( MS. CAM. UIDfR Kf. . tel. In 44, Ousel, MlaneMta TEAHKFUL FOR 6000 PWNA DID HER YEARS AGO Keeps the Medlcing with Her for Safety Mrs. Cart' Under, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 44, Dassol, Minnesota, writes : "I want to thank you for your kindness and the good your rerfledy did me years ago. I am perfectly well and visiting in Spokane, Wash. Were it not for Pe-ru-na I would not have been able to make this trip. I always take your medi cine with me for safety should I take oold. Praise to Pe-ru-na." As an emergency remedy for everyday Ills, Pe-ru-na has been In use fifty years. TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLO EVERYWHERE BRIEF NEWS NOTES WHAT HAS OCCURRED DURING WEEK THROUGHOUT COUN TRY AND ABROAD Prohibition officials declare that pl:ins are maturing for a ten thousand mile wall about the United States to stop the flow of alien rum into this country. 1 Stocks of potatoes in the hands of farmers and dealers March 1 In the fifteen leading potato states are esti mated at 90,946,000 bushels by the de- riiriiTA ap ...,....,,-,- Partmont of agriculture. Of this quan tVhNIo OF IMPORTANCE I tlty 73,486,000 bushels were held by iHiuieia ana iy,46u,uuu Dusneis were Gathered From All Parts Of The uiod Ana Told in snort Paragraphs Foreign The British submarine H-42 has DISTEMPER AMONG HORSES Successfully Treated With Spohn's Distemper Compound At this time of year horses are liable to contract contagious dia bases DISTEMPER. INFLUENZA, COUGHS and COLDS. As a preventlvo against thee, an occaalonal doao ot "SI'OH.VS" la marveiousiy ereoctive. Aa a remery lor cases already sulterlnt;, "NPOHN'S" la equally effective. Give It aa a preventive. Don't wait. On aale at drug stores. NPOUN MKD1CAL COMl'ANY GOSHEN, INDIANA II CHILLTONIC' Wards Off Malaria and Restores Strength. If I !! y ror armrUl. wri AJttg f UrS Gm.. Uqltrm.. tj, Not Only For Chills and Fever But a Fine General Tonic Try It held by local dealers. Of the hold ings in the hands of producers 30,935, 000 bushels are expected to move off the farm and 42.556.000 to be retained. AH naval vessels except combatant craft arriving at the Hampton Roads naval base from foreign ports will be searched for ".suspicion packages.'' un- been lost with all hands in the Med- de orders issued by Rear Admiral Rod- lterranean, says an Exchange Tele- ,nan' commandant of the fifth naval graph dispatch from Olbralter. She district. colleded with a destroyer during ma- Business Is gradually approaching neuvers. . normal, according to figures comDlled The "onfin threat ravnintinn bv the department of commerce and Dlfled by the decision of thn ni.fra wnlIe the favorable movement among staters to hold the forbidden Irish ra. lne oinereni industries Has not been 1 publican armv convention. h evenly distributed the Improvement of ed a precarious position," the London Uluae ,UUUBlr'es wica "constitute the Times- correspondent here declares, in nBCK00ne oi American business,"' has a dispatch to his paner. been "verv marked" over conditions Tho iahrt . , 01 tew monms ago. ullUNII W RATES IN N. G. Accurate List of Levies Supplied by Judge Pell Through the Courtesy of Colonel Watts. Raleigh. Judge Pell has prepared, through the courtesy of Tax Commis sioner Watts, the tax levies ot the various counties of the state. The complete list Is .as follows: FOB SALK Xarly Speckle Velvet bean S I . r. buhel. SUWANNEE FAKMS, LIVE OAK.. FLA. Fig Pickers' Platform. I To use a tliivt-wlu'tltfl jihilform fur . ..... ..... ! t,le l,l"e of plt-UliiK fljLrs. was the ullet. hens. Kkks r,r haichln. Th.,mu..n's tllllflj Illt'll of a (.'rower of that fruit, "L!l' 8uwannw Farma, Live Oak, Fla. j In order to harvest 111 crop llekl,V. TOR SALE 1U(. TV.'K I'OLAMt "H!N AS, ! as (!eserilie.l in a scleiirltle Journal. an ages Liberator breelinK. 1'rices feason- ; able. SUWANNEE FARMS, Live Oak. Fla 1 3SAKF, BIG MONEY aelllntr electric In-oles and belts. Good for poor circulation of the j won anu rnpumutism. write lit once to P. B. R. MOSS, I'HASK CITY. VA. EASY MONEY SELLING Ol R GOOOS Bake 13 to ii day. Men or women. Write eulek for particular. Hox ti82. Helena, Ark. MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S ROWELS capture or destruction of the anachron istic creature reported to have been seen in an Andean lake, have been made by the expedition which left re cently for Patagonia under the aus pices of the Buenos Aires Zoological garden. Two members of the cabinet have resigned as the result of differences in the ministry over the government's