X J. Will Roberts Application For ?mli cf AMMAiiwrirc i Alvla Stanley ANNOUNCES To my many fa-ends of Madison County, I again announce my can didacy for the office of Register of Deeds subject, of course, to , the . will of the Republicans in the Pri mary to be held June 7th 1924. In making this Announcement, I fee! , that I have been a faithful official, a id in all cases have been kind and courteous to all persons regardless o'politics,, who have bad business and occassion to visit my office, and see and learn for themselves. So hoping you will kindly remem tier me again, and thanking you for the nice vote of confidence re cosed in me. When in town be sore and call in to see me, and let I S have' a good old fashioned band shake in the good old fashioned way. I am yours to serve. J. WILL ROBERTS. Judgement is based on experience. We havt examined the eyes of thousands cf people, have made everj knovvn combination of glasses fitted all sorts, sizes and shape of noses. It is our pleasure .tr refer you to any of our patrons We shall be equally glad to num bei- you among them. See us to cay and see better from now on. CHARLES 11. HONESS Optometri&t , Eye Strain Specialist 54 FaN Ave. Opp. Postoffic ASIIEVILLE. N. C. Application will ba made to the Governtr of Nortn Carolina for the parole of Alvin Stanley convicted at the May Term, 1922 of the Superior Court f Madison County for making whiskey, and senoenced to the State Chain Gang for a term of 4 years. All persons who oppose the granting of said parole are invited to forward their protests , to the Governor without delay. This the 8th day of April, 1924. 2-t p , Emma Stanley George W. Wild ANNOUNCES To the voters of M adison Count y Ladias and gentlemen; I hereby announce myself a can didate for the nomination for Coiyi- r.y Commissioner of Madison Coun ty subject to your approval at a primary to be held on June 7th. If nominated and elected I p-omfe ro faithfully discharge my dnty. feel that I am generally known ov the County as I served for severa years an ttoad commissioner ana was elected and represented the County an'f I always tried to do what I thought was to the best in terest of the people in general. Respectfully your?, GEORGE W. WILD. v memmw Springtime is Overland time with lots of places to go and healthful pleasure in going. Big power to take you. Big comfort to rest you. Big reliability. And the ex- tra pleasure of econo my. Ride to good times ' inanOverlsnd! Cham-, pioh now C-o'iS, Sedan $795, f. o. b. Toledo. Hatching Eggs For ' Sale. ' FRO M CHOICE BARRED RLiCKS Just relieved two new Cm-kerels, Holterman Strain. Eggs $1.25 for 15 prepaid. v . ' , CM. Gag Marshall, -R4 Btiiders Supply Co. N. C. IIU UIIUIII . D ialers in lumber of all kinds, metal and composition roofmp, windows and doors, brick, lime and cement. - We carry' a full line of everything. Come and see us, . or write for prices. ; Announce For Commissioner Having bern requested by many of my friends to make the race for Commissioner, and feeling that the upper end of the county is due one, I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County. Com missioner, subject to the wfshes o! the Republican party, at the pri mary to be held June 7. I will . appreciate your support and if elected will serve -the tax payers to the best of my ability.' , Respectfully You rs, GARRETT W. BUCKNER. To The Voters Of Madison County Ladievand Gentlemen I have been solicited by a large number of the best citizens from every part of the County to again make the race for Commissioner. After lue consideration I have de cided to again become a candidate j and take this oppor' unity to an ; nounce myself for re-election, sub ject to the wishes of the Republican ', voters of Madison Counrv. I have tried to faithfully per form my duties as Commissioner f it the protection of the Citizens of our County in the very , best manner possible and I shall conti nue to stand for the progressive d vancementof Madison County on the most economical principals.. I wish to thank you all for the many past favors and I will great- Office Front Room Over ly appreciate your support in the p. -I mary to be neld in June. Yourj Very Respectfully, Marshall Motor Company Marshall, N. G. I FOR SALE In order to wind up an estate, we are offering lor a!e the very valuable Dr. I. A. Harris farm at Jupiter. N. C. on hard su -face road from Weaverville to Alexander and about six milea from