Fcr SsIj Complete line of farm tools and compfete poultry equipment, one wagon, 1 incabatoi 600 capacity, all practically, new. Spurfceon Henderson. 2 times. ' ' HOW'S THIS? TTAT.T TATAkRH MEDICINB will do what w. claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness, caused by Catarrh. HAU.'fl CATARRH MEDM--1JNE con- lists -l an Ointment which Qiuckij Kelleves the catarrhal inflammation, anu tho Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which arts through the Blood on th. JHucout Surfaces, thus assisting; to resior. uv nml conditions. Cold by druggists ror over w r mat K. J, Cheney A Co.. T"'do OX I will be in Marshall N. C. on first Monday, March 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 1924. AT DR. J. N. MOORE'S office for the purpose of ex amining eyes and fitting glasses, I guarantee results. North a rolina State Li cense. Dr. L. V. Lisenbee. OPTOMETRIST W. A. Sams Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over Citizen Bank. Sals of Real Estate Under of Trust. : . Deed By virtue of the power in me vested a9 trustee in a r deed of trust executed on ' the 23rd flay of February.. 1921, by T. C. Harney and wife C. M. Hayney and Frtd Hayney and wife Corrie Hayney, parties of the first part to F, II. Holcombe . pany of the second part and to P. D. Landers party of the third part to socure a debt tharein described to P. D. Lande s and default having been made n the peyment thereof and the sace having become due and being re quested to foreclose under tl.e power of sale in said deed of trus I, F, II. Holcombe, trustee us aforesaid will on the 25th day of February, 1924, at the court houre door in the town of Marshall at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highest bid der for cash the following de scribed real, estate, to satisfy said debt and Its interest and cost, to wit: Situated in No 15 town ship, Madison county, N. C. aI joining lands of T. B. Alle, C. N. Jervis, W, P. Jervis and others. and described i as follows; Lying and being in Mars Hjll township, beginning on a white oak Stump on top of a ridge R. P. Aliens corner, . and runs S.- 15 w 14 poles to a stake, then S, 20 degrees and 30 w. 2 poles to a white oak on top of a ridge, then leaving the top of the ridge runnlne S 73 E. 108 poles, to a stake on top of a ridge, then B. 80 E, 42 poles to a crooked post oak on top of another ridge. ;thep up and with the top of said ride as follows: N. 32 degrees and 30 W; 12 poles, then N. 30 . W I poles to an bid stump W." P. Je; . yis corner, then N. 2 degree and 45' E55 poles to a small hickory Sprout on top of a ridge, then S. 61. degrees and 30' W. 118 poles to jhe beginning scontaining 45.7 'acres more or less. This the 22 day of January f924. F. H. HOLCOMBE . - Trustee. fdei$;$iipCo. 1 C; Dealers in lumber of all kinds, metal and composition -roofing, windows and doors, brick;- lime and cement. We carry a fall line of everything. Come and ee us. or write for prices. BYKIDIGYFIFS KittaMTiiM KlfihtiS A,'0 btu,C U S'.ry?-i -t i K i v That strapping big new Overland engine ' has everybody talking. It is all sinew and power. It sends you zcoming up the stillest climbs, as nimbly as you please. This is Overjand Power Dem onstration week. Come in take an Overland out and prove to yourself that it is the most automobile in the, world for the money. Champien $695; Sedan $795,f.cbvTrfedo. F. H., Holcombe Mars Hill N. C. u2D 2X2 F OR SALE Genuine Judy's Pride Lockwood and Kelly's Tobacco Seed. .' I HANDLE ONLY GUARANTEED SEED Send 5o cents for ! dozen package enough to sow 2 beds 6 x 3o 2-5-to-2-2 23-d R. W. DOUGHTY, Greenville, Tennessee. jWe Buy, Sell or change All Such as Farms, City Property, iTJinhftr and Mineral I ti1 An vJ 'where, When you buy or sell, AT AUCTION SALE and see us. North Carolina Realty Company J. H. GROGG, Sec-Treas. Moved to 78 Pattpn Ave, South of P. O., Asheville, N. C. Trustee Sale. By virtue of the power in me vested as a trustee in a certain deed of trust, executed by N. A Gunter and wife, Laura Guntcr, on the 10th day of October, 1923 to secure a debt of $120 00 to Wade Oosnell and wife, Mollie Gosnell. said deed of trust recorded in Book 26 at page 127, default having boon, made in the payment of said debt, and having been requested to foreclose, I will on the' 10th day of March, 1924, atr the court house' door in Marshall, Madison County, N. C, at 12 o'clock M. sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy lltt to-wit; A certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in No.