TIJE NEWS-RECORD, MASIIALL, N. C. 1 z ... ? i ; ' ' 'MM .Jtl.M. . . . . ' ners In Bays of .Pear. Riclmrd m Bj IRVING BACHELLBR onat Physicians strongly discour ' ge the ue of poionoui, Irritating or burning solu Hons for personal hygiene. Zonite It non-poisonous, non-burning and non-lrri taring. It may be used regu. larly strong enough to de troT germ without harm to the semltive tiMuei of the body. p2 KILLS GERMS GTEARNS' Electric Paste (TV. Hutim 0wakae- sure DEATH )cRats,Mice, Cockroaches. t known detttorere of food nd deilre In theM pratt to run from the building tor water end freeh eir. dyins outeide toe few omentt. feile. 35c end $150. Enough to kill hundredtaf ten sndnuce. bold nyeii arueete". rfiw wpiuwin. U. S. 60VUNMIMT iuieii it-fc Hit Record "See that old feller tottering along on the other side of the street there?" sked the landlord of the tavern at Peeweecuddyhump. "That's Hod Pur- nlrt mir oldest Inhabitant. "H'm!" responded the hypocritical guest. "What has he ever done of nnv conseouence?" 'rnnp!" Why. cat-fetch It. he's lived here all his life." Kansas City Star. ' . , Another Dumb One Small Boy Sheep are dumbest an lmals. ' ' Mother Yes, my lamb. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 BEUrANS hot water 25$ AND 754; PAtlwfata tvtKTWntKfc I'' lm i " """ 1 """ " I ri sauces u-. 1 meats, Thickened, Swollen I I . 7Z r..H. Killed Tendons sorcacii Braises or Strains; atop Spavin JUuneneBe, ", Does not blister, remove tb nn ha tioraav OnlT HU1 Wt W. .... W- - " , I . J tannind t aaCIl I in IW V I . i mi n hnttlaat dxutgiKtlor deUvered. Book 1.A free, FC VEEi SCO YEAEIO haariem oil has befn a world wide remedy for kidney , liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. "A PRETTY DRAMA" SYNOPSIS. Solomon Blnkua, veteran eoout and Interpreter, and hla youn oompenlon. Jack Irons, paeilnr ' throush Horae Valley, New York, In September.. 1748, to warn eettlere of an In dian upriilng-. reeoue from a band of redeklne the wife and daughter of Colonel Hare of England. Jack dlaUmuUhes Ulmaelf In llie flRbt and later reacuoa Margaret Hare from the river. Jack and Mar garet fall in love. On reaching Fort Stanwlx. Colonol Hare eays both are too young to marry. The Hare family aall for England, and the Irone family move to Albany. . Unreal grows In the colonies be cause of the oppressive measures of the Englwsh government. Solo mon and Jick visit Boston. In November. 1770. Jack goes to Philadelphia and works In Ben jamin Franklln'a printing plant. Nearly three yeara later Margaret writes him from London, remind rlne; him that her youth is passing end' saying she has appealed to Doctor Franklin. Blnkus has re ceived a letter from Washington to be carried across the ocean, and Jack sails with him. Arriv ing in England. Blnkus Is ar rested, but Jack has the letter and proceeds to London. Jack delivers tlte papera to Franklin In London. Blnkus is released and Joins them in the great city. Jack orders fashionable clothes. Thess wrinkles and gray, hair art only a mask that covers the heart or boy.' her'swsy from qi and flir our family with dissension.' . May wo not , resist oact other and disagree In politics T 1 asked. " 'In Dolltles. yes. but not in war. i begin to aeo danger of war and that Is full of the bitterness of death. If Doc tor Franklin will do what ho' can to re-establish loyalty and order In tho colonlea my fear will bo removed and 1 confess that such a scent does 1 1 shall welcome you to my family.' push me back Into my girlhood,' aald Lady Hare, 'Alas i I feel the old thrllL' "Surldenlv Solomon arrived. Of course where Solomon Is,' one would expect solecisms, They were not want- I began to show a glint of Intelli gence and said 'If the ministers will cooperate It will not- be difficult.' The ministers will do anything it la In their power to do.' "Then the timely entrance or uar Ing. I badnot tried to prepare him garet and her mother. for the ordeal. :. Solomon la bound to be himself wherever be la, and why not? There la no better man living. " Tou're as purty as a golden robin,' he said to Margaret, shaking her band in hla big one. "He waa not ao much put out as I thought he would be. I never saw a gentler man with women. As bard as iron In a flcht, there baa always been a curious vein of chivalry In the old scout. He atood and Joked with, the girl, In his odd fashion, and set ua all laughing. Margaret and her mother enjoyed bis talk and spoke of It, offn. after that I annnoaa that. I shall ahock my father but I cannot help It,' said the girt as abe kissed me. Tou may be sure that I baa my pan in that came. She stood beside me, ber arm around my waist and mint around her shoulders. H -Father, can von blame me for lav ing this big, splendid hero who saved n from the Indians and the bandits? It la unlike you to be sucb a hardened wretch. But for him you would navo neither wife nor daughter." 