ki4444444444444fi44444 Madison County Record N aMtauiidaed Jun. GS, J901 French Broad News Established Mtf It, MOT 4444440444444444444 1 1 AN K MARK HERE ? J Messs that yonr sub- 5 J scriptioa has expired. 999P99999999PPP9P999n. CONSOLIDATED NOV. t, IMI 'A 99999999999999999999" V the only newspaper Published in madison county VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL, 27th, 1923. No IG in An Appreciation borne men lay their impress on the life of a county which can never be eradicated no mat ter what comes to pass. Their its part in the making , of the county ana the . business and the things that are. We can ' trace back to their sources and their source is found to be that person and what he h a' done, in tne last thirty years or more the bne of -who We of town and cunty and every one in the county, knows o him. Far back when Madison was not as fr along in every thing as it is now, he served . as Sheriff of the county in a- time when tne county had a name not so good as at present. He- served well and still the' stan dard laid is being held up. Then as Clerk of the Superior Court he was for many years the lea ding figure in the county court and'the office trained in that time many who since then have - served in the same capacity and there have been many who wr rifilnpHI hv his rrtnrtAsv After 12 years in this position he retired from the county af fairs and went in as President of one of th banks and during his administration the bank for ged ahead. As president of the Light company and other things .he wasla. teadeA ljsj .Butitwas not" business . that held him alone but all this tiirieJ or for many years he served as a member of the District School Committee and has been presi dent of this committee. Two or three buildings have been erect ed and the school has been ad vanced to a standard. High School. The teachers and the parents have always felt that in him they have one who cares for thjeir interests: Then also he has been most interested in the church of which he is a member and thru many years was one of the leading figures , in the church giving of time and money., for the upbuilding of his own but liberal' toward all. ' ' '; ' Thru many years he has been the nroDrietor and backer of t.h. County paper: which has gone out for more than 15 years into the homes of the people of - the . county and given t h e m the news ana tneq tororm. tne op inions of the people. The' News Record ' thru' his ' agency has been enabled to live. i, When we think of. the many ways that he has . touched the life of Madison as County Of ficer in Sheriffs office, Clerks of fice, as business man in the bank and in other corporations, In the school, in the church, in thciodgc, and thru the News paper, there perhaps is no one in the County who has done more to make Madiafon what it is than James II White. ' , ' ; W.E.Finley, ' Farm For Sale. About thirty acres improved under fence, good water, dwell ing and barns twelve acre3 cf timber on Marshall . Highway ten miles' from Asheville ciie fcurth mile Alexander station 3, Good Terms. 11-23 D. U.S.. Morris R 4 .Asheville, N. C. ; v. THE CHOSEN ONE J- A -Vivid Anil Thrilling Story Told In An Intensely f V GriFplcPhotodraraa, v ; Baptist Church Sunday Night v. - i We are expecting to Dut on at our regular place of business the Baptist Church, on Sun daylight that which every one should make it a point to see, if they can possibly do so, 4 ' It is a'dramatization of one of the greatest of Bible Stories that of the lives of David and Jonathan a story of Inspiring Friendsbip-Deeds of Bravery A. Romantic Sforv of Love. Courtship and Marriage.' .y ' ,, If you;wish to read the history on which it is foundud see ! I Samuel; Chapters 16 to 22 inclusive. Also Ghapter 24 and verse 4 of Chapter 31. Cast of Characters as follows: David, the Chosen Prince -Edward .Alexander Jonathan, son of Saul -Charles Perley ?- ... Saul, first Kingr of Israel Noah Beery, Jr. y Michal, Saul's younger daughter Verna Fulton ; vr Merab, Saul's elder daughterEva Lewis j Jesse, David's father Harry Holden y. Nazhat, David's mother Clara Allen ' ' C ' yy v'y Samuel, last of the Judges Wm V. Long , Joab. pavid's nephew-r Harry Shoielda ' Doeg, Saul's herdsman Hubert Whitehead ' . v Adriel, in love with Mefab Geo. Gebhardt '; " Abner, Saul' Geberal J. V. Whitehead x - In addition to above will be Soldiers Charioteers and Citi zens Galore.' ".. " ' ' ' :'-. . ; . We are expecting, and we really believe that we will be able to put this great program on this cemirig Sunday night. We are not absolutely certain, but if nothing: unforeseen happens we will have everything in readiness for the 'first installment of fourJbi? reels for our Service Sunday evening. p Sunday morning we will preach on "THAT WHICH EVERY- n"MW Tf XTTo TTT1 EiniT TT5I a T T V nTSrmtTin II .. - ujui iraiu.i.1 uiriaii RmAUUi., Bijai vri. ..