NOTICE! WHEREAS, Latlie Barnett on the 11th dyof August, 1919, exi- conUincdma cartain oeea exe cute and deliver to J. C. Ramsey, cuted by John FerRuson and Trustee, a trust deed on certain lands in Madison county, State of 'lerthCarblina therein deacrib ed, to secure the sum of $500.00 due by said Lattie Uarnett to W. J. Sanders which said trust deed ia recorded in Madison county, in Deed in Trust Book 20, Page 150, to which reference is hereby made, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the moneys secured by said trust deed, and the said trustee has been duly requested to execute the trust therin contained; NOW THEREFORE, notice is hereby given, that under and by Yi,rtuo of the p )wor coniainud in aid trust deed, 1, tho undersign ed trustee, on the lOili, day or February 1923, between the hours of 10 a. to., aud 3 in , at the ourt house door in the town of Marshall in Madison county, North Carolina, will, by public tiM soil tn l lm li'urlinut. h'ldilpr for cash, the following deteribed properly, iz: - - 4 Being known as the old Barney Landers home place on the Wal nut Mountain, near the Walnut Gap, and adjoining the lands of of the G. W. heirs, Jethro Laws. Frank Landers and others Containing 30 acres more or less and bcinir known as the lands willed to W. .1. Sanders by Bar ney Lunders and sold by the Haid W. J. Sanders to Lattie Barnett. ' Said land will be sold to satis- fy the debt secured by aaid trust deed, and such title will be given as is vested in said trustee. I 8 to-2 10 23 d. J. C. Ramsey Trustee, Notice To The Public. When you have a claim against the Board of Education for sheep killed by dogs, bring in the proof of whose dogs killed vour sheep. If you do not know, we take it that you do not know that dogs killed them. All claims must be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board after the sheep are killed or your claim can County Board of Education, -Jasper Ebbs, Chairman.' Homer Henry, Secretary. Done by order of the Board of Education, Jan. 1st, 1923. NOTICE! STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA V County of Madison , In the Superior Court. ' n Flossie Wallin, et-al. V '.V-. V. : V " Sheitoo Salts, Fay Shel tnn,'Mnmio Sliellen, ('lata Shel ton, 1 ..vigl.t Shelun, Buck Sli-I-lon, and HhxI'T and Kittle Siu-I-ton Salts, (idii. , ". . -.. Toe defendant . above named will further take notice that an action entitled as above has been f ommiM'Ced in the Superior Court of Madison County sfor the sale of n certain tract, of land known as the Ritey Shelton farm In No. 2 Township, Madison County. North Carolina, and the said de fend ml will further take, notice that -they are required to appear before the Clerk of the .Superior Ceurt of said county, February lGih, 1923, at the Court House of said county in Marshall, N. C, and answer or demur to the com-' C plaint in said action, or the plain- ti3 will appiy to the ouri for tba relief demanded jo said com- . m-.S plaint.. This Ilth day of Jan. 1923. . , W. A. VV r.O I , Clerk of tha Superior-Court. l-12-to-2-3-23-p. ..v IT A lITrftH' Notice of Sale Uy virtue or u power or saie wire KHz erruson to i.nas.u. Lee. Trustee, dated June 6b 1919, and duly registered in book No. 29, on pge 79, of the re cords of deeds of trusts for Madi son County N C , default having been made in the pay oient of said Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, whereby the powar of sale therin contained, has be come operative and ' on demand of the holders of said note, said undersigned trustee-will on Mon day February 5, 1923, at 12 o'clock noon sell for cash to the highest bidder nt public " auction at the Court ilousjrdoor