' 14444444444444444444. 5 Madison County Record J ...jiihtd Jun II, 1(01 J 5 French Broad News J KiUblUhtd My t. Wt COnSOLIDATEDHOV.I.IflH XpPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 1 AN X MARK HERE 1 5 ... .. ...... 5.' 4 mo as that yosr- sob i scriptioa has expired, j 0000000000000000000 THE; ONLY NEWSPAPEIl PCDIlSnED irf f.IADISON COUNTY MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N; C FRIDAY; OCTOBER 19th, 1923. No 41 VOL XXI Tiis I Is v70- 1 3 cord. ' i I ! i A Grim Sentence of Death ,By Judge Kirby Benedict of ; the Supreme Court of New Mexico M&ny Years Ao . " While Mr. John A.- Hendricks, " fa attorney for the United States , in 1915, wa3 taking the deposit ion of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of New Mexico, at Sarita Fe, in order to establish the sig nature of Judge Kirby Benedict Mr. Hendricks asked the fol lowing: " ' - - Q I have' heard much talk of a sentence by Judge Kirby Bene dict in New Mexico as being a classic. I think this would be of interest to the court, and ask ' you to read it to the stenographer. , , A. "Kirby Benedict was a .native'of the state of Connec ticut. He was born in 18J1. "He was Appointed associate juttice of the supreme court of New Mexico, in 1853, -by Franklin Pierce. Soon after attaining his majority he removed to the state of Illinois, where he was a dis tinguished member of the bar and a personal friend of Abraham 'Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas. He was a man of. great ability whose honesty .and , integrity ', were never questioned. His torical research and literary pur- suits.had a special charrjioj him., " While presiding judge, with headquarters at Taos, Judge Benedict delivered the "famous sentence of death,, pronounced upon Jose Maria Martin. , "Jose Maria Martain, stand up I Jose Maria Martin, you have been indicted, ' tried and convicted by a jury of your countrymen of the crime of mur-J der;and the court is now about ', to pass upon you the dread sen tehee. of, the law. As a usual thing, Jose Maria Martin, it is a painful duty for the judge of a court of ! justice to" pronounce upon a human : being the sen tence of deathl " There is some thing horribke about it, and the mind of the court" naturally revolts frorn the performance of sch a' duty ; Happily, however, your case is relieved of all such unpleasant features a n d the Court takes positive delight in sentencing you to death ! Yu are a young man, Jose Maria Martin; apparently of good physical condition ' and ; robust health. Ordinarily y o u might have looked 'forward ? t6 : many years of life, and the Court has no doubt you' have, and have ex- ,pected to die at a ripe-614 age, but you are about., to be cut off in consequence of 'your "own act Josie Maria Martin, itis now the spring time, in a little while the grass will be springing up green - in these beautiful" valleys, and oh these broad mesas and mountain sides flowers will be , blooming; birds will be singing their sweet carols,' and nature will be putting on her most gorgeous and her '..most attractive robes," and life will be pleasant and men will f want to stay, "but none of this for. you, Jose Maria Martin; the flowers will -not bloom for you, Jose Maria Martin; the birds wil not carol for you, Jose v Maria Martin; when these things come to gladden the senses of "men. you will be occupying . space about six' by two beneath the sod, and the green grass and those beautiful flowers will be 'Madison Raises 506 For Relief County Send; $3W In t&sb And $114 In Clothing To : Bible L&sds Madison County raised (500 00 for Near East Relief this year, according to official figures just announced from Raleigh by Col. Geo.- H. Bellamy, state chairman of this great humani tarian organization. This is 70 per cent of Madison's 720quota. In announcing these figures Col. Bellamy paid tribute . to J. A Hendricks of Marshall, coun ty chairman, who was in charge of raising this sum, 'and all of those who helped Mr. Hendricks. Official figures were $392.00 in cash and $114.00 in clothing. Mr. Hendricks had many diffi culties to overcame, the foremost of which is 'the misconception in the public mind as to the con tinued need in the Bible lands. As the Near East Relief, in its definite child-saving program work from year to year, results of, work from July 1, to the fol lowing June: 30 only are an nounced. During the past fis cal year, Mr. Hendricks endea vored'to raise the 7.20 required to feed., clothe and educate the 12 little children now in North Carolina orphanages in the Near East, and dependent on Madison County for their very , lives Sixty dollars takes complete care of a child for a year, so ef ficient is the work of the Near East Relief overseas growing above your .. lowly head. The sentence of the Court is that you be taken 1 from this place to the county jail; that you be there kept safely and securely confined, in the custody of the sheriff, until the day appointed for jour execution. (Be very careful, Mr. Sheriff, that . he hnve no opportunity , to escape and-that you have him at the appointed place at the appointed time ) That you' be eo kept, Jose Maria Martin, until (Mr. Clerk, on wh at day of: the month doe's Friday, about two weeks from this time come ? March twenty-second, your Honor) Very well, -until Fri day, the twenty ' second day of March, when you will be taken by the sheriff frorn your place of confinement to some safe and convenient spot wit h i n the county (that is in your discret ion, Mr. Sheriff, you are only confined