THE NEWS-RECORD, MARSHALL, N. C. S S V .3 -Tonu Borah, Paradox of dynamiters In Idaho. Clarence Durrow and other liberals defended the Moycr Haywood prisoners, and It was Darrow who applauded with vigor Borah-'s address. Borah opposed the enfranchisement of women by the federal Constitu tion route, and It was Jane Addams and her Intimates who applauded. Borah was the late Colonel Roosevelt's floor manager In the 1912 Repub lican national convention. Yet when the rump convention was called and Roosevelt bolted the O. O. P., Borah refused to go with hlro. And yet Harold L. Ickes and other "Fridays" of the old Roosevelt regime applauded Borah as the hope of the country In the present crisis. Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota Senator Knute Nelson of Minne sota likes bis Job as senator. " 'Tain't necessary for me to say It;, I've been holding. It down for twenty-seven years," he says with a chuckle. The senator Is old enough to know his own mind he was born In 1843 and .his job Is safe' until 1025, anyway. In fact, there Is only one senator whose continuous term of service Is longer Lodge of Massachusetts, who entered the .senate In 1803, two years before Nelson.' The senior senator from Min nesota Is a notable figure In the upper chamber. He's a veteran of the Civil war and he's- chairman of the judi ciary committee and a member of the commerce, printing and rules commlt- tees. . Senator Nelson was born -In Nor way and came to the United States In 1849 with his widowed mother. They came over In a two-masted schooner and were seven weeks on the voyage. They reached Chicago In' 1850, making the trip by cannl boat and from Buffalo by steamer. The cholera was raging In Chicago then a city of less than 30,000 people and little Knute caught It. When he recovered his mother hired out as a housekeeper and he sold papers and went to school. Then mother and son went to Wisconsin for two years and In 1852 brought up In Minnesota. He enlisted In 1861 and served through to '64. He was wounded In the assault on Port Hudson and taken prisoner. In 1867 he was admitted to the Minnesota bar. After holding various offices be served two terms as governor and three terms in the house. McKenna Addresses , 1 ; ' mm'.-. f ciers." Definite postponement of the debts owed the United States by Euro pean nations, with the exception of England, until the actual amount which ' such nations could' ultimately pay has been determined by conferences, was suggested by him In his convention address. , 1 ; George II Is Now Greece has a new king George II (portrait herewith), the son of the former King Constantlne, who abdi cated after the disastrous campaign against the Turks. Pressure from the revolution leaders compelled his ac tion. King Constantlne In talking With his friends before embarking for Pa lermo, Italy, made a plea that hearty support be given the new king and queen. He added: "I. have had some unhappy days and do not regret this revolution." v ; . His consuming ambition, he con cluded, was to return later as a simple citizen and visit his son, the new king. This request was communicated to the revolutionary committee, whldi de clined to sign a document empowering his private return. ; ; :; One of Constantlne's Inst acts was to summon-: lawyer and Initiate legal steps to assure the fortune of the widow of his dead son, King Alexan der, who married Mme. Manos, a Grecian woman not of royal blood and by whom he had a daughter. King George and Prince Paul, the latter henceforth to be known as the "dladoque" or crown prince, ,both motored to Oropus to blCarewell to their exiled royal parents. George I, grandfather of the new king, V prince of the royal house of Denmark, was born In Copenhagen in IMS and was stsassl Bated at Salonikt In 1913. - "People American Politics Following the recent Chicago ad dresses of Senator William E. Borah of Idaho It Is evident that he Is the greatest paradox In presept-day Amer ican politics the old-fashioned, ultra conservative defender of the Consti tution, applauded for three solid days by every liberal and radical element In the Windy City. When the brilliant Idnhoan reached Chicago be was apparently hanging on to the G. O. P. by his eye lashes. When he departed for the home state to