' - THE NEWS-RECORD, MASHALL, N. 0. X this DnmiiT BABY GIRL Brouslt Joy to Homo. f-rs. Price' Health Restored by Lydia E. PisLKam's Veso "l&Lla Compound Bcootac,Pa. 1 never felt like work ing, and when I would try to do any I wora BianuuiKon my feet, 1 would Just drag around all day long. At times I would have terrible pains and would be in bed three or four days. I waa in this condition about a vear when I aaw Lydia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Com pound advertised in the DSDers. i naa (ward different women say it waa good for women's troubles, and my aunt thought it would help me as it naa helped her. 80 I took the Vegetable Comround and it brought things right. and I waa in good shape before I became a mother again. I believe it helps at birth, too, as with both my other babies I suffered a great deal more than with this one. I thank you a thousand times for the good your medicine has done me. It has surely made our home a happy oae." ura. kobert rues, ocoouu, vtea TwtlrKsiVAn P In a recent country-wide canvass of purchasers 01 Lydia E. nnknam's veg .t.hi. Hnmnnund. 68 out of every 10 report they were benefited by its use. iii, C " - Co Waited Worde Johnson missed his train the other evening, so he. went to have h!s linlr , cut When he entered the barber's lie was in a quarrelsome frame of mind. "Cut It without conversation," he growled, as he, took his place In the chair. "Don't want any restorerin vlgorator. eradlcator, lotion, potion or anything else. I've read all about the Near East troubles, and don't Interest ' myself In boxing,, racing .or football. As regards the weather" . Here a customer nudged Johnson's elbow. ' s "You'll have to write It down on his slate, mister," he said, "If you want ' to tell him anything. He's deaf and dumb." Philadelphia Inquirer. Hdp That Achy Back! . J. .nn Hum after Arv jruu iuob'" .,. ---- day, with a dull, unceasing backache! Art you ume w iuc mut uiw, with hMdaehM. dixzineaa and urinary disorder!? Feel tired, irritable and discouraged I men tneres roreiy.uu.o- thing wrong, anu v t weakness Don't neglect it! Get back . . i i 'i - ta Ttnnn'm your neaitn wnue yua of ailing folks. They should help you. Aik your neighbor I . A SmitH Carolina Case i T "M Main zW JfSt. BeJton, o. v sa tlAif In mv baoK. I IrMiiava warA V:l 1 alugfrlsh and I had V Ly 'a dull sche In my . , 1 back. My joints -ir were no km " va.lame I could hardly "Wjbend over. There if 'were sharp pains in my knees. My kld dldn't act right, either, so I nA.n. Din. . HitR hox of Doan's cured me." DOAN'Sp STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS FotUrJkUbum C. Mfc Chun- Buffalo. N. Y. Cfcssf; nMaW sfsk neys used COSCEIEE'S SYRUP Allsrt Irritation, soothes and heals throat and long inflammation. The constant irritation of s cough keeps the delicate mucus membrane of the throat and lungs inscongested condition, which BOSCHEE SYRUP gently and quickly heals. For this mmm U Iim Kmh favnrlt hnnaehllUl remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis sad . .. . . t I ,II . 1 especially lor nog vouoies m miunmi ut knHu .11 avm th kmU for th bat fiffT- seven years, enabling the patient to obtain ..... . m a gooa Blgni S resi, ire warn couitniiis :.k mmv mvnrtnrnilntt In the mominr. You can buy Boschee'S SYRW wherever ssedicines sre sold. i Ft Governor's Hand Needs Appropriations j 30 Days' Free Trial 12 IHonlhs to Pay This is your opportunity to try a' SHARPLES Allsteel Cream Sepa rator to try the very latest SHARPLES Improved Separator. . The terms of the trial are so fair so s i m p I e so convenient that every farmer now operating an old fashioned machine may try this wonderful new SHARPLES. All you have to do is write and tell us you would like to try out on your farm the ' '' ' . . n. n..,.n. Tuinnri uiiprr. sccordlns; to Gen. Robert Lee Bullnrd ADOVr IB HU CXt-CIICUt JIIIU1IW vi w.vtiuvi m " - soldiers' quarters are cruraDimg, owing to iaca ox pirui muuo Entire forced steel construction auto mata 'variable feed at any speed turns with one finger automstlo otllns atrons and sturdy S00 lbs. per hour capacity sets AIM the oream. Use Steam From Many Volcanoes dear Your: Complexion with This Old Reliable Remedy-' Haiicock SULFianCOMFODlID and tan . as well as for more serious ace, scalp this adentlfic compound of lulphur. As l lo- ttOB, lisoouicsana ncais. umi uuwmhj a few drops in a slats of water it sets at the mt of th trnubie and Duritics the bkxxL Physicians asree that sulphur Is one of the am effective blood purifiers known. Re member, a sood complciion isn't skin deep Be snm to ask for HANCOCIt SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has been used with aatta- factory resuns w r . 