America's Twelve ' Plan Eighty-Five mi Of New Maie ttoaus tor year in Greatest Women Western Section. Notice Of Mort-jNotice of Mortgage - gage bale Sale. TNrAvrsim a mim4 VtAFA 'Vaaw terested in reading the list of - Approximate ly wgRty fivem.les names announced in the papers of 4add,t:ona "T JTS''' of May 6th as the result of the i cost!ng ?ut $G0?'(H wlU 1,0 uu'1- i i i .. this vear in the ninth, dis- voies casi oy a special commit- . . . , , , , . , tit Irictof the states highway com- .. . . . - . mraeinn ji'hinli ftmt.rnn.H: HiinsinmlkA of tlw two Voters to determine who, in the judgment of these members, were the twelve greatest women in America. The results were as follows: Jane Addams, phi lanthropist; Cecilia Beaux, pain ter; Carrie Chapman Catt, poli tics; Anna Jump Cannon, as tronomy; Anna Botsford Con I stock. Jnatural history; Minnie Maddera Fiskc, stage; Lou we Homer, music; Julia Lalhrop, , child welfare; Florencfe Rcna oaDin, anatomy; M. tarcy Tho mas, education; Martha Van Renssalaer, home economics; Edith Wharton, literature. This is certainly a most in teresting list, and one which will probably arouse much dis cussion. Already many dissent- ' ing voices have been heard, al though if the basis of choice is considered perhaps little criti cism could be made of the fair ness of the judges and the re suits arrived at. It would seem as though the aim was not to name the twelve most eminent women in the nation, but to choose twelve women each of whom was greastest in'her par ticular calling. Twelve callings were enuwerated and then the most out standing women in the profession named. This accounts for the fact that there are five or six names in the list whic very few of the readers of THE x CHRISTIAN WORK will rec ognize.. I must confess that i had never heard of Anna Jump Cannon, or Anna Botsford Com stock, or Florence Rena Sabin and Cecilia Beaux and Martha Van Renssalaer were but names w tuui u a iiiiu fciiat .ivAias Beaux is considered by the art cntics as by all odds the grea test painter, among American women: that Mrs. Comstock has written many learned books on bees and butterflies and is the foremost authority on natura history ' among American wo- men; that Miss Sabin is a pro fessofin Johns Hopkins Uni versity and has published wonderfully original "Atlas of the. Bram"; that Mrs. Cannon has discovered" over two hun dxed stars through her telescope and has made a catalogue of two hundred and weat thousand stellar spectra: and that Mrs Van Renssalaer has written a long list of books on home eco nomics This explains how it is that seVeral names of women known to everyone in America are not in the listnovelists, poets there , is nip , poet jiamed, by . the way, dramatists, singers, accesses, educators, are not in the list, while, their less widely known sisters are there Were a list of the twelve really greatest wo men to be made, regardless of " proportionate representation," even this a p e ci a 1 committee , would haye given us quite a different list'-' Upon such names . as ine outers Jane Addams, Carrie Chapman Catt Minnie Maddern Fiske, Louise Homer, Julia Lathrop, M. Carey: Tho mas andt Edith Wharton practi cally 'ey erpbody will be agreed. All of them have really made of western and other counties North Carolina. This is the goal that has been sot for this section of tho state by J. CJ. Stikelcather, who represents the district on tlw state commission and who has supervision of the state highway work being done in wit- em North Carolina under the $65,- 000,000 state bond issue program According to Mr. Stikeleulhcr, he expects to let contracts this year for tho amount of -road improve men's mentioned and hopes to .ac complish the coal if nntliinc iinfnr. . . . . . N seen nappens to delay me work. However, there is now being anti cipated probably some let up in the road work in this section, he said, if the conditions now prevailing in the central and eastern parts of the state should arise here. Oiaccoimt of the general industrial boom, in eluding a great building activity throughout the