determination to eliminate three let- ceeded its Iegal tax 1,,nlt by twenty ters from the Bulgarian alphabet, """'on dollars In 1021 and is still run which was announced several weeks ning ,nt0 debt at tne rate of $100,000 Frank Piano, Sr., who killed his son "to save his soul," was acquitted by a jury at Chicago. The father testified that his son was hanging aro lid pool rooms with a gang of boys he feared would lead his boy into trouble, Domestic The Meyer commission of New York City charges that New York City ex- AGENTS SELL ORIOV CONCENTRATED FLAVOR aNGS. Send 25c for sample, full size, and Agency Proposition on more than 30 Guar anteed Toilet Articles, etc. Make from 15 to lit a day. The Orion Co., Keidavllle. N. c. Wanted to Buv: Hooked Rusts. Coverlets, box 189, richmonu. VA. j Even a sick child loves the "fruity" Women, ii.oo n.r hour .earn, .in, h.,.i.,v ! taste of "California B'iy Syrup." If the Bo delivering, no collecting. Work whenever little tOIleue is Coated, or If vonr chilli Toucan. No exp. necessary. Fidelity Hosiery i ,, ., , , . T, M ,. Co., Box 83. Tlmea Square, New York City. 8 "ftleSS, CTOSS, feverish, full of Cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours yqu can see for yourself how thoroughly It works all the constipa tion poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California White Spots on Wood. Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teu- The white spots left on the wood-! spoonful today saves a sick child to- work after It Is washed are caused ! morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine y the use of soap which Is too strong. "California Fig Syrup" which has dl ln cleaning woodwork, use hike-warm rectlons for babies and children of all water and milk, soap suds or cleaning i ages printed on bottle. Mother ! lou powder. These leave no spots and are j must say "California" or you may get ! ago. united states as well as central Europe must be on guard against the intrgductlon of cholera and typhus through immigration of Russian refu gees, says a warning issued by Dr, A. Schlesinger, of the German Red Cross. Hordes of these refugees are pouring into Germany over the Polish Letvlan and Esthonlan borders, and a day. S. A. Keiler, president of District 19 t'nited Mine Workers (Tennessee), Is- sues an appeal for a congressional in vestigation of the threatened eviction of coal miners, their wives and chil dren of eastern Tennessee and south eastern Kentucky. He states that not withstanding the union had a signed agreement to run to March 31, 1922, W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 12-1922. many are seeking passports to Amer- the minea volly, December. 1921. ica, where they have relatives and "'UBU auction or z.&u per day iu wages, ana now the mine owners want to make a further reduction in wages It is stated in New York that hun dreds of railroads have instituted in junction proceedings against the, gov ernment by counsel in connection with the rate order promulgated by the in terstate commerce commission, effec- tive March 1, which the petitioners as friends who are financing them for the journey, The conditions under which the rep arations commission will grant Ger many a partial moratorium were an nounced. They Include perfect' auto nomy for the Reichsbank and new leg islation to prevent evasion of : Ger man capital, the legislation to be ready for application upon a fixed rate. DItpatches from Ireland reporting sert is arb,trarr and outside the pow- continued d sorders on a wlrto ar-.lo tumuuasiun. food dirt removers. Naturally. Artist's Wife "Anatole, somebody's then they'll think we are on the Inocklng." Artist "Don't Blviera." answer, an imitation ug syrup. Advertisement. Horse Sense. , "He boasts of his horse sense." : "Seems to exercise' It kicking at everything." Louisville Courier-Journal. WARNING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism . Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aiplrln la' the trade mark of Baer Manufacture ot Monoaeeticacfdeiter of Sallcrlleacld "Good VSiJX to the y $- Drop Jf J - ' Y'Havv.'v.ul. -sioiL.'jiT Because four young women In his congregation giggled right out in meet ing, Rev. George Robertson, pastor of a negro church has hailed them Into police court on a charge of break- mg up a church service. The maeis trate continued the case until he could consult law and precedents on gig. giing, Suspension of work by all union coal miners at midnight, March 31. was ordered by the United Mine workers of America, recently, the call being tne nrst eyer issued for both bituml An Investigation has been Inslltuted noUf'- and anthracite workers to walk by the Interstate commerce commls- out simultaneously. Six hundred thou- sion. according to annonnrpmont it,i sand men will be affected the reasonableness of nrartwiiv n Watch in hand, Warden Westbrook rates on coal in the western portion or Cnlcaso toli prisoners threatening of the United States. 