F0RI.IAU-OPENING NEW flfliSL SATURMY, JULY 21; 1923. i i i . ! i MUSIC, FLOWERS, AND COR DIALITY TO FEATURE OPEN ING OF HANDSOME NEW HOME OF BANK ALL DAY SATURDAY. "',. ' " Public is Invited Building and j Neighborliness an d Jolmcatioii; Accept Souvenirs and Receive Welcome. The Rank of French Broad will feature the opening of its new home next Saturday, July 2lst, by an all day reception and housewarming to which every man, woman and child in Madi ' son County is cordially invited by the officers and directors of the institution The occasion will be marked by speaking, the distribution of souvenirs, music, refreshments and inspection of the new I ank ing offices The hours are from 10 a. m to 8 p. m. Many prominent visitors, in cluding banker?, public officials and well known citizens from neighboring cities are expected to attend the celebration. The page announcement else- Bank President ment in Regard Mr. .1. J. Redmon, President of the Hank of French Broad, . has issued the following state ment in regard to the new home of the institution which will be dedicated next Saturday, July 21st. . "Our new bank building was erected for the purpose of taking care of the marvelous growth of Madison and the rich section of country of which this county .s a part. We believe this growth is as j et merely in its infancy and we have determined to do every thing in our power to hasten its progress. "It is our hank's ambition tojfcije twentieth anniversary thp stand in the very forefront of every interest that makes for the progress, education and ma terial development of our county. Ours being largely a farming and stock-growing section, we are vitally concerned in every- blltWft uiuw i uua c uiuuvv bite i intent, of tha- fArmprsr .n . j 13 r- riching his soil, improving his livestock.'. securine better mar kctincr and lareer. returns for his : " " - ,-- - - . . . . " .1 i r i Local and Personal FARM WANTED - Wanted to hear trom owner or iarm or improved land for sale, for fall delivery. L. Jones, Box 2 6 1 Olncy.Ill. FOR SALE: Nine Thorobred Duroc-Jerseyi Pigs At Six DoL lars If Tal en By July 12th. . ' : KARL HUNTER, Route 2, Box 99. , ' A series' ' of meetings is , being conducted at the Methodist church at Marshall by Rev. II: C. SpYinkle presiding elder. Rev, Mr Sprinkle partly started his ministry in Mar shall thirty" years ago and preached here and in surrounding country for three years. Come out and Lear him." ;' . - ' i Real J.!arshall Milling ys al in this iaaue. Com" to V i s i t N o i n in Spirit of where in th i s issue revrab something of t h e pardonable pride of the bank officials in th new building, and beans ihi.: striking invitatrn to the y-ubfic: "Iaib ho in l'nw an(1 in' II li :'.'! i ion Will h? 1.1 JWJ j- - -- .... . , Join U3 in neighborly spirit Jo n us in the dedication ot our nvv-t-to those clean ideals and earnest purposes from which com'; the advancement of o u r common welfare Join us to see the s.;h of the ,new Uank of French Broad rise to the very zenith of personal and public srvici? It is anticipated that a cr.v.vd of several thousand persons will visit .Marshall on attend the opening. Satur y to Issues to New OlaliJ- IGFiie labor in every way." "VVe are anxious to Ferve cur splendid business men, tao'subict:U;tc for .y making business safer and more : , , fN,' . . lit- i 1 SUUi dil li.o ivi.ni 1. profitable and helping t? enlarge i , I..: ... r was lha first bank in and industries our county. "No account is too small for the Bank of French Broad, and none is too large. ,V w '.b'.io serve rich and poor .with equal zeal and sincerity." ' r With Mr. W H. Ra;r,$ey, Cashier, Mr. Redmon will com plete his twentieth year of ser vice with the Bank-of French Broad on December :'l$t ntfxt, haftk b 0 t h havjnz served in thvir, present , official capacities contiguously Wftce the institution opened ddors. ' - Mr Redmon exprese the hope that hundreds of chiifiifca frdm aU oer" ih? county will " A . , i Tnent that the Bank Ot; i-recb Broad will open in its n hm. . account of?, believing thrift t he; g,t- J , - t blessing that mav be .sought xor00r yhlcn laUf r-pv thf. comin? trenpratjon.