',,''.- , . ' v- ..... .a J Madison County Record (" '-llild Juno 23, 1901 .... . French Broad News ' t " ' E"bl"h"1 My & f " CONSOLIDATED NOV. 1, 1911 ? . pppppppppppppppppppp lie -1 t Al HIM HEBE f J '.c;:s ttsfyosrsnb-1 scripiicn fcss expired. J npPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. v r:zz THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PU IICD IN TIADICON COUNTY VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADISON COUNT C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th I923. No 4 Thundering Caves' Down ; " , In Bowels Of The Earth. Northeast Man Describes Beauty Of Hidden Caves In Tennessee; Many Places Seen Never Before Visited By Man. . By H. S. REESE v On my recent vacation in Au- . gust, 1922, down South, near the thriving city of New Port, Tenn, I explored the Thundering Ca ves, one of the wonders of the , world. f As these caves are so isolated they are not very well known, and few people have had the good fortune to visit them. They are located across the Pigeon ri ver from New Port, Term., un der giant cliffs at the bottom otn a mountain. To give a picture of these cliffs, I will describe one which is, by the way, the largest. . It" towers 600 feetab ove the bed of the Pigeon river and is 'called "Chimney Rock." A wonderful scenery is affor- ; ded by standing on the top of this cliff. Like a silver thread the Pigeon river stretch for mi les until it is lost in the distance. Encompassing it are beautiful mountains and level farmlands, with shaded valleys here there. - ' One of ' the most interesting features of this cliff .is at the very pinnacie. : A wooden cross has been set up which years ago . was dedicated to twe men who fell to an untimely death in the Pigeon river. 600 feet below. - Near the top of Chimney Rock are two small caves called Buz zard Roosts." In t h e s e caves have been found beautiful sto nes, as well as a number of rare and precious ones. The only way to get to these caves is over a small ledge in ; the rock about 8 inches wide, which is a' very difficult undertaking, since there is nothing to hold to ex- cept small crevices barely, large enough for the fingers of a per son to grasp. In fact, I was told no person had ever been in these' caves except a young darede vil, John Owens, risking his life in doing so. On one occasion he was but a few-feet of one of the caves when an infuriated buzzard, thinking her nest would be dis turbed, attacked him unexpec tedly. Off -his guard, he jump ed and would have been dashed to pieces ou the rocks hnndreds ot teet Deiow naa it not Deen his good fortune, to catch in a small pine tree which had grown 'out of a, crevice of the cliff, The impact was so great that a part of the tree was broken, so it seemed a miracle that he saved his life. Near New Port. Tcnn , is the Ratteirig Cave. I visited it and descended 150 feet being unable to go deeper as below this it was straight up and down. The depth of this cave is unknown. I verified this fact by making a little experiment. , I took a ball cotton, saturated - it with gaso line, and fastened it to a piece cf wire 20 feet long. To this I attached several balls of fishing cord and lighted the gasoline soaked cotton. I let this down into the cave . and the distance registered was 2700 feet. While this lighted cotton was in the cave I . looked into it with a tele- j r . ope and the light revealed a ' endrous sight. ' There appeared to be great natural rooms leading from the cave into the earth. I had a great longing to know1 just' what this mammoth cave contained. Who knows but what it is full of the remains of prehistroic animals, rencs, precious stones or me tals? Skeletons of men who .liv ed in the dark ages might be there. I think this would be a worthy subject of study .for scientists On August 10th, 1922, with a group consisting of James Sx- t o n, John, Owens, Randolph Hooper, all of New Port, Tenn., I made a thorough study of the "Thundering Caves" and took many pictures. We took with us a kodak; flash light equip ment, flash light, and 175 feet of rope. " We entered the cave at a passage beginning at the mouth a few: feet above the Pigeon river and tesminates and I several feet shova the. Vmnrh . r - v Broad river, the total distance being two and one-half, miles. A perfect panorama of beau X!-1 : i m uiui scenery is witnessed m this passage. We literally wor med ourselves through. At some places, we were obliged to' let ourselves down on ropes for a hnndred feet or more; The grea test care had to be taken or we would certainly have come to sudden death. , In other instan ces, we had to climb up instead, of down and our progress was slow. On the sides of the cave are many beautiful and grotesque formations of stone, in the shape of human heads, animals, and stars.s The water which dripp ed from the roof of the cave was so clear it shone like dia mondswhere it fell on lime- wonders of these caves, 1 they must be seen to be app dated". It has occurred . to' i that he opening up of this I markable wonder to the put would be a highly remuner tive enterprise for someone, am sure people would com from all over the world to s this veritable fairyland of ca splindor. lorth Carolina Murder , . Cases Show Decrease ::::s snov v;::::n flay s::all part in crl:e LOOK ! LOOK ! ... " ' i OLD HIGH PRICES smashec again: 30 per cent reduction or all BARBER WORK! Hair Cut 25cts ( Shampoo 25cts Massage . 