- Local and Personal Notice of Sale. To The Voters Of Madison County : Judge J. J. Gentry, was in 'Marshall Tuesday looking after . .-.the work pertaining to his de- V nomination. J. C. Coward and Caney West J t Lee were in town Monday. if Mr. W. M. Lawson, of Paint , r Rock, was amtmg our visitors Monday. 'At -Mi. SrvmCox. of Ivy was in -town Thursday. Among our visiting attorneys during the week was Mark V Brown, and Thomas Rollins .of -Asheville. . L Yo-j can make no mistake in r-follo wing the advice of millions ;-Who have been restored to 'health and happiness by Tanlac 'Marshall Pharmacy, The National Convention of the Free Will Baptist Church ttet in' conference as Marshall during this week. About one ' hundred Aid fifty delegates be ing present, each state in the union being represented. The . Conference opened Wednesday night and will continue through out Sunday. A great time ex pected and the citizens of the town have opened their homes to the delegates and will assist ihe Freewill brethern in enter- 'Gaining their delegation. Our fellow townsmen Eugene Rector who is well and favor ably known has just with his bride and is i few days with his mother Mrs. C. R. Allison before re turning to their home in Wash . ington City. Mr. Hector was . married to Miss Morris of Mary land some two weeks ago they have been spending their bridle tour in Florida. arrived spending : A number of people from tfra Hill ora i'tnHinrf rnnrt this week being interested in fc nuit'whprftiiV t.hfi will of the nnv v " late'Dr. Baird is Being contested, This case is on the calandar and will be tried immediately upon the completion of the Bridges case. . : Upon completion of the crimi- , ial Annlrot WAlnparl'i v nnnn t.hfi court immediately took up the civil doeket. and as we go to press the case of C. M. Gage . ana oiners against a. j. onuges Br., wherein the planum Char lies the defendant with usury is in progress. The case is now in the hands of the jurors. Grand Jury The following served as Grand Jurors this week- ' " W. C Amnions, Foreman, A. H Sams, B. H. Culberson, L. J. Plem montv J. WY Amnions, W, L. Fish er, J. C Holnombe, H. C. Buokner Claud Fox, N. W. McPetem R. F. Tillery, S. A. Goldsmith, It. L. Crow,J. C. Rice, W. R. Payne, t) C. Cook, C. J, Andcison, An v4ersoi Metcalf, Crow, officer.- -.v. The grand Jurors, completed their deliberations nnd was dis charged by the Court Wednesday 12 a. m. It is generally under stood that rno.-e thanv forty new bills have been found for the next term of the Court. ." :V:f' '." ... - vv ifcsrican Leg'foii Invited to I-'"' Mars Hill as Mr. W. II. Morrow, Commander American Legion;, Marshall, N. C . Pear Mr. Morrow: R' gives me great pleasure Mayor of Mars Ilil!, tq invite you and your post of American Legion, epena tne csutn ciay oi May as ttie jaests of Mars Hill. ' : : " Trusting that we may have as inany ex service men with us as is possible to attend, I am, ' , ' . - Yours Respectfully . - ii: n- iiolcombe; ; . x . Mayor. By virtue of the power con tained in a deed of trust executed on the 16lh day' of March 1021, by L. W. Roberts, T E. Black stock and Robert Greenwood to W. B. Ramsey, Tr u a t c e, to secure a certain indebtedness therein described, which deed of trust is duly recorded in Book No. 22 on pae 197 in the eflice of the Ren isle r of Deeds for Madison Coujuy, North Carolina, and default Imvintf been made iu the payuieut of the indebtedness secured hy said . deed in trust whereby the power of bale theiein contained ha become qperaiive, the undersigned will on tlift 2i)i,h day of May 1922 at 12 o'clock M. sell at public auction for cash at the Court House door in the town of Marshall, North Carolina, the fol lowing described real estate in the County of Madison, State of Norih Carolina, adjoining the lands of L, L. Roberts, VV. J. Roberts' estate and DW: Roberts, described as follows: Known as the Ivy Heck Farm. Beginning at a white oak on the Southeast corner of said land and runs W. 70 poles to a white oak. passing the same 10 poles to a stake, runs from that point N. 10 poles to a white cak, then West with William Roberts line to a stake in the old Carter line, then Nw: about 100 poles to a white oak, the Barnard comer, passing on the stme direction 90 poles to a chestnut stump on the hanks of Ivy, then E. 90 pole to a white oak and passing the same to V. W. Roberts' Jir.e, then South with this line to Big Ivy to stake , North of a white pine, then South to the said pine passing the same 160 poles to the beginning Containing 270 acres more or less, except mineral interest and mineral rights of every nature in and to the said property, and the right to egress and ingress for the purpose of removing the same here rnserved by parties to deeds Recorded in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds of Madison Coun ty in Book Pege , in Beok page, in Book