'She not It on thick but I held my peace as I have done many a time in the presence of a woman's cunning. ri VISfAwe I UltJ yrWCUl'V VI we WVasa mw "- - a' 'I dressed and went to dine with the Anyhow, she la apt to believe herself - l rn.A Hae-jl Sk I a a. a - A V. W aaH A It ft Hares that evening. They lived In a large house on a fashionable road as certain or the atreeta were called. It waa a typical upper class, English home. There were many fine old things In It but no bright colors, nothing to and In a matter of tho heart can find ber way through difficulties which would anDall a man. ' Keep yourself In bounds, my . M wm daughter,' her. rather answereo. know his merits and shonld like to CHAPTER VI The lovers, The fashionable tailor was done wltti jack's equipment. Franklin had seen and approved the admirably shaped and fitted garments. The young man and his friend Solomon had moved to their new lodgings on Bloomsbury square. The scout had acquired a suit for street wear and waa now able to walk abroad witnoui exciting the multitudes. The Doctor waa planning what he called "a snug little party." So he announced when Jack and Solomon came, adding: "But first you are to meet Margaret and ber mother here at half after four." . Jack made careful preparation for that event. Fortunately It was a clear, bright day after foggy weather. Solo mon had refused to go with Jack for fear of being In the way. "I want to see her an' her folks, bnt I reckon ye'Il have yer hands full to day," he remarked. "Ye don't need no scout on that kind o' reconnolterln'. You go on ahead nn' git through with yer smnckln' an' bym-by I'll atraggle In." Preclselv at four thlrty-flve Jack presented himself at the lodgings of hla distinguished friend. He has said In a letter, when his dramatic adven tures were all behind him, that this was the most thrilling moment he had known. "The butler bad told me that the ladles were . there," - he wrote. "Upon my word it put me out of breath climbing that little flight of stairs. But It was In fact the end of a long Journey. It Is curious that mj feeling then should remind me, as It does, of momenta when I have been close up to the enemy, within his lines, and lying hard against the ground In some thicket while British soldiers were tramping so near I could feel the ground shake. In the room I saw Lady Hare and Doctor Frank lin standing side by side. What a smile he wore as he, looked at roe! I have never known a human being who had such a cheering light in hla coun tenance. I have seen It brighten the darkest days of the war aided by the light of his words. Hla faith and good cheer were Immovable. I felt the latter when he said: " 'See the look of alarm In hla face. Now for a pretty drama l' "Mrs. Hare gave me her band and I kissed It and said that I had ex pected Margaret and hoped that, she i was not HI. There was a thistledown touch on my cheek from behind and III t vui aav mw - buvr Maes' lib-a thm wnrwipn I .u -m ! a1 mnA hnrva ti. hut I UAK&IV VI aoivuiou iv .-v VCV wll is a ava a' Indian In war paint and feathers and mnst ask you to be patient until yon the stuffed bear and high colored rugs can g0 to a loyal colony with your In thA nnrlor of Mr. GoSDOft In Phil- hnahand adelphla. Every piece of furniture was it wgl a pleasant dinner through like the ouleU atlll-footed servants wno WhCb they kept me telling or my ao came and went making the smallest ventures In the bush. Save the lm- nn.atl.tn nmatlil nnAlt VAllF BttPntlOn. I fam 1 AnlV KSTM til tTBrS. a Wsaiu,Q umiu'iu J uicuifliv - "I was shown Into the library where Bi8ter of Lady Hare, and a young Sir Benjamin sat alone reading a news- nephew of Sir Benjamin were at tbs paper, tie greeiea we yuuicij. . i laDlo. "The newa la dlsauletlng,' be said -. presently. 