r (. . ., . ' 449444444444.444k . . . & V X Madison County R J ; Mutrfiitbcd Jun II, : 'Record X French Broad News iu as that your sob- J scription has expired. ppppppppp'ppppP000P. 5 COnSOLIDATKDHOT.I.Wn ZppPPPPPP00PPPPP0PP00 THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXI ,7MARSHALU MADISON COpNTY, N. C FRIDAY, MARCH 7th, 1924, No 10 gh Chamo Clark" Intended to v Shoot William J. Bryan This , is a story carried by the Philadelphia North American in it '.issue of February 18, 1924, ' William Jennings Bryan escaped being: shot aud killed by Champ Clark during the memorable 1912 Democratic convention in Balti more, .because of the extreme heat which caused the convention to adjourn before Clark - could pet , to the convention hall to'carry out his intention on the night of 1 Jun,e 28, according' to a grapflic story appearing in the'-New York World under the signature of J. J. Dick inson. ' , '' The events leading up to Clark's decision to kill Bryan, according to the story, were the attacks made against Clark on the floor, of the convention by Bryan. Clark, was a candidate for president and " up to the time of Bryan's attack his prospects of receiving the nomina tion had been considered good. 'Byyan opened his. attack on Clark ill a statement June 26, vhich was carrieJffoevery Co: t Lot more ncr of the OHiMiv ncv.'sp". correspoh i, Jn , his r; cd that bbyist in ' Jtimore !; I ampaign ' ;" on .the iat be e" by L ; boldly brokeim iristruf low bor bt the Nebraska tl s as ai meni- lfcloAtk)ri, and taking the platform, announced he would f not cast another vote for Speaker Clark and further an nounced that he would support Woodrow 'Wilson.',.': ! '..'.'' .;, , Mr. Bryan based the cause of his Bddden turn about upon the wound that Charles F. Murphy and Tammany Hall were arrayed solidly for Clark as the result of a corrun political deal ' A t ' th morninir session the thrice-defeated nominee pf the na ional Democracy for president had introduced a resolution , f of the im mediate expulsion frrn the con- vention of Thomas F Ryan, who, although a delegate from .Virginia, was a resident of New York,- Mr Dickinson says in JV story, "Au na "Rplmnnt. 'a member of the va'V 1 , - delegation, together with all dele , gates in any way affiliated with-the J. Pierpont Morgan baoKing in tercets - were also included :.in the 'expubiph resolution. Mr., Bryan omi'ttedto put this' amazing reso lution to a vote, so that, after the wir.lpnt. "storm the resolution en- gendered had subsided, the ind dent was closed." - The Brvan attack on Clark.Vcap riod toall corners of the country, brought a vast numDer oi leiegraras tn t tic ficlpcates. the tenor of them till lwlOT! 'Quit Clark and follow U Kjytfft -v - Bryan." The teloerams produced a verit able banic in the 'Clark instructed delegations and brought : about the - real turning pointy in the conven- tion. Then, according 10 mv. b storv. Brvan ' went to William F. McCombs and asked him to break the convention dead' ' 'loek 'bv throwing: his -support to Rrvan. Thus Bryan-1 e( t, it' be 1 known' that he ' was" not averse to entering the, fight ior nomination k:,nc1f'Rrvan'fl talk with' Mc- "V.mM. in' substauce, was trans miwid to the Clark followers and . eventually to Mr. Clark himself.; ' Alreadv incensed over Bryan b . . than 1 1. COO . ' - dentf at t' " oiv statc v '.TV Brj virtul "y cv:iy,.wr': , 1 I thn lit 1 " ;j wai i i v worK)) ' ' h t!io Cla , . irianl - .. :v.;r, Mr . J. toartv in corrut , - -. Resolutions of Sympathy Offered by Mr. John' A. Hendricks Member of the Marshall Bar. Whereas, Mr. W 11 1 1 a m J. Roberta one of the old and hon ored citizens of Madison county died Wednesday, 6 a. m. the 26th day of February 1924, Who was the father of Mr.' Guy V. Roberts, a member of the Mar shall bar. Upon motion be it therefore resolved in open court, that the court, members of the local bar, visiting attorneys and officers of t h e court,' extend their .deepest sympathy to our brother attorney, Mr. Guy V, Roberts, and the relatives and friends of the deceased. It is further ordered that these, resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the court and that copy be' furnished to thenews- p