TIIS NEWS-CECOd; ARSHALL. N. C. i. & wmmiai daily distaiige of Vegetable Compound , Tbcsa Three Letters Prove It sen L TRUCKS TWELVE HUNDRED TRAVEL DIS TANCE AROUND THE WORLD EACH DAY. Lowell, Mass. "I am sending yon ft few lines to let yon know what good your medicine has done for me. I want too to let every one know that it nas oeipeci me in nervous troubles I have four children and yoa know mere u a lot to do wbere children are. They would come in from school and they would start telling me about their little troubles but I could not stana it 1 naa to send them away. I could not even walk on the street alone I was so nervous. I found one of your books and read it and then I saw in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I ft it and had taken one bottle when saw a change in myself. I was sur prised. The children can talk all they want to now and it does not bother me. I am still taking; the Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Joseph I-phker M South Street, Lowell, Mass, Felt Like A New Woman Springfield. Missouri. "For four or five months I was run-down, ner vous, my back ached and I did not feel like, doing a thing. Sometimes my legs ached and felt like they . would break and I had a hurting in my sides. I had been reading in the newspapers the letters of other wo men who had taken Lydia E. Pink nam's Vegetable Compound and the advertising of it appealed to me so I bought some and saw results in al most no time. I had hardly been ebla to do my own work and after taking TegBiaDi compound 1 leit line i iw woman, i recommend tt to my friends who have troubles like I did, no hope they will find the same re- auiw.-- Mrs. M. CARPENTER, 807 W. vuase street, Bprmgfieid, Missouri. 40 Yean OIJ, Feels Like 20 Ragerstown,Md. "I was very bad on witn Dacaacne, a Dearmg-dowo feeling in my body and a pain in my left side. .1 could not be on my feet at umes ana once i was so bad I walked bent over to one side for three weeks. My sister read of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and got me a bottle. I got so much relief mat i took more until I was well. I am 40 years old and feel like 20. I am sure wis medicine will help all women." Mrs. Mary E. Sandy, 436 w. rranKun street, Hsgerstown,Md. Over 100.000 women have so far replied to our question, "Have yoa received benefit from takinir Lvdia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?" vo per cent oi these replies an Yes." ;, That means that 98 out of everv 4 AA 1 . 1 . t . - iw women woo laxe uus median for the ailments for which it is recom mended are benefited by it Ail druggists are Having Increased saies oi uus medians. FIGURES BY SUPUULLEN Number of Trucks Used For Trans porting Pupils Increased From 858 to 1,278 During Year. - 1 DEMAND r Original-Genuine- PALATABLE PREPARATION EXTRACT COD LIVER OIL '' ,;-,;;-v . compound .; WARNING! Unless you Insist on the Original and Genuine Henry S. Warn, pole's. Mads In Baltimore, you may not get the product proven best by mil lions for more than a decade. Made in Baltimore For Health's Sake r ccpiraci weaiM aw a n w A ej SJM 4BaSBewwenv SOLD EVERYWHERE 1 Raleigh Twelve hundred school trucks car rying 48,601 rural school children travel more than the distance around me worm every uay in we wees, au cording to figures given out by Su perintendent A. T. Allen in connection with his report of the distribution of the $30,000 provided by the State for aid In transportation to weaker coun ties. So rapidly has the consolidation of rural schools progressed under Mr. Allen's plans for eventual county- wide organisation that during the year the number of trucks used in trans porting pupils has increased from 858 to 1,278 and the number of children transported to and from school from 31,544 to 48,601. Mr. Allen regards the increase as indicative of splendid growth. In the 68 counties that depend in part upon the State for maintenance of their schools the 711 trucks a total of 14,118 miles daily, carrying a total of 25,277 school children to school and back. In 32 counties that pay their own way, 567 trucks travel a total oi 11,340 miles dally, carrying 23,324. The total mileage made by, the 1,278 trucks every school day is 25,458, In a year's term of 120 days the school trucks in use In the State cover a total of 3,059,900 miles and carry ft total passenger list of 5,832,120 school children to and from school, or figured on the basis that railroads compute their gross passenger traffic, 11,664.