' .1.4 444464 4444444444. 44444444444444444 All X L1ABK HERE J I!:::s t-rt jc:r s:b-i ; icrlfi::a t:j expire j. j X Madison County Rrrerd, J H m..-ii.liiJ Juui .),, lul J ' 5 , French Broadfaews ' J v 7. f I C3 I U . 1 7T ' f COHSOLlDATIDnoV.J.irn V , P00P00000000P0P f : if- i. THE OfyLY NEWSPAPER rUI lISIlED IN RIADISON COUNTV jyoL xxi ; ! i MARSHALL MADISON COUNTY, K. C. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1924. No 45 i S:cc!:l License Required t Person cr Corporations lis VlrjfttsHiyraysifirodl- ' sen County 5 tlaulinsf Lua- f tcr and Other , Heyy jla- lfcrlal.::.vif,H:v t i, ' A, Rood dealijf eomplaiflt has Jbeen made abojut using the nigh T-, .v. --..-y. "-r"'Vr", 31 through you to all the people of out complying with the laV.f,. A v . t ere is what Chapter 40 Public , Local Laws Nbrth Carolina, 1913 Section 24,1 pvides..' Section 2' That.1 any 'perl son. firm or corporations trans- poHingof having tiansported by others lumber or timber-:or any other heavy material , dvtr the roads in Madison county snail first obtain a license from the board of roa commissioners for ; license to beixed by Jhe said iu vuiyvo-r ,niunvw puiu hoard, inaany person, flrm. or corporation iaiung ; or rerus ing to cpmpTy with the provi- A ... . . .. . ' wonsor thi?; stiqn, .shall, be cough,' were eager in theirat guilty of a misdemeanor and, fin- tendance upon Snnday School d or imprisoned, m the discre-.l tjon of ' the . court. That, said board shall have the authority and are hereby emDOwered to, is I sue license as provided in this section and collect the fees 'for I same, and all sums collected un- der the Drovisions ot this 'UoninaU.tfejju'fldiotylheVpur-lfor pose oi repaurmg ine roaa or auula where WchtfahportatiOn or naming uas oeea xioac, or ui t tie public roaas or saia coun-1 . - j ..- 1 I""' V Ti . W ty: Provided, that the? fee for license shall not be less than one cent per nfile ott more ''than1 two cents per "mile ft)f ach one thou sand feet of lumber or logs or gross ton of .-any, other , heavy material jo pe-ansppriea: rro- school has begun. Approxi Tided f tjrtb.;mat-said nlately two-thirds of the. young ooara mayrmnsporxingiogs, lumber, pr 'ptbtoMftyt: watenal . ii ' i yj j - '.11 ffrMESiSrfS three idch(..vbwafdvm ,v t,, j:x;0 width, ;orv.f ourrlffirses;. wagons -.i x.-t i.'riw-.. j' . j - deem PM?jauitoble. , . . j rjr?fi;; 1 ." a 1 1 f:Satutday,.November ;' -'has f : ; v. , --.".,.( . -. l Been aesignaieaas- Lwmuniiy. Pa in..e. Ami;!canEducation week program? for U924, It i$ hftpedat, trewili be a. 90m- muniiv , reqiW inai,; qay or wusjm tTuiyiuuuo!, m AflflfericaTJIie subjects siiggesM ed tordisqussionre ox parucu- ! value to rural communities, he critlideai ibing,, ,"Srvke( to (3onlty;te,.Nai tion is heduty , ew ry, citi- 8n.,Here is a suggested pro- rram.. .... .- - -1 ' e- aunioj every-j Ameri- K 2. Better rural 4 schools! r ?. Adeqiiate' ( public library Ejr vice for every community.. 4.' commuriity's ; vconcern f. r ed";ation meaaurea it&inter c' b" iwp,future,;, , ( ,v ,VU ? ' "v-iW.!? rads, build, a corn rr -ity.' ' 'Vy i.l' "ohs--Get acquainted with yc i J ir.- '.s-.4---.-v-.- . .. -' i izz-'J deal for the -country lz cndtlrl-vV';; - . v"-"-. ( ildren xtqJayT-CiUzons to- .aw. ' - - ' "hers and community : adl,to. or .'substract i' t' Yj at'dve prorati or : u .,: ;ch .way cs to t local conditions.. ; of rCsnip Sky-Hy Children Who - n&ve Eeen Located On The Island For The Past Two Months Are Return--Ing to VIIUnton, I : South Carolina : The News-Record: Marshall that the children of the Camp ori the Island have enjoyed the summer We have gained not only in pleasures but in friendships and in health. All your citizenry has been ex - intflv klnrl t Thi, no town in the