.1 itoi 1 Local and Personal READ the Creat Musio Novelty add on first page! Don't miss it! Whaf about subscribing Tor the News Record ? t 50 per year in advance. ' . ,' . Can you beat it? One of the staff men of t h e News Record better known as Joe Johnston ' has 1jeen complaining of working over time, he'was asked by. onn of the force what he had'been doing,1 lie said , well I'll tell yoft, I bought me a COW the oilier day and she gives so much milk it takes me. 2 hours to carrv it to the house., Mum. . , ... . . . ,f-. t - , Mrs Jotth A. Hendricks has re turned to her heme in Marshall af ter spending something like two months in Flordia and the. Eastern part of North Carolina v John A: Hendricks, attorney; 'is on a business trip down in Texas, i Mr.. Emmanuel Robinson came home from French" Broad Hospital ' Sunday Mr. Robinson had quite a serious operation but is, improv ing rapidly now. ' "( ' Fred ihc little son of Mr. Feltner Tweed whs taken to French Broad Hosiptal some Feveial days ago Fred fractured his ankle some time ago. The bone had become badly effected and poisons ot thV bone had to be taken out.' He is doing nicely and will possibly be ;back at home Thursday of this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Chandley . are moving to -Alexander. ... 1 SEE Southern Railway add' on this page. Mrs J: M. Baloy. Mrs Will N Morrow ands Mips Evelyn - Bailey motored to fsheville Wednesday. vDr and Mrs Sharpia 'have' re- turnedf ter having spent some months in Fla. They are leaving for Missouri, soon. v Mr. and Mrs. T. A. j Smith from Knoxville, Tenn., are viaitihg Dr R. H. Burke, Mrs. Smila's father. Tha oil ilov smtrinrr flint. wn9 hrm " in the Court House Sunday was an entire success, from all standpoints. G. W. Wilds and Henry Roberts being responsible for the tremend . ous crowd wttkh . assembled. The crowd was variously estimated , from fifteen to twenty five hundred and the Court House not holding ' more than one half of the people. People coming from every section of this county and quite a number t from Buncombe . County. ) We welcome each and every one -indi ' vidually, to Marshall and hope, you will come again. , - . W: K. Vlorris and daughter Mary T. Morris of Little Pine Creek . re turned to their home .after viSiting Sisse9ton, South Dekota,jon Thurs- nay April io, wiujr wcio ucvbiucu ' on account of sickness in their ' family taking fpur weeks longer fo ' the trip than they cqpected.. Thf season was. so late no small grain j l. -;1 iu..i l.,h An.il : na(i uecu suwu wnt;u mcjr ivm nin ; 17 Wo am nliid in liavn f i Mnr risflnd his daughter Miss Mary Tr '' Morris with us again and we wel come them into our community. .-, Mr. N L Smith, of Raleigh, N C. and Mr. F G. Baker of Ashe ville, N. C. visited friends heretoi a few days last week. - Character When we speak of banking we always tie up the thought of mon ey -with it and -when a man says that he has a bank account we al ways think he is the one to ' trust. However there are accounts and banks that count for more than the money in a bank as , we usually emjiloy the term. .," Talking with, a merchant once we were surprised to havi him say that a man who had little was a better risk than one whqtn he knew had thousands in the bank'and when we : questioned him he said that the poor man al ways paid the other was hard pay. J, Pierpnnt Morgan once said that of two men who cams, to him for money, one with nothing and the other woith millions that he would finance the one with nothing but refused the other and , asked why, eplied, that one had character and the ot her had not. In the world character is the. thing that connts and it is the basis of business and social .life. Character presupossep tht posession of several things. aithfulness, honesty, knowledge, truthfulness, purity, of life and mo tive prcsistance, Courage stamina are parts that arc called upon, to bear the burden, . In youth the accounts are begun just like the advertisement read., A it tie of thepe at one time'a little at another and when ,thd time for drawing one of. these comes, we can do it. There is t boy of Madi, son County who we have known for many years an4 have followed him thru college, in the army, teach ing school "and going to the law school. Speaking of him to one of the lawyers in Ashevillo not long ago and telling of what h had done and how. he had been trying thru the years to do Something, the law yer said, t will 1 look him up and help him in any way I can. Others have done the same. It was not family, nor money, nor infjuence but the banking of the attributes of character that made people trust and help. It ia so with all the Wor ld and one who has these Xhings and lays them up will never lack for anything. The way is prepared and what seems to be patronage and goodness in others was acquir ed by the boy because he was bank ing for character. - . PRESBYTERIAN CHUr.CH. ' ,Preaching every Sabbath at 4 4 A HIT If R.I 1 t. 1VL. UUU I .U i . Sabbath School 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor S o c i e ty 7 P. M. Prayer Meeting " Wednesday - 7:30 P. M. , . Rev. J. N. Andre, Pastor. For Sale ; Sweet Pot atoe Plants inspected Rnd disinfected and free from di eease. . 