state, the roa work in the central and eastern counties is now being handicapped by a shortage of material. There is also a shortage of labor in those sections, largely because the same business boom is attracting labor ers elsewhere, This situation ha nofyct struck the western part o the state, according to Mr. .Stike lcather, and if it does, a plowing up in the road work until the situation is passed may result. However, he ishcping that such conditions wi not prevail. ' At present there .sre over 1,000 men, including the state engineer ing force and employes of contract. ing firms, busy building better roads in this western soction of North Carolina. Mr. Stikelcather says he expects to keep them busy and Will, m so far as he is able Of the money derived' from the fc65.O0O.OO0 bond issue, the ninth highway district was awarded about $5,000,000, and of this amount ap proximately, $1,000,000 has been spent, according to latest estimates It is stated that the balance of the alloimcnt will be spent during tho next two years, and if the road building program is to continue after that time in full force, an ad ditional bond issue, may have to be authorized by the legislature. 600-Mile Road System The state highway system in the western counties calls for the con etruction of 600 miles cf roads, in eluding hard surface and other kinds. For the entire stato, it is planned to build a chain of 6.000 miles, linking up every county, bc- ore the present program is com pleted in its etriiety.' . Among the projects for this year Mr. Stikcleathcr states, so far as now decided, two will bo in Bun combe county. One of these will be a road from Cole Creek; in the Hominy section, to the Haywood line, a distance of seven miles and the other will be a distance of 12 mile j in Buncombe and 4 miles in Madison, oonnccting Ashcville and Marshall, Both of these highways will be either concrete or asphafl. , The other projects now visualiz ed for the western counties this year include a gravel surface road in Medison county, from Hot Springs up, Spring Creek to the Haywood county line a distance of 14 miles; in Haywood county, grav Under and bv virtue of the unae.r arKl v,rtn0 u I DOwer conferred oumi mc In certain deed in truafc, executed tokortaiu deeJn in trust9 executed uio uy niiinan uunier, aatea I to mo by yurk Shelton and wife Nov. 1st 1921,- recorded it . the Lilly Shelton, dntod Nov. 1st 1920 office of the Kcinster of Dpi hL r. . of Madison County in Book 21 M lt and recorde,i pago 801, to secure the payment ,n tbe office of Register. o of certain indebtedness therein deeds of Madison County, iN. C, anu naving oeen requested to do I in book Zl Dace 277: and houk 24 so by the holder of the notes evi-j page 95, to aecuro the payment dcneinir said indebtednpna. I will I of certain inrMitjwl sell at public auction. Id the h hrh- scribed, and dpfmilt h.ivin . Iw i.,, psi bidder ror cash, at the Uourt made in tbe payment of s;iid i.i- i louse door in the town, of MnrdebtedneHS. and baviwr, Im n rt stiall, N. (J., at 12:00 o'clock M.. ' on Mondnv. June 4. io-vi i.Ka quested to do o by the hold-irof following described tract of land 1 e n tr8 HCP,:ml"s abov- sot to-wit: I forth, will sell nt public aunhn. I to the highest bidder for cs era tai WI Corner, of Tillman Gosnell tract following described land to-wit and runs with the lines of the last named tract N. lo39E. nas Cultivate the tan VV Bi-jrinninj, at a stake and poin- t0 ine bigbost bidder for um!,, at rs on top of the lonesome moun- the court bou-e door in the town lintbe N. W. Corner of the of Maraball, N. C, at 12:00 o'Mi Wheeler Gosnell tract and S. W. M-00 Monday, Juhe4lh; 1923, Hie : j !L. .n i' . i ,Bankme sing a point west and opposite the "iiillio Gap" at about 60 poles, crossing Lonesome Mountain 121. 