- 9 township, Madison County, .N. C, adjoining the lands of John Shipley and others, described as follows. viz: This heing a certain piece of land lying .on the North side o the French Broad River near Paint Rock, N . C, for a more complete description of said land and prem ises, reference is hereby made to a deed made , on the 31st day of May, 1919, by and between J. Roberts and wife; Mary L. Roberts, to C. S Gosnell and wife, Susie Gosnell, and registered on 22nd day of January 1920, at 9,u'clock A. M in book No 39, page 372, in the Register of Deedd of3ce of i Madison county iN. C. I' This the8th day of freb. 1924. JOHN A. HENDR'lCtfS, 2-8 to 3-l0-'24 j : Trustee.' , . Ex - Kinds Real Estate wish to either! PRIVATE OR! write or come To the Voters of Madison County. Ladies and gentlemen; I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination of Sheriff of Madison county sub ject to the Republican primary to be held June 7. II a v i n g served as an officer for tbe past eight years and as Federal pro hi bition agent since 1921 I feel that I will be able to carry but the dutiesof this: office to the best interests or the people - and been urged by good citi- zens from all parts of the coun ty, since before the priniary of 1922, to become a candidate for this office, I feel it my duty to as well as peivilege to make this race . Thanking each and every one for whatever kind ness and support you inay be able to give me, J am Respectfully yours, . WILLaRD C. RECTOR, Fcr Ssls. f Fancy thoroughbred Black Langshan cockerels aud pullets weight from six to nine pounds, S2 00 each, also a few Black Breasted Red games $1.50 each. -. ... T,lTjAir , . it. r. uaiaj, , Route i ' Mar.hsll.N.C.' 3tp , Kotlce ct Izr.d I2z Unicr the Power la CccJ cl Trcst. V By virtue of tho power in me Vested by a certain deed of trust executed by W. ', T, and , Tennie Henderson to the undersigned as trustee to secure a debt to Jane Hagan, dated 17th day of Septem ber 1913, recorded in Deed of Trust Book 15 at pa;e 202, default having been made in the payment of said debt,, the same having become due, and being requested to foreclose under t h e ' power therein, I will jell , to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said debt, interest and cost on March 10th, 1924, at 12 o'clock M., at tbe Court House in Marshall, Mad ison County, N. C, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract, of land bounded at follows: ' Begining on a fallen hickory by near ; a white oak by side ot road, and runa N. 40 poles to a stake, then . forty poles to a stake, then S. forty poles to James Cak ell line, thenW.MO poles with James Calwell line, back to the beginning, containing ten acres more or less. Second tract: Beginning on" a sugar tree stump,, known is the Nathaniel Davis corner, then with Nathaniel Davis line to top of Big Cove ridge to a blaok gum, then down said ridge to fhe eaiJ Na thanial Davis line, then S. to the beginning, containing three .acres more or less. The said tracts being second and third tracts in the deed of J. L. Worley and wite to Tennie Henderson, dated Nov . 15, 1S03, gecorded in dee I book 18 atpa;c41 of records of Madi son county. - " Also a' ten acre tract adjoining lands of Henry Worley, , how E T Worley, Alfred Rector "tract and Reuben Caldwell, descrihed ' in a deed from " Benjamin Roberts to Tennie Henderson, dated. Oc;. 1st, 1906, and recorded in deed bookt page 185 of records of: Madison county to all of which deeds refer ence is hereby made for a full and complete description. These lands situated in No. 12 township of Mapison county, N, C. aid on the waters of Big Pine Creek and do not include the hun dred acre tract t nor the seven acre tract described in deed of trust ex ecuted by W. T. and Tennie Hen derson to T A. McElroy, trustee, to secure a debt to the French Broad Bank therein described dated January 10, 1910,- and re. corded in deed of trust book 13, page 54 nor any other tract men tioned therein. . P. A. McELROY. Trustee. This Feb, 5, 1924 2 8 to 3.10 '24 d. - Judgement s based on experience. We have examined the eyes of thousands 3f v people, have made every known combination of glasses, fitted all sorts, sizes and shapes of noses. It is our pleasure to refer you to any of our patrons, We shall be equally glad to num ber you among them. See us to aay and see better from riow on. " CHARLES H. HONESS f , Optoraetrisl Eye Strain Spedalist 54 Pat Ave. !Opd. Postoffice . ASHEVILLE. N. C. a or CroUP, COLDS, L-.1X.UENZA & PNEUMONIA Motbtrt (hni4 beet (M o Brtmc't VtaomnMt Salrt conrcntent When Croup. Inlima of I't.w wlsliitami ililt (kliihifal atn tubbed veil Into the tbroa, am sad nma tb. vmi, will nlicn tbe cookuic biak couwtua Mi ptoawoi mtfal slo FCR SALE OR RENTr-5 room f iuse, water e. s lights, former tome of J. J. E.. i?y "in Marshall. .3 John Jarrett for terms and try. , - ' - nil. Notice of Execution Sale North Carolina Madison County ' " In the Superior Court ' John M J ones .V ; VS. .v.