60cand$l0ihebottr at yew drustlsf a. If he can't supply yea. sand his name and the price la susape and wawiUScaayoaaDoiueuuan. . HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR Bsltimora, Md. , jTw Suit C. mm jot mi 6m i Craters Are Being Har nessed and Heat is Used to Operate Machinery. Washington. Volcanoes have never been of much use to mnnkind. Awake, they are violent and Incorrigible and do nothing but harm. Asleep and Idle, they are much better and men have been glad to let them He. Yet to en gineers It has long seemed a gross waste that the tremendous energy of these giants should not be harnessea and DUt to work, and lately tne men of science have applied their minds to the problem of taming tne mon sters, and have even begun to succeea at the seemingly superhuman task. Already means have Deen rouna whereby steam from subterranean sources can be utilized for Industrial purposes. In Italy electricity derived from volcanic heat la sent over wires rr Vlnronre. Leeborn. Piomblno and other cities and towns for llfc'ht and power.,. Borings for volcanic steam are now being made on the slopes of t Etna, and also on the Island of Vul- rnnn. which is one of the Llparl group north of Sicily. The LIpnrt Islands are subsidiary peaks of Stromboli, wnose crater was supposed by the ancients to be the main entrance to Pluto's fiery realm. Vulcano was the head quarters of the blacksmith god. ,. In Bolivia the government nas granted a concession for the use of I steam from Mount Totlo, In the Sud Llpex district, near the Chilean fron tier. The Vvlcano is to be made to drive turbine engines, which are ex pected to electrify all the Bolivian railroads. . " Energy In the Yellowstone. Important as the development of the usefulness. 1 of volcanic steam ' has proved Ii. northern Italy, opportunities there are of small account compared with the opportunities that our own Yellowstone nark offers. The eeysers and boiling' springs of that region in dicate terrlnc temperatures to oe found not far underground. : In the so- called Fire Hole district the whole country seems to be-on Are. Doubt less the Yellowstone was the scene of tremendous eruptiv activity not very long ago. The engineers look with wistful eye at the possibilities of that national pnrk as a source of electrical power. Thev sav those possibilities are un limited. It will be enean rower, tne most attractive thing In the world to i the manufacturer. Hence, perhaps be fore the end of the present century, new and prosperous industrial cines will arise In that part of the country, vitalized by electricity derived from the volcanic plants of the Yellowstone. The requisite experimental work has already been done, largely, at least, in Italv. The Italian engineers have solved the chief problems. One Impor tant thing they have learned is tnat it will not do to use the volcanic steam direct for driving engines, be cause it contains corrosive chemical salts. They employ the subterranean vnnor ns fuel to make steam' from pure water. To resist the corrosive ac tion, the aDDaratus that hnmiles tne volcanic steam Is provided with pipes' of t'uaiinum. : ' Tuscany Steam Wells." Tne scene of the succecsful Italian operations Is a region In Tuscany, northwest of Rome, where, over an area of 40 square miles, numerous natural steam wells, called, "puffing holes," are found.- They go down evi dently to great depths, all of them presumably deriving their steam from the same volcanic source. " Out of them the steam spurts In vigorous lets. 'Some of them form small take- like craters full of boiling water. The puffing holes are thickly scr.t tered for 30 miles along a .valley which, until recent years, was uninhabited Today the valley has a number of thriving towns that owe their exist ence to tba steam wells. The volcanic steam contains a very valuable prod uct, boric acid, for which there Is a large export demand. The glass factories of France and other large consumers of boric acid were formerly compelled to rely for Supplies mainly upon Imports of borax fetched on the backs of pack animals across the Himalayas from Tibet. Dis covery that the stuff could be got from the steam wells of Tuscany gave great Industrial