TRY THE VATCI1 Can Yon Hear? PLm mtck to Mr lh draw ewa. You kould bear lick at' ' M lacha. Dooe a rinsina ta iw era pravant your propel b serin? . LEONARD EAR OIL I laliaaw bock Head Noiwa aad Ua- ass. Just rata M baoa -T 1 assert in asaenla. Faa Sala Evanwhera. ' Jnraraarmt' deacWprve folder, . eanl upon rwnic. A. O. LEONARD, lac 70 Btft An. New Vara :.:UUi;i: :i:..:lr HAKi BALSAM MraaOaDanawnHatonaitaa . " 3aur ta Gray 1 F" Hafcl j sue. ai oeiir"Ps. feaaaa. ata.. euv ail pala, ensures aoaif ort to lha visas, BlsaaxCae laai WaTaa.ratoaaraa.aVT. Obliging "What do yon do when one of your oil companies peter- out?" . . "Oh. We keep swapping the custom ers' shares In new companies until they get tired of paying postage." THAT GdUGH IS QUE CAUSE FOR urn .MtlalaMMa. Get Rid of It by Taking Cheney's Before It Turns Into Some- thing Worse Sow that hacking- cough worry you iMoauM it bangs on soT Really It ia a .causa for worry, for If you don't gat rid of It you may find yourself tha vic tim of a far mora aerloua malady. Thua It would ba worsa than fool tin to let it go on, getting woraa and woraa, arlthout taking tha aaaleat and quickest method f putUng an, and to tha trouble and ao aava youraelt from what might turn out to ba a vary aerl oua complication. Suppoaa you go to tha drug atora and get a- bottle of Cheney's Expec torant and begin taking a ttaspoonful ' every two hours. Keep It up and you'll find that by tomorrow the cough; -will have almost entirely disappeared and in a few daya will be completely gone, t Tha time to get tha best of a cough la light at tha beginning when you first notice it. Each day you neglect It only makea it more difficult to pry loose Its hold on you. The', sooner you begin treatment the - aooner you will get over the trouble. Begin now. Bold by all drugglata and In smaller towna by general merchanta in lOo and tOo bottles. Advertisement. Anxious ' Sambo Look here. Yuh ain't even payln' me Interest on dat five dollahs yuh owes me. Rastus Ah knows It, man. But Ah am worryln tout It . ' DEMAND BAYEtT ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety "Bayer Crqsa." Warning! Unless yon see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets yon are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 yean. Say "Bayer" when yon buy Aspirin. Ipaltatlona may prove dangerous. Adv. Clay Pipes and Cancer The old short clay pipe Is disappear ing and cancer of the lips has greatly decreased In Great Britain, according - to a famous surgeon. One application of Roman Sye Balaam will pro how good It la for aero era. Coata air tl eente. Ill Pearl Bt N. T. Adv. Unfair ' It Is unfair that a dumb creature ilka a cat should have nine lives, while an -intelligent pedestrian has only one. IP" L W a -SaaU ll L:ix-a:js ',zi vzzr La...s ..M.aE ' i k in a:, j 7: ti -1 cc::t DO v'. " M i ' I" " a I Three Heri and a Haid By P. C. WODEHOUSE Copyright by George k. Dora Co. CHAPTER XV Continued. 16 He swayed gracefully, conveying a suggestion of departure without mov ing his feet The action was enough for Sam. Dignity gave an expiring gurgle, and passed away, regretted by alt "Don't go!" he cried. ,'" The Idea of being alone In this In fernal lane, without human support. overpowered him. Moreover, Webster had personality. Be exuded It Al- ready Sam had begun to cling to him In spirit and rely on his support "Don't gol" "Certainly not If you do not wish it sir." a ' . ) v Webster coughed gently, to show bis appreciation of the delicate nature of the conversation. He was con sumed with curiosity, and his threat' ened departure had been but a pre tense. A team of horses could not have moved WebBter at that moment "Might I ask, then what . . .?" "ThereV been a misunderstanding,? said Sam. "At least, there was, but now there isn't If you- see what I mean," I fear I bave not Quite grasped your meaning, sir." "Well, I I played a sort or you might almost call It a sort of trick on Miss Bennett With the best motives, f course P . "Of course, sir I "And she's found out I don't know how she's found out but she has. So there you are!" "Of what nature would the trick be, sir? A species of ruse, slr-some kind or innocent deceptions "WelL It was like this." It was a complicated story to tell, and Sam, a prey to conflicting emo tions, told It badly ; but such was the almost superhuman Intelligence of Webster, that be succeeded In grasp ing he salient points. Indeed, he said that It reminded, blm of something of much the same kind In the Nosegay Novelette, "All for Her," where the hero, anxious to win the esteem of the lady of his heart, bad bribed a tramp to simulate an attack npon her in lonely road. "The Drinclole's the same." , said Webster. ' "Well what did he do when she found outr "She did not find out, sir. All ended happily, -and never had the wedding bells In the old village church rung out a blither peal than they did at the sub sequent union." Sam was thoughtful. "Bribed a tramp to attack her, did her "Tea. sir. She bad never thought much of blm till that moment sir. Very cold and haughty she had been, his social status being considerably in ferlor to her own. But. when she cried for help, and he dashed out from behind a hedge, well, It made all the difference." "I wonder where I could get a good tramp' said Sam, meditatively, Webster shook his head. "I really would hardly recommend such a procedure, sir." "No, It would be difficult to make a tramp understand what you wanted. Sam brightened. "I've got It I Too pretend to attack her, and I'U , "I couldn't sir I I couldn't really! I should jeopardize my situation." "Oh, cornel Be a man I" "No. sir. I fear not. There's a dif ference between handing In your res ignation I was compelled to do that only recently, owing to a few words I had with the guv nor, though subse quently prevailed upon to withdraw it I say there's a difference between handing In your resignation and being given the sack, and that's what would happen without a character, what's more, and lucky if It didn't mean a orison cell. No, sir; I could not con .template such a thing." "Then I don't see that there's any thing to be done," said Sam morosely, . "Oh, I shouldn't say that, sir," said Webster, encouragingly. "It's simply a matter of finding the way. The nroblem confronting us you, I should say . . "Us," said Sam. "Most decidedly us." "Thank you very much, sir. I would not have presumed, but If you say so The nroblem confronting us, aa I en visage it resolves Itself into this. Tou have offended onr Miss B. and she has expressed a disinclination ever to see you again. How, then, Is it possible, In spite of her attitude, te recapture her esteem r 'Exactly,'? said Sam; "There are several methods which occur to one . . ," "They don't occur to me!" "WelV for example, you might res- cue her from a burning building as In True as Steel "Set fire to the house, eh?" said Sam, reflectively. "Yes, there might be something in that "I would hardly advise such a thing," said Webster, a little hastily flattered at the readiness with which his disciple was taking his advice, yet acutely alive to the fact that he slept at the top of the house himself. "A little drastic, if I may say so. It mlirht be better to save her from drowning, as In The Earl'a Secret. "Ah, but where could she drown?" "Welt there is a lake in the grounds . .. ." ' - . "Excellent I", said Sam, "Terrific I I knew I could rely on you. Say no morel The whole thing's settled. Ton take her ont rowing on the lake, and upset the boat. I plunge In . a . 1 suppose you can swim?" , , ; No, sir." - "Oh I Well, never mind. Touu manage somehow, I expect. Cling to the upturned boat or something, i shouldn't wonder. There's always a way. Yes, that's the plan. When Is tlie earliest you could arrange this?" "I fear such a course must be con sidered out of the question, sir. It really wouldn't do." "I can't see a flaw In It." . ; "Well, In the first place, It would certainly Jeopardize my situation. . . . "Oh, hang your situation ! You talk as if you were prime minister fir something. You can easily get an other situation. A valuable man like you," said' Sam, Ingratiatingly. "No, sir," said Webster firmly. From boyhood up I've always had a regular horror of the water. I can t so much as go paddling without an uneasy feeling." . i The Image of Webster paddling was arresting enough to occupy Sams