a pe r and to Mr. Guy V. Roberts. ' attackP, Clark docided there was only one way to Bettle the aiffcrf encep and silence Bryan, and that was to Btfoot him Vith that idea growing in his mind, Clark, in Washington, suddenly decided to go to Baltimore, enter the conven tion hall, take. the floor and de- nouncc Bryan " in -the puterostJ ' terms he could command, and thip to shoot Brvan when! the lai'? got up to answer. , (Mark eumnioned 'two fntm.y whom he knew held his own r views on life, J,- These were' representative Ben' Johngoh. of . Kcntuciy,'-and p . ;n Pom taTri mble.. ,.o A rkan- sas. - Trimble "w as'chref cfef k hi the house of Representative'-' : Crark told these friehds of his in tentions. He told them. his object was to go at once, to the cohven- vention hall, denouuee Bryan, 'wave at the huge '. audience what was -i j in. n nk.iir tnr ifi nnn sent to Mr. Bryan by Augt1 Bel mont ior use in the Bryan cam painn of 1908, and- wind up; if he might, by telling the convention that he did not want nor would he accept the nomination for presi dent so long as Bryan should be permitted to remain a delegate. After that, Clark, accompanied by his wife, and with a pistol in his pocket, set out for Baltimore The chancecoupIed with the wea ther, that probably saved Bryan s life was that Clark got a local train between the two cities ajd did not arrive in Baltimore until 11:10 p. m.. one hour and ten minutes after leaving Washington. ' The extreme hot BDell.that bad caused the delegates to adjourn the cotiventibu at-ll-iii p, m.,' instead of continuing on into the night as they had donfi the bight before. Clark and his wife went directly to the Em'merson hotel, where thej were joined by delegates from the cbnvention and by Clark s son. Rennett. w. h 6 m Mr. Dickinson credits with much informatton'con cerning ; his story. Among the first of the Clark supporters to arrive at-the hotel was William Randolph Hearst. 1 ' ceeinir that t was too late to accomplish what he Had" left Wash ington for, Clark told his followers it bad been his intention to de nounce Bryan on the .floor. of the convention and challenge him to disprove the $10,000 B,el mon t check. Thrt opportftnity past for the present, Clark, announced his determination to wit hdraw from the mesidential race. An w e r e against such procedure, with the 'feception'of Hearst, but the ma- jority finally prevailed, and Clark took a 2 a. m. ; train back to Washinirton. . ' . i.Ve TKfi n' ' In North Carolina Grand View Items St. Peter stood at the golden gate With solemn mien and air sedate, When up on top of the golden stair Maceie and Jiggs, ascending there, Applied for admission, they came and stood i - Before St. Peter so great and good; In hope the city of peace to win, And asked St Peter to let them in. Maggie was tall and dark and thin With a scraggly beardlet on ; her . chin'.' ; . . Jiegs was short and thick and stout And his stomach was 'built bo it ronnded out, - -. , v His face was pleasant and all the ' . , while ' ' " ' " . ; ' He wore a kindly and pntle smile the choir in the distance and cchoe.' : woke, ' ; ' s; . - ' And Jiggs kept still "while" Maggie Bpokc. . ' , , ' "Oh, tncu who guardeth the gate " said she, "We two come thither beseeching thee ;'';..: ' ; v''' ' To let us enter the Heavenly land, And play our harps with the angel band, ' " ..'. : .', Of me,f St. Peter, tnere is no doubt There's nothing from Heaven .to ' bar me out. I've been to meeting three . times a week, I .nd almost always I'd rite and speak. ' '. ' ' "I've told the sinners about the When they'd repent of their ' evil nm oii .. em all 'Bout Adam nnd Eve and the Pri- malFall. ' : ' : 've sho . n them what they'd have , to do y , : I they'd pass in with the chosen '"' few, v " ' ' : . 