10 muuny ne would give them just Releaan of all wr n,.. Aten mlntes to go to their cells. All along the Ulster border continued to pour into London, affording the. ljouse or lords opportunity for a viglrous debate on the Irish bill in which the question of lawlessness and civil war were frequently injected by both sides. A Central News dispatch from Ven ice says that a tidal wave recently in- unaaiea ine city, tne water rising to a depth of more than 3 feet in some of the public squares. Washington Counties 1100 Valuation, Alamance 1.0U Alexander . 1.31 Alleghany f . .41 Anaun . ............... .70 Ashe .82 Avery ... T. 1.25 Beaufort ... ........ l.UU Bertie .86 B aden . .7(1 Brunawlck . j.... .85 Buncombe .84 Burke ... . .......... .80 Cabarrus ........ . .85 Caldwell . . .83 Camden . 1.01 Carteret ............ I M Caswell i 1.61 Chatham 1.12 Cntunba , .85 Cherokee .. . . .83 Cliowan .... .60 Clay . . 1 60 Clvli.nd .68 Columbus ....... ,81) Craven . ... . . .82 Cumberland . . . . .79 Currituck .60 Dare . .. .80 Davidson . . 1.10 Davie . . .80 Duplin . .65 Durham . .80 Kdgecombe .62 Forsyth . .50 Franklin ..... .85 Gaston . .... . . .99 Gates I . .82 Graham , . . ... .77 Granville . 1.08 Greene ....... 1.02 Guilford . .57 Halifax . 1.85 Harnett .70 Haywood .75 Henderson .. 1,21 Hertfrod , .95 Hoke .. . .. .7 Hyde .7 Iredell fill Jnrkson , . ,85 Johnston . . . .82 Jones . . 1.10 Lee . ,77 Lenoir . .69 Lincoln . l.?o Macon . 7n Madison ... ; , 1.54 ' Martin -.834 Mecklenburg .. ...... .72 Mitchell .82 Montgomery .fln Moore ... (i7 Nash . .92 New Hanover 1 90 Northampton ....... 1.0S Onslow ra Oranae .. . ,91) Pamlico . 1,25 Pasnuotank . .9q Penrler - . ... Q2 Pernulmans 1 in Person . .90 Pitts .75 "lk .70 Randolph . .85 J Richmond .69 Pobson ....... .70 Poclrinirham . 07 Rowan .76 Putherford .76 Snmpsan . . ,90 Scot'and . ,4 Stanly 1 nj Stokes . .81 Surry ; . . 1.10 Swain . .75 Transylvania l.flt lyreu . . . 1.15 nion 1 ni Vance .... m 2'ake . 1! .2 Warren ..... , Washington L08 Watauira 1 nn Wayne as Wl'kes . ;. 1.31 Wilson , 96 Vadkln ...... . 1.00 Yancey 1.00 lne above are the rntea fni Which HDlllV to the cnnnMeii aa a and do not Include special township and uiaimi itiAeo iur avnoois, roaas ana othei purposes wnicu appiy to townships, dis tricts or other divisions of the counties. trg terms for expression of opinion and not forlovert acts was urged in a petition recently presented the pres. ident signed by fifty members of the house of representatives. 1 lie . United States Public Health Service has just concluded a confer ence of physicians and health work- ers called to Inquire into ways and means by which public health teach ings can be better spread through the country. Striking an open switch near Al berat, Va , 60 miles south of Richmond, the Seaboard Air Line's Midsouth special was derailed recently, five sleepers leaving the track and turning over. . '.. . The house, passed the $4,000,000,000 soldier bonus bill. Since no amend ments were permitted under the rule, the measure as passed was in the same form as rep'orted from the house ways and means committee. Despondent because of ill health, Esther Davidson, 28-year-old office em ployee, penciled a will on a niece of scratch paper and jumped from a twenty-third story window of Th Times building Broadway and Forty second steet. Radical reductions in the navv dls- cussed by house appropriations com mittee members may result In naval abandonment of Atlantic waters and concentration of the fleet In the Pa cific some navy officials believe. Effic ient training or war of the reducnri establishment, it was explained by one officer would require such action. A nation-wide campaign, which has been talked of for some time in Wash ington, has been inaugurated to find living employment for the 700.000 Idle war veterans. The movement Is sponsored by the American Legion . The house glave Its approval to a provision of the army appropriation bill which would require the redno. tion by July of the regular army en listed strength to 115000 men.