thoughts for a moment. It was an in spiring picture; and for an Instant up lifted his spirits. Then they feU again. "Well, I don't see what there Is to be done,", he said, gloomily. . "It's no good making suggestions, if you have some frivolous objection to all of them." x , "My idea," said Webster, "would be something which did. not involve my own personal and active co-operation. sir. If It; Is all the same to you, I should prefer to limit my assistance to advice. I am anxious to help, but I am a man of regular habits, which I do not wish to disturb. Did you ever read 'Foot paths of Fate,' In the Nosegay series, Sir? I've only just remembered It and It contains the most helpful suggestion of the lot. There had been a misun derstanding between the heroine and the hero their names have slipped my mind, though I fancy hla was Cyril and she had told him to hop It . i "To what?" "To leave her for ever. sir. And what do you think he did?" "How the deuce do I know?" "He kidnaped her little brother, sir, to whom she was devoted, kept him hidden for a bit, and then returned him, and In her gratitude all was for gotten and forgiven, and never "I know. Never had the bells of the old village church "Kung out a blither peal. Exactly, sir. Well there If you will allow me to say so, you are, sir! Yon need seek no further for a plan of action." "Miss Bennett hasn't got a . little brother." "No, sir. But she has a dog, and Is greatly attached to It' Sam stared. From the expression on his face It was evident that Webster Imagined himself to have made a sug gestion of exceptional Intelligence. , It struck Sam as the silliest he had ever heard, "You mean I ought to steal her dog?" "Precisely, sir." "But,, good heavens! Have yotf seen that dog?" "The one to which I allude Is- a small brown animal with a" fluffy tall." "Yes, and a bark like a steam siren, and, In addition to that, about eignty- Ave teeth, all sharper than razors. I ojDuldn't get within ten feet of that dog without Its lifting the roof off, and, If I did, It would chew me Into small pieces." "I had anticipated that difficulty, sir. In 'FootDaths of Fate there was a nurse who assisted the hero by drug ging the child." -"By Jove!" said Sam, impressed. "He rewarded her," said Webster, .al lowing hla gaze to stray nonchalantly over the country-side, "liberally, very liberally." "If you mean, that you expect me to reward yon if you drug the dog,' said Sam, "don't worry. Let me bring this thing off. and you can bave all I've got and my cuff-links as, well. Come, now, this Is really beginning to look like something. Speak to me more of this matter. Where do we go from here?" "I beg your pardon, sir?" "I mean, what's the next step In the scheme? Oh, Lord I" Sam's face fell. The light of hope died out of his eyes. It:s all off! It cant be done! How could possibly get Into the house? I take It that tne little orute-sieeps in the house?" "That need constitute no obstacle, sir: no obstacle at all. The animal sleeps In a basket in the hall. Perhaps you are familiar with the In terior of the house, sir?' "I haven't been inside it since I was at school. I'm Mr. Hlgnett's cousin. you know. "Indeed, sir? I. wasn't aware.. Mr. HIgnett sprained his ankle this morn ing, poor gentleman.' "Has he?" said Sam, not particular ly Interested. "I used to stsy with him," he went on, "during the holidays sometimes, but I've practically forgot ten what the place la like Inside. remember the hall vaguely, - Fireplace at one side, one or two suits of armor standing about a sort of window-ledge near the front door "Precisely, sir. It la close beside that window ledge that the animal's hnnket is situated.. If I administer a slight soporific . . ." "Yes, but you haven't explained yet how I am to get Into the house in the first place." "Quite easily, sir. I can admit you throueh the drawing room windows while dinner is In progress." - "Flnel" r "You can then secrete yourse'f in the cuDboard In the drawing room. Per- hnna von recollect the cupboard to which I refer, sir?" ' "No, I don't remember any cup board. As a matter .of fact, when I used to stay at the house the drawing room was barred. . , . Mrs. HIgnett