23 LOSE LIVES SCHOOL FIRE FIV&.ARE KILLED BY SOUTHERN TRAIN. EIGHTEEN OTHER INMATES IN SERIOUS CONDITION A RE SULT OF FLAMES. Los Angle, Calf.-Ashes- of the Tw;innmnt school for sub-nor- mal children at Playa Del Key, miles form here, on the ocean beach, yielded the burned remains of 23 per sons as the result of a tragic fire. ' Eighteen others. Inmates of the school, are In a serious condition at St. Catherine's hospital In Santa Mon w. a few miles away. The dead ranged In age from 4 to 4$, Zebulon, Oa. Five persons were killed outright and a sixth, a small child, was probably fatally Injured when a light touring car In wc!s they were riding was struck by the Southern Railway passenger train No. it, at a crossing here. Tha dead are: Sam Stuart, 40; Mrs. Sam Stuart. 32; Mrs. Clyde W. Hlllard, 25, and her eleht months old oaoy, nuciuw, n kf HamDton. Ga. Ronelle, two and one-half year old daughter of Mrs. Hlllard, Is in an Atlanta hos pital and little hope Is entertained tnr her recovery. The fatal crash occurred in full view of Staurfs brother and young est son. " The three story structure, reclaim- y.y., mil niQQrn DV UP. CC " lining wikk i nwwbw h. ed from an abandoned building in the deserted pleasure-resort town v. many years ago, was declared by In vestigators to bate been an Isolated, unprotected fire trap. All that re. mains of It is a brick chimney, twisted Iron pipes and ashes. Thirty-eight children were housed within the private institution when flames burst out. In addition there were In the building the matron, Mrs. J C. Thomas and Wilfred Ringer, 14-year-old adopted son of the proprietor, Mrs. Mary E. Jacobs. The matron MEASURE PRO V IDES SCOUT CRUISERS, SIX GUN BOATS. EIGHT RIVER Waahinirton. The house passed mil deairned to bring the American pavy up to the 6-6-3 rauo naeu uj n.-oahimrtnn trail conierence. iu T MBU.ubv.- vote was 166 to 138. As sent to the senate, the measure C00LI0GE SPEAKS Oil VORLO PEACE NO MATERIAL CHANGES TO HARD ING PLAN WOULD BE 8UPPORTED. . MISSISSIPPI TORNADO. KILL THREE, INJUR. Tl and the boy perished. . . . wnid authorise construction of eight A family of beach picnicers ww- cruuers. six river gunboats and ,K - v. nri rave the alarm. Before Are apparatus could arrive from Ve nice, the building was a mass of flames. . . One of the first rescue squads to ar a stuff of nurses, from St. extensive improvements to six battle ships at a total estimated cost of 1111,000,000. The measure was introduced by rfc.irmnn Butler, of the naval com- urocD, vu mm i . ... j r.therlne's hospital in Santa Monica, miuee u They were instrumental in rescuing 18 partment. rhtidren all of whom were suffering An unsuccessful effort was made by ?Udr!.nL c,rh.M,.n were treat- representative Britten, of Illinois. rrom iuiubb. ' ... . . . .m. ed for minor injuries. ..a for e mittee, to pnmuo - - - u..ti. n.Mnri. .lavatlnn of cuns on 13 Daiuesmpa. New York.-Reports on the cotton The proposal was opposed by Chair- crop for the month of May. receivea man nuiier wn it would more th700 comVetent cor- violate the arm; . conference treaty. the Jnumal of Com- it was rejected, 74 to 64. merce under an average date of May An amendment by Representative 37 Indicate that none of the hoped- Montague, democrat, Virginia, to for improvement has taken place. On ttUthorize the President to suspend the weather conditions have hulldina urogram should another naval ....nhiii u that I nu.iinn Annfaranre be neia. was been extremely uuia.."'i uiuimuiu. - M i not much further advano. tccepted. .i 4 mam a month aeo. a nninn hv Ttenresentatlve Mc- Unseasonably low temperatures, aiatle democrat. Oklahoma, to elimi r.tm hall storms and high ,. th .action authorizing the cruis winds have all combined to retard er and gunboat program was lost 174 i... iinn or else kill young cotton; , ... Th. house also refused to ac- hMM over wide areas farmers have , . nrop0gal by Representative K..n nhiieed to olow under and re-1 MrKeown. democrat, Oklahoma, plant a large proportion of their cot- Btrlke out tn authorization of alx gun ton. In some sections of nearly all boat8 which would be used In