THE NEWS-RECORD, MARSHALL, N. C. GER1IS KILLED IMPROVED UNIFORM DfTtRNATlONAl FROM GENERATION SundaySchool BY FRENCH T CTEEnaisTEJsroriia 3 RQQPS LGS50H ' mmww enteral botOeo of Fara-ee IMMWIV 1 alwaya keep a frw botU WIsIm,! m.ita mod a remedy luT eetarrh the etnrnarh.Uoate; - i u. mmUs ma aBparrn. have to the Immm v 1 la Ke wonderfully Am aeedidee I gee the Ptme Cumpeay, muum mmm yueawi mmrnm. Not Entirely Artificial. "I was deceived In you," complained the husband. "Your teeth are liund made, your complexion ia artificial and your hair la another's. Are you wholly false?" . "No, not wholly," she replied. "I have a mind of my 'own, as you very well know." And he was forced to admit the bitter truth of her statement. Bos ton Inning Transcript. An Important Point. Judge "Five dollars or ton days in Jail." Prisoner "What kind -of a (all have you got?" TaUetaorlJqiil Sold" Ertrywltrt Worst Still. ' "Your husband has been 111?" asked the vicar who was paying hi monthly call. "Yes," replied the worried-looking .romaB. "He has been feeling very bad. I do my best to please him, but nothing seems to satisfy him." : ; "Is his condition critical?" ; "It's worse than critical," she an swered, with a sigh ; "If s abusive." London Tit-Bits. ' ! Question. . "My yonngest sister Is engaged." "Well, KlrlleV" "I was Just wander ing." "About what?" 5 I Je, ttmhmt Trentfertetien Utility Express Truck Chassb Only 6 atf aa amf O. b f KVS Flint, Mich. Utility Express is the lowest-priced quality truck in the world capable of fast heavy-duty service. It hauls your heavy loads quickly and economically. It is reliable. Long grades and deep mud are mastered by it without racing the motor or boiling the water because the 3-speed transmission provides correct gear ratios to meet any condition of load or road. You get fast, heavy-duty service at the lowest operating and maintenance cost with thistruck. It leads in high mileage on gasoline, oil and ores, living up fully to the Chevrolet reputation for unequalled economy. - . Price, o. b. Flint, Michigan bwlPui Roadrter .(510 8uperlo 5 I"ae.8edaa . (SM 5 JW ToTrin, 521 Superior Light DeUverr. . SJO ISperioTlPuSftv Coupe 680 Superior CommcW haU 42 Superior 4 Put. Sedanetto . 850 Utility Eapreae Truck Chaeaie S7S Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Division ef General Motors Corporation Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere TOurtrttlom at left bow Utility Espreee Trucl with itandard general purpow bodr are like Clothes- mod. baa or ' irw ffm the appearance of your walla Is the Index of the Impression made upon others by your home. Walls soiled, dingy. nmmon-place in appearance or "ing wito your iur . , -t a handicap cping """"-Va Uticktofrl ' ' ' the ALABASTINE-Oa. ; PROCESS, which gives sue wonderful new effects in three color harmonies. Ask your dealer or decorator to show you color samples of roctiru rLAIM MOB OF 2 000 OR B M. riTZWATER. D. D.. FRENCH CLAIM MOB OP wn T,Mhr 0( Engn,h Bibys ln thg Moody 3,000 MADE ATTACK ON THIRTY REPORTED WOUNDED Two French Civilian Enolneers Ars Badly Beaten and Severely Wounded. THEM. Bible Inatltute of Chicago.) Copyright, 111. Weatern Newapeptr UdIob. a si wl s r- March. Clashes between French soldiers and German workmen at the Krupp plant here resulted In the death ot five or six ot we uor mans and the wounding of about 30. Aprnrdine to the French version pi the affair, a lieutenant and IX soldiers LESSON FOR APRIL 8 ABRAHAM THE HERO OF FAITH LESSON TEXT Qeneala 12:1-5. He brewa 11:1-10, IT-IS. GOLDEN TEXT Abraham believed God and It waa counted unto him for rlghteouaneaa. Romans 4:1. REFERENCE MATHR1AL Romans :1-2S; Oalatlane I:S-i Jamee :21-i4. PRIMARY TOPIC Abraham Obeying uoa. . , I JUNIOR TOPIC Abraham, the Man j Who Trusted God. I INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC Abraham, the Friend of God. I TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC Abraham, the Pioneer of Faith. iii- m-ii fnnnnIlia 101K The uib ' i t I, rile VMM uti om , u i . who went to the Krupp worna ior ui human race( a8 8UCh( had failed, and . .AeelaUfa-.nlntr atltnmnhtlei - rnA v.ifnoA no tn th rV pUryUBB VI I c4Uioiw'v"'"o HUW Ve W VJ iujjuoc su fcv were set upon by a mob, variously es- demption of the race taking shape. . . . l. . o nntl anil mi . I. nlnlAa thla lAnrfv tlmuteu 10 nuulDer uemccu ,vvw liiereime lie ouifcico vuv mio 3,000, which was called together by man to umke him the henrt of a nation the factory siren. . . through wuora reaempuoo . was i The mob showered stones upon me , come. ... i,.