4 44444444444444444444. 5 Madison County Record , , Mwiiiuiiiad Jun 18, 101 ? French Broad News 9 Eitabliihad 11 If. HOT II he News-Record. 4444404444444444464 ill 11 ni 3 J Means that yoar sob- J 5 scription has expired. 999999999P999P999999A 2 COHSOLIDATEDROV.I.IMI 99999999999999999999 1 .. - ' 1 'J- i - f TI'E ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON "COUNTY 'S. VOL-XXI y , MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY N C, FRIDAY, MAY, 1 lth, 1923. x V ramous DJina . i ( Hnsw PRTOPTn Preacher Here f . ; . . Dr. Edward Bsecher Ray To Be Headd at Forty-firt Ave Baptist, Sunday y April, 29, 1923 ; There is in Meridian one o the most remarkable blind men in the world. Dr. Edward Beecher Ray of Chicago, native of Madison county, North Caro lina, where living far back in the country m one of the nume . rous, single room log cabins he could until ten years of age, see as , the other boys; but could not write or read. Blindness, in his case proving s. blessing rather than a handi cap, sent him in a few months to the North Carolina School for Btind at . Raleigh, , from which, after teaching four years in the North Carolina public schools, he entered the North Carolina University: the first blind student of that institution After graduation there, he en tered Harvard University, tak Baptist Church Sunday Night 1 . In connection with the regular service Sunday nio-hh vuo will present, in moving pictures, the second instalment-reels five to eight ui uiw greatest ot an religious photodrama.s-"The Chosen Prince." , In this part the friendship of David and .Innnfli Tl, '.!.: ., . : .' . ' " """""' iUO ta,K o, me mooci covenant is a most impressive scone. The Israelites return home. Sau . with all the nnmn An1 fflnrv Ina n XT ! - . - f r o'' J a xvui in conquering a great host.. David, with all th hiimiiitv r,t i,i w w nvjf jt I ivrv V servant who has nprformAtl hia I ' hw u'uiuiu V4 U 1 V . XT' O .... t xvms-oaui is seized with a strange malady, whereupon David is Death of Hon. J. W. Nelson. It "is with the dscpest regret we ehronicle the death of Hon. J.W Nelson which Came suddenly Tues day night May 1. 1923, just as the clock was atriking twelve o'clock. latter a brief illness of onlv eiirhfc hours, however ho had been com. plaining throughout tho day. Since JVJr. Nelson's return from the W. F. Deaver. Last Week the News Rfirnrd gave but the notinn nf th Ath of one of the citizens of t h town who for vears nniHv hao had an influence on the life of the town. Hard worker that he was even when th last nm 1 1 he" was following the busy life llahira Orator Wins Law School Medal. Dear Editor: Jama Madison' Counfv h went to school at Mars Hill Col lege and finished there in 1916 ofonewhowasthriftvandrnnJmy "tf!franame i8 .W. M. Ed- scientious in his obligation. ,?KT7Mm K C- w a Muuunuig aas Deen ru ... - .aasai, tne Atlanta Law 4 . . wlo i AK10 - wvcu n;op rnoaof l..... ... . . .. b- -wuj niiraouiiuil UttVIU in felt Uro (If Wllfli lin it.no . I Olie Or me SllhStjlnHoI man J : ""c ".LiailLi ,!,m; ?ayid joins the family with whom friendly hehaTc , t aw fTT always. very auTetTndTlTJ. I the president of ..-.ues.aDi.snea. Aing Baul, however, plots against David. MrDnvitLn,, n" .II .'in his life and wM!. "7 Ln.e At,anta Law School and senda hJm hattu . ' " wiiviu,wi., anu iiaa made a w wuvuici IK i . The dominant tbem of thi- ln.tftimt m- ?T6H np 10 llot bPm8 ie riendship." 'InapreludetotheDc w..ZK five 'c,ock in th commcnl unon if s.ii "77. ",,u "oon. armnj to the store, he t - - . vuvwauAiT ciuuiianiifiiif LiiiH i rinnii cnin v a.b , ' " - -MviiiviiuoHij;, 1UU I1UW . 18 a 101 ' uie ofnr k'nd in the world to-day-the kind that win not stand the great test of the bartlfk nf i;f iroin inat Kind of friendship is my prayer. a orjboiAi. AiUTHiflira DAY PROGRAM" will be given in tho morning, and all the mothers nf t.h .Imj . . i.ujcii 1 1 j.-iiu, as 1Uc,r t-anuren anu nuaDands, are most cordially invited to be present. turned in his orders and immediately walked from tho Wholesale houso to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Xlorrow's wbeie he was making his home. Ho eat down in the front room for afew ininules, then walked, a few Uter is .