J MaiUso!) Count v He cord . ' MnaWMll Jun ti, l0l' J French Broad News KObliih4 May 1, 10T . J COHSOLIDATEDHOV.I.Ifirr tt ' - ' U . 11 4444444444444444 ' K MARK HEBE f J Means that joar sab- X scriptioa has expired. PP'PPPP0PPPPPP0pp0l DFQl L) THE ONLY .'NEWSPAPER PULlISHED IN MADISON COUNTY VOL XXI MARSHALL, MADISON COUNTY, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. 1924. No4G CI V i V I A Story of The Carolina Mountains level of the sea,' one of ' the, evils long prevalent has-been the ellicit ' mannfacture of ardent spmtfl home, Broodiug over their trou ble and incensed at the .had- faith of some one whom they had cor. sidered a friend, they datermincd to find out who had . "acted the traitor" as Will put tht majfcter.i It was no qirticult matter to und out that Mitch Jones, and old moon shiner, for the reward in auch case s paid, had given the location . of. c distillery; in Order to divert 'atL'o-. tion tram bisown eimiliar eslah (Bt Wakt Wiohtman Vandiveh) I going to do as I please." Iti this . . v - ",' 2 . crude statement on the' abstruse Among the remote regions, of i . ... . Ttr..j. t. .i. I.-.' i question of the science of govern- western ixurin . aruiniH uve L . - , , ,li:k . t ll "l . . . . r " , ,., j ment Robert quite acquiesced and "snment further back in the mouiti ihriftyIa thir elevate,!, land, 'T, , ,K , V where tl?e general attitude is more h elud glen Jmbitterrd with deadly hatred than two-thousand feef above the ' tie.r pnm.tive plant wasca- tb, two.,del,bera ed to wh. Ir ui ... ' -iabhshed course they should -take towards The summer of '66 glided away lib informer.'".? ' :'! Into the glorious mountain autumn. I -. He was too sly to go to the ti. m-vi . 4K..MAiinai0,,a6eintne Adair cove had m"uisioner s court" saia.ww, - . I Ilisfc mit. nn onlnra rmalini ki fan. I DUt hfi II on tn th Ihiir onnrt TA ot this wierd craft--an excrescence ' .. ' ... x f , . .ku- h,. . of the cml war-were. as,a class. !" mts of !he "-op.cal growth and know- we 11 be ent up where i ..mi., . ..:. . iiooking as it a thonsand overladen we can t get al nim." way to Jonea', distillery. ; , " Through the diitk places he hast ened on his mission of peace. Up Dry Gulch, d'm lit by, the star? he hurried over a ridgo, then up again climbing rapidly as only can one who is' to the manner bornn, he scwi had Only' one other riilee be forehim to-cros but on reaching jtfcj crest he found that reVenee is no less swift of foots than mercy. Lpd angry .word he heard coming Clifford Shelton Killed Clifford Shel' or a man about Resolutions Adopted, By Tfee Baptist Church Of Mar shall, Septeirkf 7 i 9 2 i. long without a significant and spn , : cifio name; but now comes - creep ing into the language with an ' insistance likely to make it per- -K manent, the term moonshiner to designate this type of a contra braddist. The typical moonshiner t bas his hut and the crude alembic in the densest solitudes of the . mountains where intrusion and de tection are most unlikely. Actual , organization into bands for mutual protection hai sometime been ef f acted. . Often when the scmimi litary officiaismaking a "revenue raid" inso these solemn and un frequented fastnesses in quest of , offenders, the sentinels down next " the "settlement." having borrow edfrom their aboriginal brethren the smoke siginal, send upthe same ! in volumes of graceful curves and - waves, then danger knovoHoI be ' hear ftnd the'of)eiators of theillicit establishments along the tipper mountains are soon safely hidden, ; At night the huntsman'? horn so b'own, that according to their crude code; the repeated crescendo, and -' cadence fall on,- the listening ears long accustomed to such notes and instantly the message is" trtinslated and .translated too are eti!l and ."tiller." . . Just under thenorthern shadows of the great Blue Itidre. not far i west of the point