Importance to the region here described, though the method at first adopted for separating It was ex tremely crude, the water from the puffing holes being evaporated In iron pots over wood fires. ; Engineer Dies In Hole. To tacrense the available' supply of water. ' an Italian engineer named Claschl undertook to drill artlnclal puffing holes. The experiment proved a big success. Claschl lost bis life by falling Into one of the boiling springs which he himself had created ; but the borings have been continued, and, thnnch thev are now numbered ' by thousands, they do not seem to have diminished In the slightest degree the flow of steam from the natural holes. The wells are bored usually to a depth of about 400 feet, and are lined with Iron tubes eight to sixteen Inches In diameter. At the mouths of tne puffing holes, both natural and artl fleinl. the pressure of steam remains always the same, yar after year, the subterranean neat supyiy uug ap parently inexhaustible. Nowadays the Fitsr i evnnornted In huge lead-lined pans, beneath which live steam fresh from the depths Is conducted tnrougu eolla of nine. . . ' Eighteen years ago Prince Glnorl ContI, head of the boric acid works In the valley, turned the ateara from a Duffing hole into a piston engine. It was the first engine ever driven oy volcanic power, and It ran' admirably. In fact, It has been running ever since. A bigger one was built In the follow ing year, which operated a dynamo and Ut the works at La'rdello, the chief center of the Industry. Electricity for Many Towns. In 1910 a turbo-generator of 2,500 kilowatts was Installed, which sent volcanic electricity over wires to Vol terra, a distance of 80 miles. Thus Volterra, one of the oldest towns In the world older. Indeed, than Home by many centuries was the first to draw electric energy from a subter ranean source. Since then the plant has been vastly expanded and a larger one has been established at Lago, In the same district. From these central stations the "Juice" is distributed over a wide territory, supplying light and Dower to Siena, Florence and west coast cities 60 miles or more away The towns In the valley get their light and nower from the same vol run in source. One miffing hole near Larderello yields from 6,600 to 30,800 DouAds of steam an hour, at a tern perature of 850 degrees Fahrenheit III II II III! Ill III II I II I I- "Miles" of Molasses Fed to 'the Fishes Norfolk, Va. A stream of mo lasses miles In length was left In the wake of the American steamer Tancarvllle when she passed out to sea recently bound for Calbarlen, Cuba. After dis charging a large part of her cargo of bulk molasses at a local pier the vessel's pumps became clogged with the settlings. Eight- een thousand gallons of this ; residue was fed to the fishes. I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I and one will be shipped to you all express chafges prepaid. Yon try it , , use it for a month and if, for any reason, you do not want to keep it, simply return, charges collect, t SEND NO MONEY Big Allowance Given for Old separator We take all the risk and abide by your decision. Write now for details of the Free Trial Offer. . The Sharpies Separator Company West Chester, Pa. Eleven average borings (not less pro ductive than the natural wells) deliver power equal to that obtainable from the hnrnlnff of ten tons of coal an hour. ' Graat 8uddIv at Yellowstone Thus it may be said that the prob lem of utilizing volcanic steam has been well-worked out by the Italian engineers, and when we tackle the Job In the Yellowstone we shall enjoy tne benefit of the lessons they have learned. Apparently the conditions to be met and the difficulties to be over come are similar: but In the Yellow stone the available supply of steam Is Incomparably greater, so tnat tne nuffinir holes of Tuscany seem rela- tlvelv Insignificant. Boring for steam has been going on for more than a year near tne crater of KUauea. on the Island of Hawaii; but the rock Is basalt md extremely hard, so that the drills have not yet nenetroted very far. It Is said that the scheme' In that locality" does not nromlse very well. But the Hawaiian government nas consulted our Department of Com merce about a plan, seemingly prac Hcnhie. fur making bricks of molten lava fron the Kllauea crater. It is proposed to extend a trolley across the prater, carrying an endless cnain oi hnrkets. which would scoop up the llnnlH lnva fereh It to the rim Of th fiorv