page -and ex pressly referred and made a part of this deed of trust. This the 2nd day of May, 1922 W.B.RAMSEY, ' Trustee. Marshall High School Will ' Close May 31st. Final examinations will be completed this week. Next Mon day evening, May 29, the Com mencement exercises will be gin. : Tuesday, May 30th, at 10:30 o'clock the Commencement ad dress w i 1 1 be delivered by Mayor Gallatin Roberts of Asheville. Following the ad dress the 7th grade will give their .class day exercises. Then the certificates will be present ed. On Tuesday evening a Reci tation contest will take place, olio wed by a play Nigger Night School. . - The final exercises will be held Wednesday evening con sisting of a play. The Matri monial Exchange, presented by the High School. Everybody welcome and urged to attend. ADMISSION Children' : Adults, 15cts 25cts Shower for Miss Hyde Mrs. Robert Ramsey and Misi Queen Ann Ramsey entertained at the home of Miss Ramsey, Thurs day afternoon from four to five, with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Hyde, whose mar riage to Mr. Meminger, of Penn., takes place Wednesday evening. he color scheme of green and white was carried out in the de corations. An original game was played in which a rhyme told the bside elect whereto find the gifts, Quite -an enjoyable reading was given by Miss Ann Hyde, Mrs. Arthur Mc- Devitt, gave several musical num bers, a quartette composed of Messrs. "Hyde, Jones, Chandler, and McDevitt, sang several - selec tions, after which dainty refresh-' ments were served. , ! About thirty five of Miss Hyde's Southern Railway System Spring Outing to WASHINGTON. D. C. May 26th, 29th 1922 The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Washington, D. C, on May 26tH, with final re torn limit to leave Washington en any regular train (except No. 37) on or before 0:50 P. M., May 29th. SCHEDULE; Train No. 12, Leave Asheville, 2:25 P. M., May Zeth, Train No. 32, Arrive Washington, 7:30 A. M. May 27ih, Tickets good in sleeping cars when pullmaii accomodations pur chased. Special sleeping cars from Asheville and Charlotte. Following rates will apply from stations in Western North Carolina: Alexander $12.50 Marshall v 13.00 Barnard, Runionand Hot Springs 13:50 Three full days in the Na tional Capitol, an opportunity to see Congress in session and visit the public buildings, Arl ington Cemetery and many other points of historical interest. v New York and Washington will be playing in Washington during this week a n d Babe Ruth will be in the game. No, more attractive outing will be offered the people this season. For further information, ap ply to your Local Agent, or write, J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent, Asheville N. C. x Mass Meeting At a mass meeting of the Demo crats at the court house last Satur day at 2 p. m., the following par t ies were endorsed by said meeMng to run m the June primary for the various county offices as' stated lelow on the Democratic ticket. For Representative, J. w Nel-, son; tJierK ot superior;. Court, U. W. Balding; for Shr ;rjff( Luther Howell; For Register of Deeds, Miss Flossie Murra'y; County Com missioner, Tom' Tj'risbee; Corner, W. A. Sanaa; Sur veyor, , Joe Wor- iey; Auauor, Clarence . Redmon; Constable, Leo Bryan; Board of Education. N . B. McDevitt. Excuse fjs just this onetiioft we will hereafter cive more iie s and less fvJvertise mentor prints To- days papers s&ate that freight ra tes are cut 10 per cent to tube effect July 1st 1922. In the case of C M. Gage and others against Andy Bridges and others the jurors just return; ed a verdict in favor of the de fendant Bridges. The well known C. L. McDowell of Walnut is in charge of a crew of five hands and is doing repair work and cleaning and painting all the bridges on the Dixie Highway in the Ninth District, which extends to Spencer, N. C. He is located now at Petersburg, and from there he wul move to Marshall. - tie is fitted out with a good sized house on wheels in which he sleeps, a large tent in which he cooks and a high power motor trtck which car ries his ouljfiit from place to place. ' Time rolls around and it seems but yesterday that I ' came before you announcing my candidancy for the of fice of Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County for the preceding terms. All were very kind in sup-. porting me in the last two elections and once hkheiii J come to place my name before you as aspirant for the' office. I do this .feeling that the years already ftpon t in your, service have Riven me the experience niWfd u carry on well the business that this office entails and I ask that, haying found me tried and true during the past terms, Tr have served, you may consider mo favor ably forie office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this County. Very Respectfully, . .. W. A. WEST. J. WILL ANNOUNCES TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OP MADISON COUNTY: (Both Ladies and Gentlemen.) j I have been your Register of Deeds for some time and it ha been my desire to conduct the office properly, and in thit respect I have done my best, but it is for you to say how well I have sue ceeded in mv intentions. It is now coming time for another elec tion, and I am again asking for your sufferae and support and in doing so I want to assure you thatl will do my best to continue U make you a good officer. Thanking you for past favors and thank ing you in advance for any support you may give me in the com ing Piimary. I Remain Yours To Serve, J. WILL ROBERTS. P. S. I wish to state that being a candidate myself, that it could not be expected of me to take part in the interest of an? Candidate for any office other than my own. As all the Candidates are my personal friends. This being the case I cannot, 'wont and will not take any part in the race of any Candidate for any oltice. I hops this statement will be appreciated by all concerned. J. WILL ROBERTS. We Buy, Sell or Ex change All Kinds Real Estate mmmmnniMMm Such as Farms, City Property,1 Timber and Mineral Lands "Any-! Kvhere When you wish to either buy or sell, AT PRIVATE OR AUC- rTION SALE write or come and see us. . ' North Carolina Realty Company !( J. H. GROGG, ,Sec.-TreaS. Moved to 78 Patton Ave., South of P. O., Asheville,' N. C. r-- Notice Whereas. T. J. Warlick did on the 10th day of March, 1920, exe- cute and deliver to J. C. Ramsey, Trustee, a triist deed' on certain lands in Madison County, State oi North Carolina, therein described, v to secure the sume of $500 00 due by said T. J.? Warlick to J. H. White which said trust deed is re corded in Madison County, in Deed in Trust Book 22 Page 34 to which referene is i hereby made; and wherras default has been made in the papment of the moneys secured by said trust deed, and the said trustee has been duly requested to execute the trust therein contained; NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of the power contained in said trust deed. I. the : undersigned trustee, on the 5th, day of June. 1922, between the hours of 10 A. M . and 3 P. M., at the,-court house door in the town of Marshall in Madison Couaty, North Caro lina, will, by public auction, sell to the highest bidder tot cash, the fol lowing described property vie: j Situated ia; No. 1 Township, Madison County, N. C , adjoining the lands of Will Jones, Francis Mcliean and others: Beginning on 8 take in the public road in the line between W- H. Deayer and W. R. Sams below- "negro town" and running east and with said line to Joe Fores line and with said line and in the line of W, R. Sams to Hays Run Creek; thence down and with the meanders of said creek to the line of Tonie Ball and Roy Gudger; then with said line to Will Inn Mi line; then with said Jones line to Francis McLeans' line to the ..Vli, mo-' fttftlcA comer! then lUVUV .Vi-, w " J down the sa-rlad to ths beginning. Containics ten acres more or, less: cept a small piece sold to Wolford Tweed - ''V : Said land will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said trust deed, and such title will be biven las is vested in said trustee. J.C.RAMSEY, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Madison County. Under anckby virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Madison County, made in a special proceet -ing Z. V. Fisher, admr. of II. L. Hoilifield dec, against M. li. Hoi -lifield and other heirs at law of H. E. Hoilifield dec., the .tame be ing No. , upon the special pro ceeding docket of said court, the, undersigned commissioner will, on Monday the 12th day of June 1922 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in Marshall, Madison Coun ty, N. C, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being iu No township Madison County; N. C, adjoining the lands of B. B. Metcalf. John Young and others; and being a part of R. B. Gibbs lands, and beginning on a Spotted Oak, on the mam top of the ridge, D B. Metcalf's line, thence' East 71 poles to John Young's line, thence N. 10 poles t o a stake. thence N 31 W 7 poles, thence N 25 W 8 poles, thence N 15 W 9 poles, thence N 32 W 15 polee, hence N 35 degrees and 9 pole?, thence N 28 W 6 poles, then N 9 degrees W 9 poles, to a stake in the wagon road, the N 2 degreeo E 27 poles, to W. M. Edwards and Annie Edwards line as shown in a deed made to them by H. G. Wiles and wife and runs with said, line crossing the road and hollow to the top of the ridge to D. B. Met calf b line, thence with meanders of the ridge and said Metcalf js line to the beginning, containing 35 more or less. Andjbeing the &. E. Hoilifield tract of land. j ' This May the 11th, 1922, j ' Z. V.Fisher, ; frientU were rrcnt ja supplsrocnt as we have b'e e ; Dairj ths J. Y. 1'eDoTe!! lot, ex

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