Tllfe NEWS-RECCr.D, MARSHALL, N. C. um mm Recommend Lydla E. Pink- b&rn's VejetaUa Compound ! to Other Mothers v Wmdorn. Minn. "I wu so run-down oit i m just (rood ior do thine.! wu tt 'become the mother of my ninth child, and I thought I did not have the strength to go through with t I took Lvdi E. linkham'a Vegeta ble Compound, and it lias surely done ail I could aak it to do and I am telling all my frienda about it. I have a nice big baby- inn ana am leeunv fine. Yoa may use this letter to help ewer aicc mowera." jura, U. . A. Uoeoe, Box 634, Windam, Minn. My First OulJ Glen Allen, Alabama."! nave been greatly benefited by taking Lvdia EL Finkham't) Vegetable Compound for Deanng-oown ieeunga ana pains, i waa troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first child, and at times could hardly stand on myieet. A neigh Dor recommended the Vegetable Compound to me after I had taken doctor's medicines without much benefit It has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I recommend it and give you permission to use my testimo nial tetter. "Bm.iDA ts.ns.uiea Alien, iiiaoama. f.iEDIGAL SCHOOL ALU ASSURED ''"'';;.,f.-;.',- . '" ' '-: DEFINITE PLAN IS PROMISED ; WITHIN NEXT SEVERAL i , MONTHS. mora tnrcrja ltcjutrlix, fedavScliod Lesson' (Bjr RXV. p. B. FITZWATER, b. D Teacher of Kncllah Bible la the Moody Bible Institute of Chloaso.) Oopjrrlsht, 1111, Waatara Nawipapar Union. roiEl TO BHQKEDICOS Raleigh Is Sslscted as Next Meeting ' Place For , North Carolina ' Medical Association. i How Thermopylae Was Fought. u i class 01 ureek history at an Indianapolis school recently, a youth was asked to tell the story of the battle of Thermopylae. The lad had unusual descriptive ability, and he proceeded Into the story with great test- None of the detail was left out The heroic stand was described as few others could do. " and they fought and fought and fought" said the pupil. "They fought until they lost their arms. Then they used' their hands." . a,, sir--. H Vr ri.) tkduccs swdliir cf - bruises and strains It may be a sprainrtl wrist or elbow a bruised muscle -a strained tendon t y You cannot foresee it; But you can keep Sloan's always handy to relieve the pain. Sloan's brings immediate I comfort. It breaks up the congested and inflamed con dition and restores normal circulation. Use Sloan's to -guard from pain as you would . an antiseptic to prevent in fection. Your druggist has it. ?32nY Uhimszt-kis paint For rheanattan, broie,ttrln.cha colds Ashevllle North Carolina will have a medical school offering a complete four-year course and ranking aa one of the leading colleges in the South, with some definite plan to be launched within the next few months, accord ing to members of the North Carolina Medical society, althought the society as an organization la taking no part In the seelction of a location. Prominent physicians attending the convention here believe that at least $8,000,000 will be in sight when (he medical school Is started, and a num ber are confident that J. B. Duie. who Is deeply Interested in Trinity college, will aid the movement, and many of them believe that his aid will follow any concrete plan for founding tho college, whether Is be .located In Char lottle or Durham. The belief that Mr. Duke would batk a medical college was mentioned fre quently around the convention and lobby of the hotel and while no one could be. found who could cerlfy the rumor of Duke's assistance the mat ter continued to receive considerable attention. A telegram from The Ashevllle Cit izen's correspondent in Durham in regard to' the comments stated that President W. P. Fue, of Trinity was out of the city and no other' college officials seem to know anything about it. . ,'. - ' r .. i ' . Selection, of Raleigh for the nest meeting place, and election of Dr. X Vance McOougan, of Fayetteville, as president, were the features of the business session, after which a num ber of the physicians left for their homes. i . - .'-:,- '- .While any plan or location for a medical school was not discussed on the convention floor, it was the main (opic of discussion by individual mem' hers and one In which every member la interested; both from The standpoint of having a leading southern medical college in North Carolina and for fur nishing the highest type of medical education' to future physicians and medical experts: ' LESSON FOR APRIL 29 RUTH THE FAITHFUL DAUGHTER LESSON TEXT Book of Ruth. GOLDEN TEXT Thy people shall be tar people and thy Qod my Uod. Rut i:is. , PRIMARY TOPIC--Tho Story' : Ruth. JUNIOR TOPIC Ruth and Naomi. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP' 10 Roth's Choloo and Its Outcome. