AC A Gentle Life. In the news column of one of the papers coming to our hands was an obituary notice of a lady who had died. It said,"1111 ' 7 ,u" T "v "beautiful in person ar.d gentle in manner, her! charm was the u ward expression o an inward grace." We knew vjry we'l the one f which that was written and it spoke bu prt of the truth However the qualities that made for that th3 geitljness, ti c grae. the charm carm from s'methinc that all do not have. It somf sometime? tla' it or! cirrps by native It is not acquired This gen 1 j life is the one that attracts every i li.-.v It nial; ihe home bcauliful. Jri the midst of trouble and discord of " the world it is i.he quieti? force. Stronger than all th other f(;rc3s in t! e world. I wins not by power of might but by its very self. It. is win ning No angry, sullen person can withstand it. It is the haven to which we . all go Sometimes tre seom to have nothing that can quiet us mix ing with the world as we do Then we come under the in lluence ot tins gentle quie; character and wo wonder if there was anything that dis turbed us af all It seketh not itself, is no! puffod up, thinketl no evii, is not easily provoked It is such a person that is the . ideal Christian. Wo wondei someumes it it ir. a person til e the rest. However in that ver forgetfulness of self, in the soft word, the kindly act, it more than moves worlds and we see that it alone of all other powers is the true power. Others seem to do things and they get the credit, but back of th-m is this one whose life given for others has made possible these things Has it done anythlrf for the wnrid?. Is the worlo better for it. We may not count it. at the tine rs doi if much, but is gone then we realize that it has been lit greatest factor in many a deed The rarm ry re-." f' ? ',r tu tifu' life that vc rr'h 'J lh world in which it nnve 1 anc lived. CWIn-f n T'a 7'"v J?".cV ? C r ,.1 Muc'i IV J: ' w , , of one of tJie. k--iI wars the history of iviiii-! jfoeK .- -h. As the rwi was ;':m!;d'.; Ifn.iu u gie 'J a - i t i , tit p cm tr.-. ne'i.-m to gaite from all paria ; iih s;-h:,:il ri and .s'o;-r,juiidir:.4 il;.-ii.rid., not. .... it r Btandi-i' Ji;i- rvv.i and mud eircr t. l'O , U " I i , Ol.t I t!.i pi . n . ' t i to , fi-i-.f i: ;;t.y ( ii.;l not jr.e.t. ., , i i.v can iren . eie. :oi;s , g- f: S'.M ((' I Oil .'C ;:!'.) .. v -j:- . od 1 1 o I, i v ii ! i ( e i'i i ; i i . I , . Wil- opi'liisi '.v.i.i a -.verv w..'vt'i . prayer ouvie.d I v r: .,. i w .. fuiloiV(l by a.-iho.-t, ia.1: by Iho Wn r, then I'roi, Keoui-ix took cnar of the program Lie chihiron ha been given tne verv best, traimu each one car out its part in ai intelligent way. At c the ecK the taeheis come nut and b ide m good b'. whic!) was tne trying par of it all. we want to tiia-ik IVof Hendrix, Mr. Chapel Tweed, .vJisk- es Bonnie Ammona, and J'reomar for their good servlcs given a through the schuoT. They are fine teachers and arc go d Chri tans Tey taught in Hundav 8cho-J and we shail miss them there, however we hope to get the;ii back again ,. We , want to thank our County Supt for helping us eeeure Kiieh .a . man as Prof. Hendr'x, and for t lie inaerest hf h shown us ail fhroi'ghlho sehool term, 1 ' And tho greatest thing of it all is that words cannot express our feeling. to the Board of Education, and esppcially Mr. Jasper Bbbsfur ! elp ng us to consolidate o u r d:oal at WJite Ilot-k and helping us k build or.o of the Ixst school buildings i" the o; niy. We-look on Lhb.- as U-ing one of the best school men in iluMOUtity and t! e , eoph' sho,.:U be proud of him iv! ;i ;iivut 'euJer in pul lie tehools i :.. i r. j i.. ..... r.l .i.. many binjoiH uim i.iiii on', i.uim school houses Mini ' niviiiR .so m..oh of his lime t.) the ecu nil interest of pul 1 c schools. We oujdit to honor him in.d strew flowers on his way as he goes through this county for ! he great, good lie has done lh;) people iu helping to build up the public school interest, and we hope when his work here as great leader in educational matters is over; that t great monmneni may be placed at his grave, as oat of the best men in Ihe County, T. M. U'ALUN. Tiie commissioners at ilteir meet ing Mot) lay, April 2, adopted i resolution lo co-o,.er:i!e willi t lu Stat;.' in up or;,;a oii.i'ion f ir Cue protect io.i in M : ' ! i : ; ; i county. t he Htatc pay in;-; throe Ipnrlhs and the couii'V o;.e uuih the cost. V. R. Lllcr.xo:i if Hot Spring was appointed f lire unulin who will ;:;! oint dcpuiies in the difierent pa.'