've marked their path of, duty clean , -Laid out the plan oi their whole career. ! : , 1 , "I've talked and talked to 'em loud and long. For my lungs are good and my voice is strong. So. good St, Peter, you'll clearly see" ' - v. - The gate of Heaven is open to me But Jiggs hereI regret to say, Hasn't walked in exactly the nar row way; ' He smokes and swears and grave faults he's got, v So I don't know whether he'll pass or not. "He never would pray with an earnest vim. Or go to revival, or join in it hyrnn, Whilcl the sins of my neighbors 'here: ;:'' ' '' :' He gadded about with Dinty Moore He made a practice of staying out late. ::..:"..:: i;1'-',- W ::' Which Is a. sin all women hate; But at last when he did come home The rolling pin went straight for his' dome. . - r "I know him, St. Peter I know him . . well ; v . '-. . To escape from me he'd go to hell; But St. Peter, I need him here, And hope you can see yonr way clear ,. , . - . ''' On earth I bore a heavy cross. Give me in ticeven stin Jiggs w . boSS ' t :, ' I've brought my rolling pin, plates and iars.V ' ' !To keeep him dodging among the stars. ;. " VRut, say, St. Peter.it seems to me This gate isn't kept as it ought to be. You ought to stand right by the f - opening there, - I And never sit down in that easy As a who'e, property in North Carolina is listed at a fair percent of its real value, The" most re liable authorities estimate that for the entire s!ftte about 55 to 00 per enht of our taxable Droperty is ac tually listed for taxat on.. No uni form Derwntaire of real va'ue is sought by "lh one hundred cotin ties of the slute. In some cfciintii 8 the people do not need to road novel v The mos' interesting fie linn is embodied in their tax ,b6oks. On the otner hand there are a few counties that endeavor to eRt all Dronertv listed at a uni- f4rrrly )iigh percentage of its real value. In Durham county o per pent. of the real value is souuht. In some counties adjoining Dur ham an attempt is made to get au percent of taxable valuas on the books. 'The low property ' tax rate in North Carolina is not due to the fact that... a 'large percent of our property is . on the tax books, Irrespective of what part of the Dronertv is on the tax hooks the actual tax burden bornf by prop erty is lighter in North Carolina than in any other state. chair. " And lay St. Feter, my Bight is dim- n ea But I don't like the way your whis kcrs are trimmed. ,. They're cut to wide wi'.h an out ward toss: iney u icon uei-wri stra cht across." , St, Peter sat and streked ni3 s- an But in spite of his office e had to I'liioh 'Who's tending this gate Maggie' Then he arose in his statue tall, And pressed button on the wall, J?t: 1. : i nA n hM "Escci Slowly Jiggs turned, by habit bent To follow, wherever Maggie went, St. Peter standing on duly there, Saw that the top of his head was bare. ( He called the old boy back and said "Jiggs how long hast thou been ' wed?" .' VTliirty years,"--(with a weary " Biiihl And then he thoughtfully added 'Whri?' St. Pter was silent with head bent down; ., He raised his head and scratched hi0 crown r - : ' ' - :'.' ', . Then, seeming a different- thought : to take, Slowly, half,-to himself he spake; ' "Thirty years with that woman there . , u ! t .. a.m.n hisn'llmVnMf iNO woiu'i-i wiv iu - "--j : a. s., ,.ii,n,r .mnkiniria no g00(1;- . He smoked and swow; I thfnk he , would! " , , ' ' Thirty years with that rtongue so " sharp Hoi Angel Gabriel! Give him a harp, A jeweled harp with a golden string Good sir pais in where the angels sing. - And Gabriel gave him a seat to . himself.' ' ' ' '' nnn with a cushion 1 up near the throne. 1 "Call up some angels, to play their best; earned a moat cn fhof on finftst amorosia he 14. V VAtMW w-" , feeds. He's had about all ho needs It isn't hardlv the thing to do To roast hiri on earth and in the future too." . . ' Airlittcring robe and a. pair ot wings. - ' ' And Jiggs, looking down from his hieh level. Thought of Maggie and felt sorry for the" devil. IU1 lira , , . n -j. , Georg Bradshaw. in Perfe Mar quette" Magazine Everyboby is getting along nicely with their work, in get ting ready for another years crop. . , The Sunday. School at this place has been very good ' hav ing missed only a few Sundays on account, of bad weather Our pastor Rev. L. C. Roberts filled his appointment at this. place Saturday and Sunday. Owing to very disagreeable weather, the crowd was not as large as usual. -. V.r and Mrs. J. A. Bishop and children from Va , are visit ing Mrs. Bishops parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Rice, .at this place. Miss Mae