-. o c . ' i ,'ii", ' ' Rtrict.lv fcmcv Elected Rose bloom ' Brand Peaches. Crate civ wtpio m n.R F,hin nicnt day order received td any has had ffijftva foot - f'crj address. Ser-d remitfancewiUit.some time cnd,W6sifk, hesp -order v Add exoress if desire ! ta'l once before . with Jus MJ prepaid. 'i f;y:' Rosebloom Orc'uard Co , ' , - Aberdeen, N. C. ' Mr Jack Morris - from Sylya once a resident of V5arshall, was in town uns wceit. ? ; . Mr C O Crowder, and f ami ly. have been on a weeks visit to Gastonia. . ' ; : Miss Anna Stokley and Vr. Hobert Jones spent a few days at the home of Mr! and Mrs R. II. Ward last week. . . -.) Mr. John E. Rector is improv ing. He is able to sit up rtowv Miss Elizabeth Godfrey from New Port, Tenn..1s visitiug her father, Mr. M. A. Godfrey, pi Marshall. , . - r-r Mr. Jeff - Nelson, Assistant C 1 Lrrt-irt r, A.F. A. M. V,'( v torica! Sketch if- M u ii lit a At ihci request of The News ings. The institution has ,paid Uocorcl, J.-r V. B Ramsey, a dividend to stockholders of Cashier of he Dank of French ten per cent, or more each year Brond has furnished an interest- since its organization. - 'A uni ing oullincof the institution's que distinction is that not a dol history, cuvt-rir.g a period of lar of loss has occured on loans sllftbtly bss than 20 years. ; to , any ; citizaa'. of . .liadison. "The' Bank" of ' Fivacb" Broad County. t!:c ,1-st bank organized in! When the destructive flood of Msdison County, having "open-J 191$ swept like a monstxr tidal ed its doors for business on! wave through the business Dec ?.ihor 1, 130". It was origi-; streets of Marshall, the 'Bank of nally hous.'d in its old building ' French Broad was flooded -to a pr.-rted bv J. R. Swann and J.1 depth of several feet. All day J. Reunion as buildirg commit tec Tl.e fh4 meeting of , stock -h-aliVrs was held Jim.? 22, 1903. The Sli'liins s md as chair m:m f this meeting, at which the other stockholders present i l person were W. J Byerly .Mrs (VraR Allison, J. J. Red- -, -, .r.on, V. J v caver. f SI ! , Ty f, Shelton, 'e and ic.i:.'. 1--The fir. u ;i, board of directors vesod of J. J Redm ( iiiirma:;, Dr- Frank Roberts, W J.' Byerly,: M. Gudger.j TL.".5. 3 Rollins, J Jr.. A J Roberts. r . bhelton, Yv . J. v.'svor and Mrs. Cora R. All: -in. Is is Slid that Mrs. Cor.-! R Allison wes the first WCl" i in ba clKi,:'.rn to Uie po..i- 'i of circctor by any -banl ia ria ( 'iifUim. Ot the original 7 "T b J of u rec ' n; only two tne;n it:j have sarvci continously sine.' ln (n'y.aii'K-, these be-i-r' J. J Redmon and Thos. S 'Roiihis. ' . :V ; A feature of the history . of i the 3a:ik cf FrencLBroad which ! is roaiembcre I with mueh pride lis it j record during the r.aaic-ojf 'lSO? vAt this time no scrip or wns is- stitut.'on WfrJcrn I North Carolina to resume fun cosh payments. The f'rsl. issue cf 'bonds by Madison ;' County, ; a, fiaadlcd by thia -bank, as wt al or " liberal ; rortiona :ciEabctan'ial group of Native a glo every guecin isaxou blood that the facilities Th: Rnnk :oV' tYenrh Broad I. of the Bank of French Broad has acted r.s county Trcas'jfw of Madison County for the past sevc ra! years. ; y adison5 County Bank, which .organized m 1905 was ccKtolidcUd vMx .ank' of French Broad in 1903. -iiie original paid-in capital of the f?wfc of French Broad was ,th Cfcscet capital ; is ' , ,t , $3100 0. with 13 "uaky iOjDSO A seated CTlXirejy Dy t Li te" John Redman 'son of ! Mf'and Mrs Keal Redmon w Itakosi t-wk to'the hospital I We hope Joiihis icimedlate , re covery.'', x. c- V LI it e I I linabctli rijr.ons fro'm.HeadBrsbr.v:Iiaj ' visit her JittlelTnends anJ elder nc3 too in' .Mjtfdjall tl:ia v.