--i!-4- kead a good one on a Doctor the other day. Thought you migbt like to read it, too, so here it is Pat found . himself sick and sent for the medicine man. After a few days he was able to be up and out again, and then the doctor sent him the following itemized bills. ' . " I , , Tomedicine.... ... ,.y . ....... .$2.00 To visits..: . .,$25.00 ' .Total...! $2700 "' : - . , . Please remit ' Pat sat right aown, -wrote a letter to thedoctor, and enclosed a two dollar bill. The letter read as follows: Dear Doctor: v Inclosed you will find two dollars which navs for medicine v used in my case. As to' the visits, I will rettrn them as quickly as possible. ' - v Next week we'll have one on a preacher. . Watch for it. Will look for. you Sunday, So long, EVAN RIDGE EVANS. Aji Act to Regulate The Use of Public Roads in Madison County The General Assembly of North Carolinardo enact: Section 1 That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or company to operate' or cause ,to be operated any truckr trailor, tractor, engirie logging machinery or a'ny other machine or vehicle of any kind whatsoever where the operation of the same is a damage to the roads or bridges of the county ex ceeding that of the ordinary travel And any, person so doing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Provided that in addi tion to the above penalty any person violating this act shall also become liable to the County for any damage he may have caused. - v - Section 2. It shall further be unlawful for any person (o fill up, obstruct or divert any water ditch, drain or culvert and any one so doir.3 be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as in ectien one. It shall further be unlawful for any person to pile said or pnek cny larger, wood or otner obstruction over or on water ditches cf aiy public highway or to leave any wagon, truck, enzine cr nr thiae or any other obstruction within ten feet of the enter cf tzli Highway at night without a light. v C :ti:n- 3 .That the Ecard of County Commissioners' arei :rchy f-!y t-'-horizsi and empowered and directed to make en t'-. 3 tD t'::.3 tzi pullch the same 'such other traffic rules :i r: ;' '' : i r i they r.2y deca necessary for the protection of t3 r i r 1 1 . ::i cf t:.3 Louaty cr the travehr.? mblic and :y cr.3 r r: h rula f r ch-c-ea shall be guilty of a mis-' : : ' 1 1 -r.'.. htj .3 i Ccct':n cne. ., , .'...' '-','.; C..:!::i 4. All h;.v3 and c!;;-::3 cf laws ia conflict with the v """"""""1"""""'"""" 'rt'-i.Tj.-''- A 17 a nn . , iuuu vyieett. items. X MUSIC n n 5 k 1 The PIEDMONT EVENING STAR FESTIVAL 4 Most Excellent and Satis y factory Programs. - Given At The Court House In MARSHALL, 8:00 P. M f ' ' - . April 26th to 30th Inc. Don't miss the FIRST NUMBER Thursday night April 26th, Hiwaiian Singers and Players." Spend a couple ml nuui away iroin me cares or tne nome, it wm do you good. You will enjoy every, minute- of the .time. Well worth YOUR time and money, It is a rare treat to have such enter tainers for Marshall. Get season tickets, attend every night. Let the Festival be a great get.together even ing fpr YOU and your FRIENDS. ; . Season Tickets $1.00 and $1.50 Single Admission 35c and 50c 1 1 nnmiMiMfnnMMifmiiiM. provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 1 ' ,v Section 4, That this act shall be in force and effect from and after its ratification, i - ' . ; t . - : vIaJtherifirAssfinibly. read three timesi! and ratified thw the 5th, day of March, 1923. "' ' w. n. cooper, , President of the Senate, JOHN C. DAWSON Speaker of the Hoiise'cf Representatives Examined and found correct, . 