hole, and nour it into moias. We have a live volcano' of our own In northern-California, called Lassen Peak. Its latest Important eruption began in 1914. and It has been more or less active ever since. The moun tain Is nearly two miles high, and there Is enough fire Inside It to run the machinery of all the factories In this country. Irrisration Project for India Washington. As a result of a re cent sanction by the government, the construction of an Irrigation project involving on expenditure of approxl- maeiv afiooo.000 rupees has been ap proved. (The1 rupee Is worth $0,299 at current exchange). The erectlpn f a rtnm 115 feet In length across the Manjra river Is proposed. The project is known as the Saugor Irri gation scheme. Origin of Lloyda Lloyd's, an association of marine un derwrlters, received Its name from a coffee house kept In the Seventeenth century by Edward Lloyd. A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses. a bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed bv a ousting witn uuueura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin, Advertisement. Most excuses are not worth the mak ing. Sliding Down th Icing "Will you Join our party In the Jam preserves?" asked the first fly. "No." said the second fly, "the lady of our house has baked a cake with Icing on It. We're going in for win ter sports." Louisville Courier-Journal. Bora ayaa, blood-ahot m JJJ, tickr all healed promptly with nlaMiy applloatlona of Roman By Balaam. Ad. The Golden Age was never the pres ent age. . ' A cutting remark mowing." "The lawn needs . k i ASK your local dealer to rec ommend a practical dec orator. If you are unable to secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and 6tenciling your walls to give beautiful results. Instead oKabomine or Wall Paper A1.U.n. a Ara now den mixes with. cold waterj dtectioni on each packaee. '."Used on plaster, wall board j -ii vu hire inn inisuu uwaiiv tints. Cross and circle printed in red on each package. SPECIAL STENCIL OFFER T We will supply cut ftencili to any uter of AUb"tme-neiitencll forV room requiring not Urn Mhjn two Pkag you send the Urge word awidaoubi. ""I". "?,,7 JT packages over the crou and circle, accompanied by 15c in stamps r l. d..,;i A..irA enverino' DOitage and packing. Writs for free booklet, -Nature's Beantrful Tints. THE ALABASTTNE COMPANY l6C.ai.AT-. Cri4IUM.incblsa SI1"-3 " Getting Powerful Gas From Radium ! ,1 JL 4: r. JU Advice Taken married womaa of Prince ton had received letters from a young woman of Louisville, her chum, advis ing her on two important matters, the removal of her young son's tonsils and certain advantages accruing irom Jbobbed hair. The Louisville friend naa aooui onme to the conclusion that her ad vice had been wasted when she re ceived this laconic message ; 'They're out ; It's off ana in -Indianapolis News. , glad.' Depend Rustiis Owlne have a garden? Kufus Yes, deed, - if mah wife'! back gits better. Life. What, Indeedt Jim Shelton, prominent Houston .to' surance man, is sponsor for this one Jlnf overheard an insurance agent trying to convince a prospective cus-, tomer of the merits In life insurance.' He kept right at him. . ' ! At one stage of the battle, the agent used this argument: "Why," he said, Insurance Is the greatest thing In the world. No man should be without It. I even carry a $50,000 policy, payable to my wife." "It's too much," said the harassed! prospect. "What excuse can you give' her for living?" Houston Post. . :,j The hatred of knaves Is preferable to their company. ' ( j cSfiftT 'tt, J ASK YOUR DEALER ) i Dr. D. a Bardwell of the research laboratory of the United States bureau of mines, Department of the Interior, collecting gaseous radium emanation, it. tin. i ntninorf in th tittle safe at the right of the picture. Collec- . j m, i.,..t. fmir tn ton rtuva. This iras Is drawn off HOI1B nj U1BU Bl UlltMIW i nvw under vacuum and purified by an electrical and chemical method, and finally bv liquid air refrigeration, xne punneo go", vi-ry wmui w ..... .. . .. .L. ... a m. n.... nt ful in its action, la usea in me siuigr i . wuvi r v if you want long wear and good looks in your Uveralls, Shirts. (lnr.I'irci Larmenu and Women' Dresses, look tnr thm Sfifel Boot Shaned Trade Mark stamped on the back of the cloth. Insist on work clothes made of Stifel's Indigo Qoth. J. L. STIFEL & SONS Indigo Dyer and Printer WSftW.Vs. s

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