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP. 10 Tho Secret ot Ruth's NobU Life. Clear Your Complexion with This ; Old Reliable Remedy C0CK SULFiiinCOiiFOUIlD For pimple, black-hawk, freckle, blotches. ' sod tae . a well as for more serious face. scalp nd body eruption, hives, edema, etc. um this scientific compound ol tulphur. A a lo ttos, it soothes and heals ; takes internally a few drop! hi a gua of water It sets at th root of the trouble and purifies the blood. Physician agree that sulphur I oae of tho saost effective blood purifier known. Re member, a good complexion Isn't akin deep it's health deep. Be lore to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has been used with satis factory result over 25 years. . . 60c and $120 thtbottU at ymr:dnutlf. V be cant snrwrr iron, cod hi nam and the price la stamps aad vrt mil send you a butue direct, . HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR Baltimore, Mi Rnh Sulphur Commwss' Oimt- f j r V mntsatnd 6ocjar u tur)N.aWxt Craven Building Four New 8choola New Bern. Ground was broken for I the erection of the fourth new. brick building of the year In Craven county when the excavation waa started for the structure that will house the Er nut consolidated schools at that place, In addition to this important project which is to cost "120,000, one other building has been completed and two more are under construction. The Jasper school has Just been completed at a cost of $26,000, accord ing to R. S. Proctor, superintendent of schools. It was the first on the coun ty's building program this year. The $25,000 Vanceboro plant will be ready in ten 'days, and work on the Bridge- ton building, to cost $25,000, is moving along satisfactorily, Mr. Proctor said, Ship Sweet Potatoes. Goldsboro. Co-operatives have be gun their shipment of sweet potatoes. A car load of 600 bushels went out of their warehouses here for Hunting ton, W. Va. Local' buyers are begin ning to buy these potatoes for plant beds because, of their freedom from disease and their fine sprouting quali ties which is tho character of the cured potato. The co-operatives are having potatoes fraded from their dls- easeless lot up at their warehouse and sold at a reasonable price so-that all farmers in the county can have dlS' easeless, seed potatoes. Thomas H. Norwood, head of the potato ware house here, points otu that if disease m ii . . . , , ii co jiuutiuea are ubcu ior piani Deas.i even those which are banked next fall Instead of being cured in a ware house here, points out that If disease than If banked potatoes were used for planting purposes. ' " , , i ,. A Plttman Heade History 8oclety. GSTTJD OFTIIAT DO you feel run down and half sick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired no energy, no ambition, no "pep"? ' Now ia the time to take GudeV Pepto-Marm It will brace you up, . give you a dcl'shtful feeling of vifr and ambit Km renrich your biood, buid firm, solid f.esh,.and bring the healthy color back ta your sLin. ; , Your dru" -A has Gudc'a Liquid or sol, J, 23 J a trrjjr. ; . ' .. ' f ' - '-' ' ' . - '"- , vRaleIgh. Thomas H. Plttman, of Henderson, was elected chairman of the Btate . Historical Commission to suceed the late Col.. J. Bryan Grimes in a meeting of the commission at ! which the work for the next year waa mapped out ..Hydro Electrlo Plant Proposed. Lenoir. Reports have been current for Borne months that the Southern j Power Company will soon begin the erection of a big dam at Rhodhlss. A hydro-electrical plant will be Installed It is claimed thrt will develop around fifty horse power. For months engi neers have been working at Intervals along the rived above Rhodhlss. A water line has been survey up the river and its tributaries as far as this. im will back water. This area Is said .to reach up Lowsr Creek to Lej ro!r; 1. Ruth's Connection With Naomi (Chapter 1 :M5). On account of famine In Bethlehem of Judah, Naomi with her husband and two sons sojourned In the land of Moab. After the death of her husband her two sons married Moabit ish women. After a time ber sons died also. After the death ot her sona Naomi resolved to return to her home land, having heard that the Lord had visited Ills people In giving them bread. .They went to Moab to escape trouble but only got Into more. It was not until Naomi was thus chas tised that she resolved to return. Naomi had the good sense to recognize that the hand of the Lord was upon her for good. When the time came for her to go Ruth and Orpah accom panied her, for a distance. Thla she permitted but determined to place be fore them frankly the difficulties which would necessarily confront them. ' It waa thla frank presentation of the dif ficulties and her repeated urging them to go back that called forth from Ruth the expression1 of her noble choice. II. Ruth's