Representative In Europe, on Left, and P. V. Pavloff of All Russian Baptist union. From the beginning ot the Baptist 75 Million Campaign to January, 1922. a total of $30,356,319.41 had been paid In to' cbjocta fostered by the Cam paign, it Is announced by the general headquarters office at Nashville. Of this amount $28,799,971.15 came through the payment of regular Cam palgn subscriptions and. the remaining $1,556,348.26 In special contributions. Regular receipts from the various states follow: Ala., $1,301,134.76; Ark $714,683.09; D. of C, $123,280.01; Fla, $469,753.53; Ga., $3,000,174.10; 111 $298,576.13; Ky., $3,187,656.15; La. $807,991.13.; Md, $393,517.46; Miss. $1,243,846.50; Mo., $1,190,754.70; N. M, $145,229.97; N. C. $2,211,741.50; Okla., $840,562.65; S. C, $2,633,&0.53; Tenn, $1,797,483.10; Tex., $5,162,658.85; Va. $3,279,05. More than 250,000 baptisms were reported by Southern Baptist churches last year. How Money Was Distributed Seven genial objects of the denonv Ination were embraced in the Cam paign program, and from the regular Campaign contributions those objects have received the following amounts, according to a compilation by the head' quarters office: Foreign missions, $5,' 4S4.018.63; home missions, $3,562 600.87; state missions in the seventeen states and local work 'in the District of Columbia. $4,954,813.26; Christian education, $7,192,442.79: Baptist hos pitals, $2,004,099.16; orphanages, $2,. 103,787.33; and Relief and ' Annuity Board, which ministers to aged de pendent ministers and their families, $T9fl,12.99. What Money Has Done These funds represent an advance, ranging from 200 to 300 per cent, in the contributions of Southern Baptists to their general missionary, educa tional and benevolent work, prior to the inauguration of the Campaign, and have enabled the tooards and other agencies to greatly extend their serv ices In all departments. In addition to sending out more than 180 new mis sionaries since the Campaign began, and providing many church buildings, mission residences, schools, theolog ical seminaries, publishing house's, hospitals and the like on the older fields the Foreign Mission Board has been enabled to open work in the new fields f Spain, Juo-Slavia, Hungary, Roumania and Southern Russia in Europe, and Palestine,. Syria and Si beria in Asia, and Dr. Everett Gill, for many years a missionary, in Italy, but more recently a pastor in Kansas City, has been nanied special European rep resentative to supervise the greatly expandeS work on that continent. Dr. Olll is giving much of his time to dis tributing Baptist relief funds in Rus sia and otherwise looking after the in terests of the denomination there. Home Work Enlarged Among the outstanding accomplish ments of the Home Mission Board are the aiding of more than 1,000 churches with loans and gifts for church build ings, completion of the big tuberculo sis sanatorium at El Paso, , enlarge ment -of the work In Cuba and the Canal Zone, strengthening of the 37 mountain mission schools and the de velopment of all eleven departments of the work of the .Board.' In all sev enteen states of the Southern Baptist Convention the state mission work has been greatly extended, the number of Baptists hospitals in the South has been increased from eleven to twenty three, all of the older eighteen Baptist orphanages. have been ajded in mate rial ways and two new ones have been established, while the number of aged dependent ministers and their families has been doubled and the amount of aid given them Increased 100 per cent. Collections Ve Pushed ; While the collections so far repre sent a big gain over the contributions of .Southern Baptists to their work be fore the Campaign, the sum collected is not all that Is due and in all the South an effort is being made to col lect aa satich more as possible by the close of the Convention year, May L I lit rt-by take this method of annouDcinjr myself a candidate tor the Office of Sher iff for the Coun ty of Madison, subject to the wishes of the republican Voters of said County, in the, coming Piimary, to be held June 3rd 1922. I have been solicited by differ ent people from all parts , of the County to make the race1 for Sheriff at the cominjr Primary, but owinjr to the fact tliHt it, has been customary for all County Officers to have tne second term and owiny io the fact that our present Sheriff lias only