- i u -o mt,n. manv I 1. His Kenaration (v. 1). He was of the workmen, armed with revolver, called to go -to hi. own country n.orf hnfe ahnntlne over the neaa. i" "i1""" -.. ISVt gjefc, " TO BEHERATIOH Mothers Advise Their Daughters to Rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Keep Them in Health nf the mob at first, but when the work men refused to disperse, finally aiming to kill. Whpn ha skirmish was at its height, an automobile bearing two French ci vilian engineers came along, and tne fnpv of the workmen was shifted to them ; they were attacked, badly beat en and severely wounded. Tne t rencn also assert that the watches, wallets, to an unknown land. These were all very dear to his heart but they were to be given up that Abraham might hnve God and be the father of all the faithful. Abraham was living among idolaters; therefose, he must separate from them. Even his kindred must be left behind for they were Idolaters. Following God costs much that Is dear and precious to us today. To attain unto the highest and nest in tne spirit also asaerfc iuai l c m.... v., . M..w o passports and identification papers of ual life many things which are pleas- i. a it., nnimal nntiiia nil Cl t ha KIlflle thA enelneers were stolen. The automobiles was smashed and the chauffeur took refuge among the little group of French soldiers, but not before he was struck with several mis siles. The engineers were taken In side the Krupp plant and severely man handled.. One of them, giving the name of Snowden and speaking Eng lish, came off much better than M. Sauvey, the other, whose name and language are entirely French. The French military command in Essen, informed of the rioting, sent armored cars and tanks to the scene, nnil the aoDearance of these machines caused the workmen to retreat behind the walls. Aviators Make Sneed Records. Davton. Ohio American Army Avia tors broke two world speed records, which had recently been set by a Frenchman, Sandl Lecointe. Lieutenant Alex Pierson flew 500 kilometers (310.5 miles) in one hour, BO minutes, 12.7 seconds, an average speed of more than 166 miles an hour. Starting about the same time, Lieu tenant Harold H. Harris flew 1,000 kilometers in four hours, 62 minutes, 34.24 seconds. The best time the French aviator made ln the 500 kilometer distance was two hours, 42 minutes, 51.3 sec onds. The record for 1.000 kilometers was six hours 39 inches, 40.3 seconds. A Mother's Advice Prevent Operation Corona, N. Y. "I had a terrible) pain in my left side and bad to go to bed every so often. Doctors had told me I most be operated on, but I do not believe in the knife and would rather suffer than go through it My mother also did not believe in it and she made me take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound because it had helped her. It has also helped me for I am better and able to do all my work. I recommend your medi cine and give you permission to rue my letter as a testimonial" Mrs. J. Busch, Jr., 11 S. Railroad Avenue, Corona, N. Y. A Sickly Child Mahoningtown, Pa-"I would like to say a few words about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. About a year ago I thought it would be necessary for me to take my daughter out of school. She was losing weight, was nervous, and when she would come home from school she would drop into a chair and cry, and say, 'Mamma,Idont believe I can go to school another day I' I u. W T.vrtia PL Mnkham's VeM hla rVMnnmnxl mnA imw aha ia a riaelthv heme, haertv. etmnsr elrl and weighs 120 pounds. She has no difficulty in deing her 'gym 'work, and she works at home every night and morning, too. I am a mother who can certainly praise year medicine, and if it will be of any benefit you may use this letter as a reference' Mrs. Gborgb E. Whit acre, 621 W. Madison Ave., Mahoningtown, Pa, Every girl wants to be healthy and strong, and every mother wants her daughter to do well in school and to enjoy herself at all times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a splendid medicine for eung girls just entering womanhood, others maydepend upon it. Remem-' ber it is prepared from roots and herbs, contains nothing that can in jure, and tends to tone up and strengthen the organs concerned, so that they will work in a healthy and normal manner. .For nearly fifty years it has been used by women of all ages, and these women know its great value. Let it help your daughter and yourself. . ant to the carnal nature must be sacri ficed. 