1 thousand ' $I,75 5 thousand - $1X3 . 10 thousand - $1.50 y. :."V V:.' Pi t .'oos and Tor i i" i ' --.io '. irr-J : i-i THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD . V . February, 1923. Geheral County interest Taxes., ..... RECEIPTS . ,,....90 ......... .................. . 1500 00 Taxes ..... 50000 Bonded Indebtedness, interest.. ...... ,. 137 Taxes ..7500 00 Taxes.... , .' 6472 24 Taxes .'. ... . ............ i. . ...2000 00 Taxes . . . . h. .... . . .'. 1250 25 Roads, interest A ........ . ; 37 41 Taxes ; ; 6000 00 Jury.interett.. .. .... ....... 62 Taxes....... ........ ', v 250 00 School, Intesest.... .............. ... ....... .... ..........10 42 Taxes. .. ; . . Taxes. . Justice of Peace, Fines. . ...11000 00 .2392 20 . ....500 . . . .22 00 Executors Notice ! ' North Carolina . Madison County Having lualified as executor and executrix of the last will and testa' ment of Wade W. Gahagan,' de ceased, late of Madison County, N. C. This is to notify 'all persons having claims against the -estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the uedersigned at there office at Betya, N. C, on 9r before the 23rd dr of-Mareh. ; 19i54, or tnis notiee will be ptead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please -make im mediate payment. This the 23rd day of March, 1923. Milne uanagan Leslie Gahagan B. W. Gahagan ' Executor, and executrix of Wade WGahagan." tJctlc? cf Cissclutica cf Part" ' r:::'-'--- Notice" is hereby given that the partnership between us the undersigned N. B. McDevitt Co and Thos. J. Murray carrying on business as wholesale grocersat Marshall, N, C. under the style or firm name of N. B, McDevitt Co., was on the9th day of April 1923 dissolved by mutual con sontt'and that the business in the f uture will be carried on by the tzi N. B. McDevitt Co. who will .pay and diackarge of debts and Mobilities' .r.d - receive - i. moneys cayatla to the Baid rn : Ttia the th day pi March, TII03. J. 1HIRHAY. n Justice of Peace, Fines , .. Bank of French Broad, Disbursements For Februaay, 1923 Interest on Bonds . . .125 00 Interest on Bridge Bonds 2197 General County, refund of error ... 1250 25 Road Vouchers : ..1241 87 School Vouchers . ...... ... . . ...... ........... 23061 78 Citizens Bank Receipts, For February, 1923 General County, interest, . , . i 25 Taxes.... .... .. ............... ........ ..6000 00 Taxis . , ..7500 OC Taxes...;.....'.'.. ...... . .. 2000 00 Roads, interest. ..45 DO Taxes.. . ....... .... ..... . . .5000 00 n lieu of work i .40 00 Jury, interest .v.' 88 00 Taxes .' 250 c0 School, taxes. .. . , ... 631 51 faxes. .booo so Taxes.............. .....631 51 Taxes ...... ............. ;.. , .s . . . . .2892 '0 Justice of Peare, Fines. : ... .. ..21 55 Justice of Peace, Fines. ...-5 00 Citizens Bank Disbursements, For February ' 1 . . . GENERA COUNTY , ' w a. west. . . ; 150 oo J, Will Robert : . . . . . . . 175 00 R; R. Ramsey...., r 266,66 J, A. Hendricks. '. 10 00 Dr., J. N. Moore 35 00 Fred Bowman. .74 00 C.C Norton .'. '.. .....8 10 Elissa Corn , 5 00 D Ingle.. T...4 00 Mrs. Louisa Clark....... ...5 00 Mr. Emma Stanley. . . . .. . . .5 00 W. E. Finley, Auditor 30 o0 J. N. White, Assistant Cashier.,, ......100 00 A. Chandler , .....21 66 Mrs. J. Will Roberts, Vital statistics... . . f. . . . ; . . ..... . . ... . . . . .38 50 Obserber Printing Company, supplies . . . . . . ..... ... . . ...... 68 1 9 Walker Evans & Cogswell, supplies . .. .. .. . .... . . . ... , . .,. . ..32 83 J. Noah Buckner, (Confed burial . . .. . v . . . . ........... .20 CO New Amsterdam Bond Cpmpuny... . .... .... . . . i . ........... ... .25 CO Bank of French Broad 250 00 Perfection Supply Company . 5 50 Baldum Book Company 6 75 Dr. Frank Roberts, Quarantine ...... ".T. ... ... 23 75 Weaverville Telephone Company. . .. 5 45 E. R.' Tweed, (County Home 19 30 P. V. Rector. (Jail) .... ; ,. 13 23 R. R. Ramsey, expense for Jail . . . '. !. ; 14 00 T. M. "Rector, auto hire 16 00 Henderson Bros (Supplies) , . . . v ; 9 90 R. H. Clark County Home. ,.164 00 Oscar Davis, hauling coal , . ............. , . . . 7 20 Roy L. Gudger. half fees. 4 80 R T. T.vrlia haif frfes i :.'.......'.......... .v.. ...... . . . .', . . . 20 News-Record,. Office supplies . '. ...... .. . . ..... 1 88 John Eisenbee & Son, (Jail) .' -. . ., . 10 00 Bonding Company .-. ; wu.vu Op W, Deaver & Son, table ... . .'.,.. 2 50 O. C. Rector Hardware, supplies .. G. E. McKinney, . Commissioner ............................ . 5 W J B. McDevitt, Commissioner and mileage ... i ....;.. ...v. S, 00 Madison Light and Power Company, lights 12 60 A. W. W hitehurst, balance premium .... .. :'. . , . . . . . . 37 50 R. L. Dodd, Confederate burial 20 00 Bank of French Broad, Vital Statistics. : 12 50 Bank of French Broad, Vital Statistics . . . .,7, .J 00 The Gilbert Printing Company, Supoenas.. 14 00 Mrs. Jnlia Presley, half fees . . . .......,.....:....... 1245 Willard Rector. Jr., drawing jury, ... : .. . . . 1 00 A Emerson Eve, Stenographer v, -, Vital Statistics ... .... Eyesight 's, Specialist Ashcvillc, N. C. ...152 50 $2167 38 Interest paid., ............ .. Interest paid, No, 2 Township. 1256 25 751 88 r-:s Vouchers paid . . . , If you have Headache's, Dizziness, Dull Feeling, in your head, if sunlight hurts your eyes or electric light bothers you or you can' not see to read well of see well in the distance, "'or your reading , blurs on you, come to see me. There are glasses made to correct these defects. Gome and you may learn something of lasting bene" lit to you. You run no risk in getting glasses of me as I will prac tice regularly in your county in the future, Fitting' Glasses Exclu sively, devoting my entire time to it, I offer you the best service you can possibly get. I have fitted numbers of your best citizahs. Asfc the best citizens of your community about me. ' 1 ' Toric Lenses improve your field of vision and appearance. Kryplob Invisible Bifocal Lenses make you look Younget . I Have your glasses mada up-to-date. Have you an extra pair of Glasses . made. ' , ."'. . . Have Your Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted by & Kan Who Is a Known Authority ou Eyes. Eyesight and Vision. 1 am licensed by. examination by the State Board of Examiner of North Carolina and pronounced thoroughly competent to Examine Eyes and Fit Glasses to correct Defective Visions. I give you as good, reliable and thorough Examination and as Satisfactory, Com fortable Proper glasses as you could possibly get by going " to the large cities or eye hospitals, and at a cost that does not include the railroad fare and hotel bills and expenses that you would have to include to get the service equal to that I offer you right here in your own town. ' CHOOL TEACHERS, DID YOU KNOW That in the Northern cities, where they have compulsory examinations of all childrens eyes, 70 per cent of all backward pupils had defective eye sight, and that 90 per cent of them showed immediate improvement on being properly fitted with glasses? It is a School Teacher's duty to instruct them on this matter. The child does not lenow' and is . there to be instructed. DR. J. 0TT0 RICE min EYESIGHT SPACIJILISFm ai.N'C" fMMMWHnnfi I WILL BE IN MARSHALL EVERY FOURTH SATURDAY IN EACH MONTH. FRENCH BROAD: HOTEL Look For The Red Sign. Southern Railway System Special Notice To SHRINERS On account of the Imperial Council, Ancient 'Arabic On!er No bles of the Mystic Shrine, to be held in : Washington, D. G, . . Jiine 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1923. The Southern Railway System will sell to members of the Shrino and dependent members of their families, upon presentation and sur render of identification certificates of the required form, llouhd-Trip rickets, at the rate of one and one half fare for the round-trip. . ' Tickets .will be on sale June 1st to 6th, inclusive, and have final limit expiring June 30th, 1923. Thq fare from Marshall will be .c,.:....'. $20.00 rhe fare from; Hot Sprsngs will bo .4.a':!:............. ............ 27.75 The fare from Barnard will bo 27.30 The fare from Alexander will.be. :,;-....i. 26.30. Round trip Pullmsin fare from ; v Ashevillo - Lower Berth . : .....$15.00. Upper Berth 12 00 DfawinR Room . .....;....... .v....: 45.00 SPECIAL TRAIN .Going; . . , - ... Leave Ashevjlle, , Arrive Shrine Park Alexander Returning: ; . Leave Shrine Park Alcxnndfij Arrive Abbeville, 5:00 P. M. (E. Time) June 4th. '9:00 A.M. s June 5th. 1:30 5:00 A M. E. P. M Time Juno 8th. June 8th NOTE Special.cars and.special traina will not go into the Terminal Station, Washington, but will bo taken direct to SHRINE PARK, Alexander, Va. -.- , A litaited number of Pullman cars have.been assigned to Aalie- ville and Applicat'ons for i-pace muet be accompanied by . check oi: money orcfer, as no t ccrvationa will be made. ' The Pi .mail rates quoted above cover your trip from the timo you leav" A'iiavillc until your return to that point, including sloopinp; and Jiviiu priviliges while at Shrine Park, Alexander, Va.' At Shrine 1 ark feeding arrangements of high class, baths aim 11 llio comforts of home will be found.- t Buy your Pullman accommodations promptly. - J.'H.Wood,;. , ' . Division PasFCr.scf A;nt,- 42 II: 774 7 4 -2 j to C-O-:!

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