ia the city of Marshall, Connty of Midison. State of North Carolina, their one half Interest in the following described lands and promises. Situated, lying and being in the County of1 Madison, North Carolina and in numer 5 town; ship. Beginning, on a suku on the East Bank of Little Ivy npr a bunch of Willows in J. G. Morgans line then running North with the road 25 poles to a stake near the branch in J. (J. Morgans and D. C. Buckncrs lire, tlv nce Northwest 6 poles to a slake on the BanLof Little Ivy then with the slreim of Ivy as it mcandors to tho beginning corner, contain ing 10 acres more or less. Be ing the-, 8auoe land conveyed to John Ferguson and Neal Ander son by J. G. Morgan and wire by deed dnted January 31, 1911. : DaUnl this 5 day of Jan. 1923. 1 6-to 2 5 23-d. Chas. G. Lee, Trustee. Burley Tobacco A 200 Page Book TeUing.How To Cultivate Grow, grode, handle and mark ket Burley Tobacco, prepared by men who have made a study of raisinsr Burley tobacco for 35 years, sent to any address post age paid upon receipt of only 25c. If you follow the instructions giv en in this book you cannot f.iil on your tobacco crop, though you never raised any before. Ad dress The Burley Book, Green ville, Tenh. l-9-to-l-20 23-d. ' NOTICL North Carolina, . . Madison County, . . I, W. R. Ellerson, Trusteo in a certain deed in trust, executor! by Clark Shelton, and wife Lilly Shcl- ton to me a3 trustee, and default having been made in payment of the indebtedness thereby" necured I will on the 5th day of February, 1923, tatween the hours of 12 M and 3 p. .. m -, by virtue of - the power vested in me by said deed in trust selLto the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to-wit: A tract of land lying and being in No. 2 Township, Madison County. N. C aud. on the waters of Shelton ' Laurol, said tract of land containing 117 acres more or teas, and for a full and complete description of said land reference is hereby made to said deed in trust which is recorded in book 21 at page 277 in the record of the office of Register,, of Deeds for Madison County ; North Caro lina. ' Said sale will , be at the Oourt House door in Marshall; N. This January 3rd. 1923. ) W. R. EULEKSON. v 1 - 5 to 1-26 23 D - Dr. J. N. MOORE -. -. -v Has Moved His , OfBce Up Over Grover C. Redmons Store 'YouWill Find IIL-n There Any SUBSCRIBE Now .50 Per Year -- k In Advance. - CASKETS 6. C. RECTOR Hardware Company : , I will be in Marshall N. Con 5 6th day, of March, 1923. AT DR. J. N. MOORE'S office for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses, I guarantee results. North Carolina State . Li cense. .: V .; Dr. L. V. Lisenbee Dr. V E. CHARP1E ' Dentist Is now located in Marshall and occupies rooms over citi zens bank, can be seen at all hours. For Sale Duroc Jersey pigs from 'register ed boar and dame subject to same Full blooded Cockerels Barred Ply mouth Rock, Black Minorcas, White Leghorns. 1-5-to-l 19 25 d. W. K. Morris, Marshall; R-5. Agents Wanted Lady or Gentlemen Agent want ed in Marshall, to' retail Watkinf Products'. Investigate this offer! Particulars and valuable samples mailed free. Write today. ' J. .R. Watkins Company, Dept. 84, New York. N. Y. - - 1-5 to 2-2-23 p. FOR SALE. Here is your chancy 26 fine thor ough JJred .White Rocks. A! real bargain for the bunch. 'Will sell the Cockreis separately, for $1 00 each A few Barred Flymout h Rocks at $1.0, Yours for bettei , Poultry. v'V Dewey LisenWc, ' a v Marshall, N C. ! ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Nortli Carolina 'Madison County . ' Having qualified as administra tor of the t statu of Len HendersoD deceased, late of Madison County, N.'O., thiB is to no ify all persons having claims, against the estate of said di-ccased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office at M ar shall N. C. on or before the. 12th day of December 1923, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery '' ; , All persons isdebted to ' said es tate will please make immediate payment.. -s. ' . ' .. ; " This the 12th day of Dee. 1922. ' CLARENCE and CLEMENT V : -HENDERSON. Administrators of Lcn Hender son deceased. . FOR SALE -17 beautiful lots at Hot Springs, N. : C For quick Owner 1 ' Butldeis Supply, Co. irshall, I C, balers in lumber' of all kinds, metal and composition roofing, windows and doors, brick, lime and cement. We Carry a full line of everything. Come and see us or write -tor prices If ' v '' EXPERT HELPING FARMERS IN WAR ON tfOLL WEEVIL - Free , Advice- Available t6 Cottou Growers ill Any Part of NortU Carolina. North Carolina cotton . farmers will be much interested to hear that Mr. J. 0. Taylor, special ageniin boll weevil coutroi work connectetr vith the Government laboratory at Tallulah, La., has been employ ei. by tho F. H. lioyster Guano Com pany to devoto his entire timo V giving free advico and dcmonstr.i tions in the Stalo of North Ca. olina oil. what tho UnitciT StaL; Department of Agriculture renc. mends as the successful method fighting the ravages of tho h weevil. For several years "A! Taylor has been working on fan. in the boll weevil infislcd secti..i of tho South, poisoning wcevi, with calcium arsenate, under tl treatment known tlio Coml met ! od, which was worked out by Pi fessor Coad, the Chief Baetorioi gist in tho Government Lahoraloi at. Tallulah,, La. Mr. TavIor,will woik in Nor! Carolina the entiro year of 1'J." and thcro will bo abrolulely -t charges or fees in connoetion wi the assistance that 1c i to rend the farmers of the stale. He y' in all instances work in ci.njm. lion with the couidy ascnU n. tlio extension forces, a;id ali i quests for his Echiscn should I made through the local couu; agent. Between row and the fjrov. ing season, Mr. Taylor is going 1 spend his timo lecturing on tl subject of boll weevil pokouhi wherever request ia mado for hi services. Ho will go anywhere i.1 the state that the farmers ask fo, him, at no expenso whatever to tli farmers. Mr. Taylor hi going t select tcstilclds iir twelve or fifteen counties of North Carol'nn, whi!i are infested with tho loU weevil and will givo a dcmonsl ration , the results of poisoning end tl proper mcthouXof trcatiaent. Remarkahlo rcsulli iii.Ruceessfi cotton growing in boll weevil di triets havo been obtained hr poipn, ing according to tin Coad mclii- which has been developed and spv sored by tho Unit?-! Staler, I f ment of Agricnlture. No q-u- .' of tho hour i3 more ncrlon lu K- Carolina farmers than' the proj method ; of . attaching tlil. i iioi The personal advico r-n.i aHn' of Mr. Taylor is f rco 1.) any f.u ia North Carolina who wish poison his cotton this, season. ' Taylor is a practical farmer , has had years of Government 1 1 ; ing in fighting tho boll weevil, his work ia expected to mean tit-to-the fanners of tho elalo du: ; this. season. -, . j . . All reqnesta for inforn...: about Mr. Taylor 'a work or :q . cations for his prcsciice' at meeting, should be Bent to tlm F : Hervice Department or inn r. Royster Guano Company, Norf,. Virginia. ' ' " Judgement is based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands )f people, have made every known combination of glasses; fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our. pleasure to refer you to any of oftr patrons. We equally glad to num ber you among them. See1 us to- aay and see better from now on. CHARLES H. MONESS " Optometrist k . Eye Strain Spenalist . 