Noble Choice (1:16-18). Much aa Naomi loved her daughters-in- law, she would not have them go Into thla matter blindly. She told them the worst that could come upon them. Thla principle ought to be carried out by ua In all our relations In life. In bust ness the spirit of frankness should bo manifest At home we should deal with each other in the most straight forward way.' The same thing should characterise our behavior In the church and society. Note the difficulty which confronted Ruth: 1. No Chance to Marry Again, Naomi told her that she had no mora sons for whom she could wait In that day to be unmarried was the greatest disgrace. . Society .differed then from now. .i ,' . i 2. She Must Renounce Ber Gods, Her Idolatrous worship could not be carried on In the land where God'a people dwelt This was delicately touched upon when Orpah went back (v. 15). Orpah went back when It waa plain there waa no chance to get a husband. Now Naomi puts an addi tional test upon Ruth, that of giving up her religion. Ruth Was equal to the occasion.. Her mind was fully made up. She was willing to accept as her God the one who was' able to produce In hla subjects the nobility of character she had observed In Naomi. Naomi's very frankness In dealing with her caused Ruth to belnore determined to cast her lot with her. Ruth's position waa so definite and unfaltering that the very expressions have come down to ua In words which "no poetry Hal out-rivaled, and no pathos has ex ceeded,, and which has gone through centuries with the music that will not let them be forgotten." She was de termined to share Naomi's Journey, ber home, her lodge, her lot In life, and ber grave In death, whatever that would be. To crown It all she would re nounce her heathen gods and worship Jehovah. . III. Blessings Which Attended Ruth's Faithfulness. Ruth was never sorry for her choice, because - . 1. She Found the True God (1 :16). Instead of her heathen gods who were unable to help her she now had a living God, the God of Israel, as her God... ' .' r'O 2. She Found Human Friends. (Chapter 2). Aa she went to glean In the field she waa 'led to the field of Boaz, a man Of wealth and'grace. The servants of Boas treated her with con sideration... v' Even Boas gave instruc tions for special consideration to be given her. - 3. A Good Husband and a Happy Home (8-4). She not only secured a husband, but a man of God who bad an this world's goods.. 4. An Honored Place In the Israel- Itlsh Nation (4:13-17). Though she had to forsake her own people she be came One pf a nobler people. f 5. She Became a Link In the Chain of . Christ's Ancestry (4:18-22 compare Matthew 1:5). The one who fully de cides for Christ and glvea up all for him shall get a hundred-fold In this life, rnd In the world to come, eternal life, 1 . , " y - n ra uu ""APfPT Pin (PA! TIHfCf l-Myl' uuU ;W-uuUW "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens Yoii Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You -Don't Lose a Day's Work -Read Guarantee x , You re bilious ! Your liver is slug gish! Ypu feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked oui Your head is dull, your tongue is coated ; breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. ' It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and , cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to-' night Your druggist or dealer sella you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone ior a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calo mel and that it won't make you sick.- Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. Youll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; youll be cheerful and full of. vigor. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. flflil fRnhfo G'YCS CharKlinS flor ColorTcn3 to Old Sweaters Uvil) liUUuliO PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish THE PROVERBIAL LAST STRAW Flora's Papa Had Stood Much, but Thla Time Mickey Had Gone Be yond the Limit Mickey Is a collie pup. Flora's sister gave Mickey to Flora last Christmas. Mickey has done a great many things that a little dog should not do, but his wagging tall, roguish expres sion and rolypoly antics have always won him forgiveness. But now Mickey Is In disgrace. Flora's mamma dldn t get angry when Mickey pulled the cover oft the table and broke one of her best china cups. . . , - , 01 Flora's papa forgave Mickey when he chewed the sole off one of his house slippers. And, of course, Flora couldn't do anything when Mickey tore one of her best silk stockings. But last week the assessor came to Flora's house and Mickey met him on the front porch. Flora's pnpa says : "It's too much." Indianapolis News. Burst Its Bonds. Another'glrl and I are