THIS KC"'3-RECCHD, II AHSIIALL, N. C. A i 4 , T mr'"" 1a a Combined v.. w. Treatment,boch local and internal, and has been luccew Ail in the' treatment of Catarrh for over forty yearn Sold by all druggists. ( , t. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio ! ii ! i n i cc:.:;.:;3ii:;ir..jiFCEiDS Induatrlal r School Commlaalon Will Consider Off era FrorwTowns In .' Eaat Carolina. H""T back without qneatloa If HUNT'S 8ALVS full. In the treatment of ITCH, KOZKMA, RINUWORal.TETrkil or other Iwalng skin .dleeaaee. , Price toe at JrarrUU. or dtreot from a.Mlakaii IWMi C.,Uae,Tel, Avoid CU Clellbvo BY TAKINQ flriHTEnstUTHv, , W CiiiuTOinc H ft fc e JUBeUg Canaral Anderatbia Teats' a-nn ccLC3 - la c?.7?z Standard cold famadv MrU m rww bat bearing Mr. Hlll'i portrait and (fcnarur. A Good Gaes$ , famous .actor who repeatedly made farewell appearances announced another final tour. What wlU you- play?" aaked friend. ' . i : "Something of Shakespeare," - aald the actor. "Much Adieu About Nothing, I sup- poser aald the friend. " Cutleura Soothes Baby Raahea That Itch and bum, by" hot baths of Cutleura 8oap followed by gentle anointings of Cutleura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially If a little of the fragrant Cut! cum Talcum Is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each. Advertisement - .t In Duty Bound 1 "Do you eat your daughter! cook "Of course," replied Mr. Meekton. Tve got to. Observing the effects on my constitution Is a part of her course of study.'V-BoBton Transcript "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug tores and general stores sell bottles of "DowteUqp1', for 83 cents. Adv. . Cheating the Bird , . In Japan, small fish ere caught by trained cormorants, principally at night with the aid of Jackllghta. Rings are .tied around the throats of the fishing birds to prevent their swallow ing the catch. When their pouches are filled they are emptied In the boat Wen." .' ' ' ' if ' 1 IW bloated feallna- end dletreaaed breath Ing dm to Indigestion yon need a medicine aa wen aa a purgatire. wrigare inaten Vegetable Pills art both. AdT. Si' V ,.' ' Kind Invitation ; " Professor ; (after trying first-hour class) Some time ago my doctor told me to exercise early every" morning with dumb-bells. Will the class please Join me tomorrow before breakfast? A Universal Remedy for Pain...'. For over 70 years Allcock 's Plaster has been a standard external remedy, sold In all parts of the clvlllred world, Adv. To Preserve Courtesies Women of Clarksdale, 1 Miss, have organized a movement "to preserve the gracious courtesies which were once a distinguished feature of the Old South." --'' : :,. A Safe and Sure Laxative- Brandreth Pills, One or two taken at bed time will keep you in good, condi tion; Entirely vegetable. Adv. t , . There's nothing like making good resolutions If you, have the backbone to live up to them. Grandmother Knsw There Woe Nothing So Good tot ' 1 Congestion and Coldt em M attar d But the old-fashioned mustard 'Plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the ( plaster and without the blister. -Musterole does it It is a dean, white ointment made with oil of mus ' tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that It works wonders. Gently massage Musterole in with the finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re-. lief how speedily the pain disappears. -Try Musterole for sore throat, bron ' chitis, tonsillitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neura'rna, headache, conges tion, pleurisy,' rheumatism, lumbago, . pains and aches of the back or joints, r sprains, sore muscles, bruises, , chil blains, frosted feet-colds of the chest ' (it may prevent pneumonia). ; ToMotherei Muaterolelanow , ' made In milder form for babies end small children v Ask for Children's Muaterole. , . ' ' ' 35c and 63c, jars and tubes; hot- . VI i Rocky Mount. Trustees of the East ern Carolina Induatrlal Training School for Boys, created by act of the last legtalature, held their Initial meet ing here and after having completed their organisation are now in a posi tion to receive bids from cltlea which are seeking the institution' which will be similar in ts nature to the Jackson Training School at Concord. ' The meeting was attended by R. T. Fountain and J. C. Braswell, both of this city; Dr. C. F. Strosnlder," of Ooldsboro, and 8. C. Sltterson,' of Kin 'stone; Wilson Lamb, of WUllamston, being the only member of 'the board not present. At the brief business ses sion held by the board Mr. Fountain was named chairman. Mi. Sltterson, secretary and Mr. Braswell, treasurer After the meeting the trustees were given an automobile ride and shown over the city. , - At the conclusion of the session Chairman Fountain, who Introduced and sponsored the bill creating the