Chinese cotton producing states so little cot rlverfJ , , ton Is up that no attempt has been contrary to the expectation of some made (In these localities) to estimate member8 no effort was made to amend percentage condition. the bill to authorize the construction For the entire belt per, cent condl- of two addttional airplane carriers. In Uon is placed at 4.4 per cent against defending his gun elevation amend . nt laat vear an a ten year mBn, Mr. Britten asserted that the average of 75.1 per cent The season treaty did BOt restrict such changes 7' .v ...... .. . oun averages six- , nn.m(,nt and that under its pro- teen day. late as against fifteen day. L,glon, ft, -top. could be taken from tha turrets, u aesireu. v.. Mr. Butler for not announcing nis op- Washlngton. Further limitation of armaments and American adherence with reservat ons to tne woria cou.v created under the league of nation. were set up by President uoonage hi. oali inhe Held of foreign affairs. - . 3 V Speaking at the Memorial uy clses at Arlington, tne rresmeui na..d his advocacy or me narams H.,hei nlan for American member ship in the permanent court of inter') national luetics, ana aeciarou i--Ideal of mutual covenants by the na tions limiting their military establish ments "should be made practical fast as possible." . The President gave notice that he would not oppose other reservations to the court protocol than those pro posed by Preside" Harding and See retary Hughes but would not support ... material changes which would the consent of QUI JIIUUAUI th. manv other signatory nations, Hi. declaration wa. interpreted gen erally a. opposition to tne pian m th renuhllcan majority of the senate foreign relations committee for Amer ican adherence provweo m na.. now members of the court agree to separate the tribunal from tne ieagU. Tha two coals outnnea dj Jr. vw- ldge were declared by persons cl&se to him to be the major foreign policies nMn which he will stand in the com ing campaign. Combined with these th. Praeldent. it was said, will place emphasis upon extension ot a wan w Germany by private American inter aata with aovernmental . encourage ment with a view to carrying out the Dawes plan for European renapuiw- tlon. An attempt to make American en trance into the world court conting ent on separation ot the court from the league of nation, would be lm- and unworthy of American principle, and traditions, the President that the union of buiu, aitot " . th. atates had been based on remind tion of certain liberties and assump tion of new duties and obligations in order to obtain greater benefits, Greenville, Mis.. Three negroes wara Villon and twelve POnS were Injured when ft tornado demol ished 11 buildings on the pianuu of W. a Swain. 15 mile, east of here. . ' ' ' So fat as is known, thes injured, nma nf whom may die, all were negroes. Those who were killed, Richard Rodney and Emma wi liams, met death when their home was wrecked, ; The twister caused considerable mava tit the nlanUtion, killing Haatock and wrecking farm build inn it cut a narrow path acrbss the Jlantation, missing the Swain home by half a mue. JAP PROTEST IS ISIiGIO V DECODING MESSAGE OCCUPIES JAPANESE EMBASSY FOR A ; : DAY. '"':.. TAKE- i LIVES tucmtv TO TWENTY-FIVE ARE BELIEVED TO BE KILLED IN MISSISSIPPI. Atlanta, Oa. Still maimed and In the shadow of the devastating series nf tornadoes of less than a month ago, rural Alabama and Mississippi were .,iiran h a aecond stormvisltation, (Sfcl avaVaa mw j ' , . mm .nd t a late hour were taxing . of their dead and injured and the un- estlmated thousands ot aoiiars nan.- in tarma and homes and Available advices from the torn ..t. niaoa.the lo.s of life in Ala bama at 19; and in Mississippi at 20 to 25. Reports of many other fatall tia. if confirmed, will greatly in crease the casualty list ot that state, sigh a jDavJznn .-. Entirely Restored to Health by Mia E. PinklW - Vegetable Coropound v r. Taxaa.