'What have you to tell us of the situation in America T " It la critical.' I answered. 'It can be mended, however, If the government will act promptly.' "'What should It dot "'Make concessions, sir, stop ship ping tea for a time. Don't try to force an export with a duty on It. I think tho government ahould not shake the mulled fist at us.' " 'But think of the violence and the destruction of property I' CHAPTER VII I The Dawn Franklin, whom Jack saw the next day, liked not the attitude of the bar onet "He Is one of the king's men on the biff chess board." said the old pmi osonher. "AH that ho said to yon has the sound of strategy. I have reason to believe that they are trying to tow us Into port and Margaret la only on of many ropes. Hare's attitude Is not HAARLEM OIL correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sues. All druggists. Insist on the oricinel enuine Got r Medal. Ay- r mi r, i r 1 7 y 4 nd to rrtir r,rt .mi- tloa. boothinc. iMftliBev in trwm .Ut0 MSTOtmb tnmlne I saw the laughing face sought looking np at me. I tell you, my mother, there never was sucb a pair of eyes. Their long, dark lashes and the glow between them I remem ber chiefly. The latter was the arlend- ly light of her spirit. To me It was like a candle In the window to guide my ' feet. 'Come,' It seemed to say. 'Here Is a welcome for you,'; I saw the pink In ber cheeks, the crimson In her lips, the white of her neck, the rlow of ber abundant balr, the shape liness of brow and nose and cbln In that first elance. I saw the beating of her heart even; I remember there was a tinv mole on her temple udder ' the edge of that beautiful, golden crown nt here. It did not escaDe my eye. i toll von she waa fair as the first vi olets In Meadowvale on a dewy morn in i?. Of course, she was at her best. It was the last moment In years of rattinff In which her imagination had furnished me with endowments too .romantic. " I ha.ve seen great moments, a von knoW. but this Is the one I could least afford to give up. I bad ion it been wondering what I ahould do when tt came. Now It waa come and there waa no taking thought of what we should do. That would seem to have been settled out of court I kissed her lips and she kissed mine and for a few momenta I think we could have atood In a half bushel measure. Then the Doctor laughed and gave her ladyship . a smack on the cheek. - ;. " 1 don't know about you, my lady, but It fills me with the glow of youth to see such going on,' be remarked. To only twenty-one and- nobody knows It nobody suspects U even. Vesf vooasetr Im WW J IN BOUNDS. my I u f U DAUGMTEA.'MERJ CtAflM-' FATHER ASSWERtttJ lLfK)v 7 I 1 . - : . v y : C'L! S.' It's Easy to Pay For a Chevrolet Everybody wants an automobile. Everybody can pay for a Chevrolet. , ' " ; t Everybody can aQord to own a Chevrolet. 1 v You can buy a Chevrolet Just as yeu buy any other Inv portant neceaaity. Not one family In a thousand pays cash in full lor a home. They make a substantial down t payment, then pay ofl the mortgage with what they used to psy for rent, plus other savings. v , A Chevrolet can b bought Just as you buy a stationary home. It earns its own way and you ride whilayoupay. It is thebest paying Investment any family can make because it provides transportation, saves time, and makes all outdoors your playground, bringing balth and happl- ness to the whole family. There is a Chevrolet dealer near yon. Ask him to show r you the difierent models and explain how easy it Is to -get, use and pay for the one you want. . . ; , ; .. " Prke$ FBiat, MUMgtm ';. . y' Superior Roadster - - $490 Superior Sedan Superior Touring - - 495, Superior fprnmalChaaala Superior Utility Coupe - 640 Superior Light DeUvenr- -Superior 4-PasiengerCoupe 725 Utflity Express Truck Chassis Flihtr Bodimm en all Ckmi Modd t79, 395 1 495 V 650' Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Mich. , Division of Qentral Motort Corporation ' , A Rare Bird . Lady Does this pirrrot tnlk well ? Dealer No, but he's a , wonderful listener t rVAaf a Bigamiti it The latest description of a blgamlsl Is a mun who makes the same mistake twice. ' ' HULUVH V "f- ,r I L IWOU I SJsm uwe.w 'All that will abate and disappear that of an honest man." If the cause Is removed. We, who I only three days before the phlloso- i.r aftartlnn tnr Fnfflnnrt. have I -.v.