Local and Personal I News Of Interest Ease Ball J;, Will says he never makes a promise that he fails to keep. Do fyou get tliitt.. Mr. M. L Itobii'son, wlioownes ithe property . where the News R.ecord use to he, is remodlingthe rdown stairs so it niny he used as a. dwelling department. Jf If you feet inif ik, .tire. I and ''jwprn out. nil tl e limo it is nature's "'warning. " Avoid a breakdown by 'taking Tanlnc. ' Maishatl Fliar .macy, M-irsnaii, i. u. am on the numltpV for all the , wool. 1 Cxn ci'l. r i i q iur prices. H. II. Ward, .... " . . t tv:n I ii Vt I en you uueid . in n-iuHi in "i btJ the stcot or in It's i(lioe, Iip is jj-just tli' Hiiiim old .1. Will is nl . Vwbvb dad to ste you. ' '"'people who Lave been wonderful 'f restored to health by takinji .Tanlac. Try it. Marshall Pharmacy, Marshall, N. C. . Don't lose hope. Tanlac has ttalnarl llinntnnrla who had almost (riven nn in deenairi Trv it. Marshall Pharmacy, Marshall, inodating Register of Deeds th-re .1 no oeuer in norm Carolina than J. Will Roberts. ' " ,;'.ine peopie or iviamson county Wnow J Will Roberts (regardless pf politics) to be one of the nice est and most accomodating Re gister of Deeds the" County ever had. ..; , Diplomas were awarded Miss ' "tr-i. ni l - j I i.. -e r,i Tweed and Miss Jessie Morris both of our county by the Normal School this week at Asheville. v Miss Nell Ilinkle and Miss Katherine Dcuver who have ' been attending the Normal School at, Asheville are now, at home daring the holidays. - , . , Mr. J. S. Massey formerly of AnAorann Hronnh whn ia nnw M w u w . ' uw. w - . holding a rcspopsible position with the Whitney Cotton Mills of Whitney., S. C, is at his old home On?.ti:derson Bryuch looking aft er making some - repairs. Mr. Massey says he has not lost a day in the last 34uouths, except for a, day or so that be was sick. He btites that he and his family-have enjoyed good health until the last three months,' during that period his wife has been in bad health. On last Saturday May 27th, red. Caldwell drove his car full of occupants to a high point on the road just above Kenueth ! Murray a to watch the . ball game in the island. They all left the car and was observing the game.; The young son of ,Ulaice. liaynie age d, climbed iuto the car and was bitliug on the . back seat. From some unknown; reason the car started. Me, Edwards a by lander saw the car start, he made an dflort to stop the car, failing in this he- caught the. child, and jerked it to. s a f e t y . 'iTho car plunged on down" the precipice turniug over several times land- On last Saturday the game was playe,d between the Chicago women and the Yellow Jackets of Marshall. The game ended in a score 5 to 4 in favor of the girls. This was an interesting game, and the girls could play ball, I say they can. . If you don't believe me. Ask the yel low jackets ?The game was run ing along about the 9th when they run Grovcr C. Redrnon Manager of the little Hornets in as a pinch hitter. Grover did as well as most any one could do under the circumstances. He landed on the pill driving it to short stop, there it met fate it was picked up like a lightning bug, It was pegged to 2nd then to 1st which settled the yellow jackets, "then they got unruly and swarmed out of the Island and settled on the streets of this city. The little Hornets were mad all Saturday evening n d Sunday. Another hot game was played yesterday between Marshall and Barnardsville the game ended in a score something like this 7 to 0 in favor of Barnardsville. The Hornets has got to "Snap-out" of this if they ever expect to make the league. French Broad Association HOW TO INVEST MONEY The Post Office Your Bank. Savings Postmaster Wm. C. Pope con tinues to impress upon the peo ple of Marshall the advantages of Treasury Savings Certificates and Postal Savings as an invest ment as well as the best method of encouraging persons of small income to form the habits of thrift and saving. "The post office under this system" said a financial sage who made an in vestigation of the new U. S. Government Savings System, "will become the savings bank of the wage earner and the per son of small salary. In many of the large cities, and in factory towns, and especially in many of the smaller towns in the rural districts, it is very inconvenient for earners of a weekly wage to reach a bank after receiving their pay, but a post office is usually available. When the people fully understand that their post