Notice cl Sale o! Real Estate Under Deed of Trust By vhtue of the power of sa'e contained in that certain deed if trust bearing dale the 29th dty , of December, 1921, made by V. F. Trammel ana Ctcil Trammel to the undersigned trustee, to se care the payment of the noit therein mentioned, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness by which the powt r of sale became operative, and, the holder of said note having rr q lestea the undersigned trustee : tj foreclose, I, Grover Gowbu, Trustee, will on the 17th day of March, 1924, at the Court Houst floor in the town of Marshall, JS 0., at the hour of 12 o'clock, no n offer for sule to the highest bid der forcash, the following r ' scribed real estate to satisfy saiJ d bf, interest and cost, as pro- Med in said deed of trust to wit That certain piece, parcel, oi lot of land, situate in No 9 town slrp of Madison County, adjoin iiitfl-he la d 'of l eaver Brown J cfeson Ebbs, and others ci scribed as follows: Beginning cm a bunch of Chestnuts, beginning corner of tlia 100 ncre tract enl raj by Hir tm Sexton, and', runs South 100 poles to a Spruce Pin a", the Cret k; thence West . 40 p les to a Chestnut, corner of t N -mber 2, them e North withii i ot lot 2, 100 poke to a KUik j, t he bicimiiig corner t i.i Nuiub'T 2, ilinoe East 41 p les to the Keg inning, contai. -in.r 25 acres, more or less. Two I )!s of one Mere each e ;! ed ' r tui.t ii ii s tury, o e whert J .ai.:s Gowm I i v t s , t; t other the .Miller old railKsite. This the 8th day. of Feb. 1924. 2 15 24 to 3 7 24 d, GilOVEli COWAN, Trustee. Auditors Report For The Month Of January 124. ' NORTH CAROLINA) ' ' MADISON COUNTY) I, J. N. White, Auditor of Madison County, do .hereby certify that the following is a true andjeorrect report of all amounts credited to and paid out of the different funds of the County for the month of January 1923. . r " Number One Towrishid . ,' Road Fundi , '.''. '".'.'' Balance January 1st..'., .... ,.$662 78 Amount. Credited ..'..". . $159 25 Amount Paid Out ..... 11279 23 Overdraft February 1st ......... . . ;.$457 20 Tol al . . . ? il 279 23 $1 279 23 ' Number One, River . Overdraft January 1st-.. ..$302 83 Amount Pakl Out .$381 75 Amount Credited.. .'...;.... i ..,.$4 36941 Ba'ance February l3t... ........ .... .... ..V. .,..$3 784, 83 5 Total ...... ...$4 369 41 $4 369 71 ' V ' ' Number Two To wLphip : ". ' . . : '''''." Overdraft January 1st. . ....1.1'. ".. ... .... ......$1 571 00 Amount Paid Out ..... Amount Credited Overdraft February 1st. .....................$453417 ...... 7.. ; '.$12 00 ....$2 893 17 Total.... Balance January 1st ..... , Amount Credited An ount Paid Out., ..,,. Balance February lsl.... v Number Thref Towmhip i,. ..$496 79 '.. $10 00 ... ........ $0 00 ......$506 79 1 .Total........ Number Four Township Overdraft January 19 . . .... Amount Puld Out.. .... Amount C'vdilcd Overdraft February 1st .$506 79 $506 79' $1 329 64 4: ,..$654 13 " $0 00 ...... ..$1 8S4 49 " . if ",' 1 ( vv 'c With over 200,000 orders for Ford Cars arid : ' Trucks already placed for delivery during j the next few months, we are facing a record breaking 6pring demand. ' ( v , ; .'" f-'V .'.'" .;- ; ... Vl"' v ': Ea'ch successive month this winter has ; witnessed a growth in sales far surpassing - . that of any previous winter season. Ths : increase will be even greater during the . spring months, -always the heaviest birying ? . .period . ' , , ; , - ' .'''' : . .1 .'