Fisher has returned back. to'Asheville after visiting her parents af. this place Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fisher. . Mrs T. C Hooker and daugh ter Manila' and son Oris, has been confined to their home for some while with the measles but we'are glad they are getting along nicely. f Miss Rena Roberts is visiting relatives in Asheviile'. Miss Minnie Rice has reiurn k J 1 1. i 1 1 Hn,r,V :-u:rf v, ra tw,o aiwi yiwiuij uuure wiiu m place Mrs. Mae Jump, from Ashe viile is visiting relatives here. Little Pine News 1 - Fork Saturday and .Sunday? " Mr. Griffin Mr.' James Wilson, MV. Harrison Redmon and Mr. Johnie Goforth visited the ''Chain Gang Camps last Satur day night and sang and talked to the prisoners. Mr. J. B. Roberts bought two fine Short horn calves at Mar shall, at Mr. Allen's sale. M r Wiley Roberts bought one Lf Mr lien's calves'. Mr Carl Roberts and Mr. mc- Kinlev Redmon went to De- triot. Mich . last Friday, Feb ruary 22. Though Mr. Reumon got home sick and returned. Mr. and Mrs MerLin'ey Red mon visited Mr. and Mrs. Pear son Meadows ' last Saturday night. Mr. Redmon made some IimSlVi WH11 11 lO T IUHU T . . , , Mr. KicnarQ otocKiey maoe a business trip to Asheviile last Saturday. , - v : Mr. andMrs. C. C. Graham, and small daughter Josephine, visited Mr. and Mrs. J: B. Ro- berts last Thursday. Mrs. Adeline Roberts has been for some. time. - She is to go to the hospital Tuesday. ' Mrs Evelyn Wild is still with Mrs. Adeline Roberts, while her husband Mr. Dewey Wild, went back to Deto-iot to work. vir Wavne Roberts left last Thursday for Franklin, N. C where he will take a position barbeing. Mrs. Ollie Payne is on the sick list, though improving very slowly. Mr. and Mr3. Robell Redmon, Misses Tillery. arid Grace Fisher nd Mrs. Sprinkle were visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Pearson Mea dows last Sunday afternoon. ' . T .1 ! Miffs isora uocKKry i kclhub i along fine with 'her school 6n I . . Upper Little Pme - 1 VF , A Reader. List of Jurors "Drawn for March Term, Superior Court, March r 24th, 1924. No. 1 Township R A. Reed4 Z. V. Fisher. Fred Kiesby. .J. Morgan Ramsey,' .las. Ilughey No 2 Township G, W. King, E. I.. Tweed. No 4 Township -W. B. Hoi"' combe, Willard Anderson. , ., , No. 5 Township-Thomas Mur ray, Jr.- . y-. 'I i - No. 6 Township J. P. Glance.. No. 7 Township Joe M. Payn No. 8 Township H. E. Mar tin, A-N. Woody. No3' 9 Township Charley'' Rollins. No, 11 Township -W. R. Craw ford,' , ' No. 12 Township Jas. A. Davis. G. W, Wild. ' No, 14 Township J. C. Rob inson, Jesse Sprinkle. No. 15 Township O. J. Andcri son. No. 16 Township -E. L Blank- enship, A A. Capps, E. D. Peek. ' You are invited to P. V, Recr tor's Friday and Saturday,. Spring Millinery Opening. , X hat for everybody. 'tl Madison County Club "Tho Vuintnsa fn'pn of Mfldison county, seeing a crying uveu lur, some means by which they could. co-operate with each other, and with the various other, businesf organizations of the State, have organized a: Business Men Club for Madison County. The club was launched on Tuesday and within a few hours thirty six meml ers had joined and paid their dues. The club will have a handsomely appoint ed suite of rooms on the third floor of The Bank of French Broad: :Tbe object of this club is 1 stimulate business life in"Madi son county and to promote the interests of the county in every possible way. Co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce in other places and with "Western North Carolina Incorporated", will give valuable assistance in advertising the business re sources apd scenic beauty of the best county in North Carolina. ,: Spring Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday, M a r c k 7th and 3th, P. V. Rector, If You Have A Bit Of News - Send It In -If you have a bit of news Send it in; ;. Or a fact that will enthuse -T . .Send it in; , A story that is true, , An incident that is new. We want to hear from you Send'itin. Never mind about the style, If the news is worth the while, It may help to cause' a smile Send it inl Selected We have just received a new line of Ladies Spring Oxfords and Pump-, we invite your in4 J spection. 13. R. Tweed. : I '