mountains where re could have been more courte ously treated and where bur in terests would have, been more cdiL'uai y uuarucu aiiu moral... - . . r zealously fostered. The church- es and their pastors have (been fcmd. Our children, until stoo I . ped by . reason of whooping ans Church service . I thank everybody. Bowever. Mr. John McElroy should be thanked for sonhlv and nation. y opening the way for us; Mr. Geo. - McKinney, representing the commissioners, for all he sec-rhas done:. Mr" CtivV. Rnhprfs of real- lifts, Mr, Hendricks tor genuine and par- nablq interest-in fact,' or I sax every pooy, 1 ney are to numer- ' "W-M ' - - . good bye and God bless you J. B. BRANCH. Problem For The -. Community Ruaal -4- peopie between the ages of 5 20 who live ' in the Wen ,; k , . r - ntnr orjhe small towns and villaffes have enrolled in school. ' , rr " of ths host of 'over 11 mnnrwi . . . . . Th teachers ofth'eso 175,000 one - teacher rurar' schools have weeks of professional training of any group" of teachers Near- uy nair or tnem. no doubt, are teachtni; ' their.. first ; term o, f - . ' - - 1 scnooi. . ine majority or tnem are young; three Or four years younger than town arid village teacher Moreover, , t h 1 r scnooi terms are one or two luuuuu . ouui ici man muso yi the latter group. J V in view or tnese tacts nas the State complied with its obliga- tion in public education? Have the rural, boys arid .girls an equality of opportunity. in edu- caiiouf vre mey proviaeu ia- ciuties tor Obtaining an educa- uon W411CU are in any respect ... . i -. . I equal to tnose generally provid ed in larger centers of popula tion? ; -;The above inadequate condi tions make Imperitive the at tention and assistance or every local community . .to its rural - j 1 school. Parents, as wU a s school, boards and-superintend- em, buouiu ucip uio icacuers oy Ken provided ai needed by the child- house.-to near reasons wny tne y ren. - The teacher's - full time should,or shcard u it vota fo" this should be devoted to the impbr- or that party, candiaate re ts nt task of directing the child- ferendunv measure. It u real ren in their development. Her communiiy civics. Ou of it energy should be concentrated comes a more intelligpn . electo on retliods of securing the best rate.. One of it imporam fcy po. development of 'each in products pay be a revived in divi jal child entrusted to her terest irj ? chool-rooms and their f op If you do hot corio In to the Tax Col lector s Office and property will be levied on, belnnln , , F - N MRC. Tax Collector, RIadison County. : fin . lfnt ' ' I AA MVh'OO JLUU. Ilav Just receivedl I Goods; Notions, II at 5, MlMe and -hd-eos Coal. Ureses nd every thind'to wear for fell. Ci.a end 111 save youmon ey on most everything Blillne ol Men's ocd I Shoes for 'whole ' family especially Buster Brown's for the Boys ar Come to see me when you yqor needs . ; 'Resracally ": :. J ' ; : ' :-:n'iy '4 . Q. : L. RlcIIINNEY. ; .; School Improvement. A . tl ., D.rt a! Pn1iffr1 During the next ,few weeks mare mothers and fathers, living in rural communities, ara going to see the insides of scnoolhouses than have seen' them . for many months. This is because 1924 is a presidential election . year and many political meetings will be held in schoolhouses. Willie yuu av mcici muiu w 1 and fathers, look arouud and see! ..s-.xLi - 1 While you are there, mothers f these schoo rooms are nt place . x- i ror vour cnnuren 10 .hukiiu ui en windows snouia.De on one side of the room and the amount of glass ar-a should be from one- fwiW fn .inn fifth' M tho flnnr , a . thi. should bW ! canahle of k!.w ivA fmrri th ton , and .. j - uAf rmotU ITUIU lira v uuiwilll . uu snrtllM h.Vl, iuktable shades. jf there is an unjacketed stove in the center of the room an' equal nr Lf the room U impossibles This difficnlty can be overcome by placing in a corner a jacketea t ve th a frp!sh RiT intake and fnlli onMet la there an open waier pni I snnd common dip per? j8 condenv ed by in el lioat.bublieoninioni' and. nrohi- bited by'lasv in manr SUtes Are' the seat a .'of (ine site or nOn UhWable? t It so your little five - . . ' . . . r nM trfrU ait all .