? T B- I W TiJS Tft M T in I E IN E W S - R E G O R D ' an IbrJ -1 I. II' -ta . v. "1 mi to as-1 Itt & n ,p. 1 s. V r 1: i John itani imbmi. w-iD.;ggVe Your E ves latrt Uftroit uini.rn.iT.il.'' niihufae- I tirer, John F D mIh, is1 serving ft a five-days SHtiteiiee in ' he De troit, house of citrrec ion for speed injf. Dlge also Ihcts charges of dri'ii)tf while intvxicHti (1 ami tra iporting liquor a a result of ii j .v ride in which Mis'Emelitv K -vak'-rheck leaped from Ms car. S.e is uff -ring from a 'fractured skull ;;' Youthful Millionaire to Face Ancther Trial. Young Dodge Released From First ! mm A a 4 M KM A . Sentence now Aneaa ci ume. .,: Detroit. March 20 John Du val Dodue, a .vouthful'miilionairt't c 'itipvtt d a fiv ' days speeder'. seut-i.ee Ht the house, of correc tion today, spent the rerfiafenK'r of the day in cvusuitatio'i with Kia uthuM,ptt n.iul neimried'. to- night for Kal'.tna?ooi.t wh.-re tomorrow he is to face chiVs of'; driving Hit nu..i.uio4il hUe,1n- loxici'tM.1 anu illegallvt;traiipori-j ine liquor'. V, , i A ii i te of t-iiflifc rooms whs s-rvtnl l a K uamazoo' hou;) v. -today foi il.t- D dge party.' Dodjre it was an .oiinced, would ocrtupv I'M- riomtv and the. V renMi infer uoimI Dtj taken b attorneys aitd Wll mps.m-m "- '.' ' ' Dodge whs released frouj the municipal P' is ii an hour before tliH expirai ion of his st-ntt-i c bin. tliis whs not regarded as a le'.i.ing down ol- prison- rules in his favor. It whs to permit Mm to evade news-imperuoei and photog raphsrs, w ho, it was , be lieved, mighi (it-lay Dodo's p.re parations for appearance in Ka' ama.oo. Before his relets", D uhje wrote, an article for the prison publica tion, praisin,' the'ofB3K!s..!'e.x--' trenioly humane" and the lnmups, amonj? whom he biicouie popular,, as "extremely human;" He ai.so coiitmended the "central council" of the p' ison. W. A. Sams Physiqian and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Bank of French Broad. FoiEfsiaMEYPnis; Marshall, N. C, i.i . If you neeo. glasses call on Dr. j E Burnett. o' Mars Hill, and '..sve your eves examined. All cork guarantet nesr. ot material ours Respectfully, Dr. I. E. Rurnett, WANTED , Agent for Marshall and vici nity to represent Accident and Health Department of one of the oldest and strongest Life Insurance Companies in the ,U,nited States. Liberal ccmmis sions in either whole or part time cop tract. Write at once for further particulars. Hill and Baker . General Agents, Hot Springs, N. C. . Notice. .". . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTRY OF MADISON ' I,, The Superi-.r Court. 'Tom Baker, et l vs. Francis A' duiiuer, W. lv R illins, E. R Ck'b, .Myrtle R. Re'L ' Katie M Gtidyer E in m e 1 1 0 v'Gudyer, Mrs John L mgley . .Tlie defendant above named will tak notice that an action n rled as nonve h.is teen com- Hii'iieed in tlie Superior Court of Mndisin Ooiituy ihat said action relies to real estate situated in the a fort-said county and state and tlie said defendant will further take t.0 ice that he is required 'to appear before t he Clerk of the Sup'Tior Court, of said county, 'Apiit 24th, 1922 at 'he courthouse of sn'id county in Marshall, N. C, and answer or demur to.th.3 coni plainVi suid action, or the plaintiff Will apply ''.to the court for tlie relief demanded in said complaint. This 23rd day of March 1322. W. A. WEST, Clerk o tlie Superior Court. Agents Wanted r Live agents wanted to handle city trade for the Genuine J. R. Watkina Products. Write quick for free sample and particulars. The J". R. Watkins Co., Dept. 74; New Yiork,' N. Y. March 31st, 1922. Matbew Ramsey A Candidate j tluaHf I rill purlin 1 VI UllVa ft. I hereby announce myself a can didate for sheriff on the Republi can ticket, subject to the Primary and if elected, promise to especial ly enforce the prohibition law to a letter. Yours Rospectfully, MATTHEW RAMSEY. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. . Notiee is hereby given that the partnership between us, the undersigned M. H. Morris, W. J Morris and D. G. Rryson carry ing on business as nornl mer. chandise a. Marshall, N C, uu 'er the style or firm nance of Morris and Bfyson,. was on the 22nd day of 'March, 1 9 22, dissolved by 'mutual consent, and that the business in the future will be carried on by the said M. .H Morris and W. J. Morris who will pay and discharge of debts and liabilities and receive all moneys payable to the said linn 'Puis the 22nd day of March 1922. M H. MORRIS. W.J. MORRIS D. G BRYSON. to The Republicans of Madison County I take this method of announc ing myself a CAND1EATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, sub ject to the PRIMARY to be held June 3rd. If nominated and elected, will endeavor to fill this office to the best of my ability. JOHN E. RECTOR. Fred Freeman We wholesale flour meal and mII kinds of Feed. See us for your seed oats we have the best grade money will buy, and good price. We buy anything the farmers has to sell. And sell anything he needs -at a better price. -It will pay you to see us before you buy or sell. City Mill Co. .NOTICE! In conformity with an order is sued by His Honor Judtje Thos. J.Shajv, at the February Term of Superior Court of Madison County. I will on the 17th day of April 1922 at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in the town of Marshall, sell to the highest bidder for cash one new Ford Touring Car: 1921 Modle Electric Starter. -Motor No 5G00S42 This car is in first class condi tion and was captmed in the transportation of illict whiskey and is ordered sold according to t he statute in such case made and provided. J. J BAILEY, Sheriff of Madison County. Dr. R. H. Burk's DENTIST Announce's to his friends and acquaintances that he is permanently L O C A T E D over the Marshall Pharmacy. Where he may be found any day in the week. And every week in the Month. And every Month in the year Enough Said. Come see me. Judgement is based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands jf people, have made every known combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrons. We shall be equally glad to num ber you among them. See us to day and see better from now on. CHARLES H. MONESS Optometrist Eye Strain Specialist 54 Pat Ave. Opp. rostoffice ' ASHEyiLLE. N. C. Choice fresh cows for sale. C. A. Henderson, FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fOH I SHfcJMAIISM KinNEYS WO SI""