-to his room and sat down in m his life and while who souriit the Senior dKXJ."""-' ."?. imciat Tinr nnA I Vlll; If -7 11 Kmih f r WIU et my L. B. Degree publicity, still 'one on whom all IS n7 aPd,was the winner of could Count Every nublic rail A orato"cal contest held at the was met and the kindly spirit, , no? r ' School April 27th wasshowntoall.Everyonewho o v mStra,nee af the U' with him found I , . , . ur.!fu'. .l ,r woun iscu in uie vvona war. I am sending had relations him to be one to be counted nn . 1 . . n v nMKJ.u to.do his part So when the f Th y"u a clIPP'" Tifiwia nmo 4K j i iro"i tne Atlanta Geonnan. nnl " " " vwiiv U1QL 11C IIHIl nPPn I .... " ' i.i. ask that you print it in your pa per making whatever carnations lor everyone. "Mother's 1W' and, surely in the honor of the MOTHERHOOD OF THE LAND ... D..vi. u,m ua mucn oi it as we possibly can.' Let us do so Sun . i air n nrt rtr r ... . l a i. a .iT ;-7 "tsntoy attending rajs MOTHER'S DAY PRO . uluia oumuai wuitlNirsu.- T. , ... jTT -n . I .. naun iu Kccu our word, so here it is Later he obtained LL B.. from wj j.t i4 . . u 18 ' . theChattnnrnlU.nf T.awLu... weeK, you remember, and a number 1 1 wvAvifcw v ijuii ii rin with wiin n nnMAi a . ' i ' i i - worked htt e by ,httle for de- Promised one on a. preiifier this week, to here Read it in SS !-m.t!st ? ago. Made m, tab S ZS" g up now and then, don't we? Good ill- J.1. - IT a. . . . CaftJ UnWersitv. fi . V- r 6W4,,J- -uiapieaseu -witiw At the last named he not only " .. a tl. n.i,.-: i.- . .. . had the aW.nnr. nf an w.L.. 7' m.g ne noticed that there was -a lectual womah fZ- ZZ1 1 o cry every .time he raised Unsatisf.od D'till in hie iKr.t L.i C..77.V . ,V-Al BUC uegan t0 crv " o him- for knw.cdM, he has C't ZS"ES ' . I it,, vSKa- ! On h nrnnf onrl a.mK.. u . , . . " "v. trn.t tiiuc ub raiHPn nm vmno oht ...... t.j k: to cry. Immediately after the service h wont j .;J ... .. up tu uci ouu emu atcly finding cured the D. S. T. from loosa College in Iowa. . Won His Way., It had been the dream of his life to be professor in some one ' nf thfi (frftat. Amprir-nn TTniirnToi " ties, an amiition which enables him without a dollar other than - those he himself earned, to climb to i such heights; but a . f n noarlv tnnl lnco f J. jackass, creedotherwisc. .Undaunted still he with a great store Would you 4( , - "VMW p l Madatn, 1 am so glad that you aDnrftfliatnH mv mind telling me what part of it impressed you most?" She said "No part particulur." ""Then what made you cry so much?" "I don't want to tell vou." , ."But," said lie, "you must tell me." 'Well," she said. "If I must tell ire. 1 rwlrnn tmi hi. u Then she went on-' OnCe I had a, ol'man an' we had a mighty fine jackass. Oh; but that wor a good beast, nn' me an' my ol'man" did love him so. ; But about two .years ago my ol' man he turned over turned, " yu Peliev e, mister, jist about a month of sulendid a'w" umi ' jaa8S- ne turned over an died. too. An' todav'while addresses, to his brethren in the I Wafl ff'ng along,", she said, wipingthe tears from her- eyes Baptist ministry, and has spok- ,y80Unded 80 muh like that.old jackass a braying till I couldn't unijy uut my iv eavc Illy 1110. We are endeavoring to minister to thpsnr-inl nnA k:i well as the spiritual needs of folks -especially the voune. Holn ... .11 you can. You will never regret it. Pray and Wo. fcNand Push and Pull for all YOU ARE WORTH. Cordially, ' , . "' s EVAN RIDGE EVANS. . Geilfuss Bakery Loaf Wins Prize en with great acceptibility- in many of their leading churches throughout the country, i He .will at 7:30 o'clock this evening, deliver at Forty First Avenue Baptist Church his very deservedly popular lecture "My Life in the Dark-It's Light and Shadows " i The nas tor, Rev. II. H. Honeycutt, who has knbwh the Rev. Dr. Ray for eleven years und from whom we obtained the foregoing : ac count, bears testimony to the ' enthusiastic reception of this lecture before faculty students and other friends at the South ern. Baptist Seminary1 and cheer fully invites all who may be able to get in their church