Ik Local and Personal Marshall Produce Company for At R. N. I u.paysj chickens and eggs. Ramsey's store. Mr. S. R. Freeborn of Walnut ?hn Snnt'illpil a now evctem nt flights in the Hotel Switzerland at . Walnut and making other im iprovements preparatory to open ing. ; y , . , Tanlac build3 up the weak, 'iTun down system and makes '-V . i . . . i i i , you reel strong, sturay ana wen ..as nature intended. Marshal v Pharmacy, Marshall, N. C, j' The operetta "Yanki San" ,;;will be given Friday March 31st ;fkt the Globe Theatre at 7:30 by vjne girls Ulee Club of Marshal rtigh bchool. Everyone come 'admission 15 and 25cts. vV Rev. Amoa Clary has rcturnod fter three weeks visit in Virginia Rev. N. P. Phillip3 of Barn ardsvllle, will fill the pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday at 11 . m. lie is said to be a fine speaker. Come and hear him. We buy all kinds of produce j9ee us at R. N. Ramsey's. . "I feel twenty years younger," ' ifi what thousands have said after Tanlac restored them ' health. Try it.--Maishall pharmacy, Marshall. N. C Dr. L. V. Lisenbee optometrist ,f Abberville S. C. will be at !t)r. Moore's office the first Mon day in May. .s .. - The work on the new bank building has been flowed down 4his week on account of the weather. Marshall Produce Company at R. N. Ramsey's. "Where there is smoke, there is always fire," so when twenty million well-known men and women in all walks of life say Tanlac is a good medicine, there mjsst Joe something to it. Mar shall Pharmacy, Marshall, N. C. V See us before selling your produce. Marshall Produce Co, at R. N. Ramsey's. A complete Steamer Still out fit was captured on the head of Long Branch m No 16 township last Saturday by Deputy Sheriff fl.-tC.Cole, and S.H. Wheeler The out-fit showed evidence of tavirig been operated for some time. No men were caught as toe still was not in operation at thr time of the capture. 2 1-2 gallons of whiskey was found and destroyed to-gether with about 100 gallons of beer. ..' Hon. Charley Chandler of Lon dbb, Kv, formerly of the Mars HilJ section, and T. F. Chandler ft Rutledge, Tenn., is in town jkh s week on business. Mr. .Charley Chandler served with distinction in the last Legislature at Frankfort, Ky. .: I ... - Robert R. Ramsey of Walnut, president of the Fair Association, informs us that all of the pre miums that was offered at last air has been paid except fifteen per gent on the premiums offered for the live stock. Mr. Ramsey say&tha.t the total amount receiv ed from, all resources fell short of payiug ine expenses ana pije been derived by the splendid dis play and showing made by the people coming together with their own products and splendid stock which was exhibited during our last fair. The, people are more enthusiastic over the matter and are determined to have a bigger and better fair this fall than ever before. So let every person in the county get ready now for the coming fair. We waut you to bring tvtry thing from a pecu of potatoes to an air-pfane. Pre mium list will soon be prepared and the industry isgofng forward as never before. Mr; Ramsey de sires to thank those who so faith folly co-operated with him mak ing Inst fair a success and we are sure we sprak the voice of the people when we thank him and the other officers of the fair for their splendid effort and success ful management without fee or hope of reward. Get ready for the big fair. John A; Hendricks For The Legislature. " Upon the requests of many of the voters, I hereby announce myself as sc Candidate for the nomination as representative of Madison County in the next Legislature. Subject to the Re publican Primary. The next Legislature promises to be the most important that has been held in this State for many years. Ihe question of a new system of County Government, the Sale of the North Carolina Railroad, and other vital ques tions efecting the people will come before the General As sembly. John A. Hendricks, Report ot The Condition of THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD At Marshall. In the State of North Carolina, at the close of builneM March 10th, 1922. Resources Loans and discounts.. . .. . .$305,230.81 Demand Loan:. 350.00 Overdrafts secured and unse cured I.. 87133 U. S. bonds & Liber-y Bonds 22.050.00 Banking House and Fixtures. , 4,630.84 Ail oilier real estate owned. . ,3,842.20 uuth and due from Usnks. . . . 55,47.1.64 Cash Items 742.26 DR. L. V. LISENBEE Optometrist Total $394,001.13 Lletbllltl i Capital stock paid in 25,000,00 Surplus fund 40,000.00 Unaivided Prottts 2,072.66 Bills Payable 15.000.00 Deposits subject to check . . 