ft ?RieifENGINESf SAW-MILL f 1 'AND BOILERS V J laaterttMTlOTmaTnTTS NOlILt I , , .. I- . y- ' M:iiHsoif Couuty " T1 aTfri iTi uri ti o J na lulministrn Hot- oKlie-e-aiiU' of M."0.:;And;r- mn " ciccoHst-d Into of 'Madison County, N. 0., this is to notify nil Di-rsons bavins' claims ajrain- st ttu'Vsiste 'of said "di'ceHsVa t .xl)ihi-ttK-ni to the undrshrne.t at tiis oili tit Mars Hill on or before the' UVJi day of -March lO-J-i, or tliis notice will b? plead: ed mi 'bar -of their recovery. All ioimiis indebted to said Mto will ploaso inuke iinmcuiai' IKlVlllt'llt. This the. 1G day of MrchlVkM. ".). Woodson Andei son, , Administrator of M. D.'AntUr- Um,'lL'coasi'd. i'j 3 10-to 4-'2t 2;l-p.. J. Will Roberts, Marshall,-N. C., Dealer lo the celebrated Frlck Machinery. conslstlnj. of Iltdh-prcsiurs boilers "cndlnei, Vaw-mllls Umsene tractors, thrashing machine;; and repairs for all Frck. machinery, .on short no- tice. Engines arid boilers lO norse power and up to as- lartfe as you like. Plow is tn lime for sawrniillaas j umber Is Lian ana in dreat demand; icLO. . 44 XAW Y 4i- . 4 )JIuw.of-Federation Probiuith n foiVtorV Salisbury," N..C:,' MaiO!t 15 1!)2$. " ' Thd following described prpprrtrwiJTdHrom Ksleyl'il- riiiiry 20, H24, m Madison Uwnty N.C., fof violation of National l'rohigition Act, ly -Agent lleeUir, will le old- at- puldic action "in I'rowt ,"oT i licj "oil rt 1 louse , In -M;h' sl,:ilL Madjpiin County, N. 1 (.;. tii Saturday, ' April 7. 1923, it l u'c!(ick. mTon: One Ford .Tourius cur. Ik t'nw WW)2'J.'nfoor 500,rSj4 uuVdc'r iu2:$ A. IV Coltrane, Fed- ral ri()hiIition IHrccfor. .r).lti-to-4-7-2:i-d. .w , ' .. .-ij n i.n.ui. IfirtiTOJI IK l''l- ' .v.ruuJf-?. ?r.v" '''Til nut .- t.r- ' -v v. '-wv r.y.r v,CJfe''V!,7C iijj. For prices and terms, write or come to see me. J. WILL ROBEKTTS, Marshall, N. C, 95 G ob T eatre FEIBAY' APRIL,: 6. REX - BE ACHE'S "The Iron Trail a Rpnsitional Tlfiilr'oad Melodrama. ,.A- .Gceatstory of undying love it starts vvitli a swing and ends. with .a'amash , a breath-taking episode itt which all the': elementeTdf Cn-f minal crjfmirjg arid hoheal:! backbone' to gether. y silHriufi . i i . Can ygu. afToi do ignqre niPl.iit'li and, ex nfrt itirisrrnent'niW'as 6rrcnf the'fbr besCofthe year,? that exhibitors praise SO lgbty -OS lZ "tXB Sit Dr. V. E. CIIARPiE Dentist r,? ' Is now located in Marshall and occupier, rooni3-ovcr citi zens bank, can be seen at all hours. ...... ' 1 Physiciarl ahd; Surgeon r)ffir- Frout Room Oyer We Buyi Sett;or;Ex-i bnr, icoi o v i , r f - change ! Alt Kinds leai staie '"'""SrVrK Parms7 City Property,1 kr:.Kr and Mhieral Lands "Any-; where When you wish to. either. Kv Af M I I'KlVi'ifiLf WJtW-, TION SALB- vrrite; or .come, and . see. US.'..' .. J,,. .il'.r.-U. ; Norttt Carolina Realty Company "' '.. -Ji ll.. GROGG,Sec.