audi tHi riinViii a A-t That bread baked in Spartan- TheChurch Auditorium was burglasno superior is borne full to limit, and with movable A11 w A;mtL ahJ. partition taken out Greatova- Ga annoimcing that a foaf bakJ t.inns wurfi tfivpn Hr Rv a I .. .. , x . A i w i r w H . : ea y tne tieilfuss Bakery of nt.hflr nlaof! H( will cnilr st L. . . ? . .. First Baptist, 11a.m., a?7- ' T Hall, 3 p. m.. Scottish Rite Judged y experts at the annuaj Local Bread is Adjudged Best In South By Expert Judges Convention in Atlanta Georgia. Cathedral 8 p. p. m., 2ith, etc. convention of the Southern Bakers' Association to be th Mr. &. Mrs. Smith, who have PesUoao bread produced m recently moved from Knoxville to South, tioaves or preaa produced by Asheville, were in Marshall Sunday visiting Dr. Burke; the most prominent baker in Alabama,. Georgia, Mississippi Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana and North and South Carolina were entered in the contest, Which attrnfar1 a.i: throughout the baking industry of the United Stat w M . Barnard nf th A u uie oi MKing was chairman ot the judges who passed upon the merit.-? Of th Varimm lAM v 'utivuiliuavtd more tnan lou m number, subr UllltCU. . v , , The loaVAR PVominarl k . . vuuuuvU.Ut mo nwc auoiuiiiea to ex tremely exhaustive tests and the victory won by Geilfuss' Bakery was a source of grat;fi cation to every person connect ed with A Geilfuss focal plant. TlD Ton RrAnl ma here by the Geijfuss Bakery, is already known throughout the Southeast and thfi vintnrv in Atlanta-yesterday is expected w increase iip lop s popularity - A silver lovincf rim nnrf o casn prize accomnanied th award received by the Geilfuss lnaf . ' limi in this . precarious condition summonsed Dr. Robests and friends to his aid. In. the meantime Dr Pritchard who was in Marshall was cafled in,, but very little hope given by either of tho Drs. from the first lor his recovery, and but fnr Mm heart stimulants that was adminis tered he would have died immed iately. Runners were dispatched and Mrs. J. P. Brvan and Mr. , and Mrs. C. A. Clark who iti- near - Marshall. - Tellegrams were sent to Miss Addio Nelson and-Mr, Jeff Nelson, who live in Morganton, and to Mrs. R M. Rogers who lives in Morristown. Miss Addie Nelson and Mr. John II. Nelson, Jr., came in a car from Morganton to Marshall reaching Marshall at about 2:30 o'clock A. M:, just about' two hours and' a halt alter Mr. Nelson's death. Mr.' Jeff Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Rog ers, next morning. All comin; just as soon as possible. Mr. NeInon will 1)6 universiallv inisseu uy an classes oi people in Marshall and in Madison County. 116 was interested in tho up build and welfare of tho town in general, fie took great interest hi the Mar- shall Baptist Church of which he was a member, and had served as a Diiacon for a number of 3 ears and contributed largely to its support, The same can be said of him in the Mason ie Order and the Eastern Star, in which lie held" many of fices. He had been Past Patron of Marshall Chapter tho Eastern Star. He was a member, of the Legis lature at his death, "havinc hnn fleeted" by the largest maioritv that. any democrat hacf ever been elect- ed in Madison' County And was the second Democrat elected in the laat fifty years. Mr. ' Nelson has the reputation of having the strongest holt over the federal soldiers of anv known man of his political views'. and especially did he have t, h -strongest hold over the commonali- ty of the people in Madison Coun ty. JLs life and a jreat 'portion of Ins means has Keen spent for the last many years in the interest of others Too much good cannot be said of' his liberality and good (liiads.