-.. t.o a talk with North at the mi', o . I jiici u M . A Kad. .a h.li1 tha rtnaslnne tit I ... n Rab. nhn tn hia the people In check, but we get no help I credit, was eager for reconciliation. irom tnis siae oi uie ureuu. i xne king s mena ua uhuibici "Sir Benjamin sat thoughtfully reel- contemDtuous. imr hla silvered mustache. He had t am nnita Indifferent to war," he grown stouter and fuller-faced since naj "cynically declared at last "The we had parted In Albany when he bad confiscations It would produce will pro uiriA for many of our mends." It was an astonishing bit of frnnk. nut I take this opportunity of assuring your lordship that for all the property you seize or destroy In America, you win nnv to the last farming,- saw Franklin. ' This treatment was like that he baa received from other members of the envernment since the unfortunate pub lication of the Hutchinson, Rogers and ( Oliver letters.- They seemed to enter tain the notion that he bad forfeited the respect due a gentleman. A tew days after Franklin had given air to his suspicion that the govern ment nartv would try to tow him Into port three stout British ships bad brok en their cables ,on rum. An myuauua not likely to be received by one who bad really forfeited the respect ot gentlemen waa In bis hands, in shrewd philosopher did not think twice about It He knew that here was the first step In a change of tactics. He could not properly decline to accept ic end ao he went to dine and spend the night with a most distinguished com pany at the country seat of Lord uowe, , Some of the best people were there Lord and Lady Cathcart. Lord end Lady Hyde, Lord and Lady Dartmouth. Sir William Ersklne, Sir Henry Clinton, Sir James Balrd. Sir Benjamin Hare and their ladles were also present Doc tor Franklin said that the puncn waa calculated to promote cheerfulness and high sentiment As waa the custom at like functions, the ladles sat together at one end of the table. Franklin being seated at the right of Lady Howe, whe 1 si i n ,n U Niary 8 Only Explanation "Perhaus you . can explain, Marie, how It was that I saw you "kissing the chauffeur In the kitchen?" "TW sure I don't know, ma am, un less you were looking through the key hole." . . . ' looked like a prosperous, well-bred merchant In military dress and had been limbered and soiled by knocking about in the bush. Now he wore a white wig and ruffles and looked as dignified as a Tory magistrate In the moment of silence I mustered nn my courage and spoke out "Sir Benjamin,' I aald. -I nav come to claim your daughter under the promise you gave me at Fort Stan- wa mogt Bracloug and entertaining, wlx. I have not ceased to love her t t A . t0 tno venerable and if she continues to love me I am sure that our wishes will have your favor and blessing.' , . , 1 have not forgotten the promise,' he said. 'But America has changed. rt is likely to be a hotbed of rebellion perhaps even the scene of a bloody nhllosonher. The dinner, over. Lady Howe con ducted Doctor Franklin to the library. where she asked him to alt down. There were no other persons In the room. She sat near him and began to apeak perhaps even the scene of a bloody . misfortunes of the 1 colony of war. I must consider my dabgh tert Massachusetts B ay.' - " , hannlneaa.' "Conditions In America, sir, are not so bad as you take them to be,' I as sured him. -. ' '; 'I hone von are right,' he answered. 1 am told that the whole matter rests with your Doctor Franklin. . If we are to go on from bad to worse he will ha rpsnnnslble." " 'If It rests wltb him I can assure you, air, that our troumes win ena, i aald. looking only at the surface of the matter and speaking "confidently ont of the bottomless pit of my mex Derlence as the young are like to ao. ." 1 believe you are rlht,' he de clared and went on with a smile. 