-'day with thei- feet dariglinjr and your big over-grown-- fourteen iear 010 boys are stuffed into aats seve ral sites to ' sina'l. 'Irispect ;.the . i , a toilets and see whether they are -. .. ...... . w an insu t to decency ; and 1 a; nie- nance lo heiHth Jt is most fittins'ita:the peo- , Buoud irather.' in i .ir own ttAiK Tsuies pay your tax, your pcctfully, A. VITITE, fjfl 4 Of! f f I CT-TI 1 1 .OO XjJLDlWllOO complete line of Dry Caps, H winters, Ladles. yiiu need. Hoys suits -Full line of J Girls School Shoes. In town and let me sell ' . ::-lTta sc: I III On Ufe 'MVVj V, . The funny .column i of a daily papa tells et4eaabe-who-a8kedLw: .. uL&l Willie to locate several cities and he adswered, "I can't locate 'em but I know how vto tune in on every ! blamed one of 'em." ,. , That story came a '. first rate idea for teachers. ' The schools will r . . open Boon wfltom of children rJSr: 3 natural tocial child life to the dif ferent atmosphere and Ufa of the school. -i v- " t Teacher wintry mlstokenly to ehanm nJkfc nf t.rfhiW. ' nhv:. change moat of the,; dhild's physi cial and mental habits" in a day The shift from hours of activity to nours ol sitting aim will cause much' illness amtinir 'I hem if the teacher is d o . careful From W erasing the Big; Branch 85 5 poles to a doub e Spanish oak on top of a ridge, S 83.SO E 19 poleB to a white pine stump, N 48. t 38 poles to Hn appla tree near road, corner of trje rt k t refer red, to in first ' order. Thenc down' said road S 32,30 E 14 poles, S 12 SO E 40 polea. to a tLke in the forks of the. road in front of nouse, uicn uown saia roaa ,0 w u and 4-a poies., tnence up tne spring orancn 01 ti o a 0 poles to a stake, south of the spring, then N 60 E5J poles. M 07.46 E 8 and 3 5 poles. S 58 10 h 42 poles to a stake at a roau, on u.ridgj to the original Men ell line & 5U.45 W 18 poles to the be ginning, containing 19 and 9 10 acres mure or less. 1 Second Tract: fieianning at a stake in the road corner of said Cinda Merrell allotment and runs with said road N 10 W 14 poles learning what i interesting and 8erm0Q which will long be wraeni- K0U0' what appeals to them they will b. ,;erod by a la.-ge congregation. ' forcst forced to cbnnsa I to r tet lessons T -t-TJlv acres r .... ... .1. . 1 daily and that tfcey probably feel never will be any help. Fortun.lRev. Jesse Watts, the pastor St I ately more, and more rchools are J fitting theaiaelvef tto make th cnna mo in more iree. easy ana are beinj replaced with sfudvlstatad that our .coming, aiticrj tables and chairs; the textbook is giving wsy to the library; the deadly silence, to the hum of busy. nccs; fl restraint and repression, to en. r. ;it.and expression. The t bod are "tuniDg in" . on LIstOf Jurors List of Ju ors Drawn for Sep. tember Term of Superior Court September 22n J, 1934. . No 1 Township John Jarrett, P. V. Henderson W. G Reese, Joe Rice. No 2 Township " William S Rice. Jas. Wallin No 3 Township L C. Roberts, J. M, Hunter Jr. No 4 Township B Y; ealf A- L. HmUn, D. B. Melcalf. No 5 Township W. C. English 1 ; No 7 Township- ; Baxter Payne, L. Tweep! No 8 Township J. L. Kirkpatrick, I' rank Wad dell, D. D Price. No Township C. L. Stamey ,J. 1. Wells, U. C, Myres. . v No 12 Township. W alter Caldwell. ; No 15 Township Mose Chandler. - , . No 16 Township' L H. Ramsey, B. W. Hcryhv Wltll