to the limits of this county), and. that you be there hanged by the neck until you are dead, and the' Court was about to add, ' Jose Maria Martin, 'May .God have mercy on, your soul,' but the Court will not assume the responsibility of asking ah Allwise Providence to do that' which a jury of your peers has refused to do. The Lord could not bave mercy on your soul I 1 However, a you affect any religious belief, or are Minnected with anr religions or ganization, it might be well fori you to send for ' your priest or; your minister ana gee iron him, well, such consolation as you can; but the Court advises you to place no reliance upon anything of that kind J Mr. Sheriff, remove the prisoner," Registration oi Autos In Effect Secretory cf State Ms Copies cf ActcndKis To Qwtxi .'' W.N. Everett Secretary of State, has sent notice to local motorists, as well as owners of motor cars in every, other sec tion of North Carolina, calling attention to the the motor vehi cle title registration act Mr, Everett points out that the auto- ists are required to register their vehicles, paying, a fee of 60 cents for registration and $1 for the seal tax. The copies of the. law in , toto and application ' blanks have been sent out; The-following appeal is made by the secretary for the co-operation of the .auto owners in the matter: The object of this registra tion is to make it more dim cult to dispose of stolen cars, and to facilitate their recovery and all fees . collected will , be used to that end.. While, it will not make it impossible for your car to be stolen." It will de crease the chances, and it will be impossible to license the cw again in the State without cou siderable trouble and ' expense to the thief Other states ppe: rating under rthis." law report a reduction in thefts of oyer fifty per cent The insurance com panies have already announced a reduction in rates for theft in surance effective from the date the title registration begins "It is a violation of the law to operate your car after October 1, if you have not made applica tion for' certificate of title. Penalty for willfully making a false statement is provided for in section nine of the law, ' Certificate of title, which we will mail you as soon as possible after the receipt of your appli cation, holds good as long as you keep the carv If ': you vseU the car, the certificate must be returned to jthis place by the purchaser with proper endorse ment in tEe blanks provided for that purpose.'' Ben for Uttb PlS3 SCuvvI . FIRST GRADE Wyiard Brad burn, Clyde Meadows, H a s e 1 Goforth, Wayne Stints, Howard Payne, Richmond Meadows, Letha Pavne. . Kora Henderson, Alice Roberts, Jerry Marshall Redmon SECOND GRADE Lora Rec tor Geneva Wilson, Richmond Payne, Esmond Freeman. 7 . ' THIRD G RAD E Woodrow Payne, Leonard Bradburn, Weldon Stines.. Catherine Roberts, Hattie Gradburn. t FOURTH GRADE M ary Lam bert, Grace Goforth", Commodore Payne, Paul Roberta,. FIFTH GRADE Howard Lam bert, Mamie Docksry,' Berths Pnyne, Bertie Goforth. SIXTH G RADE-; Woodrow Roberts. SEVENTH GRADE S! a U i e AriothcrKilling V 1 In Madison W. T Eerf :rsca-.i4WIId Bill" SIby0ricronBio;Pine Iwt 'rrUay- Afternoon It pains The News Record, to again chronicle the sad and use less tragedy, of the fliting out of another human life in Madi son County. ; Last Friday on Big Pine Creek W. T. Henderson, commonly known as Wild Bill, got into an altercation with Ki Baker over some beans that all told were worth but a very, small amount of money. After having some words over the beans, we are imf ormed that Henderson told Baker to -leave his premises, and while .Baker was mounted on nia mule ana nenaersan standing near the mule, possibly with his hand on Baker, Baker drew his revolver and shot Hen derson through the body, from which wound-Henderson died in a few . minutes. ' Henderson and Baker have been near neighbors for many years and so far as known have never be fore had any falling out or diffi culy. It is reported that the influence of liquor entered into this tragedy and had it not been for the liquor doubtless Hender son woul4 Hlivintf . today and Baker would not have to answer the charge of slaying Hender son, We shall continue to have trouble, killings, fights and quar rels as long as the abominal stuff is manufactured and sold in this county under the name of whiskey, which for the most part is usually not real alcohol manpfactured from gram or fruit but some miserable poison ous stuff that destroys the mind of those who use it. Wild Bill Henderson acquired this name by reason of his rath er blustery wayof -talking and acting, but with it all he was usuaily considered rather a harmless man. and was kind and good hearted. V The News-Record extends its sympathy to the family of the deceased, as well as to the fami ly of the man who will have to answer the charge of killing Henderson. ' Bluff Items ..I t Mr. Loyd Coward has returned from Detroit. Mich., to. his home to spend a few months. Miss- Ona Singleton is visiting Mrs11. Eva Norris, of Lee, N. C for a few weeks. Miss Nellie Riddle and Bernice Coward was disappointed on their trip to Asheville Sunday. MK W. A. Meadows and family spent the week-end at Fletcher, N. C, and had a-grand time. Liberty Sunday school was dis missed for the ooming winter, Sun day, October 12th. . i , .-i .... .... We are having 4t splendid high school at the. gap of the mountain this year .with Mr. Carl Long as professor, ' . :,. -1 V ,. ' AMri Eura Baldwin will be en tertained by ' two of her friend girls,' Pernice C. and Nellie R. of Bluff, N. C. at Mt. Pleasant on a picnic. , All time.'