- 240 passengers. With the exception of a minor accident, the number has been carried without injury. Distribution of the State's aid fund of $30,000 le made on the basis of ton mile, truck mile, and pupil miles, and the three averaged up. The cost fig ured out is $1.61 per ton mile, $2.14 per truck mile and $1.18 per pupil transported. ' flwo pleasant ways to relieve a cough . Take your choice, and suit your taste. S-B nr M.tti flavor. A sure relief for coughs, v colds and hoarseness. Put one . in your mouth at bedtime. Aare kp a boa on Ktnd. &R COUGH DROPS SHAM MAM Famous since 1847 MENTHOL (nmnf lulimaftf Villenage VUlenage was a system of land ten ure Introduced Into England after the Norman Conquest (1066 A. D.) where by the occupants of the soil were kept in a condition of servitude and were permitted to hold land only on condi tion of performing , menial service for their lord and superior. Such persons were called villeins (of. or pertaining to the will); whence Is derived the common English word villain. Vil lenage, although never formally abol ished In England, ceased to exist In the Sixteenth century. , "DANDELION BUTTER C0I-0R" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 60 years. Drug tores and general stores sell bottles sf "Dandelion" for 85 cents. Adv. . : : Partly Ivy Does your future husband know your age, Myrtle? ' Myrtle Well, partly. - Yes, Why Not? me , world's chemists and the world's engineers; would hold annual meetings in a friendly spirit, for the in 1922, l..i t M ' . . . . .... 7 I salvation of mankind! If they cadd agree together that to exercise their ingenuity on the perfecting of destruc tive agents for the use of governments was a crime; to take money for tt a oetrayal of their species 1 If we could nave such exchange of International Show 8urplua In State Fund..,, North Carolina collected for its gen eral fund taxes aggregating $9,819,976.- 13 and spent $9,396,831.33, leaving a surplus on December 31, 1923, $422,- 963.79, according to the balance sheet of the State Treasurer's office made public by Governor Cameron Morri son. The balance sheet cuts back into the operating account for 1922 and forward into estimated collections that fall due March 15, and later, but are applicable, under the State system of financing, to obligations for 1923. The collections are for the period ending with the past year and estimates for the fiscal year ending) June 30, 1924 The balance sheet brings forward aa item of $232,805.25 reported by the legislative committee that investigat ed the Maxwell charge of a deficit, and to it add $8,506,998.68 actually col lected. Qf that amount $5,617,543.41 is applicable to obligations Incurred The legislative committee es timated, that fund at $4,370,915.44, which gives collections a lead of $789,- 627.87 over estimates. I- New 8tate Charters. The office of the secretary of state thought as that, then indeed we might nM ,88Ue the following charters: uwir rustie or salvation's wings, And after all why hot T John Gals worthy. , . Amendment to the charter of the Askeville Baking company, Ashevllle, increasing the capital stock from $30, 000 to $125,000. Derby and Barns, Fayettevflle, con struction and erection of ail kinds of buildings anywhere In the state of North Carolina: own real estate and Cures Biliousness; ConatlnaHnn' fit act aa civil and tmnstrnntlnn nneln. Headaohe,Indlgestlon. Drug stores. Adv, eers.' Total authorised capital $50,000 witn szo.uoo euMcrtbed by B. C. Derby, "CASCARETS" FOR UVER H- AND BOWELS-IOoABOXl Sure Stgn fWhat Is the surest sign that a fel low Is In lover ".When he divorces his wife." Princeton Tiger. 'Children Gy Tor i'A , MOTHER;- Fletcher's Qstoria is pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth ing, props and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants and Children all ages. To avoid imitation!, always look for the signature of wWv7&m4 P"" f!rfi on jjJj pViige. Physicians rrerywhers recommend it Robert O. Burns, Mrs. Rossle U. Der by and Mrs. Mary Burns, all of Fay- ettevUIe. :!' ;.: The V. B. Elkins Chemical com pany, Silver City: Authorized capital stock $50,000 with $5,000 subscribed by V. B. Elkin, J. Wade Slier, and Frank O.. Brooks, all of Silver City. North Carolina Shippers' association Inc., Raleigh. To collect information and disseminate statistics Of all kinds of trade, commerce, transportation, etc. Non-stock; "The incorporators are D. U. Sandlln, Fayetteville, How ard White, Raleigh, W. S. Crelghton, Charlotte, and J. L. 'Graham, Winston- Salem. Three Are Paroled. Three paroles and one refusal to pa role were announced by Governor Mor rison. - . , - The paroles went to Tobe Wilkes. convicted in Pitt county : in August, 1923, for carrying a concealed weapon and sentenced to 13 months .on the roads; Charlie Richards, convicted In Cleveland county, March, 1922, of as sault with intent te kill, and sentenced to five and a half years in the State's prison; J. W. Bowman, convicted in Lea county of violation of the prohibi tion: law. Highway Contraots Are Awarded. Frank Page gave the road building program a big shove with the award of contracts of nearly three million dol lars worth of highway and bridge con struction work. The exact amount in volved in the 19 big projects was $2. 