.;; of tiie county ThiB is to protect the forest from d"ftruetive fires. Full particulars will follow next uek. Net CS Oi SC2K2C3S. North Carolina Ma lison Counh la the i-'uperior Court I. I). ChaudLv vs. Wilson Chandler The dofoad int a:.ive un c i will 1 :ane none? uia- a summons in i tit aoovc aenon was is-ueu against s.-d ! defendanf. 'on the It! day of April 1'J23, by V. A. West, Clerk of the Superior Co irt oi said County, ..North Carolina, am i complaint tiled by the plaintih setting forth that the defendant handotied ihe plaintiff and ha failed and refused to provide 4'foi plaintiff willi ff'pport as it was hfc duty to ('o us hi s' and" cf the )!ainti! ' ha;, the iia! iff de nanus ji'it;e:ne.-it ng.ii'ist ihede- cud.ijr .''o i- .; o i. ... il il ct o ir.i-.--i o: Lml in .Madisoi ou iiy, :ii,' i.uiy ji.Mpcrty of tlu (r.etmaui :n r, o.-ti i !! a::.! Ins V c (.'aroiina, b. 1 i ' 1. 1 t i HO p.a.'i ii. ;or m r : ;.ppo; t, Willi' -u .t.'iDii ; is re; urn ,rie oe ore sin, (..!.. r . I . . i .- I ri' i'"'K or i i:i i o in a. ;us a the Court Iloti'o .-. said Count v. on the 7th d ty o. May li)j;5. Tlx l'- ) ' ' It c tl. u it will ap;;iy for jndgc- l 1 1 . o ad trad I lie ueicnuaru ;s rc- I. i i , 1 r i n i ii , , MUr oi i 1.1- (;' ' co n :!.-.! or lilt u i i,' d . vv A. i. r.M , I.- i i o: i he u.i.-rior t 'out i us -I ii cay oi April lil.'Jj i . i ... I., i iO I , .l 71. f 4t N one aide of her family were Ken IJ eration3 of open-handed, fun-loving Individuals; on the other, a Ions lira a!' llimlh. ... . . . n . pioneers, as another contrast, she was born in Burlington, Vermont snent hr cnuanooa in that state on a farm and in a small village, and then finished srowina up in caiiiornia. . '.- " " ' Instead of allying herself with JtW branch of her ancestry, she accentMl h.. herltance from both, and that, along With the two dissimilar environments in whM she has spent her life is the secret of the unfailing freshness and diversity with which she invests the humdrum facta of human existence. Her novel. "The Custard Cup," is en amazingly excellent combiafr tn of humor and heart interest For Sale Sweet Potatoe Plants inspected and disinfected and free from di sease. 1 thousand $1,75 5 thousand $1.60 10 thousand $1.50 Naney Hall Potatoes and Por to Uieo Plants, lo be shipped April, V1 ay, and June, deliveries. 11. M. ALDR1DGE. Iiuciukghain, Ga. .1-23-10-4-28 2.i.p. Notice of Sale By virtue of the power in us vested, by an order and decree made and entered in the Special Proceeding Ent itled "Flossie Wnllin ct hI against Noah Shclton, Kit tit Shelton S-dts, Individually," and as Guardian Fay Shclton, and oth er liens at law of Ha.xtcr Selton de ceased, in the Suiierior Court of Madison County, Noith Carolina, before the Clerk, we wdl sell foi partition among the tenants in common the following described lands, to-wit: A certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situated, ly m and being in No. 2 township. Madison County, N. C, on the waters of Shelton Laurel, and being that portion of th. W, R. Shelton Deceased estate laid off and set ipart to Polly Shelton, widow as her dower in the estate of W. R Shelton, deceased, consisting of 124 i iics, and for a full and complete description reference is hereby made .0 t he Special Proceeding Record, uade in said case in the office of he Clerk of Superior Court of said ounty, on the 21st day of April, 11)23 at the Court House door in darshall, t 12 o'clock M., sell to he highest bidder on the follow nn terms, one third down, one hird in 12 months and the remain Icr in two years after dale, the de erred payments draw interest from date with the option to the pur chaser to pay all t he purchase prk:e n cash with 2 dh count on defer red payments. Done this 91 h da of March 1923 V O. B. Mni-hburn, and