offices offer them modern banking faci- ities they will avail themselves of thid modern savings system which is run for their own ad vantage and at no cost to them. ostal Savings and Treasury Sav ings Certificates offer an unusual : opportunity, and the post office is ready to render these banking acilities in an efficient manner. Postmaster P o p e is pleased with 'the suggestion of the post office as the wage-earners' sav ings bank, and intends to make it that in fact: as long as people who are its patrons show a dis position to save He calls espe cial attention to the fact that the Government is in this savings mnvpmpnt hecanse the officials ing in the road he!o w, a distance J hatfe become convinced that ony of thirty feet , winch completely demolished " the car. ' No doubt Mr. .and Mrs' liaynie -will never forget this heroic act of Mr. Edwards. V We note from the Hauner that Our friend Joe Cruigmiles, the editor of .thuVnewey sheet is making an agreiisive campaign for county treasurer! and in bis announcement he asks the voters , postal savings card they can be if they can give any good ", reason ' exchanged for a $1 interest bear why he should not be elected. We ing postal savings certificates to do not believe that a single re ithe TKf nJSl L , v i u purchased by any one person, publican in Mitclicll County could SmaU jnvest0r3 can also buy give' any such reason that is if', Treasury Savings Stamps at $1 they have the proper appreciation each. They do not draw interest for his services to the county. We but when 20 Stamps have been Uv observed h,s paper , ro g-g its If ft issue and Joe has never tcata- These certificates are faile 1 t boost' the county id issued in denominr tlon of through the Government can a nation-wide campaign for savings be inaugureted and made sue cessful. 'The Government" he said, "affords an opportunity for everybody to save. ; Any person with ten cents can open a savings account with the Government With ten eonts a postal savings stamp can be bought at the post office. When ten stamps have been purchased and affixed to a an J c t c f f casan. .' Certainly the ' ' ' j : ' I give, Imu this xi t- . . ...... f., . , JlHf- 1 fl.C'JO .1 Sixteen Baptist ministers and eight laymen met at Mars Hill Church, May 8th, 1922, and dis cussed the following subjects: 1. What am I worth to ; my brother ministers? Rv. Ai: J. Sprinkle made a splendid talk on this, he was followed by H K. Mullin, Perry Sprinkle and W. R. White. fi. What are they worth to me? Re. Jesse Watts, L. W. Hager, R. L Moore. Wade White and R. H. Morgan made short talks. 3 What do I, as a minister, owe the French Broad Associat lonr Kev. J M. t'ickcns was the one to begin the subjects, but he was absent. L. C. Roberts, W. P. Jervis, P. M. Coffey, Roy Morgan and J, C. Pipes made stirring talks. ; 4. How can I pay It? Rev. James Corn, to open this subject, was sbsent. Revs. J. R. Owen, W. R. Lunsford and J. H. Wade nobly discussed this part of the Program. A great dinner was served by Mrs Owen and several other lad ies, in front of Brother Owen's home. We certainly thank the ladies for the splendid dinner. A Resolution was passed, urg ing every pastor and all christ ians to talk and pray that a sheriff may be elected that will enforce the Prohibition Law, as Sheriff J J. Bailey has done. Next meet ing at Laurel Branch Church, June 5th. . , Everybody urged to attend. ,: Rev. Perry Sprinkle, Moderator Wade White. Secretary. have been largely attended and ! received the hearty co-operation of the local preachers.The Carolina Mountaineer. Notice To The Voters Of Madison County Rev. Shuford Jenkins, Boy Evangelist Closes a Three Weeks Evangelistic ' . I Campaign - News-Recosd: t Rev, Shuford Jenkins, the Boy" Evangelist, will close a three-weeks' evangelistic cam paign in his tent Sunday night. The campaign here through rain and mud and a wind, which blew the tent down last week, and which was interfered with by a school commencement w h i c h naturally drew many from the services, has" been a marked snc cess resulting in 100 conversions already, besides reclaiming many back sliders. . About $300 was- given in col lections for the tent fund. The remaining collections will go to Mr, Jenkins personally and to expenses of the campaign- He deserves a big collection : for he works hard day and night and is intensely in earnest. He is well aided by Rev. Mr. Snyder and Mr, Freeman, the singer. - The party and tent go to