--. v Mri K O. Nanny. By virtue of an execution di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Madison County in the above entitled ac tion, I. will on Monday, the 8rd, day' of March 1924, at 12:00 o'clock A, M., at the court house door of said .county, sell to ! the' highest bidder for cash te satisfy said execution, all the rights, tit le and interest, which the said Mrs. II, C Naun.v, the Defendant has in the. ; following described real estate, Tow it: - s A lot in the Town of Marshall N.. CL, adjoinjnjt' the lands 6f C. Cl, RHirsey and F. Sheltoa, lying below the Henderson Garage, buildinir. A one fourth interest, in a lot beginning at theedfre of the Rec tor Hotel building and extending down' Main Street to the lot of F, Roberts, with Lis line to the Southern 11. K., up and with said Railway to the edge of the Hotel with the edge of the Hotel to the beginning. , ' ' This 28th Day of Jan. 1924. 2 1 24 to 3 i 24 d. RK. RAMSEY. " '. Sheriff. Notice! North Carolina " , Madison County In the Superior Court Lamar Odell VS. -Maggie Odell ' Maggie Odell, the defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in he Superior Court of Madison County by tbe plaintiff for the purpose of ob taining a divorce from the " bonds of Matrimony now existing be tween the plaintiff and tbe defend ant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, at his office in Marshall, North Carolina, .on the 3rd day of March 1924, and answer the complaint which will bedoposited in tbe office of the said Clerk, of the Superior Court of said Coun ty on or 'before the return day of this summons, and let. the defen dant take notice that if she fails to" answer said complaint that day or within twenty (20) days there after, the time prescribed by law the ' plaintiff will, apply . to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. ' , ' ,i. This January 26th 1924. 2 1 24 to 3 1 24 p. .- - , ; W. A. WEST, , Clerk Superior Court. ' Notice! State of North Carolina County f Madisoo - V IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Grace Johnson , VS. ; . . '. Horace Johnson ' ' " will tofrA nntiRA thatn aH.W.;rwJr "ul , wre oar titled .as above has been cemmen- ced in tbe Superior Court of Madison' County and that said ac tion is 'for an absolute divorce from the bonds of Matrimony and the said defendant-, will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, J on the 3rd of March, 1924, at his office. In Marshall. N. ; C., and answer er demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded nsaid complaint, v TLis the 3th day of Jan,' 1924. 2 i 24 to 3 1 24 p. , w.a. rrcT, ' Clerk uf the Cirerior Court. ;;VCoiigli3 that wear you out iMkinf you M wmk a4 ill, , rMpiag y.ur tkrot ud luif. ' utU they an Wwk them up sew Mitt tk.y iu 1 yen more terieui trouble. Pr. Xirng t New Da ' eerery breaka up eeugha ejuiek ly hy stimulating t h mucous mem branes to 'threw ffc(ginf secre tions. It has m ; .' pleasant taate. All druggists. Dr. KING'S nkwdkcSveiy Notice of Service by Publication North Carolina , ' Madison County ' i IN ."THE SUPERIOR COURT Before tie Clerk ' V J. J. Redmon VS. Thomas Rogers . The defendant above named will take notice that' a special- pro ceeding entitled aaanove has been commenced in the Superior Court of MadisOn County, to revive the judgment heretofore rendered in said case, and to issue an execut ion thereon, and Jhe said defend- -atit will further take notice that he is required' to appear befor the clerk of theSupeiior Court Of said County in his office in the court house on the 3rd day of March, 1923, and show 'cause if any he lias hy the said judgment nhall not be revivad, an'd an fxe- cation .issue, or. the plaintiff will apply to the emu t for the relief demanded in said notice. Tliis the 30th dny'of Jan. 1924. , V. A. WEST, 1 C'erk of Superior Court. The defendant above named will also take notice that Special Proceedings in t h e following cases, to wit: Bristol Drug and (ium Company vs Thomas Rogers Faucette Peavler Shoe Company vs Thomas Rotrers, Mitchell Cloth ing 1 Company against Rogers, rung Hrothpr b h o e .Company against Thomas Rogers have been commenced in the Superior Court of Madison County to revive the judnments rendered in each of, tbe above entitled cases in favor of tbe plaintiffs and ag&lnst the defendant, and to have execution "Issued thereon, and the said t de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of the said CountVj in his office In the court house, n Mar shall, Madison County N.C., on the 8rd day of March,' 124, to show cause, if any he has why the judgment rendered against him in each of the above entititled ac tions shall not be revived and execution issutd.cr the plaintiffs in each case will anply to the court for the relief demanded 'in said notices. This 30th day of Jan. 1924. 2 1 24 to 3 1 24 d.' 1 V ; , W. A. WEST, , - Clerk SupSrior Cour'tr f FOR SALE -P R I N CE" HAY -Property -Tract known asr mil , 'i trct containing 38 acres, good 5t house; and waler , mill, . Nice six room dwelling formerly Presbyte- ran cottage, six .rooms . with nec- gain. Located near' residence of Mr. Soloinoa Shelton, "on'ShVlton L,aurew - very attractive term a. If iuterasfed write or call on r ;; a: w. .whitehurst. Dr. J.-N. MOORE Has Moved His Office 'Un V Over Grove C. Rodmons ' Store. You Will Find l- Him There' Any. Time. r: t' - I A . k A .1. A. J fcUwfc . ,t hi.