2. God's Gracious Promise to Him (w. 2-3). (1) "I will make of thos a irnnt nation' Tills was fulfilled In a natural way in a great posterity fw. 13-181 and ln a spiritual seed. See jnhn s an. fialatlnns 3 :10-17. (2) "I will bless thee." God has wonderfully hiosceri Ahrnham in a natural and RDlrltual way and still greater reallza tion of this promise Is to come to Abraham's seed. (3) "Make thy name great." Abraham was called the friend of God. James 2 :23. Abraham Is a universal name. (4) "Thou shalt he n hlesslne." Untold blessings have come to the world through Abraham and still a greater blessing will be I roniizwl when the fullness of God's j purpose concerning that nation shall h realised. (5) "1 Will Diess mem thnt bless thee." (6) "I will curse htm that curseth thee." Abraham's aooii is God's very touchstone. Na tlons and individuals who have used well Abraham's descendants have been Messed and those who have cursed them have in turn been cursed. (7) ! "In thee shall all the families of the j earth be blessed." This Is the all- ! comprehensive promise of God because it shall come to the world through the Messiah. Galatlans 3:16. While Abraham had to give up much he gained Infinitely more than he lost. 3. His Obedience (vv. 4-5). With out question or delay Abraham took his departure to the unknown land. Though he did not know whither be was going he knew that God had spoken. To have God's command and promise Is enough for the child of faith. i . Abraham's Faith (Hebrew. ' 11:8-10). I 1. Its Source Was the Word of God. He had heard God's call. Because God had spoken to him he went forward. Faith takes God at his word. j 2. Its Practice (w. 9-10). He never I settled down anywhere even ln the land of promise. He was a true niiirrim. He was .'content to pass through the land because his eyes were fixed on a city which had foundations, ... . i i- ,i Whose DUUuer anu uiuner woe uuu ""-:.t' n m Anslo-Aroericjm Drag Co.. ITS FoUon SL. New York. DearSirs: I am twins Mr. Wtostow'B Syrup. It raved mrbaby bom dying of colic, which she had for three month. Soroe onSadvieedmeto get Mn. Winkw' Syrup sd I did. , Youre truly, (Asm onrtffi Colic is quickly overcome by this pleas- diarrhoea, flatulency and constipation, keeping baby healthy and happy. Non-narcotic, non-alcohouc. 'MRS.VJINSLOVTS SYRUP The Infante' and ChOiren'e Regulator Formula oa every label Write for free booklet containing letter! from mothera. At AnDruggiitt. ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO. 21S-217 fulUnSrt NWVORK Oyster 80 Years Old. An oyster eighty years old lies been taken from Delaware bay, it Is report ed. Scientific investigators agree and assert that the age of an oyster Is In dicated by the ridges or waterlinea on its shell, Just as the sge of a tree Is Indicated by the annual rings that form on its trunk. A ridge appears on an oyster every year, according to these savants, np to the fortieth year. After that the shell takes on one onty every ten yetrs. This venerable Delaware oyster had 44 ridges; hence It wus eighty years old. oned. Little Boys Victims of Fiend. San Bernardino, Calif. The bodies of Dean Meesham, 4, and Dickey, 5, were found in a show case in a vacant store here as police, aided by 1.000 armed citisens and BOO school children searched for abductors of the two children. The boys had been missing for six days. Police declared they had been murdered. Undertakers who ex amined the bodies said the lungs of Dear were filled with water and that he had been drowned before being locked in the show case. Authorities v.niuA that tha rh(lriren hud also been mucin - ... Kiven a powerful drug and that Dickey The Christian does not settle down In ... i u n 4-v.mifrii ha wcict (miner trt was evidently in a coma when .mpr.s- "' '""T , IllttSC Ills 1IUU1C. i but Is not of It 1 His citizenship Is ln Heaven. 111. Abraham's Testing (11:17-10). " 1. At the Command of God He Offered Up Isaac, His Only Son. (v. 17). Going nnr intn an unknown country was sim ple In comparison to laying his son on the altar of sacrince. But ne wno had obeyed God ln going out from his country and kindred was now to pass through the supreme test. 2. The Promise of Blessing Was Wrnnned Un in I88EC. (VV. 18). It WBS not a promise which might take any I descendant of Abraham but this par ticular child. The way seemed dark and the command conflicting with the , promise, but faith does not consider difficulties. 