- I have taken Lydl waehtneton. A formal communica tion from me japano protesting against tne exciuaion tlon ot the new im"K'""u " reached the Japanese embassy here ... .....munion to Secretary Hughes. Decoding occupied emoas.y u. throughout the day, and the document t heen nresented at the ate . . department nor had any appou. been made with the secretary ot Am basladorIanibara when the depart mart dosed for the nay. " ,M allMB MM I - At the embassy no - " I T.VrrTv wliinwith- to the nature of the P - 0ut iht awful, nervous feel'mR I was also mamuinea suou. W spells, witn sucn a rr ot making public the protest will be fcnot explain. Nowd ttaaWt considered by SecreUry Hughe, and , feel w.chL.ialt Ambaesador Hanlhara atter ne .. pmeo w - formally place, the note before the 'JSKfor American government The only ex- gJ- keeper wd do every- planatlon thus tar available a. to the mel lam the washing form' and substance ot the Japanese ,wnd it doesn't hurt me. You may !... carried in nress uttav in anv way you wlsn. i rPhe;rwh.ch TaV riported" that JtSS tha Tnkio covernment regards the ex-1 to the road of neaitn a Mra. B. If. bbaiww, w build me up all run-down, v? vousand.ick.lchea end hurt all oyer to that I was of tencom peUed to go to bed, and I had to have) most of my wora; done. No meaicinw uamad tn helo me untiloneof mynelgh- bor. Who was wains; the VegettDie uom- mM pound lnsiawa " . k.uu nf t The meaicme me from the first, and thebest the Toklo government regards elusion provision a. "discriminatory, and In .violation of a commercial treaty. . ' ' : ' There is little doubt that adminis tration official, will take the poeltlon that the exclusion legislation In no ... vniataa treaty obligation with Japan, either specific or general In Mart, Texas. Artiaie Mr. Squab Tliey say that old Farm er Haughtree la a vital figure In thle neighborhood. : Kawt Muflln Yen. He always make -rhav alio are firm in their 1 . of Drort to nlease people. He CUftlftVW - , . - I . R " v - that lmmlaratlon policies ... niu1 nlll harn rennlnted a different ... .w .a ..., arara """""" .7 . I . . .. In Alabama more man v " fall entirely within democratic roior four times in tne past year, Injured, some iai.au, ' vlnnalv. while Mississippi, with more itlotton. whatever aUtement me jp" than 60 injured already reported, prob- . necessary to make. Jy 0 Of, 1 ably will be hardest hit. when com- gwnm fcy , IT att CU plete news or we wmn.ua Washington government m a spim u 1 jm 7?y comes in on restored wires. ZmSwi friendliness, and with ft tMW(rM Aireadv orranlsatlona ot mercy are . v.ryti1ing- possible to pro- II. "WVTll I on" the scene., rendering what ld,lraot good relations con.i.tent with possible in the stricken areas. JThe maitnenance of American sover- southern division tf we iteo ,1-,,. The desire of president iw baa a division representative In the d hU adTisors is to make it Mississippi djstrct, and varou. other tQ peopie of Japan that relief agencle. are at work caring for nelthw Washington government the hundreds or nomeiesi ur maa B he AmeriCan people cnenan mu, last year. Polncare Tenders His Resignation. Paris Raymond Polncare, who haa held the premiership ot France for two and a half years, tendered hi. resignation and that of his .ministry to President Millerand. At the same time the new chamber met in a stormy' atmosphere amid re criminations, menaces and warnings, and began its record by creating ft presidential crisis.-The more patient and cooler headed leaders of the new majority, overwhelmed by their impa tient, impetuous, aggressive i.t. tr. tha amendment before it pUBluuu w reached the floor 01 tne uuu. . . SOUTHERN MILL OWNERS MEET IN ATLANTIC CITY, Atlantic City, N. J. The second and concluding day of the twenty-eighth annual convention of the American Cotton Manufacturers association at I th Hotel Travmore here was featured by tha adoption of a numper 01 tailed to prevent the outburst, which tlon and the eiectlon of offi- in the Judgment of the most competent year Atter ad. Journment of the convention there was a meeting ot the national council at which the matter ot foferign Imports of cotton goods was considered more n riatnll a W. McLellan, ot New Orleans, T.a vice president for the last year, was elected president, and upon as- Racers Make