- Members of the senate agricultural committee, after considering the re quest of senate leaders that senators not absent themselves from , sessions during consideration of the arms con. ference treaties, decided to foljow the previously reached plan v to leave Washington for a. visit In company with houBe member to the Muscle Shoala project In Alabama. the mutineers soon disappeared, as the warden was backed up with a suffi cient number of armed guards. A government cutter will probably be sent out to the wrecked sailing ves sel, discovered recently bottom up near Isle Dernier, off the south coast of Louisiana. An electrical storm of severe Inten sity recently struck Jacksonville, Fla but did no great damage. It is alleged that J. A. Pelt, a judge 63 years old, has been kidnaped. He is a justice oi the peace. A worthless check for $275, drawn on the defunct Denver State bank and signed "O. What Luck," was accepted in Kansas City, Mo., March 3, in pay ment fo an automobile. Narcotls drugs, imported whiskey and automobiles values at almost $35.. 000 were eelzed by Memphis police which resulted In a number of arrests on charges of violations of the liquor and narcotic laws. - - Twelve were hurt, some of them seriously, when a heavily laden De troit avenue trolley car crashed into the rear of a Cleveland and South western lnterurban car in the down town section of Cleveland, Ohio. Governor J. B. A. Robertson., of Oklahoma, submitted to arrest at Ok mulgee, Okla., on a charge of accept lng a bribe to permit operation of an insolvent bank. Convicted of stealing $31,000 worth of assets in bankruptcy proceedings, Jacob Harris and Joseph Weiner, wholesale Jewelers, were bound for At lanta penitentiary to serve sentences of a- year and a day each. Williams Simmons and Homes John son, sawmill workers, were burned to death while asleep at Dierks' Ark., when fire destroyed the Westbrook hotel. The lugger World, together with hei crew of nine men and cargo of whisk ey, said to be worth $30,000, fell into the hands of , federal prohibition agents on Lake Ponchartrain, near Milneburg. . . ' . Miss Elsie Smith, 19, and Alphonse Beyer, 22, were found in the trying room Of the Maple Silk company's plan, each with bullet wounds in the head,.' at Paterson, JN; J. Workers in some of the mills affect ed by the strike were attacked by strike sympathizers In the Falrlawn district at Pawtucket, R. L 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.31 2.00 S.06 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.06 2.75 2.00 2.01 1.80 2.00 2.46 2.6C 2.00 2.0C 2.00 2.00 ' 2.0C 2.0 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.0C 2.0C 2.0( 3.2( 2.0( 2.0( S.9! 2.94 2. Of 2.75 ?.0fl 2.00 2.00 I 2.00 1.95 2. on 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.70 1.41 2.00 2.00 2.5C 2.0C 2.0f 2.12 3.07 ? nil 2.M 2.O0 2.87 2.77 1.75 l.6 2.00 2.00 2.0C taxei whole SPENT HALF HER TIME IH BED Farmer'i Wife Tells How Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Made Her a Well Woman Carter 'a Creek, Tenn. - "Three yean go I waa almost an invalid. I spent I half of my time in Ded, Deing attlicted with a trouble which women of a certain age are apt to have, I took Lvdia E. Pinkham'svege table Compound Tablets and used Lydia , Pinkham'a Sanative Wash. I am a well woman now and have been for two years. I can work as well aa any one who is younger and aa I am a farmer's wife I have plenty to do for I cujtivata my own garden, raise many chickens and do my own houseworjc You may publish this letter as I am ready to do anything to help other women as I have been so well and happy since my troubles are past "Mrs. E.T. Galloway, Carter's Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. If they are upset with some female ailment and troubled with such svmntama -25 Mrs. Galloway had, the smallest duty f seems a mountain. If you find it hard to keep up, if you are nervous and irritable, without ambi tion and out of sorts generally, give the Vegetable Oimnotinrl n fair trial believe it will help you greatly, for it baa helped others. Poll $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.39 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 2.00 3.32 2.45 2.3C 2.00 2.22 1.74 2.0 2.81 2.0(1 2.0 2.94 2.O0 2.0C 2.00 2.00 llllllH"""'lllllllll IP vi . H li-3'-il VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL 1 rSil.