Weaverville, containing 204.7 acres, with a nine room residence and Mveral out-houses. The farm has been cut up into three farma of 73.7 acres; 65.6 acres; and 65 4 acres tracts the resid encc on the 65 6 acre tract Will be sold as a whole or in three aeperate tracts. Prices and terms given upon application. FOR SALE ALSO LARGE STOCK OF COUNTRY DOCTOR'S DRUGS. . !y ' . : WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST COMPANY ' Executor of I. A. HARRIS Estate, " ASHEV1LLE, N. C. ' , ' LOTS FOSt .SALE Lots for Sale in the tqwn of Mars Hill, with 'electric lights and water available, prices reasonable, one-half down, one and two years, for remainder. Mars Hill is growing very fast and "you will n ot mak any mistake in locatihg in this school town, 40 new houses have been built in the last two years an d we arc no w l ay i n g a foundation for some more new school buildings. Yours Truly, - MARION EDWARDS. . ..... S3SSS Vm A- Saras Physician and Surgeon an. J. B. McDEVITT. i jo in h. Mcelroy ATTORX EY -AT-LAW r,IA?.SIIALL, II. C. d la Tis . N oa h Ri c e Announces To the voters of Madison County both Ladies and Messrs. after Some of my friends have asked me to run for County CommiPiioner I have decided to drop my hat in the race, subject to ycur approval at . the Primary to be held June 7. If nominated and elected, F pro mise to faithfully discharge my duties as an o.Ticer. .Eepee'i:e!y Yours Lovers of Flowers GLADIOUS Rainbow Mixture; 25 kind 40 for $1; 100 for $2. y ' v GLADIOLUS Giant Exhibition Mixtur. 30 for $1; 100 for $3, , DAHLIAS-Giant Mixture; all different. ' 19 for $1. , CANNAS All colors; gorgeous. 10 for $1.' IRIS Supremo Mixedl 10 for $1. V ' . TUBEROSES-Giant Pearl. 12 for $1. ' CHRYSANTHEMUNS-Hardy; all colors J lOjorSl. PHLOX-Hardy; all colors. 10 for $1 PEONIES-A11 the best; 3 to -5 yM. 3for; 12 lor 3. ; HOLLAND BULBS ., Order Now Our Supply is jimited '. TULIPSGiant Drawin or Early; mixed or asperate color. ' 40 for 1. 100 for $2 NARCISSUS -Single or Donble. 30 for $1 ' 100 for $3. ..- MYAQNTHS (Bedding) Mixed or seperate ; ' colors 20 for $1; 100 for $4. , ' , HYACINTHS-Giant. top-sae. 12 for $1. v " Special Prices on Large Lots All -rders Sent Post-Paid ' f C. O. D. If You Wish MNHiiHinimtnimmnminMiiMiffimwiMMn R ,l GIBBINS MT. HOLLY-'-NEVy JERSEY (pr.J.RMt)ORL HaaV Mored Ilia Office Up Ovr Grove C. Redmons Stor. You Will Find. , Dial There Any - 1 ; . t iime. f DOII'T : VT.ca j: neat 5 C c-.: 3 I1 HOME 3fe n II How much will you pay for.aafety, for partaantnol ,' for comfort? . '.mm, tj ,. .. Portland Cement, the material making this poMlbbJ Is the cheapest of all products undergoing com plete process of manufacture. s -r A permanent, fire-safe home can be built for fron ' 2 to 5 more than one of Impermanent materials.' , The protection of your investment, the safety of your loved ones, can be assured for a ridiculously arnaS outlay. And such a home Is warmer in winter, cootar In summer, and more sanitary the year 'round. Ask your building material dealer for facta anA figures on such construction. Your contractor wilt aiso ten you that It is more rapid, as well as i wmn temporary buUding. , . rutii uhuu v:. jh We Biiy, Sell or Ex- ; ; : change All Kinds Real Estate Such as Farms; City Property, Timber and Mineral Lands "Any kvhere - When you J wish to7 either buy or sell, AT PRIVATE OK AUCTION SALE write ,or come and see us. '"', ' North Carolina Realty Company j. II. GROGG, Sec;-Treas. Moved to 78 Patton Ave., South of P. 0 Asheville, N, C. t 1. r- y t i. 1 YOUR I PIS -i I ;. Is, . A Valuable Asset S You Business , 3 We Help Our Cus- U g tomera to Success 3 ' With Presentable, Profitable . p t PUBLICITY I J L'litriiiiuMiniiiiiiu v i ;NotiC3 : v On Saturday May, lOlh 1924 at 12 o'clock Twill sell at the. Court House door in the town ot Mar shall .At auction, one Daby Over land automobile and one eood milk cow to satisfy a Cliattle Mortgage I hold on tbem, given by Zeb Gen try '. v,:- .. "Vithout good teeth there can not bo thorough " Mastiaction Without thorough must ication there can not be proper , Digestion Without p e r f ec t digestion there can u'ot be proper ' j Assimila'Jgn- Without proper assimilation' theie can not be . Nutrition Without nutrition there .can not be ,. ' " ' ' Health Without health what jl . Life? en c8 the paramount impor tance of the teeth." ' U. J. II. KUTCLTJS ; i::: :!:::; K. C. the 21st day cf April 1924. . J. P. Kedmon