Record-Breaklno Time. Indianapolis, Ind. The annual 500 mlle race at the Indianapolis motor speedway produced record-breaking iu. Mr the treat easoiiue uio- UUJ, I"- - " brought honors to race anvers nn, nf Tletrolt. ana U. l.vuru". u; Ait Indianapolis. To Boyer goes we c for bringing the winning car across the anioh una while to Corum, wno UUafaa - - . l..a. in the driver's seat of tne vicionuu. car as it flashed away at we will go the rich cash prices ot approx imately S30.000. w who retired wnen nis own developed trouble, piloted the winning machine over the last -v W P Bdenburn, representative of contest board ot the American Auto mobile asosclation, declared that un der the rules Corum would be cerdit ed with victory, and therefore is en-m.ioh- tn th nrUe money. Boyer and Corum were team' mates driving India napolis made Wuesenberg special, preparations tor anccorlng tne com munities. The Kea uroa celved an urgent call tor tents and cota from Greenville, and stated they were prepared to meet all requests re ceived. 8IX MEN LOSE LIVES IN NEWARK HOTEL FIRE. but the most friendly sentiment, to ward. Japan. , ' , Dint ta.Bomb Consulate. Tnnnniscovenr ot an alleged Korean plot to bomb the American .nd British consulate In Seoul (Korea) 1. .,..n aome uneasiness there, dinnatchea Indicate) ; Semi-official confirmation has been made to a report that .pedal guards .. haan noated at the American i . a. id that the guard will be tt,.ra for the r present. . It ift ....1 th.t the United States consul uwu " - t 11 Newark, N. J. Six men are known to have died In ft Are which destroy ed the Windsor Hotel on Halsey street. Firemen .aid other bodies 1 vi. ia i ilaihria. WrJT. nd sng there hben advised directly of the A uwiivsiM -ar . . . I . men come to a flre escape door oniy legeu P'- to be enveloped in flames. L..,t. win Handsome Prizes. . - i at a aaa as 1 OLUMW ! - - ' T. hntal la ft IOUr-Biori iram- - . . , . " ..C .... .v h .traet New York. winners w w structure wun n ""v- --- . ...... . b . . . I Vfil- :ilC - Vik ( a New York.- ."" I ' vit. h.miral society. floor. A dense n.aca ... , ... reButt 0f a gift rolled up from the start namp.rea p 6arvln of prise essay i,ni indees of the situation IIIU 1111 y at " m makes it Impossible for Mr. Millerand to remain long In the French white bouse. : . . ' Spokesmen representing Elysee Pal ace, say that the president will yield only to a formal vote by both houses H.n,.nt and. further that he ,ttra voluntarily only under l.ml chair made a few remarna three conditions,' namely, If the Kuhr Lggarding his administration for the .. .. if th new nolitlcal situ- ., w. J. Vereenj of Moul- IB " - . .w r".' ..t lpa nreal- ation in France onngs u 1 trie, Ga., was encwu u... - In the interior, or if the new chamber deBt and Samuel F. Patterson, of DnnnVa KanHlS. IN. U.. ' i a winatnn T). Adams,: oi Charlotte, was re-elected secretary. treasurer. The following were named as mem bers of the board of governors: . Representing Maryland Howard Baetjer. ..of Baltimore. ire-ei , Representing Virginia n. u rt.nviiia re-elected). 'i . fails to protect the franc. Stitches In Heart Make. Recovery. : Charleston. & C.-Stabbed in the heart during a fight last month, Ernest Frailer, 20-year-old Charleston youth has completely recovered from ft hall tif wound in that vital organ, .in,h several stitches were teKen n.nviiia re-elected). ' in his throbbing heart, according to Rep;e9enting North Carolina Arth '...nnnnnmenta by attendants at tne ninn Rastonia. (new member) Roper hospital- .' . Representing South Carolina J. C remarkable operation was per- . onnrtanhure. (new member). formed, following which he was threat, Rep;e8enttag Georgia to serve , the cned with complication, uuv a-"' unexpired term or k. u. rrtwu.au, r and after 44 days was die- r. Williams, ot Columbus ...,.ad The case attracted ; the at- Iaj mmher of the " National tentlon of the state medical society. Councn 0f American Cottod Manufac members ot hlch examined Fraxler turer ucceeding John A. Law, of n.. Dead. 1200.000 Loss In Storm, Richmond, Va.