Death Cf l!rs. KarthvPe 5 Local and Personal On April the 22 the death Mrs. D. V. Ebbs and little sonlanp-el visited the home of Mr ban are visiting at the home of Uiark Pegjr and t6ok away His i Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McElroy. loving wife, Martha. She was a motHer of five little children loss. She was 34 years ; old and Cletus Fortner who has been in died at his.home, Sunday morning Avril 28th. He was buried at the Ball Cemetery Monday morning. The News Record extends sympa thy to relatives and frieud9. Misa Orla Plemmons and Mrs. Will Morrow ' is attending com mencement at Mars Hill this week. 1 . Dr. -and M.'s J. C. Tion were in town Sunciiiy. , ' , Miss Effie Keith of Laurel Brand who has been visaing her sister, Mrs, Jervia at Winston SsXem re- turned to her home Tuesday. ' . - .'' V 'N ' , Mr. Geo. , Meadows and Mr. Jones of Asheville were in Marshall Wednesday. - Mr. Lawerence Mc Elroy has re turned to Weaveryille where he is In school after spending the week end with home folks. "' r : . '. Mr. F. 0. Tilson has gone to .Asheville and will be there an in definite length of time. . . . , Miss Annie Sprinkle who . was . one of the faculty has returned to er home in Virginia. " v Miss Pauline Ramsey returned to school at St. Genevieve, after spending Easter Vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs .R; S. Ram eey.. . ' ' . . Miss Hattie Tilson is expected home this week from Pine Level, N. C. where she has been teaching school. , " ' ' ' Mrs. Marion Bryan has been right sick fojf a few days; we hope she will be able to be out again soon. Mr. Rufus Caton is spending some time with his father Mr. R. N. Caton. . Miss Mayme Morrow and her mother have moved from town and will be with Mrs. Willard Rec to! for a while. The announeement of Noah Rice which has been in News Record for two issues. itw seems as though there is some misunderstanding as to which Noah it is It Is Noah parting is not known professed faitft In Christ about 17 years ago. She was a mem ber of the Baptist Church at Foster Creek ank then at Mar shall since 1910. ' She was so patient in her sickness she did not murmur nor complain ltho i t was great. Mrs. Pegg was the daughter of Mr. and .t U. Fay .(;,' the father has been dud k a number of years, while surviving are her mother and four brothers and five sisters. It is sad to oart with thoee we love while hereon earth we stay, but blessed' thought that comes to all we'll meet again some day. . Mrs- Pegg was loved by all who knew her, while she is gone to her' reward, her kind deeds and words will still live on. She was laid to rest, in the Rector Chapel Cemetary on April 23, Rev. Woodson conducted, the funeral service. The relatives wish to extend thanks for the kindness shown by the Rector Chapel Commun ity. A Reader REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BMiK OF MARS HILL AT MARS HILL, N. C. Vv At the oloae of Business March 31, 1024. -i H ' ,' resources. ' ' Loans and discounts .'. 130,323,10 Demand Loans ; - None Ovprdmfta. . - . . 224.74 U. S. Bonds and Liberty Bonds 1,327 60 ,' Bunking houses, Furniture and Fixtures, ...-. Cash and due from Banks Cash Items -Checks for clearing.........; ,Total : - - - $108,108.3. LIABILITIES. ; Capital stock paid in SurDlus lund - Undivided profits, less I'm rent ex penses and taxes paid - l,'!fc3.2 '. Deponitu subject to check' 47,510.21) lXividends U npaid 20 00 Dninanu uerulicates of D- . posit 102,041. M Cashier's checks outstanding 425,08 Death Of Kenneth Flasher Report ottha Condition of The Citizens Bank at Marshall, N. C, at the close of business, March 31st, 1924. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts....... 1396,039.47 Demand Loans 13,925.08 I Overdrafts, secured and ; unsecured i,.oi U. a Bonds & Liberty Bonds 25.660.8J Banking bouse, Furniture s and Fixtures. 12.627.95 All Other Real Estate owned S2.000.00 Cash and due from Banks 105,851.35 Cash Items.. 110.90 Checks for Clearing ' 1,625.94 We wish to thank the many good friends that visited us during the illness and death of our dear little boy Kenneth. Why Jesus has taken him I don't know but He knows best. I am glad Tcan say "Thy Will Be Done", dear one we can't see you here any more but as Caniel said "You can't ceme to us but we can go to you", so good bye for a while.', Oh! how sad the old home is to us all as we look a- round and see a place vacant that will never be filled any more. But while we feel that it Is our loss it was his Ethrnal Gain. Ken neth was a good boy, kind to everybody, and loved by all who knew him. He joined" the, church when ten years old, so Christian people pray for us in our sad hours that we may meet where Total - . - - $168,168.32 StaU el Forth Carolina, Coaatyof Madison, : March 31st, 1924. I.L.Z. EUar, Caihlu of the abfoasa4 tank, it solaaulavaaf thai the aaara atata sunt Is traa ta tfcs taat ol mj kaawladf a and aaliat. L.Z.ELLBR.CaahIar. Subatriaaa aad swan to hat or aa, this 1st daj a( April till W. S. WHIT Alia Hatarj Public. My Comralaaloa Iiplraa Fabraar? lltfe, IMS Correct Alt ait: W. t. Oaor(a ) j. P. 8ama f Dbaatars JA.Kasuay J , i:-.:-:'H s mm, jiMmmjL i ?- ; . ' , - .., , ' Total .'