-Trc:Ks.,, . . r . Moved tJlPattonJiVve South of 1V0., AsheyiUc, ,C, it :i- NOT I C E If you cant bring your shoes, mail them by Parcels Post We fix "Em" While U Wait Champion : Hi Marshall, N. C. l DENTIST; ,ia . A h i ' ' .rlfl AnSwniwicN-to his friends and acquaintances that pe, is rnianentlv L O C AXE D over C. B. Mashburns , Office . Where he maybe found.any day'in the week. And every week in the Month t,A:;4 every onlhTn" - the"-' year, Enough Said. Come "see me,i,v udgement is based on experience. We have examine the' eyea of thousands jf " people," have made every known combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. .".It js our pleasure to refer you to any -of our patrons. We shall be equally glad to num ocr you among them. See us to- !aay and see better from now on. CHARLES H. HONESS' " -Optpmetrist ' : Eye Strain Specialist -f ' 34 Tat Ave." ",. Opp. rostofTice. - ASHKVILLE. N. C. ..r, s,. .SOUTHERN RAILWAY, :YSl'p IoiNiFibEkATE VETERANS 'ern'ivaiiway win ;;M':Mu',T",.t' ' F&t-.'mertiljert qf the" United Uonlederate Veterans ana im : tat'e members '6f their families accompanying ' them; ! oht eeni, immed- per nine uiaLaiiic npi.iwvj ... wwvs i i "i 'i - i i. fit 'I'll... (Hill' I .f: . 7,1 Meelsl 6fr;MeaIi Eiriier I will be in Marshall NVj C. on' 5 Cth day, of March,' 1923. - AT DR. J. N. MOORE'S 'office for the purpose of ex-! ' amining eyes a n d fitting glasses, I guarantee results. North, Carolipa State LK ' cense.-' U v.'- Dr. L V. Lisenbee HOW'S THIS? I IA'Cl.8'TATARRH, MEDlcrN"rtlI dehat we claim for it rid your system of" Cstarirt'r Deafness- cause" by Catarrh. .J HALL'S CATAPtnH MEDICINH con sists of an pintoient which Quickly HcUcvea.tlM) .oatarrhal- ionammation, ana tho-.Utetial-Molloiji,. a Tonic, which acts throuKh the fUoort on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal condition!), Sola by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolcclot O. SHOW'StARtjf PROMPTLY NOTICE 4 OF SALE Xorth Carolina I -J i ' . ! - MadisohwC6ui)ty" J V ' I In tl)e Superioi Cjbyxf,; February Term, 1923. ', . - TrfensportitTg ..J.vi-t Oscar Deal , W. W.Deweese. , BV Viftne'iFtm! wbwer vested in ma bv order, fx ithe Sube? ibr . ... (Innrtin theahore entitletfactlori:: 1 Will unci xvi oaic at, (.iiq . ixiii i, House. Door ia.th. town Ofl Mar shall atU2:00Ndon, Satqtdft' Anr 7th. 1923. ono uooceisrotn- ers Touring car, to the highest lidF(for, ch'.The above! meri tltfnfedWr'tirjttirefUn the illegal transportation of whiskey; . fTUM ATli. 1QOQ .. :i -i j, jL. ' iSMl'OGentsl For Sale it,; a nr..-l.T-T,-;rr, r , r. For;Sale Hatching - egg? igf c ThoronghbredEingfe om b V hlte Le'ghof ' Youjig's t?ain that good laying eeJ-W per 15 delivered, y a 3 2-to 6-18-23-p. OTIS CHANDLEY, x , . White NjB.4' Let Us Ermfc KT.v'J'..1;., 4 liiuitlt ijniuiinn i. Mudison County "--Glirfield -Ffahklin" " The defendant above named -t, wfll take notice thatan action , en titled as aoVe lias been' commen ced in the Snperior . Court of D5hsfmStrimWrirng "Notice. ''t'-Nortnrolina purlin luauiouu vvuij fjr Thi March' 7th 1923, K 11. J - ' 7flhpriffMa( i9-3-to-C-C1.23-d. I I'll 4 ' ' ! ' . !'