fight for his political life, even the eyelashes had given way, according to the Impression he left with his audiences. The anomaly of Borah Is tlint If Induced to head a new party, It would be by the liberal and In a Ittrge de gree the radical forces of the country, whereas fundamentally he Is a rock ribbed conservative. He was the prosecutor of the Moyer-IIaywood American Bankers One of the notable figures of the recent forty-eighth annual convention of the American Bankers' association In New York was the Rt. Hon. Regi nald McKenna, who was British chan cellor of the exchequer In 1915-16 and who now Is chairman of the largest banking Institution In England, tlft London Joint City and Midland Batik, Ltd. He delivered an address on "Rep arations and International Debts." On his arrival at New York the full cour tesies of the port were extended to the British financial expert,by the cus toms and Immigration officials.' "Nothing approaching the present financial . conditions nas happened within the memory of living man," , said Mr, McKenna on his arrival. "The formation of a national public opinion on the world's economic problems Is urgently tfeeded. I welcome the op portunity of exchanging views with the great American bankers and finan King of the Greeks T m: 1 '. X K IMPROVED UNIFORM NTIRNAT10NAL SundavSchool Lesson By REV. P. B. F1TZWATEII. D. D., 1'Mrher nf Engllnh Bible In tin Moody Blblo Institute nf rhlraso.l Cnpvrlarhl. 10tt Newvpapar ntn LESSON FOR OCTOBER 29 MESSIAH'S MINISTRY (WORLD'S TEMPERANCE SUNDAY) LESKON TEXT-Isa. 61:1-8. GOLDEN TEXT Righteousness alteth a nation; but tin la a reproach to any people. -TYov. 14:34. ' REFERENCE MATEKIALr-Matt. 7:16 20; Itom. 14:11. PRIMARY TOPIC-How Four Boy lie came Ht-altby and Happy. Dan. 1:3-20. JUNIOH TOFIC-Destruylnn the World's Enemy. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC The Next Step In tha Prohibition Cam- P YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Progress ot Prohibition Throughout tin World. Tho lessen committee bus grutul tously named this lesson "World-wide Pmtiililtlon." Neither the text nor the ctiittext, directly or Implied, says any thing about prohibition as we under stand the use of the word. However, when Messiah shall reign upon the earth the, rum traffic with nil other Iniquitous practices will be abolished. 1. Messiah's Commission (v.. 1). He was appointed by the Lord. God's plan for the world Is a time of peaof and blessing. ,11. Messiah's Program (vv. 1, 2). Messiah's program Is twofold: to "proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our Cod." The careful reading of Luke 4:18-21 will show that Jesus suspended reading of this passage at the comma, In Isaiah Cl:2. His first coming opened up the day of "grace and the acceptable year of the Lord," and His second coming will usher In "the duy of vengennce of our God." (II Thess. 1:7-10; cf. Mai. 3:1-8). 1. Proclaiming the Acceptable Year of the Lord (vv. 1, 2). In His ministry of grace He preached (1) "good tid ings to the meek." "Meek" here means not only a gruce, ,but a condi tion, that Is, those In 'poverty and affliction. (21 "Bind up the broken hearted." "Hind up" signifies healing. (3) "Liberty to the captives.'' The figure of deliverance from the Buhy loninn captivity Is used to describe deliverance from sin and denth (Hen.' 2:15). (4) "Opening of the prison to them that are bound." Messiah's work was to give deliverance to thosa who were enslaved by the conse quences ot their sins. (5) "The ac ceptable year of the Lord." This means a space of time In which God would nccept ail who repent of their sins nnd come to Him. 2. Proclaiming the day of vengdunce of God (v. 2). While the day of mercy hi lengthened out, the time of judg ment will surely come. The day of vengeance will break upon the world when the Lord shall be revealed from heaven (II Thess. 1:7-10). The period of mercy Is called "year," while the period of vengeance is called "day," showing that the period of mercy Is much longer than the period of wrath. III. The Blessings of Messiah's Kingdom (vv. 3-!)). . 1. "Comfort all that mourn" (v. 2). The day of vengeance will bring sor row to many, but they shall be com forted when they shall see the King on the tlfrone. 