in stitution, announced that the board II now in position to receive blda for the- cities seeking the school. , He re quested that all offers be adddressed to him and be sent in by. March S as the board now plans to start on lta tour of inspection to. look over these sites and hear the various cities offers on March 10. -Any city or town of Eastern Carolina not' more than, 20 miles' west of the main line of the' Atlantic Coast Line invited to submit an offer for? the school aa the bill provides that the location is to be no farther west than that point The bill which Provides for the establishment of the school carries a $26,000 appropriation Wnd a malnten ance fund .of f5,000 annually until the next legislative session. A number of oitles, Including Rocky Mount Wilson, Wilmington, Ooldsboro and Fayette vllle, are understood to be after the school already. - Hickory to Spend $8,000,000 In' 1924. Hickory. Contractors hereaboutr estimate that more than $5,000,000 will be scent In this immediately sec Jlon during the coming year, of which more than halt will be at Rhodniss the Southern Power Company's newest water power development The pay roll there will be considerable, and Hickory Is the nearest of the larger towns to If Thlsclty also Is a sort of secondary - headquarters. In the city proper the principal building pro gram will, include the new high school to cost $242,000 complete; the new $250,000 hotel, a new- dormitory at Lenoir College, a new drug store and office building to be erected by P. J Suttlemyer and a new garage and sales room by the Harper-Phillips Mo tor company. The Standard Oarage and Sales Company already has be gun on Its new home. Contractors also say that more new homes will go up here this year than last, when more than 200 wer built in Hickory or In the suburbs. Altogether it will be the greatest building year In Hickory's history, with two or more large buildings yet in prospect Rocky Mount to Gat Convention. Rocky Mount Rocky Mount was chosen as the 1924 convention city of the North Carolina division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at a meeting of the division's execu tlve board, with Mrs. R. P. Holt state nresident at her home here. The convention will open Tuesday night October 7. and continue through the following Friday; The decision to hold the convention In this city resulted In the hoard's acceptance of invitations extended by. the thirteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth districts, composed of chapters in northeastern Carolina, who were united in offering Rocky Mount aa the city for this year's state see sion. " , "... The three districts will unite in entering the convention her a and in arranging a program which will afford opportunity for daughters of the state to do honor to Mrs. Holt, their presl dent, in her home city. Train Smashes Auto Killing One. Cfaerryvllle-One Woman was killed Instantly and two other persona were seriously injured, 'one probably fatally, when a seaooara Air use passenger train struck an automobile in which they wer riding near here. The woman killed wasMrs. Bolick, of Buffalo, N. a ' i The injured are Mrs., Male Swlnk, of Buffalo, whose spine and three ribs were broken, according to reports from the Llacolnton hospital, and Austin Origg, of Cherryvllle, who Is In the same hospiUl with both legs brok en, according to reports received here. Lesson IBt RSV. P. . F1TZWATER, D,D Daaa at' tha Evanlnc School, Moody Bible Initltute.ef Chloaso.) te), lt, Wtara Wwppr Onion.) " Woman. Will Beautify Highways. ' High Point The Woman's club of High Point will proceed at once to the beautlflcatlon of the highway from this city to Winston-Salem' by planting cedars and crepe , myrtles along it. This is In pursuance of the club's plan to lead in the beautlflcatlon of all highways leading out of High Polnf and ' in keeping with an agreement with the Winston-Salem woman's club. - Later the club will attack the prob lem of Improving the scenery along the other routes. v ' .' Lesson for February 24 THI PERIOD OF THE JUDGES LK880N TEXT Juds. M-l; 7:1-11. , GOLDEN TEXT I will haal their backsliding, I. will love them (reel?. Hoe. 14:4. PRIM ART TOPIC The Story of a Brave Leader, JUNIOR TOPIC Oldeoa and Bla Three Hundred. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC Ureal Falllns and Rlalns Again. TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP IC The Long Strusgle With Idolatry. 