s " - i5f raisins . r I Freshness of Fresh Fruit u the in Jl in s HERE'S a new package of Sun Maid Raisins that vou will want to try -dainty, tender, juicy, seeded fruit-meats packed in tins. ' The tin keens all the flavor in. No matter when or where you buy tnem, tnese raisins have ' the freshness of fresh fruit Especially delicious in a cake or pie and all ready, too. Try them next time you. buy raisins. See how good they are. Mail coupon for free dook pt tested Sun- Maid recipes. Sun-Maid R aisms V Sn-HiyiUUiCrmn MmimUp J3,000 Dept. N 540-29, Freino, CaKf. bWMsIJ SmM P.I. Im in bliw-lahelcil tin. hould ooft you no more man the following price: i os. tin, zuc: l oz. tin cupful tut), 15c. Sun-Maid Kaiaina !n packages should cott you no more than tfc fnllnor. Jng prices: Seeded (in 15 a. Hutpkf.), 20c; Seed less (w 75 . red ptf.), ISc; Seeded or Seedless (17 ), 15c. CUT THIS OPT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raisht Growm, Dept. N-540-29, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your fret book. ivcupci wim naisias. . Namb Street. . . las I Crrr Rtt ' I nakc bio Money distributing EVERSIIINE tow torn in mv km&lltv. VmmI.Im -11 A polUhcaj all ntiltw like mafia. Knrj .m . " ' avrerenine u pat up la ui JZJH2 iuub " an attractive canon. B1f PJa you. Send thirty-fire eenta (or , rivnmHVH a i geaerai agents for this territory, EVERSHtNECO.. 125 Hart Bid,, Adaaa,Ga, s The Result. ,. ', "So the ladles of the civic league, raided the poker game that has been running for months upstairs over the Palace drug store?"' asked old Riley Rezzldew of Petunia. "Ey-yah!" replied Constable Slack putter. "And now, durn'it, I ain't got a place to loaf of an evenlnr "Kan sas City Star. usnssa iczs Csstaloupe O Tie Select-Bite Oiarts la the , 1923 Catalog of ft: Show at a glance tfc varieties )of each vegetable to slant for riirJU. yield, length of bearing season, or for whatever purpose is most desired. Tha moat heloful cataloa- we hara aver issued is ready to be mailed to you free on request. FBEB FLO WEB SEEDS Oar IMS Catalog Mh how Km eaa hn Skaa neaas em ana a gee eard Sae Mat . T. 17. WOD A SONS. Beedtme 37 8. 14th St Biohvomd, Va. ; ; .. hi liavo you niluUulATIGLl Lumtco or Gout? Tak BWWim kMPtXfK to mnon tkeaaaM and am. w puuoa (ran to lynu. , "MlflSW 1 OS T- !. rtiisaiui. ee ths aCTtiss - At AU Drntalata Jas. BsSy 4 Sa. Wia!t.U Bistribatar .nr.,." aw l otuunorfji ma Baby Relieved of Cold While Mother Sleeps r).rr or fcl 0"M-si'7 v f f bf lw(9f V - 0 ft - .r ,f U 4 c in, t-r - : "When my babies have a cold I Just give them Teethlna at bed time and they are bright and playful next morning. Teethlna relieves their cold while we all sleep," declares Mrs. Ira W. Redfearn, of Mt Pleasant, Texas. Babies' colds are senerallv aallv broken up If Teethlna Is given at the first sign of trouble. Let the cold ran , on and you are apt to have a mighty sick baby. : r j Teethlna Is perfectly harmless. It Is the prescrlDtlon of an hl nhval. Clan and has been nnlvaronllv hum! for fifty years. Teethlna. Is for ba bies and little children to clean out their bowels and make them well and happy.' It contains no narcotics whatsoever. AH COOd draralfrtfl Itpen It nr man 80c to Dr. Moffett Laboratories, Co- lumons, Ga.. and get a package of Teethlna and the vnlimhio let. Advertisement. ;; t' " ' ...:.:-;' Glmple Matter. v "Don't be afraid," said an aviaior ' ,a timid passenger. "All you have ' do is to sit ouiet" . ' . "I know all about that." retorted the passenger. "But suppose some- tning happens and we begin to fan?" "Oh. in that case." the aviator re assured him. "yon are to srasn the first solid thing we pass and hold tight," Legion Weekly. , DYED HER SKIRT, DRESS, SWEATER AilD DRAPERIES . ,v WITH "DIAMOKD bYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" eon. uuna airecuons so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses. naisLn, cuaia, nonunga, sweaters, covennfts, draperies, hangings, everything, even if iihs h tie... A,A k.