. Foi Son: of! Confederate. Yeterans, Confederated,, Somhfrn Memorial Association,' UUted pughters ol the ; Oonlfgeracy,u;ana ; eporfsorsV rWronrsnd ntaldsof honor, one rhrst class one-way;iare for th Wrwf trlrL'n i .... .' '; VVi ! ' :f Ali tickets to reacl via i the same rbu'Jn -each- direction. - i - i . . . , . , , (,., u CdPAIES OF SLE:' Ticket will be sold from Western North' Carolina points April FINAL LIMIT: Final limit of all tickelts tg;be;April 30th. - -y;':; .AD ticket will be sold' on the identification certificate plan, certificates having be-B issued by proper authorities of the Con '' ; federate i. Veterans' Association to Veterans and their families which : entire's Uei3 to' rale of dft ceni per' mile, miles traveled,' and a1so J separate certificate forSons of Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial iA9Bociatlori,(;y'rted Daughleas of the Confederacy, isponsorsi; matrons, and maids of honor at rate of one standard fare -,for.the jund-tripi.,i: j '' 5 '' "; "' .'. '' t. '" positive rates Will be announ ced later. unnn r:? iq i. 5 c; 1 42 s Haywood, St. 1 i:' H u .A . H i 'myinof quality, f Th'or- between plaintiff auddefeodAnt Wrf.bfedrWhe Leghorns,--" 'WWrf.tr rfafo,,Hn Ti'l 'Kirtfipr 1 bill lVii uut'""1-"" ..... .. ..... ... ... t? -. .. Camew.$ .00.;?. Black f Langsban 9, take notice thatshe is required to hurear feefor'tbe Clerk ' ofjSup $1 50 tbafc laying kind of large! erier Court of Madison ; County X 4 at the court.3)OOse ia.sa.id Oounti- of Madison, North Carolina, and aq'awer or demur to the complaint chickens. Cocks 10 trt 12 puindH IleiisO, toIO., ; l.T..'Mliall N r r 4 3-23-to-4-I3-23-p. in said action,' or the plaintiff wilr upply for the relief demanded in said complaint. . i t -1 SarJe mtti 1. fnrrl. (IpfMRPiL Late'.of MkifisOl) " 'tV, -(TTnl n ! 4 - 5 UY.O.Lt. V Ve 4, tTf !rto4bnoiftifria ajfM v (ii ' s J.'w : ? 'i-iji f in iVV.ritn'td' toe undeighed''1 ' 3 f.ttii. at MHrnard-On or.bei gairkVthP, oderntistrVtrript:g nri-p mnriern olhces with .1 i.(4.U! V.V. u"i,Kf 1 r" " i work done. Good teeth means 1005 jin. j. z io to o-io-zj ro. 4.. S'lfjJI t 7 'i --j---. r. iTT T. Ti.-... t I i jurtir : i ft. J ' " m w. J7T I I ; ' l - K f till M ll l'Tli ' ' I 1 I h ,rietr!ieo,yeriYinitn All ruLreni-IiiilrfUri o'R.i(l PS Mil VMVVUWWVMtVW "(w "I 7 If We -Can'tr IW Ydu health wParmanttiv located over , ....i., .r . . " L No'HeAV ' 'Pric$2,751)"'11ibe' shoos are til t r. . r. n nr r, I I IrM'tnUiln." . I I . . . I .1 1 .1 1 TU uWrafire of heayy tsn .jfljrome jeather'it beovsstongu,y there- nv m.'iKinir Liieiu ivnirn-'iuui. nc . j i - . , 1 . i - . . . IV . I I - EneiidayoFfiblbT'',' bUDDlV IrO in - .. ( i ' ! I ,:H;C. .;l-;D(tfcr:' in Mtfrohef-'-of all kinds, metal and composition .roofiujv'io'dowM and, dows, .bwk liijie ( an,d ;,ci?n;nt t We ' YCohioand swua, 'or write t fliV.t ' Hill ... .'' , III. 'i 'hi Luther, Lunsford TiTLiaiiTTF .71 . I f wAdtutorstrator of J. H. Luns- i i ' 4':SJ.-'.!JT 'r...i...f.LtTt -11. vji.iv' in'1"'. ,-. 1 ;ti :t: Ttur rWn Mill Will ooll IhKnjn IAV . I HVIS J ;yWe Jiayc ust bpH.rr.end- oils stofyXuStiQW . ,a8t : shoes to 'be sold to the public di-; feh'oes are Celling Very "fast' and " we advise yon to eraer &i once mo m-. sure "your order'. Whig &k&i ; Tho. ifse jare,6;ti.t ,al -rf idths; PayTPostnaftn- oa.eqfiptm goods or, ,end .money prder. ,M6ney refunded if shoes, are not ' satisfact- yourSaleBills . : '; ' This the JOth day of Febv 1023 L Doa't Cc Ory.' r c w j IfOLEir RIKIEY PIUS vSS&oS uut' 1VW ,o. .THE Vi'Si STOKES W. 3-9-23 to jwjf-2a.i;i U4ii Broadway, Ne:w York City 8UtUl, W W