where, it reaches h'ghest towards the slues, . in the sparsely settled diunty of Hender Bon, lived many years a?o the Adalfs in whose veins, it is jsnid, bounded the blocd of the bold vikinns of old, and their ancestors having come from the north of Europe nome color of veracity i. giyen the statement: The incid ents herein recounted, now passing slowly into tradition, are not with out living witnesses, Two brawny boys well along in their-'teens' and a daughter. Mary a little older a j e-lccl lype of mountain- woman liooj were of this household. V Into the humble picturesque home Under the mountain shadows, up to May day 1806 there had nev er come va great grief.' 'Arcadian lfappiness had been their?. Rut in 'an evil mo:nent William .Adolf ha-i determined to set up an ellicit dis tillery and did pollute with it the linfpid mountain 1 brook' up the mountainside and in this precarious undertaking he was assisted by Ro bert his younger brother. 'i "Will, shorel) you're notruanin' a ' till up thar on the mountain," s ! Mary. ."You know what will c. , cf it all. You'll jes', be hunt ed ' jwn by the revenuers and took to,' il." "Cut Mollie" replied the I:, "yiu den't look at' this ques tr i rsht. Ain't this our , com? ' .'t i! :? a free 'coustrj? Can't a ...a Co what he p!caa with his t" Us Cavcrnmcnt ain't got r'' t tD t;.!.e a man's liberty s 1 1. ", t: I fr i?y part I'ra rainbowti hnrl htirat nnH upafiororll "Eut there's Rnrnett srtf? Km tnn their wealth of gorgeous hues over that swore in the trial the other the waiting forests below; or as if day they'll have to swear the my riada of dryads had t firned 8ame 1 "'"K9 flKin u "W" Hob.;, artists and had exhausted their 'They'll go off and eav the fairy genius in decking with gay coun,ri for you know they colors the rioriona PTnnns nr are our; friends and they didn't autumnal wood. - D v w n th wan'' swear agin us, but had tn th I Will continue !. And now i we can get old Mitcb to leave it' various valleysall running northward, flowed the clear. Debbie bottomed fctreams with silvery gleamings in the Indian Summer sunshine, innocuously hastening home to the sea. In the. dim dis tance the Great Smokies lifting themselves in range beyond' ranye and kissing the ekies Every pros- pjee was pleasing; man alone was be all right." "But how do you kndw'" a ked the younger brother "that Norton and Burnett will go away?" ilffll 1.1 . 1 " - iney ootii told me -so "aid Will.'Well then" instantly Bol replied, "let's go to-night and pav old Mitch to leave, and if he won't n3 iui MUUO was ' vile. The Kolden grain that had ae"ee to do that let's put out. hie fcamr ht and locked in it- hertth chunk" "No less not kill the old c t.j i scamn" lirtffid Will " 'epntinp. Vp huiukcuid' ot Buiutncr uau , oeen I . r o garnered and ground to feed the can fc P0881"9 8et around it, but! blockade still bn the nfountaW In I wish' henras dead." tbe,: meantime .Tom Mivnard. ' W 8at. Under the dense suaue oi me oig appie iree ny tti al L j f il I . ' . down thn nenkth Tt.. pomp, in the early May tira. - V " vm, M. MnXV.vai.VVr I .... , - , adjoined that of the Adalfs, Had ,and deliberated over their wooed, won and. ' wedded pretty Molly Adalf. Tom bad grown to manhood .' thereabouts, and the sunburn on his fine honest . face told of the toil to which he had bent. Mollie. the milkmaid-of her father's .dairy, like other country maids known to song and story, often on occasion raked the mead ow sweet wi hhay) butshewas not . jnodcl of beauiy, being something pai1 of wftler- bat thc leitpr. I,rv ai.H M,L,o..fj the conservation had trouble each talked frankly to-the other until finally Will agreed thai if old Mitch would not agree to leave they would pick a quarivl with him and kill him. Unknown to the boys Mollie had been standing behind the huge pump and had been a somewhat unwilling oavedropper during