( n.. Diamond Dyes" no other kind then pcru-ci. nome ayemg is -sure Because dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Advertisement. Woman Commands Ship. ' Probably the only woman who pt as a ship' captain is Mrs. T. Aiken IMck. She Is the owner of the Flame. a vessel of ' 82 tons, engaged In the English coasting trade. - and- h . elded that she will command It h. self, She started on her first voyage not long ago, leaving London for the Isle of 'Wight. She has a crew of three, who answer her orders with a fttTROVD UKTQKM GttnXATJONAl SiindayScliool Lesson f (By REV. P n riTimiTTD n. r.. raw or tngiian MIDI la Uie Moooy Blbla ln(liui nr . Copyrlrht. nil, wM, n.w.pit Ontoa LESSON FOR JANUARY 21 THE PRODIGAL 80N LESSON TEXT Luke :U-M. GOLDEN TKXTTk. i. i. .... I . M JW '. H. V.. prsaence of the ancels of Qod pvar one slnnar that ntMntmh -T.nl. is m fjEJfBRENCB MATERIAL Psalm O: I Luke -t:as-IO! Ron t l.n. n.i a i n PRIMARY TOPIO-A Fathera Leva. JUNIOR lYiPIP A hi...... .l. Heavenly Father's Love. 1 INTERMEDIATE itm asiMirtn wiotn -The Reach and Power of Our Father'a uwe. VOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -How to Treat Sinners. I. The 8on's Insubordination (v. 12). There is every indication that this waa a happy home. But a devil en tered It and stirred up discontent In the heart of the younger son. He be. came tired of the restraints of home. His desire for freedom moved him to wilfully choose to leave home throw off the constraints of hla father's rule. Sin ia the desire to be free from the re straints of rightful authority' and for selfish indulgence. It starts out with wrong thoughts about God. At the re quest of the son. the father "dlvlderi unto them hla living." , , i II. The 8on'a Departure (v., 13). Having made the final decision he rot his goods In DOrtable shane. HAvlnir thrown off the restraints of his father'a rule be eagerly withdrew from hla fa tlier's presence. This is alwavs the way sin works. He "fathered all tn. getter." When the sinner casts off his allegiance to God he takea all that he has with him. He not onlv wastes hla money, but his character is sacrificed. III. The Son's Degeneration fvv. 13- He had a rood time while his monn lasted, but the end came quickly. The Indications are that his course wna soon run. From plenty in his father's nouse to destitution In the far .coun try was a short Journey. The sinner is soon made to realize the famine When his verv nnnrara trhlnh mini.. . - r it v. ti iuiuib tered to his pleasure are burned out. IV. The 8on's Degradation fvv, 15. He had no friends to heln him when his money was ail rone, so he wna driven to hire out to a citizen to feed swine. It was quite a change from a sonship In his father's house to feed ing hogs In the far country. ' So It Is ; those who will not serve Ood are made slaves to the devil to do his bidding (Rom. 6:16). In his shame and dis grace the prodigal could not even get the necessary food. The coarse food of the hogs was denied him. f V, The Son's Restoration (vv. 17-24). l. He came to Himself (v 17). When he reflected a bit he was made conscious that, though he had wronged nis rawer and ruined himself, yet he was a son of his father. In the days oi nis sinning he waa beside himself. The world calls the sinner who leaves off hla evil ways crazy, but In reaJitv he Just becomes sane. If we could but get sinners to think seriously of tneir condition it would be more easy to get them to turn from their sins 2. His Resolution (v. 18). His re flection ripened into resolution. The picture of his home, where even the hired servant had a superabundance, moved him to make a decision to hftve the far country and go home. 8. Hla Confession (w. 18, 10). He acknowledged that hla sin was against heaven, and bis father that he had forfeited hla right to be called a son, and begged to be given a place as a hired servant. The sinner not only should make a resolution; he should confess his sin ; for with the heart man beiieveth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession Is made unto saiv vation. 