-cck. V -Mr. Clingmah; frorn, tlaU'gl, Spent the'eek end visiting in Marshall, A'v,; ,';..'',';' .'';:'-" 1 Mr Rafus Calon and Miss Alene Caton pre Marsliall Msi- tors. ' ' . x j '.:y: " , Miss Thcor.i Roberts daught er of Mr. a nd Mrs. Lark in R o beris wi:o lives at Lo-un 1 Branch who has tern in Washington City for quite av.hijo is on a visit to i;cr parents and fWs She made the News-Record, a vrry t'cz:t 'c-d Frr-"- ' C 1. . . 1 1 .(imnnilirrrfl Qtin. Ill UiUk VI U UIJHlUUtlv.u uuii- day, this establishment, in com mon with the other business houses of Marshall was under the attack . of angry waters standing under a constant bat tering of debris and mud. But Monday morning, the bank was open for business as usual. It A l.l 'l .1 1 1 f was louna mat tne iocks oi vault and safe were not impair ed and their contents of cash and securities were entirely un damaged. The safe stood under water for several vhours and proved, claims of manufacturers that it was water tight I hose who have scrvea as Assistant Cashier of this bank are as follows: R R, Rgors, who is now District Manager, ot the Credit Department of the Virginia- froliha t. hemical Co , Jacksonville, Fla., G. L clui; ney. now merchant O. C. Rec tor, now of O. ('.'Rector Hard ware Company, Roy F. Ebbs, row Assistant ( ashier oL the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company,-L Z Eller. Cashier of the Bank of Mars Hill: Hillard C. Rector who served from 1007 to 1912 here then went to' Ameri can National Bank of Richmond Virginia. Seven years later he 'returned to Marshall and this 'bank, and is now the present asai.-;tant'cashieri - Madison County, with its im poriaal B:;nculU;)ral "int rests, has a 'larger proportion of- white : fanners than any county in the state; the official, figure Icing per cent It is for this. ifeWhjpn. "employed since its ! orgab5K6tivw",'.')?''6tS' effort has Deen exertsa to am me aeve: ment of the live stocK industry and improved farming generally Hundreds of successful, farmers of Madison owe a large measure of ' fch'ejr prosperity to 'the finan cial help ;ivGPPM"'cf this institution. . ' " ; : ' . . A recent amendment to the charter of the Bank of Frenrl J r s .actnorizes ine,: cstatmsn- meu,t of tiyxi c'n'f savings' de- .nnr'mpnf ?:.- " ' " ' " ' , ' - - M. lloraeo Bi; ks of Eilanger as;K C., is visiting parents anS Ie -friends in Marshall. " v I will be in MarOiJl N. H C. Oil (5, 'J, day'of August, I AT DR; X NAlOORE'S h offljt! fa the purpose of ex U aminingeyes Hting glasses, I guarantee results, g North Carolina Statei n censs. :(-'): ' Dr. LV. Lisenbee Up 4f4 Mraf Jack Ramsey and little son fibu Ajrnrojmnrf Willi US visitina their friends and rela-.- - rela tives in this part' of States. ( . : : the United WEW;" BANK BUILlJING IS MON- UMENT TO FAITH OF BANK'S OFFICIALS IN FUTURE ; OF MADISON. c Attractive,;.Structure: Building Activities to Supply-Needs of Rapidly Developing; Years to Come, The new home of the Bank of 1 French Broad stands as n inv pressive monument of the faith of its oflicqrs and stockholders in the future of Marshall, Madison County and Western North Car olina The costly structure rep resents a large vision of the growth and development of the territory served by the bank. It is modern to the last degree, and was constructed for convenience, durability and satety, as well as impressively dignified beauty. It is said to . be the finest bank building in a town the size of Marshall anywhere in the South This new three-story building occupies tho choicest business sile in Marshall, on Main Street adjoining-the courthouse prop erty, with a concrete-pavfd court between and eomortable'btwchvs alongside the foundation wall for the accommodation of the public. is constructed of the finest grade of . tapestry brick and limestone. The inteiior , lobby floor ii of marble tile. - The fix tures, are the latest