THE NEWS-RECORD - nmmmmm MARSHALL , H. C J i r JOHN A. BSNDRICKS Editorial Writer Entered as Seconclass mail matter V the Post Office in Marshall, N. C under Act of March, fed, ,1879. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY . Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents A Year in Advance MjV William J. Rolens Passes Away. Mr. William J. Hoberts, faiher of Attorney Guy V Roberts, of Marshall, ' and the father of neveral other living children died nt his old home on W a 1 n a Cr.'ek, Tuesday morning, March 2Jth, 194 Mr. Roberts wa the brother of Stephen Roberts who died several years ago. Stephen Roberts was father of Dr. Frank Roberts, J Will and Stephen Roberts of Marshall Mrs. John Jarrett va3 a niece of . the deceased William J. Roberts Mr. Roberts was 84 years of age, born 1840 , He was 11 y ars of age when Madison county was cut off from Buncombe a n c Yancey counties and organized The deceased was the son oj Moses Roberts who died many years sgo. We understand that the Roberts family have lived on . Walnut Creek and owned . the lahd in that section for about even generations Mr. Robirts the deceased, lived in we mi .jht say about four periods of the history and progress of the country. He lived 21 years of the period before the civil war. when one human being could own another and sell him and trade him like any other per sonal property or chattel. . He lived through the swful conflict of civil war and the years of reconstruction. Mr. Roberts was born about the time of the advent of rail roads and telegra phy. If we shall stop long enough to reflect for. a few moments, we are bewildered, when we tnmk what progress the country has made in evry s.Tjnue during ih.9 life time of this,man At great ccst of life, property and money, about four million negro slaves were freed, andmore than twice that many white peop'o were liberated whose condition was not much better than that of the slave. When Mr Roberts was born Chicago was only a village, prob v ably not larger thau Marshal Other cities have grown up in the same proportion. The Vis sissippi river was practically the western boundry of civilization It would take volumns to br. fly ate the wonderful changes t. at took place during ihe life time oi t is mani Therefore but U w natives, living in ia d i 's o r, county, that have experienced the. changes that Mr Roberts passed through. He was a mem her of the Walnut Creek Eapiist church. . There are but fe v living now mat will live as many .years as M.-. Roberts saw. . . Liie nas oe n denned, as an arrow passing through" the air over the guif from one mountain peak to a notice The arrcw SDon makes . its coarse, t h'e n what ?, The News-Record er tends its kindest sympathy to the relatives and friends, of the de eased I f4s.V .'-M-v B ' Xttlic w (ii i ili! I Start' and Dtmountablt ' DWROIT . j Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is several hundred thousand greater than the available supply. Place your order immedi ately, to avoid delay in delivery -fXZ Detroit, Michigan & j,"' NOTE : A small your nam on the p payment down puts prefer ri erred delivery list See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer, r To Our Farmer Friends ' . ' '-' ; ' f V - i f ; , ' We) are doing all possible to increase the farm produc tion in OUR COUNTY and will considea it'a pleasure to , render any services, pos.ible to any farmer to assist in his ' farnr work . - - . We can produce the very fines' Wobaeco and that i what ' yiways brings the highest price. Join our Tobacco' Club 'and get some of that GOLE we are offtrir.g in PRIZES. We have other attractive propositions to' offer. Come' . to' see U3 about them. Don't Joe' too late. Come at om e. ' W will appreciate any pofonage given us and our ser vices cannot be outclassed in any way. ' i THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT. F. R. TWEED, W. T. DAVIS, A. W. WHITEHDHST, President , . Assistant Cashier CasWcr. ! CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS " Ell k I m - "i Marshal Motor Company Mr. J. T. Bird, former whole sale represeneative of the Ashe ville Overland Knight Company has purchased an interest in the business of The Marshall : Motor CompanA and will be actively engaged with this Company in a general automobile and sra business in Marshall, Mr. Bird has moved