this talk; she ' had simply gone for a the serious tone better, brave aud true-hearted the. picture i of youth and rosy health. The early morning air, inhaled while the, miracle of a new day : is ; biessjng the World, the happy -cheerful disposition, the neart that . tb robbed m sorrow over another's woe and leaped in simple loy when othor hearts were glao these made her facV radiant with charms that distance regular features and classical ' standards that have not behind them ' these dynamic forces. Hapny ' as the birds that, full throated, trilled and twitted their vernal loves in the treesi about the old Maynard home, thi mountaineer , and his higlilgnd Mary, unconscious (as happiness a. ways is) of how happy they were, lived and loved the while. -. Suddenly one deary day in au tumn a great, suirow cast its ah id ows on 'accross the threshold of the Adalfs Will and Bob werej arrest ed, and taken to be tried for viola tion of the Federal; Statute. -'Distilling, retailing, ..concealing and removing spirituous liquors, .with out license so to do, contrary x to the statute in such cases made and provided." So ran the char in ths language of the law. The U. S. Commissioner in the evidence found probable . cause and held them on bond to the next terra' of circuit and 'District court to be I r t A: eville. Tha t eville. 3 c7: seemed to rivet her to the , spot Recovering herself she hastily and stealthily glided away, leaving her emptv pail, and hastened down the creek, along the stretch of sandy road a hundred paces, to her own home where her husband was. j "Well," let's git supper and go' the implusive Bob said earnestly. ''No, Bob, I don't , want no sup per. I can't think of Jiothin' but that old half bn ed scounderel Let's go now.? So securing their pisto's f w th' ir accus'omed place in the ' ous '. tiny started up the trail in tu dim lirht of a new moon and the stars . ' v VWhy; Mollie,!. thoughtyou was goin" to tay,all night with youi mother" remarked T m as she came ihrough the bars "'Is any thing the matter?" Yes, Tom, it's awful what the boys haveb en ialkin '' Then she told him what she had . heard at the pump. - "Tom,, go up there and stop them, iUhey ain't already gone, I heard 'em s.iy -"feet's git the piotols and go' just. ad i count 'round tbe corper f the orchard, an' they went in. the ' house, I'm afraid they're gone now, but you can go to Mitch Jones the short w-y and git there before they do ". Tom Maynard knew what man ner of men these fellows Were; and tl:3 rrrcs.1 from his wife, ECarcoly lcc:; -y. was hardlv more than .rj:3 he was ca his 65 years of age and havinc only one leg was killed Sundav after. noon Sept, 6th. by Oscar Lhelton J J i . . . si urn i h r l f i n 1 1 m rv ttmr n tiin i - - t mum uuw mu r u Lwriu v i i : . .- , - five vears. CAfTr Rh.Hkn v's? rg ine. ' of ou AaoaA u 'j ; vvcrK in marsnail jJaptift .Utemeat ,hat. OSc,r SheUon E, uB jr.wu.u.r .earu commg - "ICIZ m& "r ""cial problems were Wne direction or tno sequested r-- ZICJ. mct- our membership msniiery and ne recognizing tbe -T " ,BT "was dfvided in opinion abdmaljco vo.ee ot Bin Adair be quickened ;'v"fc ' existeJ ,in numerous instances ins pace along the steep nouniain- T " " , u awuw VL aooui among the membprshin Wa m,u ,n.. - t.. m- p tone nundreri vltrria frnm noar,a l ... . r " fiuf. cm wnen wiimn a lew.pac- , 7 T " " . . " wiinout a pastor, and in fact, all es of the rude build nir he heard . rumo' uauar iwk.ui nis pisioi of hnr rhurih Ant. m, , , pistol snot ring out on v the night " . cau not W neglected, but abused air; another and another followed rt a nvT "own' l,n e n by us all. Attendance was very in quica succession, and inst as he sercnea Wuioras. pocke t s how. nd nouAntv.fiv ,miu- entered the door of the dim, torch- m m thfm $63 0 in bills pedges practically forirotten. in li i t. -HI. WNfnr T fl CkTl - ar4T - I Mi f t-wi I... ut snaniy a siiriRk, a groan and . this ereat dilemnia or nrpd.Vn Mirch W, lav dyinK on the floor. P.?? lnew him behind a ment, we called Bro. P. L. Elliott log thinking he was dead. Os-l,v, ' , , . ..... a-u- a j t ... T I a ttyteu uur can, ana ten revolver: at that instant presented c.a.r th.en ed to lenn. In some- into our work so comnlefelv nd nnrMr..ii,mr . :. ..r,it tfling iiRan hour Pearson Bntfffs ,.. .u ..u ... " ' - , m viuvuchk , , uii.ii Buuii vigorous and of the ding moonhhiner, ' when ?na.Vn.a5 e7.b.ummy und CW- Strenous efforts, that todav M. . . . . .. . rnrr u unillh o lAf n)r.'M Jl . . ' . iomMayuaid quickly sprang be- : -r-""" ""- auu wniwu Uhurch is united in one mass or . . ... n msa r m iia ihn AH l ... . . i ween mem and wrenched the """;ui, bady. seekintf under our bndo-ot weapon frrm the hand of the now seL0Ut a.bove-. ' ' V, system as directed and niit inf(, half frenzied boy ' Hearing ap-1 , "7U"1C" car"ea Vu"ora 10 effect by our Pastor to defray proacning iootsteps the Adalfs -"-"v ".oy11 wucro 0Jr 0ca -xDense nn timo hastily passed out the back d()or ne aie.d .s?m time dnrin2 Sun- m3ntl, 0ur membershin into the mou&taina and the night V n:,?,m' navng, "Vfcd 80me- increased 25 during the yi ar m . i i niiiir im h lirniva n ah n k . . - Maynard, conscious of innocence. 6 ""w ".wi ue Uurreviva mnt m.uh t i, stood amazed and appalled in the waf - , ' , and in fact every effort put' forth XA't u .:J vi. .j- I UScar bnelton WAS fnllnwod lu.. r, . i, ... . ... .iimot oi we witsiu, oioouy ccene, . - - oy uro. jCiiuott nas been liberally as a squad of government officials, uu iaiw awarded. And the eifect speaks- i I.. ... ... . I 1 Weed' iJhAV first Wanf fn Wr- I .... . an in quest 01 MHCn ine 111 I . . --"Y"" ." i fwm An rt mtsi nr iak. uw ii ii uiii k iiiiii auiirr r.' inrv i i ... . " il m , iuiU.ci,iumsiiiucuiinun oy. iue i .- . . ri . v i m view oi inn laet thar H;n Pistol shots, stepped into, the still near e PW.ce ot Elliott is about to sever his re- it. i . . r KU'"? m" MaUons with us as our pastor, :nr " '?m Therefore be it resolved by the niyiic icun . ine iweea oovs nontini r-i,,,. .f i-.t. .in Mw ui iwiikui vucouii vuisuairs i (j nouse, in some t weeds, before i i . r . . nouse ana arrested tae tnree re maining men. 'But in- a moment it proved of no avail to apprehend Mitchell Jones. Ho had been snmmoned to that- high tribunal from which there lies no appeal daylight. Cutshall, an uncle of l, we , . had been Oscar ShelU sent his boy out EHiottaod his and the leaden messenger had been delivered at the hands of Will Adalf who now, with bis 'brother his accomplice, was, fleeing both tu be i outsasts and outlaws. , The officers with their' two nrt 8dners hart ily departed George Redmonj with a bullet in his breast was placed on horseback while Tom Maynard stouily protesting inno cence of any crime, was similarly disposed of and thus they hurried down the trail out of the range of moonshiner's guns Thev rode fai down into the settlement and stop ped for the merit, I he coronei having been notified of the bomi cide on the mountain joined these officers ear y on the " followme morning. Redinou'H, w;und wa dieted and pronounced daneerou nut-not necesgar lv latal: ut. moning his jury .the coroner 1 el an it quest over Jones and the vei diet vus thut of ' minder at th:r hand; of Bill and Bob Adalf ami Tom Maynard. While ..the jury were investigattng the case before thum Tom Maynanl had been tak en before a U. S. Gommissioner on a charge of violating the internal revenue laws, but -was discharged on the evidence of George Redmond who swore that Ma vnard had - hnri nothing to do with the ..'milling' but had come there along with the Adalf' boys and entered the still house whei c; the shooting commen ced. The moment'' Maynard was discharged from the custody of the government omicials he was ar rested by the sheriff who had just come from the scene of the- killing where the coroner's iurv had rend ered its verdict of murder. The prisoner was committed to the old rock jail in Hendersonville to await the action f the erand iurv When that day the. -story of the tragedy was told at the humble homes of the Adalfs and Maynards the (Tret great sorrow of their sim ple lives cut' its shadow acro.:3 their r:.".3. 