- I might just add here that lie spent much time in -the study of his Bible. During his camnaieri as for Legislature be was only ab sent possibly twice from church services and pray, r meeting. His funeral was held ' iV the Marshall Baptist Church. His body was placed .in church by the Mosonic Fraternity surrounded by a' beau tiful Floral Qf ferine and lav s. altprngi tions you wish. , Thanking you for this favor body in good oid Madison Coun ty. . ; .. t Youps Very Truly, , ' H. B. EDWAUDS, 1 H. B. Edwards, of Hahira, Ga, president; of the senior" clasi at news came that he had hfiftn carried to Asheville for an op eration, the news of his condi tion was sought by all. Mr. Dea ver would have completed toLS'L 1 forrv r Yfh and w,th best wishe j j uu mo OlSt 01 May and thru all these fyears ne nas been a part of the life of the town In the lumber hii.cn. ncEs df which he had made a success, all found him m n t courteous and kind. A fine busi ness man. he had mo SlOn for those dpnonAml I Wihner of th nnnnal rr-t.f, him. Until Fridav thfl 9(7fVi nf contest which was hM Prlfu April he was at work loading nignt at the school. He was pro lumber near his home at Rol- sented with a gold medal, of- lins. ' At work in the afternoon fered each year by the faculty. he had gone home not feelintf . Mr Edwardb, who won th very , well. That night pains contest over five other speakers. Came on and when nn fiatm-).., JwiII gneak at the mmmmvnM thev had not Iaccatia) I exercises, held th ian - uv Traai ' a tins taken to the hospital for an op- Atlanta Womans Club. . eration but it was found to he . . too late as the annendiv bad A LTa Of Thnlcc 1 l-J ' - . -.MUUJ. uuisieu. ne lingered lhm th Sabbath and at midnitfht nf that Via AiaA ti: 1 1.. . I We desire in prm-pss mir tinn.i . liv xxia uuuy was I 1 u'"h- brought home and on Tuesday feIt appreciation to all who were so May 1st he was buried at the heIPful and sympathetic durine Kedmon Grave yard, with some our ,ate bereavement. others of the family Rev. ST. NELSON FAMILY, Hensley of Biltmore conducted T ' the funeral, Mr. Deaver left ICG (yrfiPTTI Slnnror after him the widow and fiv i children three girls and two ' boys. Two brothers and one Will be given for the beneGt'of sister also are living. When a the newly organized Marshall Base man and a good one is taken baI1 Club- Come. out and help the thnc frnm tha n. n. team Fridav niii-lif fmm uiv .-. twiii Ulli , VUllllllUUliy Uie I r- t,t imin loss is felt indeed and the shock 'clock on the Court House Lawn. ine Mews Record ex- is great tends to all the relatives its most sincere sympathy. Come to 'the Ice Cream Supper on the Court House Lawn Friday Night. Laurel Branch News. . Rev. Wade White and little daughter, Willie R. from Morristown, Tennessee, Mav 3. for a fw A J l" V1S1U which all friends so desiring could nis Parents and friends. Wada view the remains, At 2 o'clock received his diploma from Mars , fllllOl'.'J KPrvlnpa luiran rn Hill Cftllfttffi M'otr A n-nA : - .v.bu, vuuuuvwu o, -xt aim 13 gOlIip by his Pastor Rev. Mr. Evans. The to Summer School at Carson service we think was what Mr Newman College this vear - Nelson would like for ' it to have He taught at Morristown last been He was sixty one yearsiold year anJ has been elected Prin-' and had been a member of the "Pal of an Eight-teacher srJinnl church for sixteen years. there for the coming, term He The funeral procession consisting preaches at churhes nesr town of DOSsiblv fiflv nnlnmitKMoc lf Mr. Offie Silver cniv F t immediately for the beautiful burial Delbert Siivor of Petersbug who. ground at tho old home , place on the Nelson farm, where he was'de- posited by the Masonic Fraternity and the Easter Star near the of his father and mother. 3omo ohe said Mr. Nelson was burVd on the day bis mother was buried forty i i ... . nas Deen at Asfieville for som . time and holds a good position therer and Miss Teakie Capps of Gabriels Creek, charming daugh ter of ; Mr. Julius Capps, who taught school last fall and went . to school at Mars Hill College - .-nii.y IU11J ' ' " ----- wwA&vgW seven years ago This was possibly this bpnng, were married at one of the Ifjiwt funerals in seve- Laurel Branch Church,; May 6. ral year ia Madison County. The NewF-R-jcord extends its deepest pathyiand the writers feel they .iac lost one of truest friends. their A iarge crowd was present and wished them many years of joy and happiness. Thev went, on best and : r boney moon to Asheville state for one hour at the church ,a anu ouier points, - ' A Subscriber.

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