2. "Give unto them . beauty for ashes" (v. 3). This peculiarly applies to Israel. 3. "Oil of Joy for Mourning" (v. 3). Israel has been mourning for cen turies. When the Messlnh shall reign as King they shall be glad. 4. "Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness" (v. 8). Instead of wearing the symbol of the burden of sin they shall be clothed so as to In dicate their Joyfulness. 5. "Colled Trees of Righteousness" (v. 3). These trees represent Israel as planted by God and bearing fruit, not as reeds bowed down with sor row. a "They Shall Build the Old Wastes" (v. 4). Israel shall return to their 'own land and shall rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah which He waste. , 7. "Strangers Shall Stand and Feed Tour Flocks" (v. 5). In the time of the kingdom the Gentiles shajl render voluntary service unto Israel so that Israel may devote her whole time to J the service of Goa. of the Lord" (V. 6). God chose Israel to be the priestly nation to represent Him to the Gentiles. 9. "For Your Shame Te Shall Have Double" (v. 7). Instead of the shame and confusion which Israel has expe rienced for centuries she shall have double honor and rejoicing. 10. "I Will Direct Their Work, and Make a Covenant With Them" (vv. 8, 9). God' will vindicate His people and cause the Gentiles to see the divine favor upon them. , False Prophets. Believe not every spirit but try the spirits If they be of God, because many false prophets are gone out Into the world. John 4:1. Unjust Things. He that apeaketh unjust things cannot be hid, neither shall the chastis ing Judgment pass him by. Book of Wisdom, 1:8. , In th Sight of All Men. Provide things honest In the Bight of all men, Romans 12:17. 7 Has Never Felt Better in All Her Life ''Thousands of frail, nervous people and convalescents everywhere have testified to. the remarkable power of Tanlac in bringing back their health, strength, and working efficiency. It seems to quickly Invigorate the con stitution and Is a powerful foe of weakness. Mri Mary Chokiat, 1415 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif, says: "Before I took Tanlac, I was so weak I had to be helped from one room to another. My rerves were shattered and my digestion so poor I was almost afraid to eat anything, but now I am In perfect health and will always be grateful to Tanlac." There Is not a single portion of the body that Is not benefited by the helpful action of Tanlac. It enables tho stomach to turn tho food ln,to healthy blood, bone and muscle, purl aes the system and helps you back to normal weight. Get a bottle today at any good druggist. Advertisement. A Hint to the Hens. Alil.le. tiie little girl of the family, w:is rented at the breakfast table one innming. As usual eggs were served. Klllier she was not hungry or she bud grown tired of the bill of fare, for very earnestly and soberly she re marked : "I do wish hens would lay some thing besides eggs." Progressive Grocer. 1 n It is foolish to strive with what we cannot avoid. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with mucin interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It ia a physician's prescription. Sw&mp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is eold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medi cine ha so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. . However, if you wish first to test this great preparartion send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement." AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT Truly, the Female of the Species Is j More Fortunate Than the Inferior Male. ,Two cases In Judge Chesebro's court. First, the graceless mule arrested for speeding after having Imbibed two glusses of claret; 1'50 or ISO days in Jail. Second the graceful maiden who drove her limousine Into a man, failed to stop und render assistance, -bumped Into a cub nnd hit a flivver. And all without n drop of claret. Ten days In Jail suspended. The graceless male might hnve done a lot of damage, of course, but actual ly his guilt wna confined to "reckless driving." The graceful female did do a lot of damage. But, of course, she never meant to, and she couldn't help It, und she was nervous, nnd there were tears In her eyes instead of claret on her breath, so there you tire! Votes for women. The ladies, bless 'em! Los Angeles Times. flBEVEBA0B Jl SltjaaantaaiSS. 