1?C.1I:. 1 Nezt V, aL express t o Bro. wife our most n Krinrf rw-.. ' sincere aDDreciation for tliArVnn car came in witH'some beddinff t,rmg efforti'' ""ceasing h.yalty, j i i ... .. . lanrl ova I fori t 'V, i ;nn ..... I- ana wnen ne got m tne house. Major and Elmer rushed in and arrested him, before he realized thevwere in the house Put. inuu we; express -our con and exalted. Christian . examDle set before us during tlie;f slay in ojr midst. That: We shall had nothing to siy. Oscar ?ratulat,ons t0 ,iro- Elliolt 'tna' wascapttrea about o o clock wun unity vionaay morning, brought to . u'w,cu iUJ lo pursue nis Marshall Monday afternoon and placed in jail Oscar denies the kilhngof Clifford. The dvintr declaration of Clifford Shelton at mis writing seems to be the only proof in the case, except the fact that Oscar fled f tm the state and was found brim iag his bed ia from -a hay statk wnere ne nad slept the night be- fyrel-' I'Vo-m ail accounts this is one ofjjicoiicst m order j that had Ow'curea ia Madison. Oscar stwms to h iv j bjen a friend of Cif.br J, luvug carrid'him food at different times from his own home. Cliff drd Shelton lived by himself, and is said to have been a man that did not do any one any harm. He carried the mail for several years in this section of the country and was to go on the j.ib again soon. Oscar Shelton j ippearstc have a normal mind. lie attended fh,- nfntA S"hnn in N C for the deaf and dumb. Maior Tweed took- off th prisoner $71.5 , and turned the s ime over to Clerk of the Court. Oscar and Clifford Shelton lived at Carmen. , further, and commend grasping . this opportu- studies him for Thai: We express recfet and sorrow that tiro. Elliott c:m not labor on with us, and to him and his wife auu baby we say -vou h ive a 1 so wooa youi selves it to our lives and love that v aie hesitant lo ghe ycu up. f We pray , that your every eaort. may be c owned vviih .success in all tj'bt yots undertiike io do. iiay the Llesins of 'iieaven ever attend you a'l is the fervent wish of every member o f Baptist Church of Marshall, N. C. ' W A. SAMS - i A.W. VVHIiKHURST J. afBALEY Commiau. Toll Of Carelessness Fijrures-recp.ntlv comni!ed hv the state of Oreiion show that 93 per cent of its automobile wrecks are caused- by careless ness., Ot 9,1-il accidents renoi ted tom January 1 to June SO. Inst 5,457 are charged entirely-lo care lessness Added to these may be included the following: snp-(k ing, 183; failure to give right of tornero. 372; double t atoxicated. 121: fuiluie. U signal, 290; driving oo icit Vide of street or highway, G4; improper parking, 79; reverse direction in middle of block, 40; passing to left, of street cars while discharg ing passengers,, 3 1 ; inexperience. 24; jocke.ing on bridges, 21; n, total of 8480 accidents which might have been avoided, accord Ing to the renorl of the Secretary of state, had' the d livers he-en careful. It i's'propablethat these Oregon figures would be a fair average for other states k too many automobile That drivers let the insurance com pany pay the bill" ia responsible for many- avoidable accidents. Let drivers remember that no insurance policy has yet been de vised which will return the i:f of a person killed through an automobile driver's cavelopsnrrs ?aftty to life end j. irty rr- Eir.-.r t hoVv j.i !,fit-T! r ft - --.vel- i .v dnviEj hl! aut.. '. 1' j "vtr. "

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