wouldn't let us Jnslde It for fear we should smash .her china. Is there a cupboard?" ';; 'Z s, ' "Immediately behind the piano, sir. A nice, roomy cupboard. I was glancing Into It myself in a spirt of klle curiosity only the Other day. It con tains nothing except a few knick knacks on an upper, shelf. You could lock yourself In from the Interior, and be quite comfortably seated on the floor till the household retired to bed." "When would that be?" ;, ""' ' : "They retire quite early, sir, as a rule, By half-past ten the coast is generally clear. At that time I would suggest that I came down and knocked on the cupboard door to notify you that all was well." Sam was glowing with frank ap proval. , , "You know, you're a master-mind I ' he said, enthusiastically. "You're very kind, sir I" ."One of the lads, by Jove!" said Sam. "And not the worst of them I I don't want to flatter you. but there's a future for you In crime, If you cared to go In for It." "I am glad that you appreciate my poor efforts, sir. Then we will regard the scheme as passed and approved? "I should sav we would I Its a bird I" ; "Very good, sir." 'Tlli be round at about a quarter to Bloht Will that he rltrht?" A "Admirable, sir." "And, I say, about that soporific. Don't overdo It Don't go killing the little beast." "Oh, no, sir. "Well," said Sam, "you can't say It's not a temptation. And you know what you Napoleons of the Underworld are!" CHAPTER XVI Episode One. If there Is one thing more than an other which weighs upon the mind of a story-teller as be chronicles the events which be has set out to describe, it is the thought that the reader may be growing Impatient with him for stray ing from the main channel of his tale and devoting himself to what are alter all minor developments. The story, for instance, opened with Mrs. Horace HIgnett the , world-famous writer on Theosophy, going over to America to herin a lecture tour: and no one realizes more keenly than I do that I lron-8ouled aa Thla Woman Was, Her Fingers Trembled as She Wrote. hsve left Mrs. HIgnett flat I have thrust that great thinker into the hack ground and concentrated my attention on the affairs of one who is both her mental and moral Inferior, Samuel Marlowe. I seem at this point to see the reader a great brute of a fellow with beetling eyebrows and a jaw like the ram of a battleship, the sort of a fellow who Is full of determination and will stand no nonsense rising to re mark that he doesn't care what hap pened to Samuel Marlowe and that what he wants to know is, how Mrs. HIgnett made out on her lecturing TA hs m hla- In HlirTalnT 1)1(1 she have 'em tearing up the seats In R.hMi.tdv Was she a riot in Chi- ivut. a'.u ow - " AflaTn anri cvdone In St. Louis? Thos4 re tha nointa on which he desires in- formation, or give him hla money back. I cannot supply t the Information. And,, before yon condemn me, let me hastily add that the fault la not mine but that of Mrs. HIgnett herself. The fact Is. she never went to Buffalo. Schenectady saw nothing of her. She did not get within a thousand miles of Chicago nor did she penetrate to St Louis. For the very morning after her son Eustace sailed for England In the liner Atlantic, she happened to read In the paper one of those abridged New York are In the habit of print ing, and got a nasty shock when she saw that among those whose society Eustace would enjoy during the voy- aae was Miss Wllhelmlna Bennett, daughter of . J, Bufua Bennett of Ben nett Mandelbaum and company. And within five minutes of digesting this Information, she was at her desk writ ing out telegrams canceling all her engagements. Iron-souled as this wom an was, her fingers trembled as sne wrote. , She had a vision of Eustace and the daughter of J. Rufus Bennett strolling together on moonlit decka. leaning over rails damp with sea Bpray, snd. In sort, generally starting the whole trouble over again. In the heio-ht of tha tourist aoaarai if ' lit v It Is not always possible for one who wishes to leave America to spring on to the next boat A long morning's telephoning to the offices of the Cu nard and the White Star brought Mrs. HIgnett the depressing Information that it would be a fyil week