. ; planning for a nice -' BROWN EYES. - Car Captured Near Mars Hill Deputy Sheriff's J. C Jervls And Woodson Ray, o f Mars Hill, Capture three Men, 25 Gallons o! Liquor and a Large high Powered Car Last Week. Last Friday, Deputy Sheriff's J. C. Jervis and Woodson Ray, captured three men by the name of Whitaker, Jay and Moore transporting about 25 gallons of liquor and a high powe ed car near Mars Hill One of the tires on the car became punctured and the men unloaded the liquor and one went back to Mars Hill to have the car repaired, while the two left were caring for the liquor, Jervia and Kay discovered them and found 6 gallons of liquor at that-' time. When the man who took the car to Mars Hill returned with the car he drove into the trap and he and the car; were' taken in by Ray and Jervis. .The three men and the car were brought to Mar shall by the officers. , After get ting to Marshall it was found there was about half gallon of liquor in' the car. Whitaker is reported to be a professional transporter, not much is known of the other two who are scarcely grown. Whitaker is married and resides in Asheville. It is1 reported they are all JBuncbmbe county men. Ttis'said'3he .-CW is a' valuable vehicle,' 'Under the law the car will be confiscated. But the old trick 'is interjected It is said this time a woman has a mort gage on the car for part of the purchase money. 'r;The captured men each gave bond of $1000 and were released. They left for Asheville. Some officers went up from Marshall and found near where the 6 gallons of liquor was found 18 gallons more About the time the 18' gallons were found a car came up. It is believed the men who were arrested with the car after their release re ported to Asheville or to a con federatei who come under the cover of the night for the sup posed securely concealed 18 gal lons, but w hen reaching v the place f o u nN d ' the officers in charge of the liquor. If this car was after the liquor . no claim was made for it and the party with the car moved on. it is thought if the officers had con cealed themselves and let the liquor alone, that they would have been' able to have made another haul. The pitty of it is that the real man not behind the gun, but behind the liquor, is not caught, The real criminal remains behind the scene and gets usually thoughtless young men to make the adventure o f - transporting the vile, poisonous stuff called liquor. The men captured are all young and two of them prob ably not of age. No doubt that the real rastfal in ' this, as in other cases, keeps him or her self from the clutches Of the law,' while these voung men are made chain gang fodder., These old hardened law breakers are enemies to the peace of, the couutry, the disturbers of .hu manity. Young man put it uown once for all that you cannot serve these rascally law breakers long with out being caught If you are so fool hardily as to en 'gage in such business you will most assuredly be caught and CAN TOMBSTONE BE LIBELOUS? Can a tombstone be libelous ? This is the question which a Tennessee grand jury will be called upon to answer. Author ities from Walker county, Ga., served notice that they would appear before the inquisitorial body and ask for the indictment of R D Baker for criminal libel as the result of the erection ef a tombstone to George Baker, his son. ' The tombstone bears the in scription that the boy had been unjustly hanged at Lafayette, Ga., for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Morton last fall. ' Card of Thanks We take this opportunity to ex press our hearty thanks to our many friends for the many kind deeds done during the illness and death of our dear father. May your life be a happy one, and God. bless you all. J. S. Bruce and Family . Henderson ville, N, C Grape Vine Items Last Sunday was a good day at this place, the day was spent in preaching, singing. Some good sneakinc and essavs read. After inc morning service at two o ciock. in the afternoon the Grape Vine cemetery , was decorated according to a program arranged by Mr. Dolph Coats. While the many friends distributed flowers on the graves, music was rendered by Grape Vine choir, after which the people gathered in the church and the Middle Fork quartet class ren dered some wonderful music that was accompanied with good talks in essay by Miss Minnie Lewis, the subject: "If a Man die Shall he Live Again." The Christian people was much lifted up bf this wonderful essay. Many' friends were present from Asheville, Mar shall and Mars Hill and other placea We sure feel that we ap preciate, the visit of our fiiends and ask them to come again. E. S M. ; Card o! Thanks We wish to thank the many friends for their kindness showri us during the death of our father, Mr, Joseph T. Kuykendall May God's richest blessings rest or each and every one. Mrs Edna Farrow, 'Mrs. T. C. Carver, . 'Mrs. T..A. Payne. Greenville, S. C. ' you wil have to suffer the con sequences of your own folly, but in the mean time turn up the man that got you into trouble Don't suffer yourself and let him go free. . : --i s We believe the courts should offer every inducement possibe to have boys and young men who are the tools of the rascals who are reaping the financial rewards, to turn them up. It would be a good investment if necessary to turn loose a -dozen boys who are tools, to get the real old perpetrator. These large bands no doubt are being substantially backed up by men who are the real people in the business" k