Bryson City next week, the former home of Mr. Jenkins, and it is certain the people there will flock to ithe services. The meetings here if:! J fir '23, ; v fy 4 r rr I . Th Marshall High School come to a close Wednesday night after a successful s e s s i o n of nine months. The d o s i n g, exercises has been splendid i in every re spect and well attended by the entire town and neighborhood. Hon Gallatin Roberts, mayor of Asheville, addressed the school Tuesday morning. His address was well taken and enjoyed by all who heard it. The school , as well as the town felt honored by having Mr. Roberts with us as he was at one time a, resident of Our town. Toe school d u ri n g the past year is beyond doubt the best that has ever been in bpr town, in fact we do not believe a better school has been taught in the entire State. ; " ;y ,. " - ' ' ' As we go to press the town is ablaze with candidates. We won! 1 net venture to forrenst the Whereas, T. J. Warlick did on the 10th day of March, 1920, exe cute and deliver to J. C. Ramsey, Trustee,' a trust deed on certain lands in Madison County; State of North Carolina, therein described, to secure the sume of $500 00 due by said T. J., Warlick to J. H. While which said trust deed is re corded (n Madison County, in Deed in Trust Book 22 Page 34 to which referent is hereby made; and whereas default baa been made in the papment of the moneys secured by said trust deed, and the said trustee has been duly requested to execute the trust therein contained; NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of the power contained in said trust deed, I, the undersigned trustee, on the 5th, day of June, 1922, between the hours of 10 A M .and S P. M at the court house door in the town of Marshall in Madison County, North Caro lina, will, by public auction, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property viz: Situated in No. 1 Township, Madison County, N. C, adjoining the lands of Will Jones, Francis McLean and others: Beginning on a stake in the public road in the line between W. H. Deaver and W. R. Sams below "negro town" and running east and with said line to Joe Fores line and with said line and in line of W.RJSams to Hays Run creek; thence down and with the meander of said creek to the line of Tonie Ball and Roy Gudger; then with said line to Will Jones line; then with said Jones line to Francis McLeans line to the public road: a stake corner; then down the said road to the beginning con taining ten acres more or less. Being the J.W. McDowell lot; except i small pieee sold to Wolford Tweed : Said land will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said trust deed, ana sucn title win be given as is vested in said trustee. J.C.RAMSEY, Trustee, Time rolls around and it seems but yesterday that I came before you announcing my candiduncy for he of flee of Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County for the preceding terms. All were very, ki- d in sup porting me in the last two elections and once Hgaui I come to place my name before you as aspirant for the office. '. . ' '. I do this feeling that the years already spent in . your service have given mo the experience needed to carry on well the business that this officeentuils and I ask that, having found me tried and true during ihu past terms,' I have served, you may consider me favor ably for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of this County. , , . -l ' . . Very Respectfully, ' i W. A. WEST, J. WILL ANNOUNCES NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Madison County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Madison County, made in a special proceed ing Z. V Fisher,' adrar. of H. E Hoilifield dec, against M. B. Hoi- lifield and other heirs at law of H. E. Hoilifield dec, the same be ing No. , upon the special pro ceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday the 12th day of June 1922 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in Marshall, Madison Coun ty, N. C, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in No . township Madison County, N. C , adjoining the lands of B. B. Metcalf. John Young and others, and being a part ' of R. B. Gibbs lands, and beginning on a Spotted Ofck, on the main top of the ridge, D. B. Metcalf s line, thence East 71 poles to John Young's line - thence N. 10 poles to i stake, thenca N 31 W 7 poles, thence N 25 W 8 poles, thence N 15 W fl Poles, thence N 32 W 15 poles, thence N, 35 degrees and 9 pole, thence N 28 W 6 poles, then N 9 degrees W 9 poles, to a stake in the wagon road, the N 2 xiegreet E 27 poles, to W. M. Edwards and Annie Edwards Line as shown in a deed made to them by H, Q. Wiles and wife and runs with said line crossing the road and hollow to the top of the ridge to D. B. Met calf's line, thence with meanders of the ridse and said Metcalf a line tb the bednning, containing 35 more or lcB3. Anc!being the IL E, He"" ' l'frct of I.