3. The Supreme Venture (v. 10). Abraham so completely trusted God that he was willing to go all the way with Him, being assured that God would even raise him as frcm the dead, In order to make good his promise. Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An PTonisite face. skin, baby and dust ing powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes supernuous. iob may rely on it because one of the Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcnm), 23c each everywhere. Advertisement Not That? We want our frieuds to think abont us, but not to refrect on ns-Bostou Transcript . . .. .m m n.. la MMrfnl hilt UYt reery una -- nfe. One doae la enough to expel wormi or 'Tapeworm. No caator on pmjeHwj. A woman doesn't really have faith In a man until other people lose It. Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With Othine Double Strength ni.i .M....iin. fnr tHift rrAAtment ef freckiee U usually ao euccewful In removing trecklei and giving a clear, beautiful com plexion that It le eoia unaer g.uaruim w refund the money If it fall. . Don't hide your f reck In tinder a veil; get an ounce of Othine and remove them, given the flrat few applications ahould (how a wonderful improvement, eome ui lighter freckle vanishing entirely. n mra tn ejik the druareiat for tne oouble-atrength Othine; it la tbla that I old on the money-back guarantee. An Up-to-Date Young Feller, Ten hleh-uchnol ?irls. short-skirted. hnh-tmlred. briirht-eved and talkative. sat in a .downtown motion picture the ater while on tne screen oerore were a Ktnrv nf love was unfolded. The central figure was a man whose chief distinction, outside his motion pic ture success, Is that of a certain brand of trousers which once were named for him. One girl sighed. She turned to her companion and whispered : "Oh, Nell, wouldn't you jiiRt love te hate n man like that?" Indianapolis News. He is a wise man who wastes no en ergy on pursuits for which he is not, fitted. Gladstone. Woman Gets Damages Against Hus- band. Asheville. Mrs. Orla Roberts was awarded f 2,500 damages by a jury In MoiUann annnrinr court following: UIO AM WM , Ji IU VVU4' -w trial ot a damage suit instituted by ithe altar of sacrifice. Mrs. Roberts against ner nusDana a the result of an automobile accident in which she sustained Injuries. She alleges that her husband operat ed the car ln a negligent manner and by reason of such she was entitled to damage. Mrs. Roberts is living happily with her husband and there are no marital troubles. A liability Insurance com pany will have1 to pay the judgment, if an appeal by defendants to the su preme court results in an affirmation, ot the Madison court's verdict. Two Killed By Southern Train. Carnelia, Ga-Two persons were killed' and two others were slightly in jured when their automobile was struck by Southern' railway train Number 138 at crossing n'ar here. The dead are: Mrs. J. !. lackson and her son, J. B. Jackson. Jr., of Clarkes vllle, Ga. The Injured are: Oma Lee Jackson and Ernest Jackson. M The Jackson family was enroute from ClarkesvUle to Cornelia when the accident occurred. . . ; IF SICK, BILIOUS! STARTYOUR LIVB1 Don't Take Calomel! "Dodson'sLiverTone" Acts Better and Doesn't Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work Read Guarantee! , . Hope. . Hope Is a pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend ; not the man for 1 imur hanker, though he may do for traveling companion. Haliburton. Answer Knock at Your Door. Have your visions of God, but de scend from your housetop to answer the men who knock at your door. F..B. Meyer.. ... Ingratitude. , Brutes leave Ingratitude to man.- Dolton. . Ugh I Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible ! Take a dose of the danger ous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work, ' Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile crashes Into It, break ing It up. This Is when you feel tha awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels con atinateri. or vou have headache, dizzi ness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or stomach sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson Liver Tone to night. Here's mv aruarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson'e Liver Tone for a few cents, 'lase a oTwuinfni and If It doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go oaca to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel because it Is real liver med- irtne; entirely vegetable, therefore It can not salivate or make you sick. 0e Hakes Old Waists Like Kcr Pvtaam Fadeless Dyes-dyes or Gits as yea