1 , Pass For Committee. ' ' Important Capture important capture and the offi- By Sheriff Ramsey. Saturday morning Sheriff R. R. Ramsey of Madison Cotmty brought in Stanley who had es caped from 'the, chain gang of Madison County some weeks ago. ' Watch has been kept for Stanley near his' home and until this time he has been able to envade the officers He escaped by sawing out from the prison ers quarters with a saw that had been passed to him by his wife in some preserves. Last week word came that he was at home and that if the officers went there they would find him A watch was pi a c e d-ever ; the house and the posse waited... all thru the night. At day-break Stanley entered the house and when the officers called on him to come out he was found to be under the floor. A trap door had been cut in the sleeping room and he entered there and only was dislodged after some trouble. He had with him a single barre- ed shot gun. In the house the officers found a gallon of liquor and around the house much more and when they had fol- ow upl,he hollow they found a still that had run oflMiquor the day beford and was prepairing to have another run .that day. At the still they found a man named Galahan who, was placed under arrest a n d brought to Marshall for trial. Stanley was sent back to the, chaingang and will bo tried later on the last hr.n'o of stilling. In was r.:i cers were rortunate m the man without -much trouble as he is considered as a very dangerous man. The posso con sisted of Sheriff Ramsey Depu-' ties Cabi Merrill. Zeb Merrill, Robert Tweed, Harrison Tread way and Tillman Gosnell. , Madison; Company , Adds to Service. Approxlm&telr $5,080 Is" in" Expended for Tele phone Lines. , We Ihe people of Bull Creek are getting along fine at present with our Sunday School and Church work. ! Our nastor Rev. J. M. Pickens, weached two of the best sermons Saturday and Sunday. His Subject Saturday was "faithfulness", and Sunday "Preisthood and Heaven". . 'The friends of Rev! A. P. Sprinkle gave him a ntfc little pounding Saturday evening. Rev A. J. Sprinkle preached a won derful sermon on "The Gospel and the preperation to preach it" Sunday evening. Mr. Theo dore Corn. who i has been at work at Winston Salem, is vis iting home folks. Jessie Metcalf from Elk Mountain was visit ing friends here., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Coffey . was the guest of Mr. l and Mrs. N. K. Carson Sunday. The newly married couples; - Bernard Ed wards and Lily Edwards "Cof fey" Riley Forester and Leo Etta Forester "Edwards" Luthcf Edwards and his wife, who was married Easter Sunday, seem to bS enjoying life to the highest extent , N. F, La whom a prea cher from Mars' Hill, was with us in our church services Sun day. Mr.' W. K. Huntpr and family went visiting Sunday. The following boys and girl are uf school at Mars Hill; Woodson Ray; iloy Capps-; Kenneth: Phil lips, Wesley Hunter, and Ad Edwards. We have had a good school and invite everybody to come to the commencement. May 2nd to 4thl We will not get to put out as much tobacco as: we were counting on because the t cold 1 weather killed the plants, , With Lpve and best wishes to the News Record and all its rea ders, and ever body else. A Reader, Cuban Agency Opened By Southern Railway, MARSHALL. April ' 14.-The Madison Telephone Company is spending approximately1 $5,000 for a new toll line from Mar shall to connect with the line from Asheville and for instati ng cables to serve at least 100 new telephone subscribers,' it was announced today by J. V. Erskine, president. . . ' At present there ' are pnly about 30 stations in Marshall and the additional service will mean much to the to wn, serving all who desire telephones. .Rapid strides - are being made in the development of Marshall and early completion of a hand some three-story building to be ! occjupred by the Trench Broad Bank and a department store being erected by Dr. Frank Roberts, will represent approxi mately '10 J.000 invested in two buildings. , , ' i Havana, .Cuba, April Busi ness between the Island of Cuba and the United States, moving via the K,ey West all rail route and through the South Atlantic and Gulf ports, has increased to such an extent that the South ern Railway System is opening an agency in Havana in order that closer attention may bo giyen to this constantly grow ing traffic. " ' ..Charles F. Lauer, formerly .commercial agent for the Sou thern at St Louis, Mo , h a s been appointed Cuban agent and has just arrived in Havana, accompanied"by R. . L McKel-, lan of Louisville, Ky., foreign ' freight traffic manager for the Southern. . Mr; McKellar is enthusiastic over the opportunities for pro fitable business in Cuba which are., open to southern business concerris as the result of their advantageous geographical lo cation and states that inquiries addressed to him at LoUisvilla or to Mr. Lauer at Havana, will be. handled gladly and prompt- WANTED-ro do" plain sewj; See M re. William W orlcy.