-.nd. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF MADISON COUNTY: (Both Ladies and Gentlemen.) I have been your Register of Deeds for some tune and it has been my desire to conduct the office properly, and in thit respect I have done my best, btft it, is for you to say how well I have suc ceeded in m v intentions.- It ia now coming time for another elec tion, and I am again ask'tng for your sufferage and support and- in doing so I want tb axsute you thatl will do my best to continue t make you a good i.fficer. Thanking you for past favors and thank ing you in advance for any soppprs you may give me in the com ing Pi imary, I Remain Yours To Serve, " "J. WILL ROBERTS. P.-,' S. I wish to state that being a candidate myself, that'ir could not be expected of me to take part in the interest j of any Candidate for any office other than my own. As all the Candidates are my personal friends. This being the case I cannot, wont and will not take any part in the race of any Candidate for any office. I hope this statement will be appreciated by all concerned. V J. WILL ROBERTS. , We Buy, Sell or Ex- change AH Kinds Real Estat e Such as Farms, City Property, Timber and Mineral Lands "Any-I where When you wish to either buy or sell, AT PRIVATE OR AUG- HUN dui! write or come ana see us. y''; North Carolina Realty Company, J.' H. GROGG Sec-Treas. Moved to 78 Patton Ave., South of P. O., Asheville, N. C. Headquarters Fourth Brigade, North Carolina Division United Confederate Veterans Asheville N. C. May 1922 Dear Comrades: ; . Gen. Ch as . B. Howry of Washington, D. C.; commander of the Army of Northern Virgi nia of United Confederate Vete rans, and Gen. W. A. Smith, commanding the North Carolina Division, as well as Gen. J. M. Ray, the commander of the Fourth Norths Carolma Brigade, all join in earnestly insisting that all the old veterans who Walnut News i Cna of the most beantiful wed-' dings that Walnut has witnessed, oee.ii r 6,4 in the Presbyterirn Church Wednesday evenicg May 24, wh'en Mr. II. W. Meramingrr . of , Spruce Hill Penn., and Miss Etta Hyde of Walnut were unit-' ed in marriage. The ceremony ; was performed by the father and brother of the bride Revs. Wes- ' ley M. and James L. Hyde .or. Walnut...' The- church wdh. very beautifully decorated for the oc- ' cassion, and the wedding march was played by Miss Queen 'Ramsey- The ceremony was beauti ful and impressive. After the Ceremony the large crowd : of. more than one hundred retired are physically able should at- t6 the Presbyterian manse where tend the coming Reunion at tne people enjoyed a very 'plea' Richmond. Va , on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of June as that city and state are promising us royal treatment while there. It is further insisted that all who are financially able should wear a Confederate gray uni form (it is becoming to almost everybody.) s If you have hone, it can be stated thai the are cheaper than some years ago. If those who desire to purchase uniforms will write me a card I will reply by giving them the address of three reliable firms who will be glad to have their orders. The twenty-two West ern North Carolina counties con stitute the Fourth North Caro lina Brigade, and it is hoped that this brigade will do . its utmost to make a fine showing at Rich mond. - . J.W.GOODWIN. Assistant Adjuctant Gen. 4th N.C. Brigade. . v .-... sant time together, being enter tained by the Walnut Band, and most of all the large crowd was treated, by the Hyde family on ice-cream, cake and straw-berries ' which were enjoyed very much. After a few days .stay in Wal nut M r. ," and Mrs. M-nnninger left in their car for their future home in Penn. Revi ancl. Mrs. W. M. Hyde of Pomeroy Ohio, who came for their sister' wedding are remain ing in Walnut for some days. Kev. Hyde filled the Presbyte rian pulpit last Sunday morning for his ' brother Rev. James L. Hyde. , " B. E. GUTHRIE. DO IT NOW Send ci t;

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