78 poles to a rock and pointers on the west side of said mountain N W. Corner of said tract then N. svo 30 'E. crossing the top of FIRST TRACT , i(or a run and complete dcscrip lion of this land reference is liarc by made to said dtd in trwi. made the 1st day of Nov. 1020 and recorded io deed in trust book 21 at page 277 of the records o Madison Cou'nty. Tho ssid land is in No. 2 Townslii n Mdison Trustee's Sale! or human welfare. All of them wood tod Madi30 t0 ines Cr areoble women too .having andfrora IIot Spring to Way great contnDutions Either to art' i rnmia frnrr i twnnfl( ' ' iiuman weuare. Ail or tnem wood and Madison fn P; nroV nes- n it. . i, ,. . ..... vine, tike loriuernve mues ana the latter 18 milas; also . inv Haywood, a stretch from Springdale to the , r, . i.iibusvibui couuiy ne, wnere it vm ?UUU, .uu ui tap the government , road and know two or three of them fqrm Connection between ' Way" weiyuth Jane Addam,thaS(nesvnie a tota, been ,? erpecially delightful to" . iA : l...... . 1 to have her friendship and a htfd-liurfacerid in , CheZ not only, high ideals, of their cal lings, but of womanhood. I have Been fortunate enough to meet all of these seven- wo ve: Loneaome mountain 120.12 poles Jqj to a stake and nointers! t! "n R.l 4o09 'W. 46.73 poles to a stake in For description of second tract tlirt HtiCk ft ttuid tw ait ' bh1 seedeed in trust uiven tl.e '2i).l old public -nad, then continuinir day of 1921 and recorded in with thelinesof Tillm-anGosneM's deea inlrust book 24 puge 0.1 of land, and down and with the rh0 rftCHW" ' Madison . County meanders of tlie old public road N" C N. 77o 41 'E. 6 poles to a stake, This May 8 1923. then S 03.50'K 10 poles to a stake W. K. ELLEISON, then XM. 8 loom 16 poles to nl . Trustee. stake,' then N. S. 74ol3'E. 7 00 5-9-to-G-2 23-d. polea to a stake in said public road, corner of Tillman Gosnell'sl land and R. O. Roberts tract, then with the lino of the last named . i tract N. 3o 05' E. 55 66 Doles to to a stake in a rock pile on the J By virture of the power of gale S. E. side of Lonesome Mountain Icontained in a certain detain tvut. men in. joorfd crossing n made bv J. R Swann and wif l it. branch at 24.8a poles, crossing a lie B. Swann, to the undersigned ridge, crossing Hiirh 8 h o a 1 trustee, dated Ffihnmrv 1000 irancb at 128.50 poh-s and pass-land dulv recistered in the f?.o ,.f sing a knob ator near the corner the lle-cister of Deeds for Mfi,iimi or IV ljr. Kobert's and crossing Countv. N n BiLauiel Creek 2:9.C3 poles U ges and deeds in trust Nn 21 nt. to a slake on the North bank of said creek. Corner nf William Themas tract tlvn fotlovritiK aloDir the East and North Bantr of said creek passing the corner between said William Thomas and Tom C ok, and passing a beech stump tlw eoner between Tom f!nfU apd McKinley Cook at 189 poles, C32.30 poles to a rock in a rock pile on the N. W. Bank of said creek at tbe "Big Drift" in said creeK, men a. 4ol7' E. crossine said creek and said Drift, crossing tbe Locuot Gap Ridge at or near the head of Cool Springs ttldge at 63.75 poles, crossing the old road to Billie Gn" at 10H uoles crossing a branch near the head Spring of saiw at 107 poles, cros sing a trail on top of ft rhlgn it 133.50, crossing armcli ut 151.73 poles and a dry hollow nfc 168 75, 170.65 imles to r stskft and piling era in center of hollow, then N, 89ol E. up tho Itoilo v ciMSHinu the public tojmI pu Louesouie Mpuntin at 27.36 poles to the beginning combining 4 2 1.22 aCvs. . . Thfs.May 8th 1923. . W. R. ELLRRSON, . t 'IVuMU-e,' 5-9 to 6-2-23-d. VVHEH YOU GET MONEY FOR YOUR U3R, UO I TER WHAT SORT OF WORK YOU DO PUT. AND KEE PART OF YQUR EARNINGS IN THE BANK. THIS' IS 1 SURE WAY TO GET AHEAD. .... WE OFFER YOUHE SERVICE ArtD SAFETY OF BANK. FEEL FREE TO COME IN AND CONSULT US. WESHJ BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AND MAKE YOU FEEL AT-HOME. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. J YOU WILL RECEIVE ' PER CENT INTEREST. THE BANK0F FRENCH BROAD the Oldest and Strongest Bank in Madison Coue &!lk Jiff ITtX-aPB!8Rli3Wiai'A'J..'ll-ni:iJVmiSl' M. V to fa " THE UNIVERSAL CAR YOU Can owi a Ford , Car if you will only save a small part of your to page 293, to wlfich reference is hereby made, and default having been made in the payment:, of the indebtedness secured by said deed in truBt, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become' op erative, Baid undersigned,, trusite will on Tuesday, June 26:h, 1923 at twelve o'clock Noon sell at pub lic auction, for cash, at the 'court' bouse door in the Town of Marshall. County of Madison, State of North i Carolina the following described lands and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Marshall, County of Madison' and State of North Carolina and bounded - and more particularly desciibf d as fol lows: v to to to to to to to to to weekly income. Call and let us explain plan; ;F; "SHELTON? AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE LINCOLN 1 Ford and Fordson v MARSHALL, N. C. our fc fc fc fc" fc" I i in Transylvania; three in Madison two. in Haywood; three in Jackson; one in Cherokee; one in Graham, and one in Swain' county. Those in Buncombe are hard surface roads, of concrete or asphaltt and include a two-mile stretch, between Grace and Newbridge; two miles at Craggy bridge,, with connection at Leicester road, and seven miles from Three Mine Hole gap to Hick ory Nut gap. ,:', very happy. FOU SALE-One half ton 'Ford truck, one Ford ; passenger FIRST TRACT:' .. ' ''BEGINNING at a Ptake in the northern margin of Main St., at i t h e southwest corner of J. Rk ' Swann'ssJore house. lot and runs' thenco with the fine of the "s't recti north 51 degrees 22 feet to a j stake ithepi-e north 30 degrees east'! 100 feet to a stake; thence south 51 1 degrees east 22 feet to a stake," the northwest corner nf fhr. I T? !!', ! v. ...i ..... .jiiauu .1 1. l. ,i . , ! awn; uuunu iui; mencc 6) uegieVs wast 100 feet to the btSginnin.i and t being the same land conveyed to J, j It. Swann by 'Marshall Collection & Insurance Agency, Inc.. bv' deed dated April 5th, 1910. and register-' ect in the office of tbe. Resist r , JJeeds of Madison Cojnfv. N C. in book of deeds 33", at pne 455 reference to which is made for nur. poses of description." SECOND TRACT: ; "BEGINNING at a stake at the northwest corner of the Roberts and Rector store house lot on Main Rt in aaid Town of Marshall, and -runs thence nortkwest with Main Street uj iwfc vu n Biune on main otree AS3EVILLE UNIVERSITY SUMMER QUARTER . . ' TWO SIX-WEEK TERMS Junel2fhto August 31st : STANDARD COUItSES FOR COLLEGL CRLD1T IN . Latin.. -t v Grcok . ' ' Modprn Languages EiiBlish f u Oratory . ITwtory - -K'luc.ation. v Chi'inistry " Socuil Science . Geology Mwlinnirij Drawing Matln-malies .. Civil Enginporing Art Music ; , Violin' Violin' ' Pinno rhilosrtphy. cxtciology - ' . Law ' Government 'Economics ' ( Prc-Mwlicnl Dorhcfltic Science Biology f Fhycics ' ' ' , SPECIAL COURSES SCHOOL OF MUSIC unlcr direction of Mm t)phie -Morria. of the Atlanta Conservatory of Music, asmsterthy Frcdcri.k Jlaywood, Doctor of the Haywood Iiwtitue of Vnivcrsal SongA New York City: Voice, Tiano, Vidin. . . , ' I PUBLIC SPEAKING and Dramatic EXPRESSION, under Dtvight Smith, of the American Academy of Dramat.cs Art A, New York City, and pliiyM for a number of years with Richard Mansfield. . ' SPECIAL COACIIINC IN ALL SUBJECTS for which there is a reaaonable demand. " " ' ' " 3 - ' t EXPENSES , College Tuition.... ,. 12 weeks... ....... ..$35 00 ' : Room and Hoard J7 to $io per week. ; For detailed Announcement, write t ASaEVIlLE UNIVERSITY, - bort's and Rector's line to the Bo cinninor: this beinir a corivevn.nef of 33 feet fronting Main Strwt by 50 poles more or less to tho top of the ridjre. Hemp; the same land convey' ed to J. It. Swann bv J. ,M. ClnA Kor and others by deed dated April 0N1, 1U0I, and registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Madison County in Deed Book 14, j kee county, between Andrews and 'car,tcth In rood J Murphy a distance of la.milcs. -Y J V. D. IT - 11 TLor 3 ar? r- ?'ir . ' 1 v -? t'.rc I " ' feral: :T. a r. thence a northeasterly dircetion CO . Kt puge 524, reference to- which is poles to a stake on ton nf thn riA. made for oumoses of deserintion." t! icn gout! " -t 33 fert ' nara!!ei ' '' This the 23rd day of May A. D 1023. 'A ' "1 TllCV nrn rsll f bcoclbro'. and b hi' ----. 1 .. to a si