1 JKL J Enmmnuina IA crw AMtoT circle mtintmd i nJ. Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper 9 rifWW SOLD SO YEARS A Insures Fresh Charm to Old Shawls PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish New friends and old enemies are not above suspicion. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria COPPER ALWAYS IN DEMAND Durability of the Metal Has Made It Almost Indispensable for Variety of Purposes. The. many uses of copper may be Imagined from the size of the output. If Is said that If the United States were to ceuse producing, either nil tho trolley curs or all the urmies of the world would ceuse operating, for out side of Michigan and Montana there is not enough copper In existence to sup ply both. - In the building trade copper Is In great demand on account of Its dura bility. At first glance the lunonnt of .?opper seems to be negligible in com parison with Iron and steel. It Is used for such things as roofing, flashings, cornices, gutters, drain pipes, leaders nnd ventilntors. These lire nearly all copper In the large otHce buildings. In the Woolworth building, In New 'York, which Is toduy the world's tnllest sky scraper, there Is approximately a mil lion pounds of copper used for roof ings, elevators and Interior decoration. Hospital Transported Pick-a-Back. Dr. A. L. Piper, who for five years has conducted a grass hut hospital among the Alundn tribes of Africa, re cently bought a large stock of medi cines, test tubes and laboratory equip ment In America. These must be con veyed on the backs of natives for 17 days, under a scorching sun, before reaching their destination. Scientific American. " , . Never laugh when a boy takes you Into his confidence. It's like pulling teeth for him to do It. SLEEPLESS nights and daytime irritation, when caused by coffee drinking, often require a call on the grocer to avoid a later call on the doctor.. Postum instead of coffee, has brought restful nights and brighter days for thousands of peopletogether with complete satisfaction to taste. You , will enjoy the full, rich flavor and aroma of Postum, and nerves will be free from any possibility of irritation from coffee's drug, caffeine. You can begin th test today with an order to your grocer. Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum -Cereal (in packages, for those who prefer to make the drink , While the meal is being prepared)made by boiling fully 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" Made by Postum' Canad Co, Inc. Battle Cms, Mich. Your WAILS Do your decorating with the nationally accepted wall tint in beautiful nature colors artistic, sanitary, economical, and durable. KIIlLLMDEinC FINE GENERAL TONIC MM CCTCCADTNOWZ Writ ft mmv Tyr"-hT Sell to eerytbipr WImw Wfcsi Mow tm Tra mmd rssaW Pur. IWttar trN aad towpins smllo aU fewest aisU a rn' satuvs deaiin. (l.OuO.OuO.K n re SfatMhtr Ts. a tm, rw mm lm. h riUX to Pexk, Bsvplr Cstmlr. Market PktiMtlB Marlsa, 1 bars to fabl, TraeMrsBook. Far (ks4u. ffesgOVlT 1 grjT,,. NEW YORK, SSnspenders and Garters nnnqomllMl tor OomfoltaaA Wm. On Heart UKlu Stretch Guaranteed. ThnnuBit, Mt two and th! venr wuar. HiMpendara, lao. uarvera, wo. Aak Your Paaler It ha baea them, aena ,lirM.t llna dnalor'a name, look for "NO-WAY" om buckle, aooapt bo aubetitutra. ' Nu-Way Strech Suspender Co. 2k DeptESSIO Adrian, Mich. Bright Idea. An Evnnsville young man, whenever out of the city,' Instead of writing to his best girl, sends her every few days n box of candy. She Is delighted with his plan and boasts of it to her girl friends, who straightway hint to thr admirers to do the same. One of the admirers went to the first-named young man on his return from one of these trips and made com plaint (if this- habit of his. "The other girls are expecting us fellows to do It, too," he said. "We can't see why you do It. It's expensive and-" "Yes," admitted the candy sender, "It Is expensive, but It's mighty safe. Candy could never tell tales in a breacb-of-promise suit." Indianapo lis News. Divided Work. "Does your wife drive the car?" "Oh, no. I'm the driver. She's the director." New York Sun. : 1 1 m mm m Innnim.: II JT I 'A 1 i i rv in v ii av pi si