&tfcew Ramsey A CcsitsjEdwIck Eryaa For Sheriff. For Sheriff mvAAlf 'ACAc didate for sheriff on the Republi- cap ticket, subject to, the Primary and if elected, promise to1 especial ly enforce the prohibition law to a letter. Yours Rospectfully, MATTHEW'RAMSEY. I wish to announce to the vo .. ters both Ladies and Gentle- mens that it has been circulated all over the county that I had pulled off of the race for Sheriff. I wish to say that this has been badly misrepresented by some. one. I wish to state that I am still on the list and will.be untill June the 3rd and stand for the principles of my announcement Yours Truly, : Matthew Ramsey, Dr. J.N. MOORE t'Has Moved His .Office XTp Over Grover C. Rcdmons Store. You Will Find ; " I Him There Any ' Time. i- Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! The time is almost here (or me to settle for the Tax List of 192 1, and there are lots of taxes not paid. I know times are hard, m o n e y s c arc e and taxes hidh. but this is no fault of mine. The taxes are put on the book and given to me to collect and I must settle With the . County for them. Therefore, I urge all who owe me taxes to settle same at once and save me the embarrassment of having to levy on property. I must have y o u r taxes, they have to be paid and you just as well pay now and save cost. . I want to treat C v e r y b o d y fair, therefore, I am fjiv- ind you this notice which is fair warniirood pHnpif Msdism Cnint.vv ntf ': ' : J hereby pledij day stilt if .-ppnii- j. J. BAILEY. abcriit and laxj Good vrvw, .,ouripsv... Collector (nccominodation tonil.wjii hti 'lolicy. . ' ' , . . V , Ask those wh know m. C. G. Center, Canite Fcr; , Stcriff. , To the Republicans of Madison County; 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Madison Coun ty subject to the Republican "Pri mary to be held June 3rd, 1922. If nominated and elected, I promise to execute the law fesxltly and '.I'iout favoritism. - And do my ' y as Theril? and serve the peo- " to t' e best of my ability. Yo -3 RcrcctfaHy, ' ' E.G. CmiZn. To the Republicans of Madison County. , i . . I take this methdd of announc in my candidacy for Sheriff, of Madison County, subject to the Primary td be held Jun 3, 1922. If nominated and elected I promise you a ' faithful perform ance of the duties of the office. I will devote my entire . lime an. I attention to' these duties, promis ing to inforce 'the laws without favoritism. On these principals I trust you will rive me your support. ," ' ' ', Thanking you I am, Very respectfully, IIAUDWICK lillYAN. For SHeriff R. N. CATOIN ' To the Ladles and Gci tleman Yers "f Madi son County: I hereby announce ,m y s I f fr nomination for the of! ice of sheriff, subject to the 'will of the voters of lliad Ison county Primary Election to be hold mi the 3rd day of Juno and If elected I promise to - . v i ii. execute ana enforce law to: the best of my ability ''' Yours very truly, R.N.CATON. To -The Voters of Madison - "County ' 1 ' herebv announce" mvse'lf as .candidate forJherifCof Madison County, subject to Mia- Democra tic primaryto'be hfeld in June." If nominated and Elected, I pledge myself tq uphold law and order and to enforce the; taws to the fBiriiinCoryf ab'ility. Although I was a married., .man and would hate been exempted from military duty 1 vrefused to claim exemption, and went to the World War buhefirstdrat, serv os my country, two years,.! have also served, three, years in the Army pibr to the AVdrld War. Very Respectfully, ' J.Q. BALL, Mara. Hill, N. C. II 1. DICK MOORE Candidate For Clerk Superior ' Court' ' " To the voters of Madison I County: I hreliy announce mvlf ; x n d I d a t , tor Ch-rk of1 tli Superior Uoiirto.f.MadiK'm County tn the I4iitliuv lick- Mitjei. ithlriinry tHe Ifwttlon Junf 3rd 192'2. , - , T aui-nufil.lu nclr,4h0 fiiiititiii't. Cif Llitt Haifa anu eierwu,! m ni fiu Jibat 1 will Kivft Iny full limn .anl hikI Fcr Cccr.ty Cc Issicr.8r ; Uszn J. Jervis t . .; To ' the voters of Madison County, I hereby announce my - self a candidate for the olucc nf Pnnntv Commissioner sub - -- j : jecttouie nepuoucmi rruiiii toteneujune ra. leanien- f J ' T - J. ly coLcit your vote Rec-ectfsilly Yours, Hiram J. Jervis. Sara J. Peck For Register cf Deeds of Madison County, . To' the Republican: voters of Madison County. y,y I hereby . anriounce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Madison County, subject 'h.owever to the 'wishes of the Republican voters of said county in the coming primary to be held June 3ro 1922. I am a Republican and have always voted a Republican ticket. I take this method of placing my name before the good citizens of Madison County and asking you to .vote for me' June 3rd. Assuring you o f faithful per formance of duties