Geo. M. Pritchaid, Commissioners 3 20 23 tc-4-14 23-d. ' ' r 1 , "xmsfj c ar ThEver Before ' At theIowestpilceies5r.inade,the Ford Tooting Cbr&even better than before. Trirr-vman ton. slantrngriiira fyy and rrjedyckreWtmction M I havojvTa.r,?fgv! , 7.4. t m. . oi-, At haws MjPv4i 1 w -- " " r-- -i tr NOTICE! State of North CValina ) County of Madison ) In lh Superior Court W. M. & J. II. Unbelts' VS, Sarah Dockery, May Dockc , VJanson Dockery, Nellie P cki rv Anna Dockfry, and IIouslo Dockery. The dofeiidrint above named will take notice (list an net ion n iit,led a; nbove lias been com r i n rd in the- Superior Court of liidison Uo u niy tiiHt siii.lmtion to e.sluhlish In iu Hilary I i n bo wecn plaiiii.ilf. and dof : dants retd pioperiy and thesiiid i efend uit will further takA not; e that hey nrc req libra! to apiear be fore i bo Cleik of tlir Superior Court o' said county, on April 1-Jlb 1923, utthf Couci. House of aid county in Marshall. N 0., ind anawer or demur to the con plaint in said action, or the pluii fiff will apply to thecom-t for tin relief demanded In said complaint. This the 15 day of March 1023 W. A. WEST, Clerk of the buperior Court 3 IG-to-4-7-23 d. For Sale For sale one good S room house, good orchard and garden, and l two acres more or less, in three o four hundred yards of school $25,000.00 school building wii soon be completed, 15 or 20 nict building lots nil in the heart of the town. 1 propose to sell this prop erty reasonable to people who wan; to come here to educate their child ren. 1 , For par'iiculas see. J M. Ramsey, Sr. Walnut, N. C. 3-20-23-to-4-7-23-p, , s7 'ii.iiui1. . V C?ilitivate'-,the " . . ggirta'tflfel'. 1 WHEN YOU GET MONEY FOR YOUR LABOR, NO MAT TER WHAT SORT OF WORK YOU DO; PUT AN J KEEP A PART OF YOUR EARNINGS IN THE BANK. THIS IS THE SURE WAY TO GET AHEAD. WE OFFER 0U THE SERVICE AND SAFETY OF OUR BANK. FEEL FREE TO COME IN AND CONSULT Ui. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AND MAKE tOU htEL AT HOME. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 PER CENT INTEREST. THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Madison County lllfflliTlwlJ.l.'.lL...JwwTrvlr Southern Railway System Annual Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, NEW ORLEANS. LA., APRIL, 10-13, 192i Account of the above occasion, the , '.Southern .E&!h?ay ; will ; sell roiissfl-tiip .tickets ijaitiie xouowmg Tor members of the United Ctnfedertle ' Vclcscr.s end immediate inen.brs of choir families accompany them. , ; MARSHALL - - - . - $15 20' HOT SPRINGS . ; . , . 15.52 For Sons of Gonfedfirate Veterans, Confederated Southern Memo rial Association. United Daughters of Lhe ,m S matrans and maids of honor; I MARTHALL, - ''r'. HOT SPRINGS - - - - . 27.97 All tickets to read viz the i me route in each direction, DATES OF SALE Tickets will he sold fro.n Western North Garo'ma points April 6, 7, 8 and 9l!i: FINAL LIMIT ' . ! Final -! of ail tickets lo Le April 30th: j AH t.ckols will Le.sJu on ihe indenlincation cerliflcate plan, certifi- cr.tos liavlnj baor. issued by proper authoriUc3 of the ConfoderaW Vete rans Asio- Jation to veterans and th. ir .families which entitles them to rate of one ce nt per mile, miles traveled, and also scper?le Certificates' for Sons. of Veterans.-Confederated Sc-ithern Momotv.l Ac-scriulion.-' United D.ju.-.ktis of the Ginederaay, -sponjors,- .-ns and meiJs of honoi' cn t t'ir.g to raid of one standard !are for the loucd trip. . .Through slecpirg eves for New Oleans will le.we :Aslrjvill3 on Tr.iin No. IO at 3:10 P. M., . Eastern Time, Monday, April 9th, via Spartan- UUi, I 11IUIUU U1IU ft I i ' j. h. Wood,' Ivhlon ' ,Pas3sn3rA2it7-- 42 May woodtrHshe lie, N. C. FOR SALE. Thorou'sU bred Barred Plym- n,:,ve moved into the Allison oulh RocK.EgJs, $1.00 for 15,1.,,. t. r n , ;i5.00 por hmdrd, two third! batch guaranteed. I have the,'"'. '""m-oi lunmng tir n ui, a r;aillllKII.,,ise. WUn in town W. D. Uollernan, aristocrat DEWEY LISENBEE Marshall, N. C. . to New Orleans I lares. -. . : ur . . - $27.40 Take Notice , ' -w- " ' ' own call and eo us. We are the Hungry Man's Fiicnd.

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