BI Uurel Esp- tistthsrch L d0 tl wme w re"urM"1ofPikesPeakmColoradaatan I !" .'7 iVC v rJlwrstioii of 14,110 feet ; ' ' together with all the good work, i Our Devotional Service watl conducted-byE. S. Morgan after which the meeting was organize with Rev. L. C Roberts, as Mod erator, E. 8. Morgan, Secretary; gubj PerSonaH Work which was opened byVsugh- an Fisher. Rev Nehela Griffin; E. S. Morgan and others. At!06 aD0UC zwu yea ol(1 as 11 o'clock, a- sermon by Revl Griffin, dinner ou the ground for an. At 1 0 ciock wev. it. v. mo Cracke.1 gave lis a wonderful tallf nn Hnmo Mia.irkiia. aftr which Miss Delia Hueeins cave a w.n.irfni iflik'shr.winrf hhAf. wI na Haptist people must get busy , the Homan uatnoiics are ueiing their way in to our te- ominat'On. ' Sunday morning at 9:30 Song icrvine and Prayer Seivice. L 1. Ainn.oris vv.tH asked to discus he eubjeet o f the- Layman's vork. 11c ontned the subject bv . . .. Lf the hour. saying, neteittne rerwnsiointviaui iu wuuiiua irccaiv in . .. ... - .... . ae was loiiowea Dy K. p. McCracken in -.( a oy k. r. ivicoracKen in a snort 1 1 k T - . 1 Z L ' 1 1 I talk; b r 0. McCracken ftpoke 1. . . u 1 X ; m ' n Z?Z ! i'r. . ' was given iuteen rn.nuies 'Pi... U.n..lit .. - . 1 It UlVIUfcllV U3 up WM f ".T T.!: " uau uiauo us .niniiv waiui mus durin th? fiitb Sundaylneeting was asked to nil the stand- Bro. Hoberts preached a wonderful iva 1 M 1 r inar n orii. w rn nuniri i tt .-.v. ii. 1 that we could not stay . longer that nlace is still carrvinf on the meeting. We are proud to say ..-.u I them with hfth meeting wori 8Ure did strengthen thdr r-J. t power in the great itevivil wcrl;. We all hope to be able ti ck-- to Big Laurel ajain. ji 1 Four Things I To think clearly, to love sincere- jly, to act from, high motives and I to livt a life of trust in God and be future are four giyjit duiies cf m th Henry Vandyke enjoins Jin the following lines to which we I do well to give heed. If these ye 11. yo.ur record wi:i be written ia the "Lamb'ii BK)k of Lift-:" . "Fwur thiDg a man must' learn - to do , .-, tf he would make bis record true: To think without de&t, I To love bis fellow men sincerely; To act from honest motives purely; I To trust in God and heaven tt eurely." If we ill were tax exempt howwould the government be maintained? Gambling is a criminal effensa under Japanese law. ' I Some whales travel twice a year.more than a quarter of the distance around the world. aide of the equator in the win- Iter. wprld is located on'the summit. v " --o-:'.;,,r -CriK Lewis B Reed, who recently celebrated -his one j hundredth birthday anniversary in Los Angeles, California, is said to be the eldest college gradnate from New YorkUn versity in 1843 t??? - . I0" V I An Inca mummy, believed to TIL y .. yN. r been discovered near Arica in Chile by Max Uhle, an archeo- i '"k1011 o A iT Penny of the days ot Edward K1S72-1207) was found "cently on the top of Large I Law, a hill in Scotland. LasC year nearly 7 0 pcrssns were killed in London street ac cidents, white there were 72,000 non-fatal accidents. llT.aJk -.fi. .Ht-. 1.1 . fu 1 . ' fj'JStrlal Review. .- . - " " ""i 0 Fai, Kegister and - Vote Can Give No Valid Excuse for Failur(, to Perform that Impor- our txtiii 1 'ff ! . All Times with a Full Registration and a Full Vote. This country once contained 822,000,000 acres of Virgin Now , only 137,000,000 acres remain. ... John W. Davis is a Presbyter i&n, hut attends the ' Protestant Ejiccjal church with his wife v U Fni.nml nmmnr j Cft,t Ten Tarheel says that the new teat of 1 -:r.t on his tarn locl.3 than the cli sootUr ;rj? t'ja put there " before 1. j 1L.3 f"Zl Cire, . :- . equipment, " . life. 9 Enoch S.' Morgan. ,

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