of the office if nominated and elected. I am, Very respectfully, ' SAM J. PEEK. ' J. R; Rogers Candidate For Register Of Deeds. To The Republican Voters Of Madiaon County Both Ladies and Gentlemen. I hcroby antvumcn myself candidate for the office of Regis inr of (Iff! of Madison County sul'j ;ct to titio action of the. pri mary' To l.v 'Md Juno the 3rd 19?" and if Iain nominatea and j;lt!1,.I ,ist ,,llHt , mfty he RhU i., s1(,w mv appreciation of your snpiiort ly fuithfnl duly courtesy to the office i)ni to one and all. T Rrspfct fully, .1. li. ROGERS, John A.' Hefldrlcks For The Legislature. - Upon the requests of many of the voters, I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the nomination as representative of Madison County in the next Legislature.' Subject to the Re publican Primary.4 The tiext Legislature promises. to be the most important that has' been held in this State for many years. The question of a new system of County Government, the Sale of the North Carolina Railroad, and other vital ques tions efecting the people will come before ' thd General As sembly. . . John A. Hendricks, To The Republicans of Madison County I take this method of announc ins myself a CANDJATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, sub joct to tho PRIMARY to be held .hr.o Sr 1. '.f;,'':'; If niwiated- and elected, will ondfavor to fill this pffice to the to'tof my a'litv 'f ; - JOHN E" ifECTOR. Roy Well rjjounty Commissioner. ' announce myself a candi date for County:. Commissioner subject : to Aha ::Republicaii pri mary. ' If yo'u will yote for me I will appreciate it and will always try to se'rve you to the best of my ability, .;. . , . Vcry traly, . ROY WALL. Judgement is based, onexperience. We have ' examined the eyes of thousands - jf people, have made every ' ill; w iwiuwu Luiiiwnitiiiuu v-t- fitted al sorts, sizes and shapes fn06eS -lt j8 our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrcn3. We shall be equally gbi to num- j ber yoy among them. See us to aay and see better from now on. II r r r ' To The Voters of Madison County I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative of Madison County, subject, to the primary of June 3rd on the Re publican ticket, if elected' I pro mise., safe and' sane legislation, and not to be for any, proposed bond issues or high taxes, Vote for me for yours and your moneys sake. Think this over. I am, Yours for service, , . HOY McCAMPELL. LB. Rice For County Commissioner I announce myself a Candidate for County Commissioner Subject to the Republican Primary to be held June the 3rd and if elected I will do my best to please tho peo ple. LB. RICE, To The Voters Of Madison County. (Ladies and Gentlemen) On the solicitations of my many friends throughout the County, I have decided to make the race for Representative. If nominated and elected, I will be bitterly opposed to any le gislation that would increase the burden of taxation in Madi son County. Thanking you for any sup port you may give me in the coming Primary, I am, Respectfully Yours, PAUL E. BRUCE. For County Commissioner. P. V. Goforth I announce myself as a can didate for County Commissio ner subject to the republican primary if you will vote for me I will appreciate it. And will always serve you to the best of my ability. . Yours Truly P. V. Goforth. ; ROMULUS A. EDWARDS , For Legislature Upon the request of the farmers and citizens in Madison County. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination as Re presentative of Madison County in the next Legislature. Subject to the voters both ladies and gentle men in the Republicah Primary. And I promise if elected to serve the people of Madison County, to the best of my ability. I also say that I will not stand for anything that will increase the burden of taxation on the farmers and citi; itens of our County what I stand for is not behind closed doors. It is an -open book See mo or in quire. ' Respectfully yours, ROMULUS A. EDWARDS.. J. Baird McDevitt . Announces For Commissioner , I take this opportunity to an nounce to the ladies and gentle men voters of. Madison .County, that I am a candidate for office of Coun'.y Commissioner, subject to tne Republican Primary, to be held June 3rd, 1922. , I will appreciate, the favor if you will make doligent inquiry as to my character and business nuulifications to 611 "the office which I am seeking. 1 ' f !y policies will be if elected to see that tho county affair, whkh are your affairs, are run on lai'rictly business basis and also . umattif na a wuuiu iuu pri .. 