held the Sheriff's Office for one terra and supposing that he intended to be a candidate aHin to succeed Mm- t M VI .1 .11. t selr. j nau not aeciueu to make the race, but after seeing Sheriff Mailey's announcement in " The News-Record of February 10th, 1922, where he states that he will not be a candidate, I have decid- (i to make the race, and as Sheriff Mailev savs in his letter to The News-Kecord tint the time has come when tne can didates for the different County Offices must make, their appear mice. I take this method of putting my name before the Rood people of the County and earnest, ly ask you all to p) to the.poles on June 3rd, 1922, and cast your vole for the ones of your choice, and if I should be the choice of Uie people I will promise you that will do all in my power to exe cute the Office of Shetiff to the best of my ability. ; Very respectfulls, ROBERT It. RAMSEY. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contain ed in aieed of trust executed on the 22 day of July 1919, by John P. Ball and wife Lea Ball, to George M. Pritchard, Trustee, to secure a certain indebtedness therein described, which deed of trust is duly recorded in Book 22 on page 3 in the office of Register of Deeds of Madison County, N. C , and default having been made in the payment of indebtedness secure oy said deed of trust where by. the power of sale there in contained has become opera- live the undersigned will on the 24th d a y of April 1922 at 12 o clock ivi. sell at public auction for c ish at the conrtliouse door in the town of Maasliall, N. (.'., uie tol lowing descrioea real 'slate in the county of, Madison, Slate of North C-vrolinr, in No. 5 rownship adjoining the lands of Sim Chandler dest-pibed as fol- Hi-ginning on a bunch of wil- im's on the iiHUK oi i tie creek tha comer between I. h, Chand- -r ami T. L Brown and sons an asterly direction wj l h T. L. Brown's line to a stake at the . .. i. : - . i . - i. . i L! iumii; iu:iu, iiifiii. wiui uie uiy oad to a chVslnut corner between . ( . llaynie and T. L Brown, hence, with I. u lirowu's line Sim Chandlers line on top of ne ridge, thence witn Sim Chand- ers line to boo v llsons line. hence down the ridge with Bob Vilsons line to an apple tree on he. bank o f the road, thence town the big road to a . take on lie bank of the road below the iouc, i he house formerly occu pied by Mcllowell, ,i n James Jlmndlers line, thence crossing the creek and with James Chand lers line a westward ly direction ut the top of the Bushy Mountain i.o Jeter Uriggs line, thence South with the top of the Bushy Moun tain to Sim Chandlers corner, i he nee eat with Sim Chandlers line to a big rock on the bmk oT the creek, thence up the creek to the beginning, containing one hnndred fifty acre more or less. For a f o 1 1 e r description see kecoi d of Deeds of Trust Bgok 22, page 3. . This 22 day or March 1922. GEORGE M. PRITCHARD, Mars Hill and Carson and New man colleges broke even in an inter-school debate last night at each of the institutions. .The Mars Hill negative team; debat ing the question, "Resolved That all nations should proceed immediately toeduce rail land and naval armaments to a force sufficient only for police duty.1 won at Mars Hill over" the Car son and Newman affirmative team Word was received at the col lege today thai' th Mars Hill affirmative team, debating at Carson and Nowman College, lost to the negative team there, The decision was two to one. Mars Hill waai represented by James R. Hudgins and H. V. Blackwell. -v In the debate at Mars Hill last night the horn team wen a unani mous decision, tha thraa judges, Carl B. Hyatt, N. B. Bandlrt and Charles K. Robinson, voting for Mars Hill. 1 . The two college will maka tha debate an annual affair, Faculty member from (Jarsan and Naw man announced in tha ohspal exercises at Mara Hill this morn ing that if Mara Hiil did not challenge them In the fuiure they would be confronted with a stand ing challenge from Carson and Newman College. On the Mara Hill negatira tfam were R. R. Wells and G rover Jcncs. Representing : Carson snd Newman affirtiitttiva were H. L. Reynolds and L. T. Householder. Preceding the debate at Mars Hill the col lege girls' quartet sang several selections. Participating were Misses May Williams, Lill iam McCollum, Blanche Horton and Thedie Green. A she vi lie Citizen. 