25c ts , ? Shave .......... lOcts AH other work off according ly at FED TWEED'Sshop locat ed in the old McElroy law of fice. Come and see me, and save your money.. , Movieland Hero ? Wins Tributes From Thousands Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 20. Wally Reid, "playboy" of the screen, was at rest to-night. From the early hours of the morning until late afternoon, thousands of men, women and children filed through Hope St, to the first Congregational chur ch, to view for the last time the?- favWlte; WaUy ReiUr As the hour for the services drew near, the traffic became blocked for half mile .in four directions from the church, v Then the services. A hushed church, banked in flowers; thou sands of bowed heads in ' the street, scarcely a sound in the midst of a great city. a. "Ashes to ashes - ." A sob from a woman near the door. The services end. The emaciated body is carried to the white hearse. CROWD DEPARTS. In the shadowed d u s k the crowds move siowly away. The stone, it soaked inp causing the captains and the kings of mo- stone to' turn to a substance re sembling pearl. . One curious feature was long 'spirals of stone hanging from the roof closely resembling the reeds of a chur ch organ. 'iv'v'-"''';'.-'- Strange as it may seem, one could hit these formations with a stone or hammer and produce sounds indeed like an organ. We came across a deep pool of water as clear ac crystal, i which appeared at first glance to be a great looking glass on the floor of the cave. We drank of the water and it was as cold as ice. Many passageways appeared to us some we took whioh lead us hundreds of feet down 1 into the cave and some have he ver been entered by a human be ing. At the end of one passage we found a giant natural room, from the ceilign of which hung a beautiful enormous curtain of stone, whichjs by far the most maguificant thing I have ever seen, rracucally every 'color of the rainbow is seen in this curtain: When persons walk through these caves, a sound of 'distant thunder ensues, therefore the origin of the name ''Thunder ing Caves." I have tried in feeble langu age to describe tr? beauties and ideland depart. Never before has such a per sonal tribute been paid to a man or woman in Los Angeles a tribute' and a demonstration that would be exceeded for no states man, no philosopher, no philan- tnropist, no man or woman in public life, or without. .The Marriage Of, The Midgets. . Next Monday night January 29th at 7 o'clock. The marriage of the MlDGETS will be present ed at the High School Auditor ium. This entertainment lasts from one, to one and one half hours, and is one continuocs per formance the entire time. It is interspersed throughout with songs by. the little folks. If pou want to see a unique and beauti ful wedding composed only of the "little tots" between the ages of three and ten, dressed in evening suits and dresses with trains, come to the auditorium on the' above night. It will be rare and real treat for every one. Don't miss it 1 Proceeds' go to our ' School Library. Admission Children 20c, Adults 85c. RALEIGH, January. (By the Associated Proas.) Murders in n th Carolina decreased from 186 in the year July' 1, 1920, to July 1, i :i, to 146 in the period from July 1, 1021, to July '1922; violation " the State Prohibition laws increased from 1600 to 2.004 and burg y from 38 to 62, two cases of the last figures being first degree 1 carrying death sentences, according lo the biennial report of; acs S. Manning, Attorney General, made publio tonight, ' The report shows that the first year 10,749 criminar actions were , osed of, -while Ike staber of 10,811 for' the second 12-month per ' TTomen playtj a 'ieszH jpzi h erimt eases when compared witk. ons against men. Tea tifuind, one hundred and forty ciht i in 1921 and 10,168 were iavolred in criminal proceedings as coin ed with 598 females in 1021 and 632 in 1922, it is stated. " The following alphabetical list of crimes committed from July 1, 0, to July 1,1922, is given: . , ' me of Offense . 1921 ndonment "....,......... . .. .. ., V. .. ..' 137 faction w ;."...'.i : 8 ition ;.;...,.....' 5 ay:. r...... ......... 343 a . s alt and Battery . . ... . . .. '. . . : . . i 662 ult with deadly weapon . ',. . 1 ,167 r ult with intent to1 rape ...... . '..:. i.... 38 mpt to bum dwelling mpt to poison.,,. ff . tardy ............. .. my ;..'