-John H. Parks, far mer of Accomac county uJm death in an electric Worm which did a tn nrnna and DUUQinB "I lul" ua ft ,nn. Ann section estimated at over .uu,vv. Parks was caught between two u?" of his barn when it was aemonsneu by winds which attalnea tne veiuv of a tornado. The storm was accompameu ui cloud bursts and a heavy ftownpour of hall stones, said to nave oeeu ly as large as hen eggs. The straw- ..a Alan eaaV AT berry crop, wnicn waa v HAwnmAfit WAS ADDarently completely destroyed by the hail ana rain, uu nt.,ta the sreatest loss, though other crops suffered and many build ings were wiped out. men. . . n.. hntai la located In the heart . M.w.rV'1 antomobile district Many of the roomers are believed to have been connected with ft circus which is showing here . m. .'nd Mrs. Francis ui .. , New York city, were announcea bi w naUonal headquarters ot the commit, ... . M,aree here, and 294 120 gold pieces were forwarded to ichool au thorities for distribution among suc- raa.ful comoetltora. An equal 7P Sulphur Tha fire broke out on the third ana , . mphnni .tudents were ae- fourth floors almost at the same time .v .,,.. 0f honorable men- with flames shooting - from several , hiving submitted the second windows. Tne mase out the building by the time the fire arrived and second and third alarms brought 40 streams of water pouring onto the flames . (' ti. v. In their nossesslon ft hoot eaaaV. The announcement followed the re ceipt of the returns from local com mittees In the 48 statea and the Ws t rninmhia. and the 294 winning Ulbi, w ' , - essay, were entered m we nauon.. im ,. which is said to have figured wniph ia under the control ot tha cause of the blaie, it being re-1 mitt! ot ludgea headed by ported that a man in the hotel going up stairs with ft can ot disinfectant and smoking ft cigarette, threw the can the length of the stairs when the disinfectant Ignited. v nmnonnced him sonndin every VUk I"" way..i!i.ftcV1'M.:C;-V," . '"'V , 'aawaawaaaa-rtoB"-aaaaaaaaaWaw . . I Immloranta Filling Jail, on Border I Montreal-Bootleg traffic in Immi grants, smuggled by automobile across the Qufebec border into -the United States, has reached sucn v""' I weit oI Spartanburg, S; C Greenville, S. l was R E. Geer, of '" 21 Dead In Alabama. Birmingham, Ala.-Alabama'. death toll in the tornado ot Tuesday was Placed at 21. with belated reports that Mrs. J. U Cofleld was killed 12 miles Hamilton. Ala., in . wfc --Van. i . : . : j H1 . .n. I. nnrtnnm inbw ivii ariian nernome was '" r-nnt New Hampshire and Maine are fl H'er husband, son, Prlne Cofleld ' .. iniv,lo for ad-1 . . m n rnSald were ser- IV . t n mark, a United -States I ,.- inlured. . ; ' - said. l WwAnt the .itorm were , - 9 i --aCon service is atreng-lhUgy DUrying the dead and caring for , i . f-rnCer patrol, Mr., uara i . intred and rendered homeless, i " . . ,-. v 1 . . i.. tj c "ubat orgauiiej iThjg wag peciauy true near Polncare Cabinet to Reslfln. '.aa.-t.lJ k n.ma(1 Paris. The last iuu caoiuoi of the Polncare Government, witu President MMerand presiaing. w place at the Palace of the Elysee. The Government will meet agalrt In council K tha maet nl WlU OCCUT t V" eign office and Premier Polncare alone ni v. antnmted with the task ot go- w lis ww ----- . . h- Praaidential residence to present the' colleclve resignation of the cabineL Morgan Leads Navy Senior. Annapolis, Md-Armand M. Morgan, of Washington, P. C. Is the "honor nf the class of midshipmen to be graduated' from the Naval Acade- my next weunoBuajr, ed. Robert S. Katcaer, oi ssan auwu-, Texas, stands next i-k.t.. Bav One of Four Drowned, Daytona, Fla., Wesley uaiven Raee. vounc sons of Mr. and mm T .wrenr.e Reese, ot this city, and James Kennedy, 11-year-old son oi r. and Mra E. Kennedy, OI unanea- ton a f!.. who la here vuiting n .... drowned in the Halifax vlvar .. '"' The boys were swimming in shal low water. In returning to the shore at ft point a short distance from the nlaca at winch they entered the water, thev sterne 1 lato ft deep channel re cently dre! 1. a committee of ludgea Herbert . Hoover, secretary ot com u ft Alexander Dies In Michigan. Charlotte, N. C.