'Now, m vonng friend, the girl has a notion that she loves you. -1 am aware of that so are you, I happen to know. Through Doctor Franklin's Influence have allowed her to receive your letters and to answer them. I have nn dnuht of our sincerity, or hers, but I did not foresee what has come to pass. She Is our only child and you can scarcely blame me If I balk at Lord Howe Joined them In a moment. Ha was most oolite. ,1 am sensible of tbe fact that yon have been mistreated by tbe ministry. he said. "J have not approved of their conduct I vn unconnected with those men save throaeh personal frlendsnips. Mv zeal for the nubile welfare la my only excuse for asking you to open your mind.. The plan la now t sena s commission to the colonies, s yon have urged." . . . . . . " "Your -dshlp, I am not look Ing for -wwarda, but only for Justice." ... . , (TO BE CONTINUED,") Radio in llelmetM a radio sending and receiving outfit h.i heen combined with a helmet foe he nse of aviators making high flights, the generator also supplying current marriage which promisee to turn I to keep a wearer warm. - ,WLJJOUGlLAS 7 and SHOES .? wSSS- JlcMy at iJLoo nwf 6.00 'Boys at 4jo tf 'J.00 W. L. Douglas Shoea are sold in 117 of our own stores in the principal ciuee euia by over a,uuu snoe aeaiers. live demand W fhvaf hloh-clAaaand to-date, made in all the popular styles that appeal to men and women who. want stylish and serviceable shoes ;s JCorGex at reasonable prices. - Zfot Vommn SELDOM have youhad fPPOjCjh nity to buy such wonderful shoe values Conn effect iivw cimfon 03 vou will find In W. L. Douglas shoes mndSuppont Anh. 97 M in our retail stores ana in gooa snoe stores everywhere. Uniy Dy examming inem can x appreciate uteir eu(m hji uohmv VQOX economy end dependablevalue. wear shoes tnac nave w. l Douglas name and tr retail WlntonV! LaJ them at out stores or of r dealer. Refuse substitutes. oorntcandeervloe. S7.00 W.L Di Sfa. f.Jt SeA St SnxtM STAMPtNQ THI RETAIL PRICI AT THt rACTORY Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicant! for Insurance Should Use Swamp-Root .Tnifoino- from renorts from dnuorists who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation tnai has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing inflnanoa rf TV Itilm-r'a RwamD-RoOt IS soon realised. It stands the highest for it remarkable record ot success. An Mraminine nhvaician for one of the I.ifa Tnanranee. Comnaniea. in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason wny to many applicanta for 'insurance are re uvtxt la horaiiBe kidnev trouble is so common to the American people, and tht large majority of those whose applications M talint An not even susoect that tw have the. disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium ana urge. TTnwever. if von wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft in., tfrntrhamton. rt. I., tor a sample bottle. When writing, be enre and mention this paper. Advertisement Some people clumorlng for anew religion have never tried the old one, Seeht Old Sweetheart An almost dally visitor at Doctors' Commons, Knlghtrlder street, is an old man who Is determined to find out If a sweetheart of his youth ever married, says a London (Eng.) dispatch. For weeks he searched the records with out revealing his object hut one day he said that many years ago he was engaged to marry and hnd obtained the license, but the wedding never took place. Having made a fortune, he now desires to trace his former finncee and atone for ber disappointment of years ago. . . - More things come to those who don't -want them than to those who do. WOMEN CAN DYE ANY GARMENT. DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New tor 15 cents. , KamondDyi Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Dia mond Dyes' even Jl you nave never dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Directions in erich package. Adver tisement " Activity Increased . ; "A medical expert says most men. today are more active than their an cestors." ' .'' . "Yes, in dodging the automobiles modern man's activity has been great ly increased." , . ' ; v ; Impotiible , Youth "Drink to me with thine eyes."f Maiden "I don't wear glasses." ; , ' I a-a-ssasasssssssssa ;;. -. , ' r Especially Prepared for Infants and Children cf All Ases Mother! Fletcher's Castorla has 1 recommend It The kind yon bavs been In use for over SO years as a I pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor OIL Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions sre on each package. Physicians everywhere always bought bears signature of i 1 t