before she could sail for England. That meant that the Inflammable Eustace would have over two weeka to con duct an uninterrupted wooing, and Mrs. Hlgnett's heart sank, till sudden ly she remembered that so poor a sail or as her son was not likely to bave had leisure for any strolling on the deck during theAoyage of the Atlantic. Having realized this, she .became calmer and went about her prepara tions for departure with an easier mind. The danger was still great, but there was a good chance that she might he in time to Intervene. Sho wound up her affairs in New York and, on the following Wednesday, boarded the Nuronla bound for Southampton. The Nuronla is one of the slowest of the Cunard boats. It was built at a time when delirious crowds used to swoon on the dock if an ocean liner broke the record by getting across In nine days. It rolled over to Cher- bourg, dallied at that picturesque port for some hours, then sauntered across the channel and strolled Into South ampton water In the evening of the dav on which Samuel Marlowe had sat In the lane plotting with Webster, the valet At almost the exact moment when Sam, sliding through the win dows of the drawing room, slid Into the cupboard behind the piano, Mrs. HIgnett was standing at the customs barrier telling 'the officials that she had nothing to declare. ' Mrs. HIgnett was a general who be lieved in forced marches. A lesser woman might bave taken the boat train to London and proceeded to Wlndles at her ease on the following afternoon. Mrs. HIgnett was made of sterner stuff. Having fortified herself with a late dinner, she hired an automobile and set out on the cross-country journey. It was only when the car, a genuine antique, had broken down three times in the first ten miles, that It became evident to her that It would be much too late to go to Wlndles that night and she directed the driver to take her Instead to the "Blue Boar" In Wln- dlehurst, where she arrived, tired but thankful to have reached It at all, at about eleven o'clock. At this point many, indeed most women, having had a tiring Journey, would have gone to bed : but the fa miliar Hampshire air and the knowl edge that half an hour's walking would take her to her beloved home acted on Mrs. HIgnett like a restorative. One glimpse of Wlndles she felt that she must have before she retired for the night If only to assure herself that It was still there. She had a cup of cof fee and a sandwich brought to her by the night porter, whom she had roused from sleep, for bedtime Is early In Wlndlehurst and then Informed him that she was going for a short walk and would ring when she returned. Her heart leaped Joyfully as she turned In at the drive gates of her home and felt the well-remembered gravel crunching under her feet The silhouette of the ruined castle against the summer sky gave her the feeling which all returning wanderers know. And, when she stepped onto the lawn and looked at the black bulk of the house, Indistinct and shadowy with its backing of trees, tears came into her eyes. She experienced a rush of emo tion which made her feel quite faint, and which lasted until, on tiptoeing nearer to the house in order to gloat more adequately upon It, she per ceived that the French windows of the drawing room were , standing ajar. Sam had left them like this In order to facilitate deDarture. If a hurried de parture should by any 1 mischance be rendered necessary, and drawn cur tains had kent the household from noticing the fact All the proprietor In Mrs. HIgnett was roused. This, she felt Indignant ly, was the sort of thing she had bees afraid would happen the moment her back waa turned. Evidently laxity- one might almost say anarchy had set In directly she had removed the eye of authority. She marched to the window and pushed It open. She had now completely abandoned her kindly scheme of refraining from rousing the sleeping house and spending the night at the inn; She stepped Into the draw. Ing room with the single-minded pur- I . - pose of rousing Kustace out or nia sleep and giving him a good talking; to 1 for having failed te maintain her own standard 01 emciency among ui a- mestlc staff. If there was one thing