-Walter S.. Alex- a. nna of i the most prominent business and real estate men of Char lotte and North Carolina, uieu fc -..n.tnrinm in Battle , CTeek, Mich, t,a had heen for some time, ac cording to telegram, received here by i.tiu. and business aaauviaiaa. iiawander ana J. . !" Clear Your Complexion with This Old Reliable Remedy IC0CK OKIFOUIID For pimple, blacWwadi. frdd Sl od Un . a w U for mart eriou Uct, ta.lv and body eruption, hive, eaema. etc., um thU ditlfte compound oi nilphur. Atalo Soa. it tooth c and hcaU ; Ukea IntenuUr a lew drop. In a ao( wterr aetjatthe footof the trouble and purifies the blood. Phytldans aatee that eulphar U one of Hie most effective Mood purifier known. Re member, a good complexion Un't fkia deep -it i health deep. Be ntre to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It hu been ued with uuV (adory rctultt over 25 year. 60c and $130 tin bottU . at your drucctet't. II he can't supply you, end Mi name and the price In stanpl and we will end you Dottle aired. I HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR Baltimore, Md, '' - I Btnnth Sulpky Omfoni Out- mntjoc BM uutjm mi, wm tlu Lii Ctmpnnd KILLS PESKY BED BUGS P.D.Q. - Postal Clerk Salary Bill Passed. Washington. Carrying the Borah amendment, tor full publicity of politic cal contflbutlons durlhg the progress of campaigns, the postal salary In crease bill "was passed by the senate. Mr8. Alexander ana a- . .- JUBt thlnk a 0 0f P. d. Q. (Pesky ;; The vote was 73 to 3. those opposing of . CW T. " , gg?? non'a, being Senators Borah. Idaho, ana rew m, Vexftnder. who would have and WUHs.. Ohio, all Republicans. been6. yaara eld ft week from next The measures, which would Increase Suliaf.,( had been in falling health A - i 1. e snn aaa nnatai emnloT- m aaveral months. He had not been UUT v . T " . thra. waara es by an average of 200 eacn anau- Tery strong ,p 1 -,-. auy, now Joe. to the House, where . i but w. health dld th.0. bill of somewhat amereni term . rapiaiy umu i Sending He was able to be out on the . street. penains. ... .. ... .,... . ..... .. .it and a half The esUmatea increase of 'TT 000. in postal expenses wnion wu or mree momua - be enUaled by the.Sen.te BUI would Mfft)red ft hefirt ftttack about two be met by the normal increaae montns ago at uw'oia business." the Senate was told by wnere he made hla residence, and soon Senator Edge, - Republican.: of Nw thereafter went to the sanatorium U Jersey, who had charge of It. ' Battle Creek or CooOea, and Hops future generauona by kllllns- their e&M, .and doea not Injure the clothing!- Liquid Are to the Bed Bugs ! what P. D. Q. to Hke; Bed Bugs stand as good a chance as a snowball In ajuatly famed heat resort' Patent spout free In every package of P. D.i.. to enable you to- kill them ana ineirneai in ua Look for the devil's neaa on ev- box, Speolal Hospital sue, . ti l.U. ;v.w. maaea uvo Kanuna, vudw,. three apouts. Either size at your druggist, or sent prepaid on re . celpt of price by Owl Chemical - woraa, lerre nauie, xnu. . m Loo i J Family of Eight Killed. Birmingham; Ala. Nineteen sons were the tornado Which per- Tampa, Neoro Slain After Killing 8heriff. Flaw Henry Wara, - 4u. killed and i injured by town marshal and deputy sheriff, of struck Alabama. Wlldwood. Marlon wunty, is ueaa , 4 I . j....v. hullat and . ... .hlta naraona. - WOm ft negro uoeiio.w- ; T- . . . - -I. I. h.-ar Homer WCllamS. also Is I . . W " IV "vhLV-he TehoT to : death by a posse when edWn7ar .S-l. iS. he barricaded, Mm.elf and deed pu. ... . -.1 ...h. o.i .nit attar kiiune tne oaicor. i rnnntv. All 01 wo uuioi uc"i- " . county. W1V ,;,-. tn occurred at Wlldwood. cur.e!I w" f . faTlv Ward-wa. killed after he removed t7: mia th-r. r-rht ner- tha nerro from ft train. The negro I sons war inJu ed wh n tbe twister r.w a platol and shot the officer la Sck iSw?h county. . I tie .'ia. dealh Vctei ln.tantan.ouft mi Money h-ck wl'ont queetion If HUNT & ail t fx' a In tha treatment of I I, hi.IA, RiMuAOl- t-1 1 ii ti or other Itching eain diseaeen. Prica 7hc at droiri'lata, or direet from . llfctnwat mm C. Ihtnualal I HI . r t 1 S r 4, J i vfon " la Walker county. . . , , . .;