'a affair and I shall stand for i reduction In taxes, if it is pr '3 for th'ein to be reduced. I ,11 appreciate your vote and i "i eii if elected will give T. 1 t r rvi:"3. ' ' ?yt-j vcrj I ?.: "y f;r SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES ' Via' ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ' "'. Account SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVEN , TION . , JACKSONVILLE FLORDIA May 17-22, 1922. ' Round trip tickets will' be on sale from all points may vl3th to 19th, inclusive, with final, limit to reach original starting point by midnight May 27th, 1922, on basis one and one half fare, upon presentation o f identification certificates which will be issued by Rev. H. C. Moore, Secretary, Nashville, Tenn. , Those desiring Pullman reser vations and other information should make application to near est Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or address J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. Notice. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON In The Superior Court. Tom Baker, et al. va. Francis A. Gudirer. W. E Rollins, E. R. TiKh, Myrtle R. Be I, Katie M GudL'er, Emmott C Gudger, Mrs .John Linulcy. . The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Madison County that said action relates to real estate situated in the aforesaid county and state aud the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, April 24th, 1922 at the courthouse of said county in Marshall, N. C and answer or demur to tli3 com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This 23rd day of March 1922. W. A. WEST, Clerk of ihe Superior Court. To The Republican Yoters of Madison County. Miurebv take this method of announcing myself a candidate tor the Office of Sheriff for the Coun ty of Madison, subject to the wishes of the republican voters of said County,, in the coining Piimary, to bo held June 3rd 1922. I have been solicited by differ ent people from all parts of the County to make the race for Sheriff at the coming Primary, but owing to the fact that it has been customary for all County Oflieera to have the second - term aol nwinjt to .the fact that our prtw-nt Shei iff has only held the Shei iff's Ollice tor one term and ajipp isnii.' hnt he intended to be 4 cacdidiite a'aii to succeed' him sf If. I had not decided slo make the race, but after seeing Sheriff lUiy's announcementk in The News-Record of February l6th, 1922, Where l atates that he will not be a candidate; I have decid ed to ipake , tjbe , racp, and as Sherjlf liailev savs in his letter to The Nes-Kecord thit the limn Jt'as' come when ',. the can dida'.es for the different County 011ivs Minst make their . appear-anc-. 1 take ! this ! "method of puuint; my name before the Rood people of the CMunty and earnest ly ask you all to go to thejpolea on June 3rd, 1922,' and cast your vpte tor the ones of ybor choice, an t if I should be the choice of the people I will promise you that I will do all in mv power to exe- cut- ilie OIlio" f Sheriff to the best of my al.iity, 1 Wry p'fpectfulls, . ROaEliT 11. RAMSEY. : Tor Sale A good Jersey Cow with your j heifer cz.lt Dr. R. H. Buries ' DENTIST Announced to his friends and acquaintances that he is permanently LOCATED over the Marshall Pharmacy. Where he may be found any day in the week . And every week in the M ith. And every Month in the year. Enough Said. Come see me. To The Voters of No. 1 Township I hereby announce , myself ft candidate for constable of No. 1 township. And if elected I. wiU serve the people of s'aid town ship to my best ability, i! will appreciate your influence -support and vote. ' y. FRANK E. RUNNION. Save Your Eyoo . . If you ne" classes call on-Dr. J. E. Bun ctt, of Mars Hill,' and have your vs examined.' rAll ork iruaranteAd ' heat of material , used. ' 1 Dr. I. E. Burnet FOR SALE For Sale in Mara Hill N.v C. one third acre of land and one 3 room house, aud one & room house; one stable, water in the yard, electric lights, 200 yards from Public School house,' $0 yards from College, $1000 cash. J. A. Smith, ' Jess Thomas, 't', , v ' Mars Hill, N. C. DR. L. V. LISENHEE Optometrist V Come unto me all' you , that have Eye trouble and I will jfivo you REST. Will be at Dr. Moore's Offlca First Monday in May 1922. , , N. C. State License. -. Dt. L. V. LISENBEE... . . . Abbeville. & & STOCK WANTRDParty b-. te rested in c .inuicicial stock ,o( all kind. Advise what you have, and nam" yniir lowest price. In terested mostly in small Invest ments from fifty to five hundred dollars. Address: ..Stock", 'Jfe thli paper. , - , FOR RENT A good. 5 room: house on road near Mrs.. Van Davis home. See.William Vor ley, mail man. 1 " , , , 1 FOR SALE to Farms on Sand Clay roid with good dwelintf bour ses and bottom land closa to Marion will sell at a baruaia write. '. ' S W. Halliburton, Hendcvson fetrett Marion, N. C. Dr. V, E. CHARFC Dentist Is now located in 1 Izr:', .1 crr::'ir:-.- cv: n run iti ri r 1..