on which Mrs. Horace HIgnett had al waya Insisted It was that every win dow In the house must be closed a Ughts-out i (TO BS CONTINUED.) Sun's Rays Nearly Start Fire. Just how simple matter It la fef a combination of circumstances to pro duce a fire was recently demonstrate. in a striking manner, in an office build lne at Corning, N. T. A flask that was of water, The rays of the sun, com ing through the window and falling oi the flask, were concentrated In a spoil about the size of a nickel, much as If burning glass were being used. The n suit was that the finish on the oak deal was burned through to the wood. Th possible results of this simple combe nation of everyday clrcumstancea war clearly revealed by the incident wbics haDDened on a Saturday afternoc when there was no one near the desr It the concentrated rays bad fallen o paper It would have been set on fire St. Nicholas Magasine, And it sometimes happens that tt. things you did not say are more te reams) than the rhusara M 1L4 av I' j lie) After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy and It's a help to dl nestlon and a cleanser ior me mouia and teetii. Wrlgley meatus benelltas weUa pleasure SPRINGLESS SHADES Last Loner.Look Better 30 PUPIL NURSES wanna tor tha naw Jamaica Hoapltal, Ja maica, N. T., 10 mlnutaa from Pannaylvanla Station, Now Tork City. On yaar hlfh chool aacaaaary bafor admlaalon. PupHawlli bar food home urroundlnga. Excellent lmt mo tion. Two yaara, four month' tralnlpe. Tha eoura of Instruction prepares our poplla for Stat Board examination. For particular. r.laaa aooly to the BTJPKBV1SOB OW KVBSE9. Jam Jamaica Hoapltal, Jamaica, M. t HOST PBOOr Cabbage Plants Early Jaraey, Charleston WaVefleld, Flat Dutch, Bucoeasion. Postpaid. 100. Sic; 100. LOO; U0, 1.28; 1000, 12.26. Cham collect - at 22.00 par 1000. Bermuda Onkme. L trace, CoUard. Kale. Bruaeele Sprouts, Baeta, Kohl-Ratal plant aam price. Satisfaction troanuiUad. Da I. Jamison, Summervllle, S. & ' AGENTS SELF-WRINGING MOPS Double usual profits. EASIWAT COM PANT, 401 at. Paul,. BALTIMORE, 11ARTLAND. SI aa Hour ea Mas or Woman to Dlatrlbate MoNesa line of quality extracts, aploea, phar maceutical remedlee, toilet article. tock and poultry tonioe, etc Writ for fr eemplea. Furat Thomas, Dept. SA. Freeport, 111. Your Men Folks save half the cost and are better pleased when, by onr new method, you make at home all their SHIRTS Lataat New Tork style. Ml varieties, tw Cradaa. Complete ehlrt-maklne outfit, eholo material, apaelally designed pattern, Inclnd- ln ceparata or atlaonsa oouar, pearl nv ton, neckband. Interlining and almpl In struction for making at home. All color and combination. Complete, plus poetasei Grade yalue II acn, il.t (IrmAm velua 1 aach. I2.0S ' Satisfaction guaranteed r money refunded. Sand for fre sample and full direction. HONE TtXTILC COMPANY DeptW. 02 Due St. . NewTerC Cuticura Talcum 13 Fragrant and Very Healthful Seas 25c, Oktawat 25 J 50c. Talc 2Sc Not Interested "When you found you hadn't your fare did the conductor make you get off' and walk?" asked the; inquisitive man. - "Only get off," was the sad reply. "He didn't seem to care whether I walked or sat down." Eureka! Barber "Your hair is starting to get gray in -the back- nerer yueruious Patron "That doesn't surprise me lt's almost taken an eternity for you to cut it I" St. Louis Times. . ; Spending all one's evenings at home is praiseworthy, no doubt but the oyster does it. A safe and toothing .remedy for cuts, burns, or akin trou ble. Protects, re- . livesan(lheals.Tak -internally for coughs and sore throats. Vaseline sVtMMMIl PETROLEUM JELLY CheebthMfs-Co.,Cond. Sou St. New York v-eimer Baby Chick Special, selected stock. Rhode Island Reds, tl per 100; Whit Leghorns and Anooaas, tie. mixed lota. 111. Order now. Beech Haven Hatcheries, Washington,, Ga.. PATENTS Send model or drawing for ex ami nation. Highest references, eared. Watson K. CnlMnaa Best result. l.. t-romptnass aa- DDUM Booklet FBBB. raatln,eae.,Waaiataa,A YOUNG r.sAN 'et th Charlotte Barber Collecre teach you a good rade and be independent. Write for catalogue, karleit Barb Ci), Charlotte, N. C V. M U CHARLOTTE, NO. 7-1924. i 8 mmmmmm m ssn