-HH!:H "Live-at-Home" Movement Grows. Raleigh. Following the recent ap. pointment by Governor Morrison of county campaign committees in the Live-at-Home" movement, reports are coming Into the office of the Cen tral-Committee at Raleigh indicating1 that counties In all sections of the state have been thoroughly aroused in the matter and are planning vigor ous campaigns. In many counties ac tive campaigns are already under way. Governor Morrison and Director B, W, Kilgore of the Agricultural Exten sion Service have both been in de mand as speakers as both appeared at a rousing meeting of farmers and business men in New Bern and. the governor has also spoken at Hamlet and Charlotte.; John Paul Lucas, executive secre tary of the Central Campaign Commit tee, spoke at a get-together meeting at Tarboro and has tentative engage ments at' Louisburg and Gastonla in the immediate futnre. Every fair association in North Car ojlna Is being called upon to co-operate in the "Llve-at-Home" move ment. Executive Secretary Lucas is sending to each fair secretary a page article for their premium list and is also, suggesting to them that a prize or prizes be offered to the family or families which most nearly approxi mates the Ideal of the "Live-at-Home' movement. He suggests' that this prize should not necessarily be given to the family which spends the least money for food or feed stuffs grown . T- . 1 . . ". i . . . . - eiBewitere, oui mac ii snouia De award ed to the family which secures from Its premises the best rounded, best bnlanced and most wholesome living. Such, a move upon the part ot the fir associations, in the opinion of Mr. Lucas, will "not only aid in the furtherance of the "Live-at-Home" campaign, but it will emphasize the Irnnortance of the fair as a construc tive force in the agricultural develop ment of the state. ."The Progressive and other ag ricultural papers, more particularly The Country Gentleman," are co-op erating effectively in the "Live:at Home" campaign'. Both of the papers mentioned have representatives at present working among the larger schools of the state and these repre sentatives are taking occasion to do missionary work not only for their papers, but lor, the , 'Llve-at-Home'1 movement. Each of the papers them selves features gardening and the Im portance of livestock upon the farm The world's standard remedy for these disorders will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body acainst further attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for the name Cold Medrnl ea avery baa no accept bo imitation Kiddies' Colds Can Be Eased Quickly Dr. King's New Discovery will do that very thing, easily and quickly. Don't say, "Poor little kiddie, I wish I knew what to do for you!" When tne cougn nrst comes, give a little Dr. King's New Discovery as directed, and it will soon be eased. : , It's a good family coueh and cold remedy, too. Loosens up the phlegm, clears up the cough, relieves the con gestion. No harmful drugs. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds. coughs, grippe. , At your druggists, 60c. a bottle. Dr. King's New Discovery iuryttta una, vouftns Constipated? Here'sRellef I Cleanse tJhe system, with Dr. King's Pills. They prompt free bile flow, stir up the lazy liver and eet at the root of the trouble. All druggists, 25c. D PROMPT I WON'T GRIPE . r. King's Pills Stops Lameness from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar troubles and gets horse' going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good results are lasting. Does Mt blister or ream tke hair end bone can be worked. Page 17 In pamphlet with eaeh bottle telle how. S2J0 a bottle delivered. HmBoak A inc. W. F. YOUNG, he, 310 Tea St. WU. Hut For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA St PNEUMONIA MoUmi, mould keep a ar el Braae'i Vaseneathi Sain eoaKoictu. Who Craa. iaaoei-aa-ar Pnea rnoota larateat lata dellf htlol ealra raboea well (Me the Umat cheat and andcl tae arm. will reltere tke cboiint bnak ooofeetioa and proaxxa natral ilecs. ..UVrttkSB1 wiu. rwi aiAin mi ajjma Me, CXMal JU at al aW 0m, er eat anpaU If W3 .a Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Seta ZSc, Oietaeat 2S aaa 50c, Take 2Se. "or bmilr. n. mI. tLi. and to relieve biftAmae- n anaeereDeei.aae klitchael Ra I ... eMAniintf In ' : Neaa. Sootbine, keeiias, v utiinim adTWaverlr riaee See, Vol BOYS GIRLS We bave eomethlns to (Ir) you it you will aend ue your name and ad- , dreaa today nn a ooati.1 t.rH Thi. 1. J thing new. The gift Is abaolutely free to yoa WILSON MANI'FACI'I BINO CO. y P. Q. Boa 8 Atlanta, Oe, ASK YOl'B GROCER OR IB( Ut.IHT FOS for al! common diseases: rasults tusnniMj or money back. Writs fo KKKK Farmer! Veterinary Oulde. If tells about treatm'n) of livestock disease. CAROLINA KEMS OIKS COMPANY, Box "6J I'Vlnw q f