.a5S9.298.05 LIABILITIES I- CapiUl Stock paid In .150,000.00 Surplus Fund. 15,00000 Undivided Profits rj,597.B2 Notes and Bills redbcounted . 10.393,88. Bills Payable. 1 . . 5.000,00 Deposits Due Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies DeoosiU subiect to Check . . '. .242. 191.13 Demand Certificates of Deposit 197,938.02 Time Certificates or Deposit Cashier's Checks outstanding 8,294.72 Savings Deposits, 24,882.38 Total ......... . ........ .$559,298.05 North Carolina Madison County. , March 31st. i924. I, A. W. Wbltehurst. cashier of the above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to Ihu best of my knowledge and belief. a. W. WnrTRHnitKT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day or Marcn iaz4 ; W. A. WEST, otary Public Correct Attest: E. R. TWEED, - ,' ' Dan T. Haynie, What do You Owe Yourself YOU owe yourself ever bit of prorit that your money can buy. For your 'own labor is lightened when your money earns its share of your livelihood. Keep your money busy and found a fortune thereby. Our Certificates of Deposits offers employment for as many of your dollars as you wish, to hire nut. V The BANE o" FRENCH BMO A D e FLORSHEIM SHOE Rice of Big Laurel N. C Bey C. W. Eldridge and wife of Columbus Ohio are visiting Rev J. N. Andre and wife. . Mrs. Eldridge H a niece of Mrs. Andre's. We will have Potato Plants "for sale after May 9th. Those want ing large orders see us. Marshall Milling , Company . Rev. Elridge returneb to Col umbus lasU Tuesday, Mrs. Eldridge will renum with us for a few v.eeks longer. The Government and Faculty of Stanley McCdrmick School Cordi ally invites you to be present at the May Week Exercise on the scheol campus at Burnsvilie. N. C. May First to May sixth : Nineteen twenty-lour . Mr and Mn. J. R. Flasher Guaranteed Hemstitching and Pico ting Attachment. . Fits any v sewing machine. $2.50 prepaid or C..O. D. Circulars free. , XaFlesh hemstitching Co., Dept. 2,SedaliaMo. 1( - . ' vj-.lie Marshall Milling Company has opened up a - Deed House in town. We have all kinds of feed. Ds&thOfMrs. Polly vaison The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Noah Bjdknerof Big Pine, on the 12th d y of April, and called away Mrs. Polly Wilson, the wife of FV Tt Wilson. She was 80 years 3 monthsAnd 12 days old, she had been a member of the Bap tist Church 68 years, arid lived a true Christian Jife during that time. We feel that our lossv is her Eternal Bain. The funeral services was conducted by Rev. B. B. Plemmons of Spring Creek and her body was laid to rest on the 13th -day of April ; at the North Fork, Big Pine Cemetery. Report oi The Condition of THE BANK OF FRENCH BROAD I At Marshall, in the State of North Carolina, at the otoso of butiness March 3lst, 1924. s Resources Loans and discounts. . ... . .366,36r.10 Demand Loans. . ........... 2u.124.29 Overdrafts secured and unse- - cured...... ............... 1,665.45 United States Bond & L Bonds 5,250.00 All other Stocks, Bonds s and Mortgages $23,000.00 Banking' House and Fixtures 48,446.64 Cash in vault and net amouuts due from Banks Bankers, and . Trust Companies 120.400,28 Cash Items... ....... ........ 47.37 Checks for clearing..., 1,894.08 At m : wTfcjssif,- m- -040 i IN his daily affairs a man an feel gratified to know that his Florsheim Shoes meet the approval of the most critical. .Their refined appearance is a credit to his good judgement.. v The Bristol WE ARE MAKING SPECIAt PRICE OF $8.85 g!l. McKINNEY MARSHALL, N. C. . ; Total. $587,082.21 i.ltat3llltlesi. Oanital stock nald In........ 25,000,00 Surplus fund. ...... v . . ..... 40,000.00 - . 1 .', BP MAM M Undivided Fronts..'..... o.two.oi Rilla Pavable. . . V. . . : ,. r .ito .,,hMf. tit fthnek... S3S.560 SO Demand Certlflo's of Deposit 243.641.06 ja based on experience. We have Cashier's Check outstanding 83Z.o Savings Deposits... . ....... . . .$35,142.40 It Judgement Total. .... . . . . .$587,082.21 . , nn V ft D B OA DA. ' LIN a c ounty ofMadl8on4' fitted all .sorts; sizes arid shapes I IKtti 10.24. . examined the eyes of thousands of people, have v made every known combination of glasses V QDniR I JJJjl.Jli I.PW. B. Bamaejr, Cashier of thea;ve ofnoses. It is ou pleasure to nued Bank, dosoiemniy swear , uik T nv our natrons. the above statemsnt the We Bhall be equally glad to num best of my knowledge islWM. tuOI, K10 lla t- . W. B. RAMSJSx, uasmerioer jrwu oui"is fi..wrihAd and aworn to before me ! nav and see better rpm now on. this 15th day of April 1924. CHARLES H. H UN ESS Knurr public . ,Optprottn&l Ootrtev-Attestt Rye StrainSper ialist ' ; - HflBERTA ROGERS, ; 1 54 Yt AV?- b it csvoiir .taCcrip ton lht?f V Vo vill (juarantcs yen full vsirs - nll jl M N oa h R i c e Announces V. 6pp.' rSVtrt(Tice J. J, REDMOND ' : ASHEVILLE, N. (X " To the voters of Madison County both Ladies and Messrs. after some of my friends have asked me to run for ' County Commissioner I have decided to drop my hat in the race, subject to your approval Ht the Primarv to be held June 7. If nominated and eteeted, I pro mise to faithfully discharge , my duties as an officer. .. I Tlespecvely Yours" ' : ' : ' Noah Rice , ' john h. Mcelroy ' ATTORN EY -AT'LAW ... MARSHALL, N. Ca . Now Located la The ; pLD cuDGER & Mcelroy OFFICE. I f liS.'.'..Mj