..' These facts suggest that you place your . order early to avoid disappomtment in' i delivery at th time desired. - . . ' v . : ..:.. ' . . ' ' .r. It is not ntvm&i o pay casK for your car In order H : ! to have your nam placad on the preferred delivery . list. You can make a email payment Wn or . . you can bur, tljrou wish, under the oenvenleOC terms oi the Ford Weekly Purchase Pita. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer 9-H Total ... ... ..$1884 49 $1 884 49 Number I Township ; Balance January 1st Amount Creditpd ... . . AmountPaid Out....... r.ulanu I' , bi nary. 1ft . I m m m $109 07 $0 00 ...$000 -...$115 97 i Total. Nun.Ur Z.x Tuvtacliip Overdraft January iBt..... . An'ount Paid Out......... Amount Credieed.. Overdraft Fcbruuty 1st.. . , $115 07 1 $115 7 $169 01 $0C0 .:,.$. 00 ...w:.$ic9oi Tetal.. $169 01 - $109 01 EVEN A SINGLE TRACK MIND NEEDS A SOLID ROAD BED and valuables need a Safety Vault. RA TS! They ' e( into curren cy and valuable papers two I '.Zgad or four legged they de s.roy just ths eane. Fi e theft ' accidents any of Ihjse things could happen ar.d f fi'en do to money or valuables l:?ot arouud the house-and think vf the load on the mind of the v.vnsr, : For $2 00 per year we'll give you restful nights and full protection for your valuables in our safety deposit boxes. ''Isn't, it Worth Considering? , . CITIZENS BANK .'. tL'i BANX THAT SERVICE BUILT. Number Stvn Townhip Overdraft January 1st...... ........ Amount Paid Oai .... . i Amount Credited , . .$2 765 63 $106 62 .$45 00 Overdraft February 1st . . . ' $2 827 25 Total.., ... ......$237225 J187V25 . Number Eight Township ' !" Balance January 1st...... $0 00 Amount Credited , - $775 83 Amount Paid Out.... .$775 83 Balance February 1st $0 00 ; feu.- - rim'iwjicjtgi Total...... . .. . . . - $775 83 $675 83 : ' Number Nir.e Town.shfp Babnce. January. 1st. . , . . . .$0 00 Amoutit Cik'd ted . ..$1547 08 Amount Paid Out,. $2 647 08 Ba!anc Te'jruary 1st...,.....'.. .- .-'. . .$0 00 For Sale., Fancy thoroughbred Black Larrgsharr cockerels aud pullets weight from sii to ninfc pounds, Ti sal ........$2 647 03 $2 647 4)8 - Number Ten Township ' Overdraft January let...... .. .......SCO 77, Amount Paid Ovt .-........$3 75 Amount Credited... .1 ..v- . . . . ... ... $0 00 Overdraft February 1st. ... .. . .. ... ;. ... $34 52 An event of unusual of the season for shoesof known repix ity. FLORSHEIM styles all fizes --'all priced at $10, $11 importance thesale those who want tation and line qual-SHOES-all the best leathers regularly and $12, now $8.85. At the regular 'selling price FLORSHEIM SHOES are great values at the sale price they offer a worth while saving to which men quickly respond. . Make an early selection rvhileourassortmentisatitsbesL ' Total. ,..'...$34 52 $34 52 - Number Eleven Township . Oqerdraft January 1st.. . .'..$30 51 AmountPaid Out.i. .'....$0 00 ;, Amount Crei lit ed ........ . . . . , ..... . , .... . ...$$0, 00 Overdraft February 1st : $30 51 Total . . ... .... . . ....... .'. .... . ...., $30 51 $30 51 Number Twelve Township Overdrgft January lt..N.... .. . ... v ...... ..,.$2 539 73; Amount Paid Out ...... .7: $589 60" Amount Credited .' ........ ..$4 00 Overd-aft February lit . . , .'.V. . $3 110 33 Total. .. , ....$3 120 33 $3120 33 Number Thirteen Township . Balance January 1st AX. Z2 00 'each, also a few Black ; Amount Credited ... . ......$504 85 ...... ..'..$0 00 Breasted Red g3mes $1.50 each. R. P. BALL, Poute 4 Marshall, N-. C. Amount Paid Out , . . ..$0 00 Balance February 1st....'. . ..... ......1504 85. Total. . ii $504 5 SHOE l : ) I? G.X. McHINNEY Marshall; fa. C. SALE . . , . "l J" v.' v. iii it '- t V J v-1