design of marble and bronze. The trim is of solid' mahogany, .finished and polished by workmen of highest skill. The entire building is steam heated. .t ' ;. , -'The jvalls pf tie'majn money and safe deposit vault are con structed of' ponderously heavy reinforced concrete and wiRF' Sist attempted burglary byexp'osion, heat or any . other means of forcible assault. Ti e vault door h a massive portal weighing nine tons, built of hard and soft steel welded together in layers to resist.drilling, and controlled by a triple time lock. Its bean ti- and heay bolt9 mRka this powr erful vault door an object of unusual interest-but burglars, the banking officials say, would not be interested in any attempt to force it open, for that, could not ba r!one within evetKa liberal allawHR'&'WtifHw, '-"" t T- The front of the main , vault will be "equipped 'wHh private safe deposit boxes which will be offered to the public for rent; the re-ar compartment, which is cut o'lfV'ia'vrilie'. ;'ftV "contain the meyf'Hlie-' an.d filing cases for the securities held by the bank; Near the Entrance of the main vault is a hiahogany coupon a n d telephone booth, where natrons may examine their papers and securities' without in ferFwjytioh. Adjoining the main Vault is' a suWUfifiiH anij ce5 proof vault in TO THE FARMERS . We will iVe B jjQnns of jlood flour for every :j&uisH0t'-Vof;VMcdt brought, to. us on exchange that will test 38 lbs to the bushel or ' ... ' - 'more. .WC QSiV yOU to do yOIir weeusior aiier tiiai iiciq vje ? be'closcd'Tlovn-'fbr come ill Sets : New P a c e in of Marshall; Erected Growing:'; Bank and Community for Many and records of the Lank; will bo stored. Oliwr features of the lobby of the bank are t he mezzanine floor, which has been provided to take care of the future expan sion of clerical work, marble enclosed officers'quarters and private consulting room at the front, and ladies' rest room on the left, all very handsomely fitted and furnished. The directors room of (he bank is aj-are and charming work pf art. Located at the rear of the mezzanine,-it is beautifully pan? eled in mahogany and makes g cozy and impressive room for the deliberations of the body which directs the affair of the jpgth. tution, This roon. is equipped, -with its own fire place and WPn b!fc maiitleshell ' . .' One portion of the. nrw bank ihg house in which. its officers feel great pride. Is a rest room and nursery f or ' women a nvd children. This large , room, ad joined by a lavatory, is dedica ted to the women of Madison County, Here the children may be left while a busy mother ati tents to - her shopping. Here the county' sc'hoo) teachers pjiy ma We themelyes,, pomortabj'g when business' ripgs tjern Marshall. . Here a family lunch- Leon may bedspread on the hos- pitablp tabje, 'ffere pergonal jet: ters or notes may be written. HePe the women of Mt rhall may hold committee or c'ub meetings. Here in s h o r t, according to W B. Ramsey, Cashier, is a place that was built exclusively for women, and may pe used exactly as they see, fit to employ it. This rest room may either be enured, tr )& lobby or by. a door-which opens opon the courtyard in the rsar. The two upper rldors of the building have been fitted up for modern offices. The latest con venience's have been v provided for the well lighted offices that ruk ill fengttoith8i:p"uj1dHfc as well as elegant trim and finish to, harmonize with the banking quarters The offices wjll be occupied by leading firms and . professional men of Marshall It is safe to say that no detail vA Uen npfejeiljd to provide': &Ji" ly . palfttfr-tfffrf satisfactory center for the trans action of its banking bnsiness Not even the largest city can boast, better facilities And the " officers of the "Bank of French -Broad are happy in the belief that;the outlay invested in the handsome structure is we I ius- in tllC UCJlt feV . ill 1 I j ' ;! Ms