119,270 33 Demnnd t ortinVi of Deposit, 191,H8..56 Cashier's Check ouUrtaudlng 674.58 Total $304,001.13 STATE OF NORTH CARO LIN A County of Madison January 7th. 1922 I, W. B. Ramsey, Cashier of the aove named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. W. B. RAMSEY, Cashier bubscrlbea ana sworn to berore me this 21st day of Mareh 1922. A. W. WHITEHURST Notary Public. Correct Attest: FRANK ROBERTS ROY L. GUDGEK J. J. REDMON Directors Woman. she's per' will She's warm, she's cold. pleasing, vexing, An open book and a thing plexing; She will give you joy, she cause you sorrow, With a smile today and a frown tomorrow; She'll bring despair and bone restoro you. She'll be your slave, and she'll lord it n're you. Resign sin-, shy, forgiving, spite ful, An inconsistency delightful, Repelling now, anon caressing. Man's greatest plague, his chief- est blessing. And though beneath himself he's classed her, And calls himself her lord and master, She cists him off or closer binds him, . And round her little finger 'winds him. , Locoma. Those Wonderful California Herbs Cured Her and the Neighbors of Rheumatism. Minburn, Iowa, May 6th, 1920. Rheumatism Herb Co., Ocean Park; Cal. Gentlemen: My mother is suffering dreadfully with rheuma- tniuros offered by about three tism. We have tried doctors, all knnrlrod dollars, and this amountisor t s or patent medicines and ftf being subscribed by private in dividuals. And just as soon as it la possible to get a few more peo liniments, but no relief, and toy sister-in-law (Mrs. W. F. Antle nf Nnrwnllr. Town.) wroth me and told pje who are , interested in the told me to get a pound ol your access of tbe fair to donate a Herbs, for she knew it would do few more dollars the balance of ! wonders for my mother, -SHE the fifteen per cent on tbe live SAID IT CURED HER AND stock will be paid. The promot-J SEVERAL O F HER, KEIGH ers of the fair determine that'BORS. Please send it as quickly every penny shall be paid. The as possibly. Very Respectfully, M's. E. M. Jones. Send for free Booklet of letters ; tmm iiennle all nvpr the II. R. last fair was the best in the his tory of -the connty,- and while there Is no dissatisfatton so far as rt iAmnd with thfl .old officers testifying to the wonderful, re- hd mimffpiment. You will soon suit of these Herbs- Men -and receive a notice giving you the women agents' are building np a date at which time there will be a good business selling them. Agent rt organization of the county fair wanted everywhere. Price $1 And whileth last fair was a loos- pound postpaid. ig proposition financially, it is RHEUMATISM HERB COM- C.-me people or me county Report of tha Condition of The Citizens Bank at Marshall, N. C, at the close of business, March 10th, 1922. KK.SOUKOES Loans and Discounts $281,164 11 Demand Loans 7,625.53 Uvenlrafis, secured and unsecured 604.41 U S. Bonds & Liberty Bonds 14.35u.85 lianklnif-house, furniture and Fixtures 9.776 15 Other Real Rstata owned 4.567 00 Cash and due from Banks 66,415.78 Oitsh items 1,p95 04 Checks for Clearing NONE Total ....$35,98.87 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $25,000.00 Surplus Fund 25.000 00 Undivided Profits 8,983.73 Notes and Bills re-discounted 8 623.68 Bills Payable 5.000 Deposits subject to Check. . . .159,895.9:) Demand Certificates of Deposit Time Certificates of Deosit 144,232 65 ('ashler's Checks outstanding 2,774.73 Savings Deposits, 6,487.89 Total $385,998.87 North Carolina Maaison County. I, A. W. Whitehurst. cashier of the. above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. W Whitehurst. Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st dav of March 1922., W. B. Ramsby, Notaty Fublio Correct Attest : E. R. TWEED C. J. EBBS Directors Sam J. Peek For Register of Deeds of Madison County. To the Republican voters of Madison County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds o f Madison County, subject however to the wishes of the Republican voters of said county in the coming primary to beheld June 3rd, 1922. I am a Republican and Jiave always voted a Republican ticket. I take this method of placing my name before the good citizens of Madison County and asking yod to vote for me June 3rd. Assuring you of faithful per formance of duties of the office if nominated and elected. I am, Very respectfully, SAM J. PEEK, Administrator's Notice - that . ... . . r i usauds of doUara In ucneut has Ocean Park, California. -Advt. North Carolina Ma'dison County Having qualified as admini strator of the estate of J. H. Davis deceased, late of Madison County N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhjbit them to the undersigned at Marshall, N. C. on or before the 28th day of March 1923 or this notice will -be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make , imme diate payment. This the 28th day of March 1922. ; . , . . . .. ; GARFIELD DAVIS, Administrator of J. H, Davis, deceased. . Come unto me all you that have Eye trouble and I will give you REST. Will be at Dr. Moore's Office First Monday in May 1922. N. C. State License. Drf L. V. LISENBEE. Abbeville, S. C. Notice Of S&Ie. Under and by virtue of an oi der of the Superior Court of Madison County. N. C. made in tbe special proceedings entitled, Roy McCampbell, Admr. of the estate of A. L. Johnson, deceas ed, vs Ellie Johnson, Lat John son, Jobie Johnson et al, tbe same being upon the special pro ceeding docket of said court-the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 17th. day of April, 1922, at twelve O'clock, M. at tin court house door in Marshall, N. 0. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain trnct of land lying and being in No. 1. Township. Madison County, N. C. at Barnard, N. C. and describ ed as followsVBeing lots 4 & 5 "A" as shown on plat made b. J.J. Reagan, July, 1919, begin- ing on a stake near the mouth ot a culvert and runs thence North 65 East 100 ft. to a stake; North 50 East 200 ft. to a stake; North 60 East 122 ft South 85 East 150 ft; South 70 East 440 ft. to a stake on top of a ridge; thence South 19 30' West 260 ft. South 28 West 250 ft. North 87 30' West 430 ft. South 84 West 400 ft. to a stake at the railroad, thence down and with said railroad as follows, South 10 East 62 ft. South 5 West 60 ft. thence leaving the railroad and runs with the road leading to Walnut as follows, North 75 East 90 ft. North 14 East 45 ft. North 48 West 56 ft. North 20 West 45 ft. North 10 East 45 ft. North 45 East 45 -ft. North 5S East 56 ft. North 16 East 34 ft. to tiie boom ing. Containing ten and two tenths acres. The farm road as shown on m.ip is reserved to the purchasers of the lands shown on map. For complete description see deed boob 39 at page 37 in regis ter of deeds office of Madison County N. 0 This the 15th day of March, 1922. J. C. RAMSEY, Commissioner. ' J. R. Rogers Candidate For Register Of Deeds. To The Republican Voters Of Madison County Both Ladies and Gentlemen. l hereby announce mysrii a candidate for the office of Regis-1 ter of deeds of Madison County; subject to the action of the pri-; mary to be held June the 3rd 1922 and if I am nominated and elected I trust that I may be able to show my appreciation of your support by faithful duty courtesy to the office and to one and all. Respectfully, . . J.R. ROGERS, Dr. V.E. CHARPIE Dentist Is now located in, Marshall and occupies rooms over citi zens bank, can be seen at all hours. I CITIZ ENS- BA NK : MARSHALL, N. C. : Call At Once For Tobacco Seed ! ; We have supply of Burley Books on the culture and marketing of burley tobacco which should prove very interesting to you call or write and get one. We also have limited supply of the best White Burley Seed all free. Come and cet them. Tobacco i3 selling high We would advise growing a small crop this year as indications are that prices will be good this year. We will appreciate your account whether large or small. Try our savings account department for your , savings. Its interesting to watch a savings, account grow with interest compounded quarterly. Get a Home v Savings Bank for the children. CITIZENS BANK The Bank of Personal Service Everet R. Tweed, President , Arthur W. Whitehurst, Cashier Dealer in the Celebrated Frick Machinery Consisting of Steam En gines, Saw Mills, Grain Thrashers, & Kerosene Tractors, When in need of -any of the above see or write. ; J. WILL ROBERTS, Marshall, N. C. To The Voters Of Madison County Time rolls around and it seems but yesterday that I came before you announcing my candidancy for the of flee of Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County for the preceding terms. All were very kind in sup porting me in the last two elections and once again I come to place my name before you as aspirant for the Office.:. - ., I do this feeling that the years already spent in your service have given me the experience needed to carry on well the business that this office entails and I ask that, having found me tried and true during the past terms, I have served, you may consider me favor nbly for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this County. . - Very Respectfully, -W. A. WEST. Call For Republican Convention A convention of tho Republican party of Madison County, is hereby called to meet at the Court House in the Town of Marshall at 1 o'clock P. M , on Saturday April the 8th, 1922, for the pur pose of electing delegates to the State Convention which meets in Winston-Salem April the 12th, also for the election of a County Chairman and the transaction of any other business which may properly come before the convention. It Is very important that a full delegation from each town ship be sent to this Convention. And that a full attendance of the,executive committee be present. Respectfully, . J. M. BALEY, . Chairman Republican Ex. Committee. ; ' M. A. CHANDLEY 1 Secretary. s 4'

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