4. His Action (v. 20). Action Waa needed. Resolution will not avail un less accompanied with action. 6. His Reception by His Father (w. 20-24). The father had not for gotten his son. Dnring the years he longed for his return. He mnst often have looked for him, for he saw him when he was a great Way off. So anx- ioua waa be for him that he ran to i meet mm ana feu upon his neck and kissed him. So glad waa the father that he even did not hear his confes sion throueh.' but ordered the tokens of honor to be placed upon him, re-J ceiving him back into a aon's posittoa This parable makes bare God's heart. Every teache- Bhouid strive to present hla lacDAn Sw HI t hi flnA'm Ing mercy His willingness to receive back His wayward child, , .. TELLS OTHERS OF ITS GREAT VALUE In Nursing Sick, Mrs. Patten States, She Often Recom mends Tanlao Thinks It Wonderful. "I firmly believe Tanlac Is what keeps me so well and strong," la the nign tribute paid the medicine, re cently, by Mrs. Edith jr. Patten, widely known and esteemed resident, of 600 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Me. "When I began the use of Tanlac I had not felt rlaht for a Ion a- time and waa all run down. After persist ently taking the treatment considered best for such a condition I rot no better. In fact' I seemed to' be growing worse until a lady friend in sisted on me trying Tanlac. "At that time I took two or three bottles and was perfectly well again. Since then I have taken a bottle two or three times a year and no one could feel better. I have done lots of nurs ing of the sick, and since Tanlac did ao much for me I have been the cause of many others taklnr It nlwnvs with splendid results. It is with this 'knowledge and experience that I rec ommend Tanlac as a wonderful med icine. . Tanlac Is for sale by all rood dmir. gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. Advertisement , Motor 'Cars in Belfast. The 10,000 cars in the city of Bel fast show that there are more cars in this city than in any other In the Uni ted Kingdom of the same size and commercial Importance. Within the past nine months. 1546 motor vehicles have been registered. The wholesale price of petrol Is, however, higher than In some parts of the United Kirn dom Vice Consul George H. Barrlnger reports to the Department of Com merce. COTE SICK CHILD'S DOWELS VITII "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" MOTHER ! Even "Bilious, Upset Tongue-Coated Children Love this Pleasant, Harmless Laxative. FOR OVER 40 YEARS BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH 'MEDICINE con slats of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the Mucous Bur faces, thus reducing- the Inflammation. Bold by all druggists. . F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. Machine Shaves Lake Ice. Tractor-drawn and with rotary blndes revolved by a gasoline engine, a mnchine has been Invented to shave ice on lakes for skating. ' It your eyu mart ir feel scalded. Ro man Eye Balaam applied upon going to feed la Jiut the thing to relieve them. Adv. One doesn't need so many holidays as days to stop and think over mat ters. . A teasnoonful of "Pnlifamia ri Syrup" now will thnroiirhlv rlpnn thp little bowels and in a few hours you have a well, playful child again. Even if cross, feverish, constipated, or full of cold, children loVe Its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy be cause it never falls to work all the souring food and nasty bile right out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting the child. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California." Refuse any Imitation. Bruised 7-ease the pain! .A U. fl . I. i 'npyiy otutuia to auic apoi. u mcrcas es circulation scatters congestion. This reduces swelling and inflammation -the pain disappears! Sloan's Liniment left e --6 1 MlllLi (inLL?riic: SOLD SO YEARS A FINE GENERAL. TONIC If you are disappointed with your lot, put it In the hands of a real estate agent. Fur Tanning on Beef1, Horn, Cob ndCIf Skin.. Milce up of Coata, Robea, V r . rr . run. acam. Mum ana Canea. T.N ii. ,K. ItImI of fun. Promt tnawcT. W.W.Weaw.Readlag.Mlch. Thirty yeara In fur butlni t i s" HAIR BALSAM r1 V,anrarCTifm.Waa.Patciioiin.ir.T, Raatora. Color mmA y s&- aiu u umrrwm. HINDERCORMS . . worn, eta, atopa all paJa, naarae eoailartie taa Slate. Ulaooa ClMmWi Work. Tmtm!.aTlV dtsBofl Wsevil efs a Mow from an entirely new quarter' Two Classes. 1 ' .. The race ; Is divided Into two 'classes, those who go ahead and do somethinir. and those who alt still and Inquirei "Why wasn't It done the other way r u. w. tioimes. 5 ry Taken From Evil to Come. ' .. The ricrhteona nerlaheth. and nn man layeth lt'to heart; and merciful men air ffllrafi bv nnna Mn.MaHtii li. the righteous la taken away from the evil to come. ladiab 07: L. Assurance.'. In our trials and conflicts wa am assured of the tender svmcathv of heaven. Anon. ; ; A. " u . a- nw? Kanj io l-ovej. . -p. ' flow fi:.T.cu!t It Is to knowbow ty to love Thee (Unknown.' Cotton farmers will be glad to know that fresh help against the : weevil is now offered in the trust worthy old Royster fertilizers. The , formulas have been revised in tha light of new discoveries, to make plant food more quickly available. For nearly forty years Royster fertilizers have been known as reli ableand this season they will be more satisfactory than ever before. Promotes Early Growth As soon as Government demon strations proved the value of early maturity, the entire resources. ' of the Royster organization were turned upon revising formulas so the cotton fanner could profit by ' this knowledge. The phosphoric acid and the nitro gen in Royster brands have been made more quickly available to push plants to early maturity. Only the . scientifically tested and proven ma terials, for which Royster is famous, are used. Ask Your County Agent Your county agent will tell you the tremendous importance of this.. Get his advice in your weevil fight , Plant less cotton, plant earlier use ' enough Royster fertilizer, cultivate often, gather damaged squares, poison with calcium arsenate and destroy stalks early. Do these sim ple things and any good farmer can grow cotton despite the weevil. Study Fertilizer Learn to use fertilizer in ways to " earn the most money from it. Fer tilizer differs in quality just as seed. To save $1 a ton, dont risk your time, labor and money put on a crop by using fertilizer of doubtful reli ability. Royster formulas contain only material which has been chosen because of its special value to that particular crop, scientifically tested for its quality and compound ed skillfully in the proportions ex perience has proven right. . Every bag of genuine Royster fertilizer has , the F. S. R. trademark plainly stamped on the back. Experiment station tests prove the profit in using the right quantity of fertilizer. You wouldn't sow a handful of wheat to the acre. Don't skimp the fertilizer. On cotton, use at least 600 pounds and if possible 1,000 pounds to the acre. ' 1 For advice or assistance, write the Farm Service Dejjartment, F. S. Royster Guano Co. Norfolk Richmond ' Itjrnchburg ' Charlottu WaeAj'njron Taroora CohmhU 5 Birmingham Macon Montgomery AUantrn H:!d Tested f'crttftc.s V. N. U, X. HA. L ( T t, K X 3-1 : ; 3. brisk "Aye, aye, n'mf r

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