1 f MIKMf V n'HI FtUi V At 11 VtlVf II f I i mi ii n f if iiihi at it u nt.'Ji bvji i i ; , mi tun. mm i-i..- . I ' l l ' j. . ' .'IfiWH II'. " " "VV Jim.- ' . - r..: w y Tit t monev is safe from Burglars, sate rpom nre or safe from Your own foolish Extravagance when it is Safe m our "WTi "B ' NATURE TEACHES US EVthVWHERE THE NECESSITY O PLANTING. i IF YOU WANT CORN, YOU PLANT CORN. ' SEE HOW EVERYTHIrtC YOU PLANT IS SOON MULTIP LIED. IF YOU WANT A FORTUNE, YOU MUST PLANT DOLLARS. PLANT THEM IN OUR BANK OUR THICK WALLS AND STRONG LOCKS, AND EXPERI ENCED MANAGEMENT, GUARANTEE YOU PERFECT SERVICE AND THE BEST OF ATTENTION. PUT YOUR MONEY IN O'JR BAKK. '. YOU WILL RECEIVE PER CF.NT INTERE3T. THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Madison Countyl For Sheriff R. N. OA TON SIP SOAP - ECiAL"-' 9 ----- SALE Rexall Store To the Ladles and Gen tleman Voiers of Madi son County i ,1 hereby announce myself for nomination for the office of sheriff, subject to the will of the voters of Mad' Ison county P 1 m a r y Election to be ' held on the 3rd day of June and if elected I promise to execute, and enforce the law to the best of my ability. V Yours very truly( R; N. CATON. Palm Olive Soap 9j or 3 for Palm OHve White R.ise 8 lor Klenzo Soap 8c or 3 for Rexall Soap 8c or 3 for Colgate's all round Ruth 3 for Boquett Ramesee (Finest Made) lOa or 3 for Resinol Soup 23c or 3 for Woodbury Soap 23c or 3 fr Cuticure Soap 23c or 3 for Mavis Soap (Imported) 23c or 3 for Violet Dulce Soap 23c or 3 fur Jon tee) Soap 23c or 3 for' , 25c 10e 20c. 20o . 20c $1.00 60a 60e CO Q0t A Souvineer Package of 1 cake High Grade Soap & Bottle Perfume While They Last 10, I Cfesf s" 6 . f MARSHALL, FOR SALE room house painted out and InwdV, ont build ings, about six aerei of land, fine garden, good; r on nor orchard bears eveiy .year, and plenty grapes for the family; In a nice vidane near trie Hail Rtad jStation and State Hint) School, and on the Central Highway, i At a bar (rain. Terms on part If desired Address Box 41. Marios, N. O. Care of E. L. - I I 5 I I EASTMANS KODAKSf, ClOILIT AUTX U I II I . , S MSI mm C: fiJimiii.,. H f i mm m. , ! i i i i i n 11 II r0. Established In 1892 Trustee. To All Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby triveu that John Barton, mho was eon vie ted at the Aujrustj 'term of Superior Court, 1921, In Madison County, and sentenced to a term of four teen months on the county roads, will make application to the Goverdor for pardon. All parties opposed to this pardon will signify same by filing protent in the Governor's office at B a Leigh, North Carolina. . -s JOHN BURTON. To the public and our", readers: we have made this notice several times When you haye iopy or ad's for this paper, please get it in by Wednesday. .For we have v cer. tain amount, of. work, to and if copy is late -we cvef kc what to J. WILL ANNOUNCES I la TO Tlip .REPUBLICAN VOTElli Oi .VADISO COUNTY: (Roth Ladii s aiid(jrriitttiiii!ii ) - I have been your Register of D?eN for s-ni:'lime and ' it has ' been my desire to conduct U' otlicu pro iv, mid in thafrpppect I have done my best, but it is for you to s va h,.w wr-ll I hr suc ceeded in mv intentions. It is now coini uaiti for another lec tion, and I am again asking for. .your sulLirAtfo and supjiort ahd i doing 6 I want to assure you tli.itl will do m. bent tocontin-ns t4' make you a good iifficer. Thanking .von for ptst, favr-.rs and thank ing you in advance for any support you may uive me in the com ing Piimary. . I Remain Y urs To'Soivp, " - 7 ' , . J WILL liOHERTS. ' P. S. I 'wih t- state that. hoVig a CjnJU.jte myself, that it could not he expected of me to t'uke, part in the -interest, of any Candidate for any office oil. or tha'n my 'own. As all the Candidates V, are my peisonal friends. This being- tlie.c-isc I cannot, wont 'and.; will iot take any part irj the racoof any Candidate for any office. I hope this statement will be appreciated by all -'concerned. V.- 1 i L J. WILL ROBElWS. Dr. J. N. MOORE lias Moved His Offico Up 0et Grover C. Iledmons ' Store, You Will Find ... . , Him There Any - ; t.' Time.' v j LOST about a two mouths 'old sow pig red and black spoted.'-'-She will weigh about iQ lbs . Finder please return to Jt. U. Rookef - R. F. b. 3 and receive liberal reward. GUY V. ROBERTS r Attcrcsy-at-Uw ' MARSHALL. N.i C. -i I a. bank upon. J S thank .J u. t3 7ditAcit Tfiovefcf Md Cwumrn t&at awe of the work uay gutter. i