932,548.66, and the mileage was 113.50, of which 81.84 miles will be paving. A bridge over the Pee Dee river con necting Richmond and Anson on the Wllmlngton-Charlotte-Asheville high way was included in the wards. It will cost $286,660.10. and Hardaway Construction company, of Charlotte, win build it. 1 Contracts completed, under construc tion or awarded under the state's big rod building program now carry an amount involved to considerably more than the first 50 millions auth orised by the 1920 legislature, and Chairman Page Is digging rapidly Into tne last authorization of 15 millions, Only a few more awards will be made under those two authorizationa. Then will come the big clean-up of the job A project of big proportions in the list of awards is a 12 1-2 mile job of paving between Lenlor and Hickory. The cost will be $453,627.60, with structures representing an additional cost of $36,295. The Lenoir-Hickory road will be greatly used by visitors to Blowing Rock. The full list of the awards for all and the low bidders follows: First District Project 106 Bertie, route 30, be tween Wllllamston and Windsor, 11.56 miles, paving, by R. Q. Lassiter, at Project 11 Camden, route 34, from Camden courthouse to Currituck coun ty line, 543 miles, nine-foot paving: no bids on roadway; bridges by W. B. Bradley, at $12,396. Second District Project 222 Duplin, route 40, be tween Warsaw and Pender - county line, 10.01 miles paving, roadway by Highway Engineering and Construc tion company, at $242,685.20, and structures by Hobbs Desmonies Steel company at $16,117.60. , Third District, f Project 352 New Hanover, route 20, over Eagle Island Causeway from Cape Fear ferry, 2 31 miles paving, by BV J. McGuire, at $93,160. Project 381 Pender, route 40, be tween Burgaw and Duplin county line, 11.09 miles paving, by Public Service Production Company, at $372,798, Fourtn District Project 404-C Chatham, bridge over 'Deep River between Pittsboro and Sanford, by Yadkin Construction company, at $66,989.49. ' - Project 449-A Lee, route 53, be tween Pittsboro and . Sanford, 2.51 miles gravel roadway, by Austin and Ritchie, at $21,363, and structures by C. D. Rigsbee, at $5,020.50, Project 472 B. Vance Route 67, between Henderson and Granville county line, 4.66 miles grading, road way, by T. W. Chandler, at $37,449, and structures by J. A. Marrow, at $38,973.10. Fifth District. Project 636 Guilford, Route 70, be tween Greensboro and Reidsville, 6.15 miles paving, roadway, at $171,994.10, and structures at $1,833.25. , Sixth Dlatrlct Project 610 Anson, Richmond, bridge over Pee Dee river, on routs 20, by Hardaway Construction com pany, at $284,660.19. - Project 622 Richmond, Route 20, between Rockingham and Anson coun ty line, 6.19 miles, grading and bridges, roadway by T. W. Chandler, at $41,606; structures by Yadkin Con struction company, at $24,573.52. : 8eventh District Project 714--Ashe, Route ' 69, be tween Jefferson and Watauga county line, 5.34 miles grading and bridges, roadway by J. F. Mulligan, at $98,- 762.30; structures by Boose and Boyd, at $23,647.60. Project 720 Caldwell, Route 17, be tween Lenoir and Hickory, 12.52 miles paving, roadway by X M. Gregory and company, at $453,527.60; structures by Berry Fortune Construction company, at $36,295. Project 732-B Davie, Route 65, be tween Mocksville and Winston-Salem, 8.07 mllea paving, roadway by Harda way Construction company, at $282, 758; no structures. Eighth District Project 836v-Henderson, route 28, between Hendersonvllle and Bun combe county line, 9.15 miles paving roadway by J. M. Gregory and com pany at $280,580. ., Ninth District Project 912-A Cherokee, route 10, between Murphy and Andrew, 8.61 miles grading, roadway by Wilson Construction company, at $81,006.70. Project 990 Transylvania, route 28, between Brevard and Lake Toxa way, 47-miIer waterbound ' macadam, roadway by Piedmont Construction company, at $12,238.10. Project ' 992 Transylvania, rute 28, between Brevard and Lake Toxaway, 1.67 milea waterbound macadam, road way by W. H. ' Anderson, at $45,432; structures by R. C. Stevens, at $18,- 178.80. MOTHER! Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" Hurry Mother I A teaspoonful of California Fig Syrup" now will thor- oughly clean the little bowels and in a few bours you have a well, playful child again. Even If cross, feverish. bilious, constipated or full of cold, children love Us pleasant taste. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must aay "California." Refuse any imitation. Patsion Fruit Passion fruit has long been popular In Australia for flavoring ice cream and cold drinks, being refreshingly delicious. Here In California the vines have been used In screen buildings, ano some rew tor commercial pur poses, but It Is just recently that the cultivation of the passion vine has been begun on an extensive scale. CHAEACTER TELLS THE STORY! People throughout this country are giving more thought to hygiene and to the purity of remedies on the market, but no one doubts the purity of Doctor Pierce's vegetable medicines, for they , have been so favorably known for over fifty years that everyone knows they are just what they are claimed to be. These medicines are (he result of long research by a well-known physician, R. V. Pieroe, M. D., who compounded them from health-giving herbs and roots long used in sickness by the Indians. Dr. Pieroe's reputation as a leading and honored citizen of Buffalo, is a sufficient guaran tee for the purity of that splendid tonla and blood medicine, the Golden Medical Discovery, and the equally fine nerve tonio and system builder for women's ailments, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrio- tion. Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalid Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y, kUtcPISO-S-this prescription quickly i icueves cnuuren and adults, A pleasant yrap. Noopiataa. SMtMNC MtMMU GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR 35-Csnt "Danderlne" 8o Improves Ufa. less, Neglected Hair. An abundance of luxuriant hair full of gloss, gleams and life shortly follows a genuine toning up of neglected scalps with 'de pendable "Dan derlne." . Falling balr, itching scalp and the dandruff Is cor rected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly Invigorated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty, "Danderlne" la de lightful on the hair ; a refreshing, stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy ! Any drug store. Advertisement i The Manicurist Suitor I called to er talk er to you about er your daughter's band. Father James I Tell Miss Helen the manicurist has arrived 1 WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Thlnai New for 15 Centa, Kamondfyi Dont wondar whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with "Dia mond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Dlrectlona in each package. Advertisement Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fintevett yesrs of surpassing excellence. An who suffer with oervoas dyspepsia, soar stom ach, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, headaches, eomini-up of food, wlod on stomach, palpitation sad other Indications of digestive disorder, will find Green's August Flower as effective sad efficient remedy. For fifty-seven yesrs this medicine has been successfully used la millions of households all over the civil ized world. Because of its merit snd pop ularity GREEN'S August Flower can be found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 snd 91 cent bottles. . Have you RHEUMATIC 171 Lumbago or Gout? TakaBHEUMACfDKtorMiioTOtbaaHM sna drie Lb poison from (ha sjrsfcaas. "snnmcira oi rut nmai run BasuauTUB oa tms emus" At All Druggists Jai. Bauy ft San, Waaltsalt Distrifcalars Balaam. Md. Ion't Negl Inflamed eyelids or other eye Irritations. Tou will find a soothing and safa remedy In MITCHELL EYE SALVE. BALL RUCK EL at all Mew York Cltf druggists. Gtopc Eczema Relieves the Inflammation. Itchlns and Irritatiaa; seethes and aelteas the ekla snd leaves It aaraeth sne spotless. TETTERirJE The tomslalon's best friend. 60s at eur dras Slsfserlremthe SHUPTRINECO., SAVANNAH. SA. Simply Great! Polly What do you think of BhoesT Percy I think they're Immense. my Leads Fourth Corps Area. . The North Carolina National Guard, has nearly 600 more officers and en listed men than the national guard of Alabama, its nearest competitor, in the Fourth Corps Area, according to com parative Strength reports of th or ganizations. ', North Carolina has 2,957 officers and men; Alabama, 2,484; Georgia, 2,438; Florida, 2,039; South Carolina, 1,882; Tennessee,, 1,751; Louisiana, 1,687; Mississippi, 1,871. The total for the Fourth Corps Area la 16,587. 5 - Keen Weill Avoid Sickness. 'Take Brandreth Pills. One or two at bed time wilt cleanse the system, purify the blood and keep you welt Adv. A church wedding helps a man to remember ttie anniversaries of his marriage. , Some Animal? Can't Swim According to the best authorities, all animals, excepting monkeys and per haps the three-toed sloth, eltheiT swim naturally or go through the mo tions of swimming when suddenly lm merged In water. There are, however, several animals that, although they wlm naturally, drown a" they swim. This is the case with rabbits, mice, ' moles and the smaller 'cats, drowning bemg the result of the fur becoming saturated. . 1 A contortionist may be completely wrapped up in himself without being conceited. I w ' s UujU fr SAY-'BAYER" when you buy-rMfoe Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis : 'Rheumatism J0hrjtAl0TT$ "Baer" Package '"w yOfc which contains proven directions. dy"Byer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 DruggUte. Aaptats Is the Was SMlft sf Bam Hasmfaetaxs at ItaoaotUoaddeeter er asllerUcacld