studying home nursing during the evening, which necessitates our staying downtown for dinner. In order to save expenses we cook our meals in the office and conse quently have bad to take down a lot of kitchen utensils. I was bringing a frying pan down one morning. It was an awkward bun dle to carry, and when I got In, the crowded street car away up in froqt so that every one could see me some thing went "clang," like a fire alarm. Everybody looked, and there in front of me was my frying pan, which had fallen out of the paper. A man near ly fell over It, but kindly picked it up and gave it to me. There I had to stand until the end of my Journey. Chicago Tribune. '. '.. " " viMiams so? liV nmLlMiig years RESENT TAKING OF CENSUS Enumerators in India Find Their Jobs Full of Undesirable Thrills Many Are Beaten. Te trials and tribulations of a staff of some 2,000,000 census jtakers to find out there were approximately 319,000,000 people In India In 1921, have been related by J. Marten, cen sus commissioner for India. The employment of thla huge army of enumerators, said Mr. Marten, was necessitated by the fact that, owing to the Illiteracy of the population, the employment of the householder as enumerator of his household was Im possible. He told of Instances of enumerators being stabbed by suspi cious Hindus, who considered the cen sus takers too inquisitive. Some of the natives, on the other band, resort ed to violence when bribery failed to Induce the census takers to make false entries showing that the natives enjoyed higher stations In the social scale than was really the case. The census, Mr. Marten said, showed gain of 1.2 per cent over the population of 1911. The average density of population over the whole of India was 177 to the square mile. The maximum density of any. province was In , Bengal, where there were found to be 608 to the square mile. ; World Needs Such Men. The man who is Just and resolute will not be moved from his settled pur pose, either by the misdirected rage of his fellow citizens, or by the threats of an Imperloqs tyrant'. Horace, THIS WORM FINALLY TURNED Really Asking Too Much' of Him to Sort Out Cats at That Time of Night. , Every cellar window was broken in Mr. Jones' old tumble-down house. Consequently, all the small domestic animals In the neighborhood partlcu- 1 larly the cats ran In and out at will. Sometimes there was quite a gather Ing in the cellar, and when n pet waa missing. It was the regular thing to go to "Uncle Bill's" door with, "Have yon seen my cat?" One evening a nearby family missed their "tortolseshell" at bedtime, and concluding that she-had joined the happy throng at Uncle Bill's, sent their man over to ask Him if he would take a look and see if she was among the number. It may have been a day of many similar demands ; at all events. Uncle BUI was not In his usual good temper.. "Your cat may be there, or she may not be there," he said, "but I ain't a goln' to light np no lamp an' go down In that cellar this time o' night sortln out cats for nobody 1" Fielding's Rank aa Author. Henry Fielding (1707-1754) was the; greatest novelist of the Eighteenth century. He was playwright, a law yer , and a police court Judge. Hla pages teem with life and humor. Hla masterpiece, Tom Jones, written In 1749, was selected by Coleridge as one of the three most perfect plots In literature. , Sharing Misfortunes. ' Some people think that all the world ahould share their misfortunes, though they do hot share in the Bufferings of any one else. A, Poincelot. ; - - ,0 Thoce Who .Mean to Be True. Those who honestly-mean to be true contradict themselves more rarely than those who try to be consistent. O. W. Holmes. Fsarlets Minds. m!nds climb soonest ' . Ur;; are. ' 1 ante Wken do you really "walg up" in the morning Do the golden morning hours find ydu wide-awake and fit, or do they find you sleepy and tired ? , Coffee is a common cause of sleepless nights, which bring drowsy days with -their usual train of neglected oppor tunities. Why not get a new, firm grip on yourself, by leaving off coffee for awhile , and drinking Postum, a wholesome, de licious, mealtime beverage, with a fine, full-bodied flavor you will like. v:: You can enjoy Postum any time, day 1 or night, without interference with nerves or digestion. ' ' r . . PO Stlim FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason" ' ' r'i ,7i'J IV a "" x- !.. --tss & - J ... .1 -. Toar grocer sells Postum in twoforms! Instant Postum (in tins) prpard instantly in the cap . by the addition of bailing water. Pen turn Canal (in packagaa) for those who prefer to snake the drink while the meal b being pre pared;, made by boiling fully 20 minutes, Made by Poetum Cereal Company, Int. Dattle Creek, Michigan