..., cry !ary, first degree..,. Atucooiy" AIL !' I r.' r 2 47 38 1922 20 20 258 19 467' 1,152 115 ; 4 2 30 6 2 60 T" Burning other than arson 4 Carrying concealed weapon . , , . '753 Compounding felony . ........ Concealing birth of child 3 Conspiracy ............. 30 Counterfeiting ,s ! r Cruelty to animal '.. 60 Disorderly house 105 Disposing of mortgaged property 80 Disturbing meeting . '. 153 Flection laws ...;...".. Embessloment ...................... 92 Escape 39 Failure to list taxes . 100 Failure to work , publio roads .... .'. 14 False pretense ..;,..' 60 Fish and game laws 77 Food and drug laws . ; ; ,f 1 Forcible treepaw 168 Forgery .. ........... ......... .. 134 ToraicatioB a s4ltaty ............ . . .'. . ; 241 ;s CamMiti r Urpy ... . , 820 Health Laws u:. ............ . ........ 4 Houss breaking .. ., ..7. . . .'. .'. .." 314 House burning .'.'.'...'. Z ' Incest .". 9 . anjury to property ... .. . . ........... . '. . '? . . '. . . .. . 68 Intoxicating liquors . . . . t . . , 1 ,600 Larceny and receiving .1,515 Libel ; :. 1. License, practice and profession without .......... ' 5 . License,, doing business without 16 Manslaughther .'. .. .."..v. .... .... . . .... .VV. 68 Military laws ............ '.. .... ........... Municipal ordinances ........... 30 Murder first degree . ... .. . . . 10 . Murder second degree .... 172 Nuisance '. . . ... I. . . . ..:: 50 Obstructing publio highways:.... ''...'.: , 9 Official misconduct .............................. ' 5 Obstructing river ........ ............... '.; 1 Perjury .. .. .. 47 Rape , " 20 , Resisting officer 73 Riot.. 20 Robbery' . . . : ...... 108 School laws 14 Seduction , 64 - Slander ;.' 19 Trespass...... .....i. 117 Miscellaneous 145 2 628 1 30 : : 1 49 109 98 110 4 ' 91 40 1 ' 25 2s2 26 2 108. " 237 241 B29 40 409 40 - 13 90 2,004 1,678 -7 77 . 54 l,t06 3 148 . ' 54 24 . 2 38 .150 ' 71 -12 42 31 105 69 Totals , ' $101749 10,811 Five thousand, seven hundred and ninety-three whites were in volved in actions during the year 1921; 6.653 in 1922; 4502 negroes in 51 and 42 negn 1C21 and 4,184' in 1922 and 42 negroes; 3 and 11 corporations. Wolf Creek Gsp-Newpcri -Pert Dixie Highway Being Ealt Rapidly As Possible. k A. . , "There are how three steam shovels and ; 80 mules at ' work grading the .road -from V o 1 f Creek Gap at the North Carolina Tennessee line West to Newport'. is the information leceived last night by the Ashevillo M o tor Club from John M. Jones; vice president of the Merchants and Planters Bank of Newport, "and director of the Newport Motor Club. -., V Commenting on this verv cra-u tifying 'information last nitrht. ta ofnefal of the Aaheville Botr Club stated that after years of hard work on the Dart of thfi Motor Club. and the Comber of. Commerce the Dixie Highway to the West is to be opened f o r through travel from the Jrrent Middie and Northwest d i r e e t through Cincinnati. Lexirictori. KnoxviUo, Newport into Ashc ville and South to Florida, " which would mean the direct cassinc oyer this'route of around 40,000 to 60.006 tourist cars each SnnW and Fall. . Continuing, he staled that 'with Asheville'sstratiegic l o c a t i o n midway between Chicago, De troit and Cleveland, and Miami and St. Petersburg, . and , in the midst of the greatest mountain , scenery of Eastern America, this new Cincinnati Knoxville Ashe- scenic highway to Florida which it has never had heretofore, and which places Florida on a par with Californa as to scenic high way, in addition to which it will save the Middle, W est tourist from 300 to 400.miles over either of the other two routes from. North to South." The information f t o m Mr. ones confirms the asreement made with Charles .0 Connor. former field secretary A. A. A;. that the enterpricing citizens of Newport would keep this road passable by private subscription while under construction. Walton Campbell A beautiful weddintf of Sun day afternoon was that of Miss Annie, Walton, of Marshall, and Mr. Wl E. Campbell of West Asheville, which wasfsoIemni7.- ed at the parsonage of the Bilt more Baptist church at 4 o'clock. Rev. Samuel T. Henslevthfi pastor, pfiiciated and the wed- ding march was played by Miss .la Hensley. Only a few of the close friends and relatives of the young peo ple saw the ceremony. Follow ing the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned to West Asheville where they will make . there future home and where both are popular among hosts of Eriends. FOR SALE 31-acre farm, six room house and tenant house: horse barn, dairy barn. fmverAl other outbuildings; well watered, well fenced, near public school: will sell on good terms, Fiat Creek Trad ing Co.V Star . Route: Weavervillc, N. C. M8-to-8.11-23 P. FOR SALE -17 beautiful lot8 at ot Springs, N. Ci,. For quick sale. ' Cash terms. .Owner IcavinT " o for West Virginia. See C. W . Norton, backhouse, N. C. 1-1 0-2 1 .

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