1. A Synopsis of the Book of Judges. This book covers the period from the conquest of Canaan and the death of Joshua to the judgeship of Samuel. The teacher should master the con tent of the book in order to teach this lesson, especially chapters 2-16. L The Sin of the People (Judg. 2:6 13). While Joshua and the elders of his generation lived, the people in some measure remained faithful to God, In obedience to His Word, but the very next generation went Into apostasy. Their degradation may be accounted for as follows; (1) Failure to drive out the Canaan Ites from their midst. They hd gained the victory ever them, but failed to exterminate them. Their mis taken tolerance became their undoing. (2) Their amalgamation with - the Canaanltea. They Intermarried with the heathen. Tolerance of the enemy la closely ' followed by union there with and quick disaster comes in the wake of such union. . 1 (8) Idolatry. Intermarriage with the heathen was soon followed by the worship of the heathen's gods. Ood'a people lose power over the world as soon ss they make alliance with It. . 2. God's Judgment for Their Sins (Judg.. 2:14, 15). He delivered them Into the hsnds of "the spoiler that spoiled them." 3. The Repentance of the People (Judg. 8:0). Under the yoke of their enemies they learned their folly and cried unto the Lord for deliverance. . 4. God's Deliverance at the'Hand of the Judges (Judg. 3:16-18). Ood heard their cries and by raising up military chieftains as Judges he saved them out of the bands of their enemies. A repetition of sin, oppression by tho enemy, repentance on the part of the people and God's deliverance, consti tute the story of the book of Judges. v. i II. The Victory of Gideon's Band (Judg. 7:1-23). . , Gideon was the most outstanding ef the Judges. He came from an ob scure and uninfluentlal family (6:15). Before going forward he wishes to be doubly sure (6:36-40). - When once he was convinced. of duty, he was coura geous and enthusiastic. .This Is char acteristic of all trulygreat men. 1. The Oppoalng Army (v. 1). Gid eon and his . army rose early on that eventful day and they came by the spring of Harod. Over against them was the host of the MIdlanites in bat tle array. 2. The Sifting of Gideon's Army tw. 2-8). At Gideon's call 82,000 men responded, ready for the struggle. This seemed a small army to go against the 11 ldlanlte ' army, 135,00 strong, but God said this was too many, lest they be led to boasting sad self-confidence, The real danger was not in their small army but In their pride. All that were afraid were allowed to go back, leav ing only 10,000. Still this waa too many. When God was through sifting, nly 800 remained. - 8. God Gives Encouragement to Gideon. He bade Gideon go down. to the Mldlanite camp, where he would hear something that would cheer his heart and strengthen his hand.. When he came near he heard a man telling a dream, which was that of. a barley cake tumbling Into the camp and smit ing it He also heard the interpreta tion given to, the dream which made Gideon to be that cake. 4. God Gives Victory to Gideon (vr. 16-23). His attack was unique. The whole matter was of faith (Heb. 11 :32). Gideon with his 300 men formed into three companies, each man being pro vided with a trumpet and a lamp con cealed within a pitcher, Thus armed they surrounded the camp of the MI dlanites. They were all Instructed to keep their eyes upon their leader and Jmltate him.. 'At. the proper moment they blew their trumpets and broke their pitchers, giving opportunity for the lamps to shine out,' This awful crash of broken pitchers, following the sound of trumpets, accompanied by the thouf "The sword of the Lord and of Gideon," threw the MIdlanites into a panic, causing them to fight among themselves. -One hundred and twenty thouaand were thus slain, leaving hut 15,000 of that mighty army (Judg. 8:10). , WOMEN! WARNING! v PONT BE FOOLED Beware 1, Not All Package Dyea Are "Diamond Dyea." , Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and If you don't see. the name "Diamond Dyea" on the package refuse It hand It backl v Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings everything new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Refuse substitutes! Scent in Gems The prfume of precious stones was discussed In a lecture in Geneva re cently, says the New York World, by the French jewel expert De Hense laer. Some stones, such as the em erald, he aald,, give a subtle, pleasant scent when reduced to powder, while others, among them diamonds, have a disagreeable odor. OTHER! Clean Child's Bowels with v "California Fig Syrup" THE SPitKIGLESS SHADES Last LongerLoofc Bette MOST PRoor Cabbage Planto Early Janaj, Charhaton Wflwftald, Flat Dnteh, am unuiu roatpara. iw. mi j; . 