his .fami- y to the Ueo. M. irucnard home on Walnut Creek and he will bo found among the hustl ing business men of Madison County in the interest of his Company. JThis Company has the Agency or the sale of the Overland and Willys Knight cars in Marshall and Madison Connty and Mr.H Bird is an experienced man in this line "of cars. He ' will be glad to -give a demonstration of these cars to any one who is in erested in the purchase of a new car. . ' ' The Marshall Motor Company has received noticj of a ship ment of Overland and Willys Knight Cars which, should be unloided here some time this week. These cars will be on exhibition ' in the new show room recently comaietea oy this company in their garage and the public is cordiady invit ed to come in and see them ANNOUNCEMENT : P. V. Rector will have on display ' ' Frrday ncl Saturday' ; MARCH SEVENTH AND EIGHTH : . A full linVof Spring Millinery ' ; ' '"' EVERYBODY COME - ' Spiing Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday March Seventh And Eighth LATEST AWD EESt An INCREASING, Life Longlong Monthly In come if lot ally and Permanently Disabled by " Accident ok Disease before Age 60. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORKi DAN . T- HAYNIE, DISTRICT MANAGER, BARNAND. N. C ' . v No further premium deposit $100 a month during first 5 years, $150 dur ing next 5 years, $200 thereafter for.lif. And then.$10,000 at your death to your bene ficiary. Total disability lastinar 90 days re-' garded, during further continuance as per-, manent. , f , $20,000 if death, at any age, 'is accidental, payable in a single sum, or an income for a - !. term of years or for life. . i PLEASE GIVE ME FURTHER, INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PERFECT LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Name Occupation . . Date of Birth Address!.....;....... 1- ( - NOTICE OF SALE, North. Carolina " V Madison County j . . r K State . ' '".' VS " ' v Charles Moore By virtue of an' order vt ths Superior Court of Madism Coon Mim Supply Co. " f!"r?b : l.i ul bliulll III P 0, Dealers in lumber of all ; metal and comjxwifion fin?, windows and ooors, x, Lroe and cement, .... f.,n . .,u: " i J see us. or write I Laws of 1323. ty, February term 1924, 1 mt.11. on the 15th, day of March 1B2.4, at the Court House door in Mi : shall, N. C, sell to the highe st bidder for cash, one CheVroJ et Coupe, confiscated for the ili e- t A. f m ' ' m 1 gai iransponauon or wnisKejr, and condemned to be sold b y j the Superior Court of this coun -t ,' ty. at the February term 1924 i 1 yj. fj'as provided by law, .Char' i t Baby chicks need the right stuff to make then grow, just as much at human be bies need it. That's the gospel truth,' We know something about both kinds of babies. , Your chicks will not grow on corn meal or scngy biscuits. This kind of stuff kills them cff. They get the real grow stuff in Happy Chick FetUs. ; . ., , : ' .,'- We sell and guarantee Happy Chick Feeds, - because we know how they are made and ' what they contain,. Raise every chick and xyou will make more money. You can do it with these feeds. s ' r We want to tell you some new things about raising chicks. It is the tried and tested Happy Way. It cost us something to get this information, but it is yours for the asking. Com (o see us .. ' ( HOT SPRINGS FEFD COMPANY Hot Springs, Nrth Carolina, C-2 . . (Bet TMs i Efinffflllfl A big, virile engine to send you sweeping uphill big, sure brakes to ease you downhillpaenerf Triplex Springs to melt the bumps . away! One hour's drive is fifty minutes more than are needed to openycnateyesbthebiggrOverland . power, sturdier construction' and i greater, comfortj Champion $695; Sedan $795. t o. b. Toledo. F. H. Holcombe Mars Hill, N.C Ve Buy, Sell or Ex- e All Kinds Real Estate s R. It. RAMSEY", SheriJ Iladlson Coar Dr. J.N. MOORE Has Moved Ilia ' Oflice Up Over Grove- C. Redmons . - 'Store? You Will Find" ; -V llhn There Any ' Time. 1 ' W. : Sams ' '' : ';'! '' ' ."'V';;. : :- ;; - .''' ' . ': ' '"'' '"- ". . i ."" Physician and Surgeon Office Front Room Over aucn as Farms. Citv l imber and 'TJiucral Ln vvuuu you msn to cither buy or sell. AT PRIVATE An JiuiiUiJ :.toilJUi5 7ritc or com North Carolina Realty Company J. II. GROGG. Rer -TVpo - J Moved U 73 Fatton Ave, South of P. O, Asheville, N. C. f FOlCT-KID'HiYPIR!;