54 Pat Ave.- Opp. rostofSce ASHEVILLE. C. A. Same Phyclchn and Surzc IL1 iilUlUlLM LilLiJOiL ; ye'liayeln ;t e highesf qualitpf the following Kentuclcy KcaAiover, ; Alsik6 Clover, Timothy, " V ' ' Orchard Grass, . . -. Red Top "Herds Grass ; ; Kentucky Blue Grass ; Our advijee is th&t you buy your seeds early as the market is advanc ing already on some seeds. ' 0. C. Rector Hardware Co. tmttmtftimmitmtftmrnmmmmmmutmmtttmtmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm To My Farmer Friends In Western Carolina: Our market opened up this morning aftar three week's vacation and I am glad to report to you that price's are higher than they were whtn we closed. I made some fine sales this morning from your section of the country; . Anything with color is selling high. tGet yours ready as soon as you can and ht it come on here as prices are generally better In January and February the season. Just mark Warehouse in my care outside prices on every , v notice:! I will meet the taxpayers of Madison County at the following times and, places on the datei named below for the purpose of receiving, fomt taxes for the year 1922: Big Pine, Wild's Store, Sandy Mush, Robinson's Mill. Spring Cr eek, Meadow's Store Meaddw Fork,' Stamey Store Hot Springs Camel Fowler Siore Shelton Laurel, Curry's Store , Bit; Laurel, Jack Watlin's Slre-s Foster's Creek, Brigg's Store Upper Laurel, English Stand s -California Creek, Carter's Store Mars Hill, Oeorge & Whltnker Store Friday " Jan. 28, Bull Creek, Wyatt's Store , 'Saturday Jan. 27, Grape ine, Gnrrelt Buekner Store Monday ' Jar.. 29, Middl; roi k, il imlni s bloro PaUit Fork,- Wod Andersons Stoe Little Pine, Mrs. Worley'i Smjh Marshall Cor.rl II use every 'day This Is (he last call without a penalty. I an maklnii this call for the accomodation of (he Tax Payers. So please meet me and pay yobr Taxes Respectfully, Sheriff And Tax Collector. norrm cahouta OF AGHICULTUnE AND ENGINE: C STATE CCLLECE STATION m . "In' S" Bt College prepares Un (rraduatct for pencnai tncoua mat for iMdwahtp In biduMrlal progreu. The college offer . ' ' " FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: - , ' . lnltr-lnpludlng ftenrnil Krlrulture nnd Kiieolulled Coureet In Farm C bncineeriiiK, Animal Husbandry and D. lrylng, Bloluey. Uurticultur. to Bcienee. Holls, Veterln.rjr Wedlulne. Vocational Kducalton W . c ,- trv. Aeri.uliural Chrmlatry. Tfillle Uiemislry and Dyeing. C "iii lin..nrarin, Architecture aud Highway kutnaerlug. I tru-Ml intHMrina. . , . "Himt fcHineermf. . - - f .. V,.,, lextiio fcni'tnwlni, Teitlle Mannfiirttirlni?, Textile Chemlatrr and Dye' AiilturM tceaewioa, buiiaeea Admmutratioa, Rural Life. . TWO YEAR COURSES INl ' x Agriculture, VwMnic Arts, Textile IMnnufKcturlnf. - Om Year C-mnt la At Verkenuia, ' . ' "' . Wlis-f C ntfse in Airicttiiiir, of Farmera. ."f'imer Seaidnn for 1-an.fra, for ull. t i,uirnce and (of College f-eiTLt ; i t e ut in est ! MMrhuant. . " ' 1" t I ,u K ,...r 5. " ' -111. n f1;lM, 15. HP.'ti F' : ' 'i, J; " sapling viover, - : than they are later on b your tobaccos to Acred' and I will see that you get' pile of it. Your Friend,: ' J. Alex Wilson. Danville, Va. . V -V jr Monday Jan. ' 15, ' Tuesday ( Jan. .16, , Wednesday Jan. 17, Thursday Jtn. 18 Friday ' "Jan. ,19 Saturday Jan. 20, ; Monday1 Man. 22, Tuesday Jjin? 23, Wednesd.iy Jan 24 19!J 16SI im , 1021' 1021: 1021 192J' 1821 1821 1821 ' ltA 1921 1921 : 1921 1921 Thursday Jan. 25, J'jsilay Jan, 80, Wednesday Jan. 31 Wednesday Jan. 31 state collec: BALEICH, N. C -j of people are now keep- sale. Cash terms. "f-r VTc::t V;-:":-