7B 1.000, Chanraa eol Uw - L0O0, at SOc: 10,000 at HUo. Barmnde Onlona. Lattoca. Col lard, Kala, Braaaala Bptouta, BaataTKahl-IUM pawn Buna pnea. uaaataf OoB anarantaad. D. F, Jamison, Sarsamervlllc, 8. C DEMAND "BAYER ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" , Has Bean Proved Safe by Millions. Warning t Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or cn tablets you are not getting the genuine., Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed, by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous. Adv. Too Fresh "Why did you strike the telegraph operator?" the Judge asked the darky. , "Well, yo honah," said the culprit, "it was Jest like this: I bands him a telegram for mah girl, an' he starts in readln' it So 1 jest natchurally ups an hands him' one." American Boy. . . ''..',:.:,.. , INDIGESTION. GASES. ;UPSET, ACID STOMACH Tape's Dlapepsln" Is the Quickest surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost Immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages of Pape's Dlapepsln. Adv. , T Huge Palm Leaves . The Imaja palm, growing In Scftith America, hat leaves reaching a length of fifty feet and " often . ten feet wide. Another palm, a native of Cey lon, has leaves twenty feet long and eighteen feet broad, from which the natives make tents and shelters. v - There, are afways enough myster ies to spur curiosity. Even If cross, feverish, bilious, con stipated or full of cold, children love the pleasant taste. of "California Fig Syrup." A teaspoonful never falls to clean the liver and bowels. ' Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! Ton must say "California" br you may get an imitation fig syrup. Pi'fg Instead of Silos The Royal Agricultural Society of England is conducting experiments with pits dug in Ue ground for the storage of fodder as a substitute for the more expensive tower silos. Left Too Soon "My maids always boll eggs hard." "Is that so? Mine never stay long enough for that." UNUSUAL OFFER Pure Silk Stockings (CaemnawaO fOnm Omitmr Pmr Fm it AllshadM-ehaOTnadinmwalaht Btata alia, eolor tad weig-ht daalrad. ' GUARANTIEE SILK HOSIERY CO, lS74aWdwa NawYarkCily Bafcy Chkka Sfiaclal, aalaetad atoek. Rhode Iiland Rada, Sit par 100 ; White Laehoroa and Aneonaa, 111; tnlxcd lota, U. Order bow. Beach Haven liateherlaa, Waahlncton, Oa. FRESH TESTED SEEDS II le naekaeaa for 11.00. lather flower or vecetable. Bulk aeed In all amount, aod all kind. Flower plant tree with order amountlne to II. 00. Panajr plant a, lie doi. prepaid. All plant ta i;aan. swat I huh, alena, Atu. Your Men Folko save half the cost and are better pleased when, by our new method, you make at home all their . SHIRTS Latent New Tork etylea, lt varletlee, two aradaa. Complete ablrt-maklng outfit, eholoe material, epeclall deafened pattern, laolod. Ins eoparate ar attached Collar, pearl bot tom, neckband. Interlining and elmple In- . etfuetlona for making at home. All eolont a kd combination. Complete, plea poataaei Grade valne II each, II II Qrade value 14 each. 11.00 Satlafactlon guaranteed or money refunded. Sand for free emmple' and full direction. , HOME TEXTILE COMPANY realty. 02 Dnaa 8L Nan Vara W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 8-1924, inoH RANGES - jj FOR 25 yeart Allen Ranges have given dependable service and proved their economy In operation. ' To-day they are vastly re fined in finish, but the real : reason why they sell more quickly is the reputation established by old Allen Ranges. Wrtt for oar ittwMtmi catalog and nam of dealer new you. Allen Manufacturing company hasuvillb l-l t-t The Teat When I see a man who does not think pretty well, of himself I always suspect him of being ta the right Robert Louis Stevenson, r Despondency Tespondency Is the devil's triumph In the human mind. - Ood Is not the anther of hopelessness." The Advo cate. ' ' ' ' Feelings, . Those who would make us feel must feel themselves. Churchill. jftrvk to lofc7r'fertilizer HOW. can you tell Royster's "cured" Fertilizer from fertilizer that has v not been aged? The greatest difference is seen in the more ' profitable crops grown by the cured fertilizer, but there is a difference ' even to the untrained eyel . ' After the first mixing, Royster's .' goods are placed in great bins where v they age from four to six months; They are then re-milled and bagged. The fine grinding of the ingredients 'iv-and the close association of the Great bin ef Royetar Fertilizer "cure" or Cage," for month eo that your reeulta from its use will swell the eerninge from 'your land. plant-food elements bring about a more complete chemical action dur ing this aging, making a fertilizer, which is ! readily available , to the plant from seed time to harvest. The curing and re-milling are two of the reasons successful farmers say "Royster's helps to make bigger and better crops," , Don't buy fertilizer in a hit or miss fashion any longer. Put your faith in the old, well-known Royster reputation and ask for Royster's Fertilizer by name. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Nokpolk Columbia, Atiaita MoiirooitimT : ; ,Ar- t f . . ts:!d lested hrtilizc-rs i

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